When a Pet is Lost

The anxiety and pain associated with a misplaced loved one is tremendous.  A parent that discovers a son or daughter soldier that is overseas that becomes missing in action, or a lost child, if even for those first seconds at a store are intense pains.  The continuing agony over the next days, months and years lead to a unresolved and ambigiuous grief that has no ending or conclusion to heal from.   The constant suffering of wondering what happened can torture the soul.   The desire to hope can also be a paradox.  On one side, hope can be inspirational, but on the other side, it can become delusional and a prevention from acceptance and adaptation to the loss.   This deep fog of grief with no conclusion can lead individuals to variety paths of despair or unhealthy hope.

Unresolved Loss in Losing a Pet

It is important to not forget pet owners.  This disenfranchised group many times are overlooked in pet deaths.  The common quirks that is only a cat or dog, or one can simply get another one are all too common insensitive remarks that pet owners are exposed to.  It is no wonder then, that pet owners are sometimes also forgotten when a pet is stolen or lost.  It is important to not assume that many of the same feelings of anxiety and depression are not present for a pet owner.

There is nothing more terrifying and anxiety inducing than losing a pet. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Certification


In fact, a pet owner who loses a dog or cat, or has a pet stolen will indeed experience the same questions.  They will wonder what happened, or if my pet is OK, or if my pet is hurt, or if my pet is being treated horribly and these thoughts will torture them.  As the years go by, the same imprint of doubt will exist within the pet owner.  They will experience the same trauma as any person who loses a loved one.  Of course, some pet owners, may  not form attachments with their pets, as some, but for those who understand the true bond between human and pet, the pain remains the same.

Imagine losing a dog and never knowing what became of the once beloved dog that everyday welcomed you home and depended on your love and care?  When dogs or cats or horses or other pets are lost or stolen, the same fears, doubts and anxiety exist in pet owners.   There is also the same decision to give up hope or to continue the belief that maybe one day one will be reunited.  There is also the emotion of falling into complete despair and giving up.  Ultimately, the inability to form some type of conclusion as to what happened to one’s pet can keep one up all night.  Unlike, a pet who had died, one is left with terrifying thoughts of what possibly could have happened.  Was my pet hit by a car and left to the side of the road?  Was my pet mistreated by some unscrupulous person?  Was my pet hopefully found by a loving person?

Sometimes good things can happen.  For those lamenting the most horrible, allow me to introduce one small story.  My family discovered one day on the side of the road a beautiful black and white Siberian Husky.  As a family that loves Siberian Huskies, my family immediately retrieved the hungry and tired boy and fed him and gave him shelter.  Various online and paper ads were given out but to no answer.  After numerous months, the Siberian Husky became well adjusted to his new family and other dogs.  He lived a long 8 to 10 years and had a very loving and peaceful happy death.

Hope, Despair, Guilt, Blame

So hope or despair?  How the mind copes in unresolved grief varies on individuals.   Resiliency, support mechanisms, and outlooks all vary from person to person in these types of losses.  It important to note that since it grants no finality, this type of grief is prolonged, can lead to severe anxiety and also develop into depression.  When individuals fail to cope, they can lose interest in daily life and activities.  They can also start to isolate and find little joy in life.  When these situations occur, it is imperative to find the proper professional counseling that can help with cognitive therapies or provide necessary medications.  Some pet owners may also in their despair enter into extreme guilt.  They will second guess their choices or wish they would have done this or that, or they may have been temporarily angry at their pet before the pet went missing.  These issues of guilt will need addressed in counseling and logically dismissed.  There is also the issue of resentment and blaming of other family members who may have made a mistake in letting the pet loose.  In these events, all parties are deeply hurt and sad and once passed the raw emotion, it is time to move past and forgive.  The reality is one’s pet is greatly loved and despite short comings or mistakes, or could have or would have scenarios, one needs to focus on the love that was shared not the mistakes or temporary emotions.

The pain of not knowing what has happened with one’s pet is the greatest pain of unresolved and ambiguous grief


If one chooses to hope, then this should not be dismissed.  Obviously, one must identify pathological hoping that places unrealistic expectations and negative coping.  For instance, if one feels they can never again leave the house for fear they may miss the return of their dog, or develop sleep disorders for fear of missing the sound of a bark, then an individual may need professional help, but if one wishes to push forth hope in productive ways, then it can be a beneficial way to help adjust to the loss itself.

Many individuals who deal with unresolved grief through missing persons utilize their energy in ways to produce social change.  For MIA soldiers, many families may form organizations or movements that bring recognition to it.  Some who lose a pet may feel the need to supply helpful tips to prevent losing a pet or bring recognition to various animal shelters, or be a voice against animal abuse.  In this way, their energy and loss bears some fruit and value and ultimately allows one to find some purpose in the loss itself.

How Can I Prevent Losing a Dog or Cat or Horse?

Despite all best efforts, a pet can get loose, run away, or be stolen but there are some preventative measures one can take to minimize these things.  First, it is important to tag your animal with a collar with appropriate contact information.  Second, all pets should be electronically chipped.  One can even list on the tag that your pet is electronically chipped if someone finds your pet.  In addition, one can have trackers put into a pet’s collar that sends information to one’s cell phone.  Of course, this is only as good as the collar staying around the pet’s neck and the device’s battery charge.  Third, be sure that your surrounding neighbors know your pet and his or her name.  Fourth, secure your home.  Ensure visitors understand that doors need shut and windows need closed.  Many individuals need to build fences around their home.  Ensure your fence is equipped for the task and make any modifications needed.   Fifth, purchase proper collars and walking gear that is equipped for the breed’s urges and size. Sixth, when walking your pets, let them know their surroundings.  Let them mark the surrounding areas and teach them the word “home” in case they ever become lost.   Seventh, train your pet to return when called upon.  Treat and positive reinforcement for returning upon call are critical. Eighth, know your breed.  Some cats may be outside cats and return, other may be more nomadic. In regards to dogs, some breeds have great homing abilities, while other breeds like Siberian Huskies, will run and run until they become completely lost.  Some breeds may chase small mammals and become easily lost as well.

Make sure to chip your pet and ensure all vital information is listed on his collar ID


When losing a pet, it is important to discern when.  Quickly running out and looking is imperative to tracking down a pet but unfortunately sometimes, pets vanish when while one is away or asleep or preoccupied, it is important to be decisive within the first hours, days and weeks.  In my personal experience, I have lost pets from 20 minutes to 2 hours to a full week.  Every single one of incidents is an anxiety ridden and fear filled episode of life.  So it is critical to be proactive early.   After searching and calling friends and family and even stopping every stranger on road if he or she has seen one’s pet, one must remain proactive.  This includes calling all vet clinics.  If one’s pet is chipped, there is a good chance a good Samaritan will take one’s pet to a local vet.  The more clinics called, the better chances of finding one’s pet if indeed he or she was picked up.   In addition to animal clinics, one should also contact animal shelters and any municipal animal centers as well as fire, police and mail services.  In addition, posting on FB and other social media platforms can be extremely helpful.  Numerous times, individuals post they have found a dog.  In fact, this is how I found one of my Siberian Husky’s through a random person on a bike who said he had seen the description of my dog on his feed.  (Miraculous).    Yet despite the 21st Century many social marvels, do not discount the power of basic 20th Century social contacting by merely posting a picture on a telephone pole or listing an ad in the paper with promise of reward.


It is my sincere hope, losing a pet is never permanent, but for those who suffer this deep pain, realize there are support groups and professional help that will recognize your pain.

Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


For those looking to help others with pet loss or losing a pet, please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.


Additional Resources

“Incomplete Endings: Coping With a Runaway or Lost Pet”. Clark, A. (2017). Psychology Today. Access here

“Lost Dog? What to Do If Your Pet Goes Missing”. AKC Staff. (2021). American Kennel Club. Access here

“What Ambiguous Loss Is and How To Deal With It”. HealthEssentials. (2022). Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

“What Is Ambiguous Grief and How to Begin Healing”. Sarazln, S. (2023). Psychology Today.  Access here



Dealing with Pet Loss Grief and How to Help Others.

By – James M. Katz, BA

As a pet owner, losing a beloved furry friend can be one of the most heart-wrenching experiences. The emotional toll of pet loss grief is often underestimated, leaving many pet owners feeling alone and overwhelmed. In this article, I will discuss the emotional toll of pet loss grief, the symptoms, coping mechanisms, dealing with guilt and regrets, navigating through the pain, support groups and resources, helping children cope, memorializing your pet, and finding closure to move forward.

Introduction to Pet Loss Grief

When a pet dies, it can feel like losing a family member. The emotional bond between a pet and its owner is strong, and the loss can be devastating. Pet loss grief is a normal and natural response to losing a pet. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the intense feelings that come with pet loss grief.

The article below goes in depth into how long people normally grieve as well as techniques you can use for yourself and others. It was especially impressive how to singled out a key point. Dealing with the loss of a pet is no different than grieving over the loss of a family member.

In one 2019 study, researchers found that 25% of owners ‘took between 3 and 12 months to accept the loss of their pet, 50% between 12 and 19 months, and 25% took between 2 and 6 years, to recover’.
Clearly, more of us are struggling than we might care to recognise. So, we spoke to grief and bereavement expert, Lianna Champ, about the best ways to remove the stigma and tackle this strangely taboo issue.
With over 40 years’ experience and a practical guide, How to Grieve like a Champ, under her belt, Lianna is an expert in how to deal with loss of any kind, including your pets. This is what she told us.

Full Article Here 

Commentary:Cat memorial marker in a pet cemetery.

Understanding Pet Loss Grief: The Emotional Toll

Pet loss grief can be a complicated and intense emotional process. It is a unique experience for each pet owner, as every relationship with a pet is different. The loss of a pet can trigger a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and loneliness. It is common to feel like a part of yourself is missing, and you may find yourself constantly thinking about your pet.

Pet loss grief can also impact physical health. It is not uncommon for pet owners to experience physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, insomnia, and fatigue. The emotional toll of pet loss grief can make it difficult to function in daily life, and it is important to take care of yourself during this time.

Symptoms of Pet Loss Grief

Pet loss grief can manifest in a variety of ways. Some common symptoms include:

• Intense sadness and crying
• Feelings of guilt and regret
• Anger and frustration
• Anxiety and depression
• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
• Loss of appetite or overeating
• Insomnia or oversleeping

It is important to recognize that these symptoms are a normal part of the grieving process. It is okay to feel a wide range of emotions, and it is important to give yourself permission to grieve.

Coping Mechanisms for Pet Loss Grief

Coping with pet loss grief can be challenging, but there are many ways to navigate through the pain. One of the most important things you can do is to allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with grief. It is okay to cry, be angry, and feel sad.

Talking to others about your grief can also be helpful. Friends and family members may be able to offer comfort and support during this difficult time. Writing in a journal or participating in creative activities such as drawing or painting can also provide an outlet for expressing emotions.
Self-care is also important during the grieving process. Taking care of your physical health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising can help improve your mental health. It is also important to be patient with yourself and to allow yourself time to grieve.

Dealing with Guilt and Regrets After Pet Loss

Many pet owners experience guilt and regrets after the loss of a pet. You may find yourself questioning whether you did enough for your pet or if you made the right decisions regarding their care. It is important to remember that you did the best you could with the information and resources available to you at the time.

It can be helpful to write down your feelings of guilt and regrets and to discuss them with a trusted friend or family member. Talking through these feelings can help you gain perspective and find peace with your decisions.

Navigating Through the Pain of Pet Loss Grief

Navigating through the pain of pet loss grief is a process that takes time. It is important to be patient with yourself and to allow yourself to grieve. It is okay to seek professional help if you are struggling to cope with the loss of your pet. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment to process your emotions and work through the grieving process.

Support Groups and Resources for Pet Loss Grief

There are many support groups and resources available for pet owners who are grieving the loss of a pet. These resources can provide comfort and support during a difficult time. Some resources include:

• Pet loss hotlines
• Online support groups
• Grief counseling
• Pet loss books and literature
• Pet loss memorial services

Helping Children Cope with Pet Loss Grief

Losing a pet can be especially difficult for children. It is important to talk to children about the loss of their pet in an age-appropriate way. Encouraging children to express their emotions and providing a safe space for them to grieve can be helpful.

It can also be helpful to involve children in memorializing their pet. Creating a memorial or planting a tree in memory of their pet can provide a sense of closure and comfort.

Memorializing Your Pet

Memorializing your pet can be a meaningful way to honor their memory. There are many ways to memorialize your pet, including:

• Creating a photo album or scrapbook
• Planting a tree or garden in memory of your pet
• Donating to an animal charity in memory of your pet
• Creating a memorial plaque or stone for your pet’s grave

Moving Forward After Pet Loss: Finding Closure

Finding closure after the loss of a pet can be a long and difficult process. It is important to take the time to grieve and to allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with pet loss grief.

Creating a memorial for your pet can provide a sense of closure and comfort. It is also important to remember the happy times you shared with your pet and to celebrate their life.


Losing a pet can be one of the most difficult experiences a pet owner can face. The emotional toll of pet loss grief can be intense and overwhelming. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the feelings that come with pet loss grief and to allow yourself to grieve.

Coping mechanisms such as talking to others, self-care, and seeking professional help can be helpful during the grieving process. Memorializing your pet can also provide a sense of closure and comfort. Remembering the happy times you shared with your pet can help you find peace and move forward after pet loss grief.

If you are a good listener and have excellent people skills then you might be interested in training to become a pet loss grief counselor. We offer a full program designed to teach you techniques designed to help others deal with the loss of their pets. For details please follow this link.


Helpguide.org: Guide to Pet Loss

Cleveland Clinic: Loss of a Pet

Additional Resources:

Online Survey as Empathic Bridging for the Disenfranchised Grief of Pet Loss. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, Packman, W., Carmack, B. J., Katz, R., Carlos, F., Field, N. P., & Landers, C. (2014).  69(4), 333–356.
Access link here 

Veterinary social work: Practice within veterinary settings, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, T. Melissa Holcombe, Elizabeth B. Strand, William R. Nugent & Zenithson Y. Ng (2016)  26:1, 69-80, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2015.1059170
Access link here 

Older women’s experiences of companion animal death: impacts on well-being and aging-in-place. Wilson, D.M., Underwood, L., Carr, E. et al.  BMC Geriatr 21, 470 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02410-8
Access link here 

Pet Loss: Understanding Disenfranchised Grief, Memorial Use, and Posttraumatic Growth, Breeanna Spain, Lisel O’Dwyer & Stephen Moston (2019)  Anthrozoös, 32:4, 555-568, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2019.1621545
Access link here 

Pet Loss Grief Support Program Blog on Children and Pet Loss

For many children, their first experience with death is with a pet.  Some parents are fearful to discuss death with their children or try to shield them from it.  It is important not to shield children but to teach them within their comprehension and age, what death is.  Losing a pet is a sad moment but also a learning moment like all loss.  It teaches important life skills of how to adjust to loss with the death of future family, friends and other beloved pets.  Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Los Grief Support Program

It is important to include children about a death of a pet. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program

Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.

Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program Article on Losing a Dog

Saying goodbye to a dog or for that matter any pet can be one of the most painful moments.  Pets, especially dogs, cats and horses are more than mere objects we own, or things to watch but are actual family.  They interact, share and enjoy life with us.  Hence it is especially painful to lose one of our pets.  Many would disenfranchise this loss as not important but this is farther from the truth.

Losing a dog can be very painful and as devastating as losing a family member. Please also review our Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program


A dog, cat or horse is family.  They are far beyond a mere animal but someone we care about.  There should never be any embarrassment or shame in grieving the loss of a pet that is our family.  Those who do not understand the pain of losing a dog, cat or horse, are the ones who truly need to better understand life.

When the time comes to say goodbye, it will be painful, but one must be prepared for everyone eventually dies.  This is part of the human condition.

The article, “Why Saying Goodbye to a Dog Is So Unbelievably Hard” by Jillian Blume looks at the particular loss of a dog and the intense pain that comes with losing a dog.  She states,

“Humans can form intense emotional bonds with their dogs. In many ways, these bonds may be stronger and more enduring than our connection to most other human beings. And that’s why the idea of losing a beloved dog is something that pet parents try not to think about.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Losing a dog is truly like losing family.  The bond and love is as strong as family and always should be respected.  If you would like to learn more about grief and pet loss then please review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.



Pet Loss Grief Program Article on a Dog’s Grief

Good article on how the pet, in this case, the dog, grieves the loss of an owner.  Love is a two way street and dogs can grieve.  It is important to realize in pet loss grief that the pet can experience owner loss grief.

The article, Why Do Some Dogs Stay By Their Owners’ Graves?, by Mike Clark states,

“Research indicates that dogs are able to feel very deep connections to humans, and they experience many emotions similarly to the way we do. As dog lovers, we already know that the love our dogs feel for us goes way beyond the need to have a food provider, and science backs up that claim.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pet Loss Grief Program

Loss of a Pet: Elderly and Pets

Elderly and Pets

In many cases, the loss of a pet can be an extraordinary pain for an elderly person.  This is especially for elderly who have lost many family members and their spouse.  In many cases, the pet was probably the last attachment they had in the world.
The loss of a pet in these cases needs to be treated more seriously.  Counselors need to pay special attention to the elderly.  Without something or someone to care for, the elderly can fall into depression or lose the will to live.
If the elderly person is healthy enough, a new pet or a hobby should be sought after.  Constant care and diligence is needed by counselors in the care of the elderly in these cases, unfortunately, time and manpower sometimes is not enough for these unfortunate lonely souls.
Pet loss can be in some cases the final blow to their well being but with someone who understands pet loss and has the ability to help heal the wounds, then perhaps the person can find some identity in this loss and rebound from it.
If you are interested in Pet Loss Grief, please review the program
Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Pet loss: "Life is a Series of Dogs"

Aging Pets and Pet Loss: Is a New Puppy the Answer?

To quote the great and immortals comedian, George Carlin, “Life is a series of dogs”!  How true it is for life long pet owners.  Usually most can remember the family dog as a young child, then the dog that guided one through adolescents, and of course the dog that was at your side as you made your vows to your wife, then the dog that… you get the point?  But with all these happy moments, pet loss still correlates with these events.  With each sad loss, a new beginning ushers one into a new era.
Of course the new friend may be a different.  He or she may be different in personality, breed or maybe even species?  But the reality is, the new pet can never replace the previous.  Dogs throughout our life are like family members and each one is remembered within our hearts for their unique special traits and partnerships they formed with us during a particular phase of our life.
So when one finds a new friend, do not consider it a replacement but an addition to one’s family.  A legacy, a continuation of dogs that are all intimately tied to one’s life.
In my particular situation, we have always had a tradition of passing the torch.  There is always new life, a puppy, in the house as the previous generation approaches its evening years.  In this way, from the first Siberian Husky I grew up with to the latest three that now “own” the home have all in some way been connected by a previous generation that knew the previous one before that.
So the decision to get a puppy does not become a need to overcome sorrow but a continuation of the family which allows the spirits of the previous generations to share with the new.  In this way the decision to get a new puppy is always a “yes”.

If you are interested in the Pet Loss Grief Training, please review the program.  Jennifer Melvin, your instructor, will be glad to explain the courses and guide you through the process.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Do All Good Dogs Go to Heaven?

Pet Loss and the Afterlife?

One of the most agonizing and probing questions after the loss of a pet is if one’s pet will be with them in the afterlife.  There is a mixed consensus among theologians and others of many religious creeds, but I do

While other religions, especially the ancient religions, considered the spirit of animals sacred and eternal, Christianity has declared that only man is made in the image and likeness of God.  Yet from this phrase has come a few confusions.  First, what does it mean to be made in the image and likeness of God?  Obviously we do not physically look like God.  So what does this mean?  It simply means that our soul has an intellect and a will that can reason and make free choices.  Animals on the other hand while free to make decisions within the realm of instinct, do not have an ability to rationally and intellectually understand a moral framework of a decision.  This does not mean an animal cannot reason within the realms of cause and effect or show instinctive care, but it does forbid an animal from making moral decisions and understanding the implications of those decisions.
Yet, when one believes that man as being made in the image and likeness of God excludes all other in regards to eternal existence, I feel a mistake is being made.  I feel image and likeness refers to moral choice and superior intellect, not eternal existence.  Yes that is an element but it is not an element that is selfishly held by man alone.  Animals have spirits and to boldly proclaim they are not eternal spirits is a far reach.  Nowhere in Christianity does it definitively state if an animal has an eternal soul or not.  It merely states only man is made in the image and likeness of God.  And if we interpret image and likeness to primarily emphasize free choice and intellect, then we are free to share an eternal existence with other creatures and their spiritual form.
While the Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, questioned the eternal nature of the

So in conclusion, yes “hun”, Spike will be with you in Heaven one day!

If you are interested in our pet loss program, please review it.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Attachment and Pet Loss

Pet Loss is not Irrelevant or Insignificant

One of the most disenfranchised loss in grief is pet loss.  So many times, people find pet loss to be insignificant or not important.  Due to this, many people lose important counseling and compassion in their loss of a pet.
Some people may feel, since it is not a human person, they should not burden others with their loss, or that other people might dismiss their loss as trivial.  The reality is the loss of a pet is a loss of a family member.  The attachment to the pet may vary from person to person but when one loses a pet, there is some form of attachment that has been severed.  Of course, there is a huge difference between a fish and a dog, but regardless, losing a friend that has been at your side for years will cause an emotional emptiness.
Attachment theory teaches that the greater the dependency and the stronger the bond, the

greater the pain if that bond is broken.  Many people have close relationships with their pets that are critical to their everyday lives.  The young child or the old man all find great comfort in their cat or dog.  This is especially true for the elderly.  In some cases, the shut ins of the world only have their dog or cat as companions.  With a spouse deceased and no children, some older people suffer a large emotional loss when a pet dies.
With these things in mind, it is important to realize that in grief counseling, especially pet loss grief counseling, one cannot dismiss a loss simply because it is a pet.  Instead, one should focus on the attachment level of the loss and not who the loss is.

By Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Dealing with the loss of your pet

Having a pet is amazing.  There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that even after a hard day’s work, you have a buddy to come home to.  You know that when you get home, someone is waiting for you to take away your stress and worries.  And in many cases, pets often take on a more humanized role.  They become more than just a pet, but a valued family member.  It is not surprising that when we lose our pet, it can still feel like the world has ended.
Of course, going through the grieving processes is a must in order for us to move on.  But with different backgrounds and personalities, people may react differently to a pet loss and grief.  Some people react indifferently.  Some people may become violent.  And some may become extremely emotional.  But what are the best ways to deal with this kind of loss?

Burial Ceremony

Whenever we lose a beloved member of our family, we go through a burial ceremony.  We give those who knew the person a chance to tell stories about how our loved one touched that person’s life in ways that others may not have know.  We allow people to tell stories about our loved one in order to remember him or her in a good light.  We reminisce about the time when they were still with us before burying them with honor.  This same thing can be done for our beloved pets who have passed on.  A burial ceremony will allow you to give your pet a final goodbye as it passes on to the afterlife.  Pets have been known to be buried near their owners, in family plots or mausoleum, even in their gardens.  Pet cemeteries are not unheard of either.  Some places offer a peaceful resting place for your pet.  But burying your pet will help you find some peace of mind for your pet.

Taxidermy or Portrait

This is another way pet owners can commemorate their beloved furry friends.  While it might take some time and cost a little bit of money, you will be able to keep your pet near you the way you want to remember it.  You may also choose to have your pet painted or photographed.  This will allow you to put up his or her picture in your house so that you can still see it everyday.

 Grief counseling

Reaching out and talking to other people who have gone through what you are going through is probably your best bet at moving on with feeling any guilt.  You will be able to deal with the issues at hand and figure out ways to assist in your ability to heal over the loss.  While it may seem like it is a stupid idea at first, you won’t regret it.  You will be able to properly say goodbye to your beloved pet and let go of any hurt, sadness and anger you might be dealing with because of the loss.  Pet Loss grief counseling will help you cope with your loss.
What can you expect to talk about during grief counseling?
Because anyone, anytime, anywhere is able to lose a pet, there are many different topics grief counseling can go over.  If you have a child in your family that needs help dealing with your loss, grief counselors are there to give you a helping hand on how to help them grieve.  The same goes for an elderly family member who may have been attached to your pet.
Most counselors are also trained in making sure that they are not telling you what you feel.  It is also up to you to express to them what you are going through.  After all, the most important thing to do when it comes to counseling is to confront the issue at hand and look forward to getting past it.

Where can you find a grief counselor to help you with your pet loss?

Speaking to your family, friends and pastor is a good start.  But if that just does not feel like it is enough, searching through the phone book or online for a grief counsel is very easy.  There are several specialists, professionals and groups who are trained to assist you.  In fact, there are a lot of people who have gone through the loss of a beloved pet and have made it a goal to help others out when they get into the same situation.  Just a little research and you’ll be able to seek the right help you need to deal with the loss of your pet. To learn more about becoming a pet loss grief specialist, click here.