Anger Management and Good Parenting

No guide book comes with parenting.  One learns from experience and trial and error.  First time parents may pick up a few cues for future children but even then different personalities pose different challenges.  One important aspect of parenting is controlling rage and anger.  Many bad habits can generationally slide to one household to the next and it is important if a victim of abuse or rage to stop the trend and create a home with peace and serenity.

Parents need to understand that children learn through example.  If they see bad or good behavior, they will mimic this behavior.  Anger and a quick temper is a learned behavior overall, so good example is critical.  This does not mean certain temperaments exist within different children, but nurture does have a strong impact when handing down better habits in life.  So parents need to show children than anger and violence is not the answer.

Parenting involves controlling anger in front of children too. Please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program


This starts with how parents treat each other and the child through discipline but also day to day to activities, whether driving or even working on something.  How one reacts plays big roles on how one’s children will react to similar situations.   Parents who try their best to control anger, show empathy, apologize when wrong, and discipline with control have a greater chance of gifting the world with caring and empathetic children who will not turn to violence or rage when confronted with issues.

The article, “When You Are an Angry Parent, Mind Your Temper” by Teronie Donaldson looks closer at how parents can play a positive impact in regards to anger management and controlling one’s temper when raising children.  The article states,

“Anger is a powerful emotion, and as parents, it’s essential to manage it effectively.  How we handle our anger impacts our well-being and sets an example for our children.  I remember hearing someone say that kids spend the rest of their lives getting over the first five years. That stuck with me because you must be very careful of what you say to kids in their formative years, or they will become adults with problems. I still remember some hurtful insults my mother said to me when I was a kid. I love her to pieces, but her wrath was vicious when she was mad.”

“When You Are an Angry Parent, Mind Your Temper”. Donaldson, T. (2023). The Good Men Project

To read the entire article, please click her



As parents, it is essential to recognize and understand the emotion of anger. Anger is a natural human response that can arise due to various factors such as stress, fatigue, or frustration. It is important to remember that experiencing anger as a parent does not make you a bad parent. However, how you manage and express your anger can significantly impact your child’s emotional well-being.

The Impact of Anger on Children

It is crucial to be aware of the effect that anger can have on children. When parents express their anger in an unhealthy or uncontrolled manner, it can lead to detrimental consequences for their children. Children may experience fear, anxiety, and a sense of instability when exposed to frequent outbursts of anger. It can also affect their self-esteem, as they may internalize their parents’ anger and blame themselves for causing it. Moreover, children who witness anger regularly may also develop behavioral issues and difficulties in managing their own emotions.

Why It’s Important to Manage Anger as a Parent

How parents manage stress and anger when around children is key to promoting better examples in life


Managing anger as a parent is essential for maintaining a harmonious home environment. When parents effectively manage their anger, they create a safe and nurturing space for their children to grow and thrive. By modeling healthy anger management techniques, parents teach their children valuable life skills, such as emotional regulation and conflict resolution. Additionally, managing anger helps parents build stronger and more positive relationships with their children, fostering open communication and understanding.

Identifying Triggers and Warning Signs of Anger

To effectively manage anger, it is essential to identify its triggers and warning signs. Triggers can be specific situations, behaviors, or thoughts that provoke anger. By recognizing these triggers, parents can be proactive in managing their emotional responses. Additionally, being aware of the warning signs, such as increased heart rate, tense muscles, or negative thoughts, allows parents to intervene before their anger escalates. Taking note of these triggers and warning signs is the first step in gaining control over anger as a parent.

Effective Strategies for Managing Anger in the Moment

When anger arises in the heat of the moment, it is crucial to have effective strategies in place to manage it constructively. One approach is to practice deep breathing exercises, which help regulate the body’s physiological response to anger. Taking slow, deep breaths can calm the nervous system and reduce feelings of anger. Another strategy is to take a brief timeout, stepping away from the situation to cool down and gain perspective. Engaging in physical activities, such as going for a walk or doing a quick workout, can also help release pent-up anger. Additionally, expressing anger assertively, rather than aggressively, can lead to more productive conversations and problem-solving.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Long-Term Anger Management

While managing anger in the moment is important, developing healthy coping mechanisms for long-term anger management is equally crucial. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness meditation, and seeking therapy or counseling are effective ways to address underlying issues that contribute to anger. Additionally, engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation can serve as healthy outlets for stress and frustration. By implementing these long-term coping mechanisms, parents can build resilience and prevent anger from becoming a recurring issue in their lives.

Communicating Effectively with Your Child During Moments of Anger

During moments of anger, it is vital to communicate effectively with your child to maintain a healthy relationship. Instead of resorting to yelling or harsh words, strive to express your feelings assertively and calmly. Use “I” statements to express how you feel without blaming or criticizing your child. Active listening is equally important; give your child the opportunity to express their emotions and concerns without interruption. By fostering open and respectful communication, parents can strengthen their bond with their child and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Seeking Support and Resources for Anger Management as a Parent

Recognizing the need for support in managing anger is a sign of strength. Parents should not hesitate to seek professional help or join support groups specifically designed for anger management. Therapists or counselors can provide valuable guidance and techniques to help parents effectively manage their anger. Online resources, books, and workshops focused on anger management can also offer valuable insights and strategies. Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but rather a proactive step toward creating a harmonious home environment.

Teaching Your Child to Manage Their Own Emotions

In addition to managing their own anger, parents play a vital role in teaching their children how to manage their emotions. Encourage your child to express their feelings in a healthy and constructive manner. Teach them techniques such as deep breathing, journaling, or engaging in creative activities to manage their anger. Additionally, help them identify their own triggers and warning signs, and guide them in finding appropriate coping mechanisms. By empowering children with these skills, parents equip them with the tools to navigate and regulate their emotions throughout their lives.

Conclusion: Creating a Harmonious Home Through Effective Anger Management

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goal


Mastering the art of managing anger as a parent is a journey that requires self-reflection, awareness, and consistent effort. By understanding anger, recognizing its impact on children, and actively seeking strategies for anger management, parents can create a harmonious home environment. Through effective communication, seeking support, and teaching children to manage their emotions, parents can foster emotional well-being and resilience in their children. Remember, managing anger is not about suppressing or eliminating the emotion entirely, but rather finding healthy ways to express and regulate it.

Also recall, one small word can harm a child mentally and emotionally.  The purpose of discipline itself is to correct not harm.

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program. The program is designed to train professionals to better help individuals deal with anger in a healthy way.  AIHCP’s program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.


Additional Resources

“How To Manage Anger When You’re a Parent”. Crider, K. (2022). Healthline. Access here

“What to know about anger management for parents”. Sissons, B. (2022). Medical News Today. Access here

“PARENTS ANGER: TURNING DOWN THE HEAT IN YOUR HOME”. The Center for Parenting Education.  Access here

“Ready to Snap? Tips for Stressed-Out Parents” (2021). Health Essentials.  Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

Managing Your Teen’s Anger

Parenting has challenges that differ throughout the development of one’s child. Unique challenges can present themselves with different ages.  Some parents may be better with babies, while other parents may have better skills with teenagers.  Ultimately, being able to adjust to a child’s age and the changes the child goes through aids is critical to helping raise the child.   Teenage years are considered one of the most difficult times due to a variety of hormonal changes, social pressures, identity searching, and relationships with the opposite sex.   In addition, emotional outbursts and arguments are very common between parent and teen.   This strained period can be less difficult when parents are better able to maintain their anger and understand the inner psychology of their teen.

Parenting and learning how to manage an angry teen are important skills.


The article, “Take Time: Teenage anger and how to manage it” by Alisha Lalljee looks at better ways to help manage oneself as well as manage a teen’s anger.  She states,

“Adolescents are growing and changing and the hormones that drive puberty can have a big impact on mood. When children seem like they’re overreacting, it’s important to remember that they are less able to manage big feelings, like anger than adults are. The stereotype of the eye-rolling, door slamming rebellious adolescent is often played for laughs, but for parents dealing with the real thing, it’s anything but funny. Bitter outbursts, unpredictable mood swings and frequent battles about everything from school to friends to clothes to who’s going to set the table can leave parents feeling like they’re walking on eggshells. ”

“Take Time: Teenage anger and how to manage it”. Lalljee, A. (2023). The Indian Express.

To read the entire article, please access here



As parents, it is important to understand that anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. However, when anger becomes frequent, intense, or leads to destructive behaviors, it can become a cause for concern. Anger management is a crucial skill that teenagers need to develop in order to navigate through the challenges they face during this phase of their lives. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of anger issues in teens, parents can help their children develop effective strategies for anger management.

Signs and symptoms of anger issues in teens

Teenagers often struggle with effectively expressing their emotions, and anger can be one of the predominant emotions they experience. It is important for parents to be aware of the signs and symptoms that may indicate anger issues in their teens. These may include frequent outbursts of anger, physical aggression, verbal aggression, irritability, and a tendency to blame others for their problems. Additionally, teens with anger management issues may have difficulty controlling their anger and may engage in self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse or self-harm. Recognizing these signs early on can help parents intervene and support their teens in managing their anger.

The impact of anger on teens’ mental health

Uncontrolled anger can have a significant impact on a teenager’s mental health. Constant feelings of anger, when not properly managed, can lead to increased stress and anxiety in teens. It can also negatively affect their self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. Teens with anger issues may struggle with maintaining healthy friendships and may experience conflict with their peers and family members. Furthermore, uncontrolled anger can lead to impulsive decision-making, putting teens at risk for engaging in risky behaviors. It is crucial for parents to address anger management in order to prevent these negative consequences and promote their teen’s overall well-being.

How parents can help with anger management

As parents, there are several strategies you can employ to help your teen manage their anger effectively. One of the most important steps is to foster open lines of communication with your teen. Encourage them to express their emotions and thoughts without judgment. By providing a safe space for your teen to share their feelings, you can help them gain a better understanding of their anger triggers and work towards managing their emotions more effectively.

Effective strategies for anger management in teens

Parents can play a key role in helping teens and adolescents learn to manage anger in a positive way.


Teaching healthy coping mechanisms for anger is crucial for teenagers to learn how to manage their emotions. Encourage your teen to practice deep breathing exercises or engage in physical activities such as jogging or yoga to help them channel their anger in a more productive way. Additionally, teaching them problem-solving skills can empower them to find constructive solutions to the issues that trigger their anger. Encourage your teen to identify their anger triggers and work with them to develop strategies for managing their anger in those situations.

Creating a supportive and calm environment at home

The home environment plays a crucial role in teenagers’ anger management. Creating a supportive and calm atmosphere at home can significantly impact your teen’s ability to manage their anger effectively. Establish clear and consistent rules and consequences, and be mindful of your own behavior as a parent. Model healthy ways of expressing anger and resolve conflicts peacefully. Encourage open communication and active listening within the family, as this can help your teen feel heard and understood, reducing the likelihood of anger outbursts.

Seeking professional help for anger management

If your teen’s anger issues persist despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A mental health professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, can provide guidance and support for your teen in developing effective anger management strategies. They can also help identify any underlying issues that may contribute to your teen’s anger. Additionally, group therapy or anger management programs specifically designed for teenagers can offer a supportive environment for your teen to learn and practice effective anger management techniques.

Resources and tools for parents and teens

There are several resources and tools available to parents and teens to support effective anger management. Books and online resources dedicated to anger management for teenagers can provide valuable insights and strategies. Additionally, mobile applications and online courses are available to help teens develop and practice anger management techniques. Support groups and community organizations may also offer workshops or counseling services specifically tailored to teens with anger issues. Explore these resources to find the ones that best suit your teen’s needs.


Controlling anger is key in parenting. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification


Anger management is a crucial skill for teenagers to develop as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. By understanding the signs and symptoms of anger issues in teens and implementing effective strategies, parents can support their teens in managing their anger in a healthy and constructive way. Teaching healthy coping mechanisms, creating a supportive home environment, and seeking professional help when necessary are essential steps in helping teens overcome their anger issues. With patience, understanding, and the right tools, parents can empower their teens to navigate their anger and promote their overall well-being

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Consulting.
Additional Resources
“Living With an Angry Teenager? How to Support Them — and Yourself”. Swaim. E.  (2022).  Healthline.  Access here
“Coping with an Angry Teenager”. Wallace, M. (2018). Psychology Today.  Access here
“How Parents Can Help Troubled Teens Cope With Anger”. Rudlin, K. (2020). VeryWellMind.  Access here
“7 Powerful Parenting Tips for Handling a Defiant Teen”. Ericson, K. (2022). Your Teen. Access here