Behavioral Health and Stigma

When someone is physically ill, they consult with a physician.  When someone is wounded they go to the emergency room and receive the necessary care and bandages.  Yet, for whatever reason, when someone is mentally ill or mentally wounded, individuals ignore it, or seek no professional care for these types of wounds or illnesses.   Individuals may consider wounds to the mind and soul as inferior, or since they cannot be seen, not worthy of medical attention.  Others may be embarrassed or see mental wounds as the wounds of weak people.  Culture has created the image of the tough minded person who never sheds a tear or allows anything to bother and has glorified this type of person as attractive and admirable.  In addition, culture looks at mental sickness and associates it with crazy.  The stigma of crazy and psychotic associated with mental wounds wards off individuals from seeking help for fear of ridicule in social, professional and family settings.

Mental Health is many times forgotten because of self image and stigma associated with it


All of these issues and stigmas leave mental health as something is neglected and forgotten for many.  Yet, while invisible, mental health is a serious issue for millions of Americans.  With rising shootings, mental breakdowns, and uncivil rest, mental illness is a serious issue in America.  Millions suffer from depression, anxiety, or other unresolved traumas that haunt them.  Instead of seeking the professional guidance they need, they instead hide, neglect, ignore, or push through the mental situation.

False imagery of strength, stigma associated with mental illness and neglect of mental health as opposed to physical health all play three key components for mental health neglect.  It is hence important to recognize mental health as a pivotal part of human health and to recognize emotional wounds as deep and painful as physical wounds.  Stigmas about mental health tying it together with psychotic or crazy need to be removed and individuals need to find the counseling and medication they need to find healing and peace with the mental issues they may face on a day to day basis.

The article, “Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness” from the Mayo Clinic Staff takes a closer look at stigma and the problems it can cause with mental health.  The stigma is not only an external issue found in society but also a self imagery stigma that many possess itself.  The article states,

“Stigma is when someone views you in a negative way because you have a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that’s thought to be, or actually is, a disadvantage (a negative stereotype). Unfortunately, negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have a mental health condition are common.”

“Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness”. Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic. May 24th, 2017.  Mayo Clinic

To access the full article, please click here

Overcoming Stigma in Mental Health

Overcoming stigma with mental health starts first with oneself.  It involves dismissing past archetypes of what a strong person is or is not.  For example, the old image that men should not cry is an older image that associated all males must be strong and never show weakness or tears.  This type of image can cause intense emotional damage to a man who is experiencing the mental wounds of depression.  Individuals who experience issues with depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, unresolved trauma, or PTSD need to understand that what they feel is natural and involves an invisible wound that is no less real than a physical wound.  Seeking help does not make one weak, it merely shows one is wounded.  If one is limping on the side of a road after a car accident, one openly seeks assistance.  Seeking the same assistance for mental wounds is no less a necessity.

It is important to dismiss past stigma and images of mental health and instead treat mental health like any physical wound


Many may also fear losing a job, or being discriminated or mocked or bullied over seeking help.   This type of behavior, while becoming less, is still prevalent in today’s society but as more and more public figures emerge who acknowledge their inner wounds, the more recognizable these things come.  Instead of mockery, individuals are applauded for showing the strength to ask for help and seek treatment.

Treatment is key, but also is support.  Individuals can find common ground with others who suffer from the same mental issues.  Instead of isolating and self doubting one self, support groups are a great way to find strength and support and the discovery that such issues are not just existent within oneself.   Through support, fear, shame and anxiety over mental health can be dismissed, as well with stigma.

Most importantly, one learns to understand that identity is never equated to condition.  Simply because one suffers from say, Bi-Polar Depression, does not equate one as a sad person but a person who experiences a condition that needs treatment itself.


Removing stigma and becoming more aware is a cultural and social necessity.  Within mental illness, there exists a personal, public and institutional stigmas that can hamper one from seeking and eventually overcoming mental illness.

Within the personal arena, individuals can see themselves as dangerous, incompetent, weak or to blame for their condition.  This all leads to lower self esteem, self doubt and an overwhelming feeling of failure and helplessness.

Within the public sector, there exists within society a feeling that individuals with mental illness are dangerous incompetent, weak or to blame for their very condition as well.  This can lead to employers being wary to hire individuals with mental illness history or open opportunities to these types of individuals.

This translates within the institutional level, where there exists intentionally or unintentionally a prejudice against those who are mentally ill.

Support groups can help individuals see common issues faced and help individuals find strength in recovery

The answer is to make mental illness more public.  To explain what certain conditions are and for individuals of power or place in society to claim their issues and show their strength.  In essence, it is critical to turn the story from one of fear and weakness to one of admiration and strength.  It is important for society to show solidarity, the same as society does for those who suffer from cancer or other physical diseases.  It is also important for society to show compassion for those who suffer from mental illness instead of dismissing it.

Better Words

Instead of saying demeaning, dismissing or detrimental words to those who open up, individuals need to be more encouraging in their words.  Phrases such as it could be worst, should be replaced with thank you for opening up to me.  Other phrases such as deal with it, snap out of it, be happier, we all been there, or you caused this should be replaced with how can I help, I am sorry this must be tough, I am here for you, how are you feeling, or how can I help you?

“Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness”. APA. August 2020. APA.  Access here



Mental health is health and needs addressed. Please also review AIHCP’s Behavioral Health Certifications


Mental health should be valued and equated to physical health but social stigmas can prevent those seeking help or feeling the importance of finding help.  Whether its poor self image, or fear of intimidation or ridicule, society has to become better in supporting those with mental health issues and encouraging their strength to come forward and ask for help.  With so many mental health issues in the United States, it is important to address mental health and remove stigmas.

Please also review AIHCP’s numerous behavioral health certifications for qualified mental health care professionals.  The programs include Grief Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Stress Management, Anger Management, Spiritual and Christian Counseling, as well as programs such as Clinical Hypnosis and EFT.  The programs are online and independent study and offer professionals an opportunity to earn a four year certification in their discipline of choice.


“Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness”. APA. August 2020. APA.

“Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness”. Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic. May 24th, 2017.  Mayo Clinic


Additional Resources

“What is mental health stigma?”. Lois Zoppi. November 10th, 2020. Medical News Today.  Access here

“How We Can Change the Stigma Around Mental Health”. Eleesha Lockett. October 26th, 2022. Healthline. Access here

“Understanding (and Getting Past) the Mental Health Stigma”. HealthEssentials. June 2nd, 2020. Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

“What Is Stigma?”. Ashley Olivine. February 10th, 2022. VeryWellhealth. Access here

What Is IOP in Mental Health?

Man lying on sofa talking to his therapist at therapy sessionWritten by Sam Darwin

IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program and patients with mental health issues are usually treated using this program. They go to treatment sessions like the in-patients, but the treatment is given during the day and not overnight.

The patients divide their time between home and the IOP center. These intensive outpatient programs aim to stabilize patients. They teach them techniques to manage their mental health conditions. Here’s what you need to know about IOP.


What Is Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

Intensive outpatient treatment is a form of mental health care. It provides the structure and support of therapy in a less restrictive setting than inpatient treatment. IOP aims to help you learn how to manage your symptoms and live more independently.

Intensive outpatient treatment consists of weekly or biweekly sessions. These are a combination of individual therapy and group therapy. Treatment is provided at a clinic or hospital, and patients attend for about four hours per day, five days a week. The length of the program varies, but it generally lasts between three months and one year.

IOP treatment focuses on helping you learn how to manage your mental health issues to live successfully in the community. Treatment often includes medication management and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).


How Long Does Intensive Outpatient Treatment Last?

Depending on the patient, intensive outpatient treatment lasts anywhere from four to twelve months. The number of hours per week varies by treatment center but typically ranges from four to five hours a day.

In some cases, intensive outpatient treatment may be combined with partial hospitalization. This is for patients who need more intensive care than usual outpatient treatment can provide. How long you stay depends on several factors, including:

  • For how long have you experienced symptoms of mental illness?
  • Your support system at home (e.g., family members, friends)
  • Your financial situation
  • Your ability to follow through with treatment recommendation

Suppose you have been diagnosed with a mental illness and have difficulty managing your symptoms. Or you’re having difficulty functioning at home or in your workplace. In that case, you might enjoy intensive outpatient treatment. Participating in this program will likely improve your mood, energy, and productivity.


Who Needs Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

IOP can help people diagnosed with a mental health disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder. It’s also used to treat those struggling with alcohol or drug addiction.

IOP is appropriate for people who:

  • Have had a recent mental health crisis and are at risk of harming themselves or others
  • Have been hospitalized in the past six months and need additional therapy to prevent future hospitalizations
  • Are unable to take medications as prescribed because they have side effects
  • They are having trouble managing their symptoms without medications. This includes people who have tried medications but stopped taking them for side effects or other reasons.


girl sitting on the bank of the river

How Can I Get Started In IOP?

Inpatient treatment programs can be an important part of your recovery. You will gain from inpatient treatment if you struggle with a mental health condition. The level of care and support you receive from an inpatient treatment program will depend on the type of program you choose. Many different levels of care are available (IOP and residential treatment programs).

To start the process, you’ll have to contact your insurance provider to find out which facilities they cover. Once you have that information, it’s time to start looking into the different types of programs available near where you live or work.

Some people prefer to go straight into a residential program. Others prefer an intensive outpatient program first. Either way, getting started is as easy as visiting and setting up an appointment for an assessment.


How Does IOP Help People With Mental Illness?

Inpatient treatment is one of the most effective ways to treat a person who has a severe mental illness. Inpatient treatment takes place in a hospital or other residential treatment facility. Here, professionals can receive around-the-clock care.

People hospitalized for mental illness often need more intensive services than outpatient treatment. This includes medication management and therapy. IOP can help people who are struggling with mental illness for a variety of reasons:

  • They may need more support than what their primary care provider offers.
  • They may have already been hospitalized but still have some symptoms that need to be addressed before returning home.
  • They may be unable to participate in outpatient therapy due to other factors such as work or family responsibilities.


How Does Intensive Outpatient Treatment Work?

Intensive outpatient treatment allows you to receive the same level of care that you would get in a hospital setting. But, the treatment is delivered on an outpatient basis. You will not be admitted to an inpatient unit or need to stay overnight. Instead, intensive outpatient programs usually involve regular visits with a therapist and group therapy sessions.

Intensive outpatient treatment may include individual and family therapy sessions if needed. These programs are designed for people who can’t leave their jobs or families for long periods.

Group therapy often involves working with patients who have similar issues as yourself, such as anxiety or depression. A therapist might also recommend joining a support group after intensive outpatient treatment. This way, you have someone else to talk to about your experiences.

Individual therapy is often used as a supplement to group therapy. It helps patients address specific problems related to their mental health issues. For example, suppose someone has an anxiety disorder and is having trouble leaving home every day for work. In that case, individual therapy could help them learn strategies for dealing with this problem to continue working without feeling anxious all day long.


Woman in mental health treatmentHow Does IOP Differ From Traditional Outpatient Programs?

In-patient treatment is one of the most effective options for individuals with severe mental illnesses. These services provide intensive care under a team of qualified professionals. They provide immediate help and support to patients who need it most.

In-patient treatment programs are very different from outpatient programs. Traditional outpatient programs are designed for people who live locally. They can attend regularly scheduled appointments during the week.

These outpatient programs aim to help patients maintain their independence. They teach skills and provide support. This allows them to live safely in the community without requiring constant supervision.

In-patient programs, however, provide 24-hour care in a controlled environment with many therapeutic services available on-site or nearby. While patients are not required to stay overnight, they can still stay for several days or weeks, depending on their needs and recovery plan.

In-patient psychiatric treatment provides intensive care for individuals suffering from severe mental illnesses.


What Types of Therapy are Offered During Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

The type of therapy offered in an intensive outpatient program depends on the needs of the individual. In general, most intensive outpatient programs offer a combination of therapies, including:

  • Individual therapy. This can include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy, or supportive psychotherapy.
  • Group counseling. These groups are often led by a licensed mental health professional. They focus on recovery and addiction, stress management, or anger management.
  • Family therapy. Some clinics offer family therapy, including individual sessions with parents and their children. They also have group sessions for families who want to support each other through treatment.
  • Brief medication management (BMM). Suppose you have been prescribed medication for your mental health condition during an intensive outpatient program treatment. In that case, you may also be eligible for BMM sessions with a psychiatrist or medical doctor. This professional should specialize in treating mental health conditions with medications.


Importance of Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOPs aim to manage your symptoms, learn new skills, and improve your overall quality of life. Your psychiatrist and therapist will help you develop a treatment plan based on your needs and goals.

The benefits of IOP include:

  • A flexible schedule allows you to work, attend school, and take care of other responsibilities.
  • It helps you learn how to manage stress, handle problems in relationships, and cope with urges.
  • Providing a safe place to receive treatment while maintaining normal activities
  • You get a customized treatment plan based on your needs and goals
  • Short-term therapy can address specific issues in your life, such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.
  • The opportunity to learn new skills to cope with symptoms and develop healthy relationships with others
  • You’ll get support from other people trying to overcome similar problems.



It is vital to remember one of the essential aspects of mental health: you are not alone. It can be difficult to remember even someone with a history of depressive episodes. IOP programs or therapy groups may help offer reassurance even with a mental illness. There is contact with others, and there will always be contact with others.

And no matter what, you are never alone. When you need inpatient treatment for mental health, it is crucial to choose a facility based on the needs of your loved one. IOP has many benefits and can help progress and maintain recovery.



If you are interested in more information visit AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Program here

Behavioral Health Certification Programs Article on Mental Health and Employees

Employees biggest investment is in their employees.  Employees that are physically and mentally fit perform the best.  Employers hence have taken bigger interests in mental health.  Mental health was overlooked in the past but now it in regards to grief, anger and stress, it has become a big issue for corporations.

Monitoring the mental health of one’s employees is a wise business model. Please also review AIHCP’s Behavioral Health Certification Programs


The article, “Four Calls To Action To Support Employees’ Mental Health” by Sindhu Kutty looks closer at how employers can help employees better with issues of mental health.  The article states,

“Mental Health America’s 2021 “Mind the Workplace” report shows that burnout, lack of supervisory support, workplace stress and financial insecurity are prevalent across organizations in the U.S. Many organizations still believe that offering benefit programs through human resources (HR) to access mental health services is sufficient, but according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), eight in 10 people don’t seek treatment due to shame and stigma. More than access is needed to support your employees’ mental health.Z”

To read the entire article, please click here

With mental health such a big issue today it is critical for employers to invest in strategies and policies that promote mental health and help those in need cope with issues.

Please also review AIHCP’s Behavioral Health Certification programs in grief, anger, stress, spiritual, crisis and meditation disciplines.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  Those in clergy, social work, counseling and who possess other relevant four year degrees are welcome to enter the programs.