Training Tips for Health Care Life Coaches

Life Coach Training Tips: Trey Hardee’s Tips for Working Out Efficiently

Trey Hardee, a world champion decathlete is constantly working out and knows what needs to be done.  In an article by Ryan Krogh from “Outside” magazine (July 2012), Krogh lists some important tips from Hardee regarding working out.  Life coaches should also include these training tips.
Hardee encourages these few tips.
1.  Work on both speed and endurance
2. No matter what sport you do, weight training is important
3. Warming up is not just simply stretching but actually warming up the body and preparing it for a workout
4. Water is essential during training.  Drink till your heart is content.
5. Always properly cool down after a work out
6. Theres no such thing as an off day.  On non training days, do things to keep the metabolism up
7. Eating includes high vitamin quality in the morning, high carbs for lunch and protein in the evening to repair muscles.
8. Mentally always set goals.  Long term goals and short term goals.
9. Realize you can never be at your peak perfomance all year long.
For more detail, review the article in the July 2012 edition of “OutSide”.
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Troy Starks

Holistic Nursing and Fighting Fatigue

Holistic Nursing: Are You Always Tired?

Constant or chronic fatigue is not normal and can be dangerous signs but most times it merely has to do with habit and diet.  Holistic Nurses or life coaches can help one find better ways to preserve and gain energy.
The first thing to consider is one’s diet.  If one is eating poorly and irregularly, then their energy levels will fluctuate with this diet.  All professionals encourage those who suffer from chronic fatigue to eat better according to the food pyramid.  In some cases, supplements may also be encouraged that include various herbs that promote higher levels of energy.
The second thing to consider is one’s level of physical activity.  This may seem like a contradiction, but simply by pushing oneself to exercise, one enhances energy and allows the blood to flow throughout the body.  A good sweat for the body is always a good thing.
Third, one needs to create better sleep routines.  If one does not get at least 8 hours of sleep, then one will suffer fatigue throughout the day.  Also consistent schedules that involve consistent bed times and naps are critical.  Unfortunately, many like to “burn the candle” at both ends with excessive work or excessive drinking with little rest.
Fourth, stop unhealthy habits.  If you smoke, or drink too much, then your body will not respond well to exercise and be depleted of important vitamins and minerals.
Finally, one needs to learn how to relax.  Enjoy one’s time off.  Relax on Sunday and save work for the weekdays.  Also, one is encouraged to utilize various natural remedies that enhance relaxation, such as yoga or meditation.
If you are interested in learning about healthier living, you should consider reviewing our holistic nursing or health care life coach certification programs.


Life Coaches: Tips for Running Your Best Race

Three Coaching Tips to Help Someone Run His Best Race

Life Coaches can help their clients achieve many things in life.  Some life coaches deal with helping people reach physical goals such as races or running.
The September 2010 edition of Runner’s World, the article “Personal Best” lists three psychological tips to run one’s best race.
First, it lists pacing oneself.  Starting out to fast can lead one to quickly wearing out.  Gradually work your way up before you put into in “fifth gear”.
The second pointer includes practice talking.  Practice talking is a mental technique to coach oneself.  Key short mantras can help motivate one to achieve certain goals.
Finally, smile.  A positive attitude can help bring out one’s best.
With these things in mind, one will be able to maximize one’s physical training prior to the race to high results during the race.  What separates equally talented athletes is mindset.  What is your mindset?
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