9 Stress Myths, BUSTED

Stress Myths
Stress Myths

The article, “Stress Myths: 9 Common Misconceptions About Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.”, by Carolyn Gregoire states

“We throw the word “stress” around all the time: It’s been said that stress is the “new fat,” we constantly hear friends and coworkers complaining about how stressed they are and endless products and activities are touted for their “stress-relieving” capabilities.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
How can stress management harm you?   When it is based off of common stress myths.  When you believe in these myths, you could be harming yourself!   A lot of us simply believe them because everyone passing these myths as common knowledge.   As healthcare professionals it is our responsibility to sort the facts from the myths.  Read this article for several of these stress myths and learn the right ways to deal with stress.   For more on stress management please visit out website.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

10 New Things We’ve Learned About Stress This Year

about stress
about stress

The article, “Stress Research: 10 New Things We Learned This Year, For National Stress Awareness Month”, by Amanda L. Chan states

“Today, April 1, marks the beginning of National Stress Awareness Month, which means it’s time to put some extra focus on the role stress plays in our lives.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
April 1st marks the start of Stress Awareness Month.   Learn how you can combat stress and about stress from this article.  There is plenty of good information for beginners and advanced students as well.   It can really benefit anyone who reads it.  If you are looking for more information on stress then you might want to check back with us for the latest information.   By keeping up to date with your stress reduction tips, you can help live a healthier and “stress free” life.
For more on Stress Management advice please go here: Online Stress Management Certification

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Breathing Tools to Beat Chronic Stress

Nursing doing several jobs and smiling
Have chronic stress? Use these tips and start enjoying your work again!

Chronic stress is a problem most of us face in our daily lives.   It holds us back from being able to relax.   It stops us from enjoying our days off.   It prevents us from having hobbies.   It is not a good thing to live with.   Managing stress needs to become a daily practice so we can take back our lives.   Stress management techniques can do just that!   You can combat stress with several different techniques.   Not all are the same.    The effective ones, however, do not take much do to and are easy to learn.    Because lets face it your stress reducing technique should not cause more stress.   A good place to learn a few stress busting tips is from a number of sources.   You can read them in online articles.   You can learn them in a stress management certification.   You can even receive some through your friends and family.   The ones we are going to learn today involve using simple breathing techniques to reduce stress.   In the article below by Judy Martin, she will identify several for us to learn and use.
By Judy Martin
From Huffington Post

Beat Chronic Stress with These Helpful Breathing Techniques.

If you feel like work is taking the wind out of you, you’re not alone. Two in five adults report chronic stress at work. Many of us are gasping for a “breath of life” just like Queen Ravenna in Snow White and the Huntsman. It’s hard work being queen, so she was looking to take in Snow White’s fresh breath to invigorate her.
The chilling lyrics from the film’s title song can easily be applied to how many Americans feel at work: “I was looking for a breath of life / A little touch of heavenly light / But all the choirs in my head say no.”
To read more go here.

Now that you have a few tools to combat your chronic stress, you can apply them to your busy life.   Start reducing stress in the mornings with a morning breathing exercise.    Then learn to finish your workday with a after work relaxing breathing session.   In no time you will become a stress manager.
If you are interested in taking online stress management courses then you really should visit our webpage for more information.

Effects of Stress on Our Bodies

Man with sore knee
What kind of effects of stress are happening to your body?

Several Effects of Stress on the Human Body.

The article, “This Is Your Body On Stress (INFOGRAPHIC)” by Laura Schocker states

“Your boss reams you out for a bad presentation — you break out into a sweat. Your demanding mother-in-law comes for a visit — your head pounds.”

For the full article please go here.

The effects of stress are a real problem.   It can literally affect every part of your life.   Learn to manage stress and free yourself from these issues.    Stress management could be key to your mental and physical health.
If you want to learn more about stress management then please visit our site.

Stressful Thoughts to Quit Thinking About

Quit Thinking About These Stressful Thoughts Today!

The article, “9 & 1/2 Things I’m Not Stressing Over Anymore”, by Kate Bratskeir

“As a GPS for the Soul editor — someone who reads, writes, Tweets and preaches about stress management all day — I have my own tools that work when stress rears its repugnant head. I know when it’s time to step away from the computer for a break. I’ve stored an arsenal of positive mantras if I’m ever in need of some uplifting perspective. All good. But this doesn’t mean I don’t stress.”

For the full article please check out this link.

lady pulling on her hair.
Don’t let stressful thoughts get to you.

How times have you allowed these stressful thoughts to create real anxiety and stress in your life?   How many other items can you add to this list?   Hopefully by reading this blog post you now can identify your unneeded stressors and start not thinking about them.
Looking for more stress management tips?   Try visiting our site for the latest ones.

Chronic Stress Causes Health Problems.

business man meditating
A business man dealing with his chronic stress.

Chronic Stress Can Be Bad For Our Health.

The article, “Stress Management: How Chronic Stress Affects Health”, source; Huffington Post

“According to the American Psychological Association’s recent Stress in America survey, the majority of Americans report experiencing higher stress levels than what they believe to be healthy. Equally troubling is the survey’s finding that there is a significant gap between what Americans want from the healthcare system in terms of stress management, and what they’re actually getting.”

For the full article please go here.

Chronic stress does have to rule our lives.   We can learn to live with less.   We can learn to identify our stress triggers.   We can learn to effectively deal with stress.
Do you enjoy studying stress management techniques?   Then you might be interested in viewing our webpage.

Stress Management Tips For Workplace Stress

kids with his thumb pointed down
Workplace stress got you down? Use these stress management tips to combat it.

Stress Management Tips for Dealing with Work

The article, “Stress Is a Women’s Issue: How to Build Resilience and Stay Afloat”, by meQuilibrium stat

“Stress is part of normal life in our culture and few, if any, escape its vice grip of tension, worry, and fatigue. But according to the APA’s “Stress in America” report, women now report higher levels of stress than men, along with the nagging sensation that they’re flat-out underappreciated at the office (not to mention underpaid). “

For the full article please go here.

Stress management tips for the workplace can be so simply once you learn them.   Just by being organized and knowing your role in the workplace you can reduce stress.  An even easier one is to actively schedule yourself time to relax and enjoy life.   Follow these tips and you will start to see a reduction in your stress levels.
If you want to study more about stress management then please follow this link.

Interesting Ways Can Handle Stress.

Mongoose handling stress in a meditation pose
Learn to handle stress effectively and watch how relaxed you become.


Different Ways You Can Handle Stress.

Use the chart found in the article to measure the causes of stress and how to handle stress effectively.    Once you learn what causes you the most stress, you can learn to avoid it or just harness it to help you out.
If you wish to learn more stress management techniques then you should visit our website.

Tips on Handling Stress and Fear

 stressed out nurse

Handling stress can help you from making mistakes on the job.

Handling Stress is Easy with These Tips!

The article, “Tips When Facing Fear and Stress”, by Juliana Stock states

“For years I’ve lived by the personal mantra, particularly in times of fear and stress — crippling or otherwise — feelings aren’t facts. For me, it’s a simple, clarifying yet true phrase that has seen me through a number of sticky, stressful, even painful moments. Fear can be one of the most crippling of all the emotions.”

For the full article please go here.

Handling stress does not have to be a big ordeal.   If you follow the tips from the article and realize that it is not worth getting upset about, you can control your stress.
For more information about stress management, please go to our website.

Stress Management Advice

Don’t Let Stress Wear You Out! Here’s Some Stress Management Advice

There are many different methods to help relieve and eliminate stress. Decide not to let the stress take over your life, your happiness and relaxation time. By following the advice that is in this article, you will be headed on a road that will lead to a less stressed lifestyle.
Schedule time to “be stressed” into your daily calendar. Don’t stress all day, but have your worrisome thoughts and minor stresses wait.
It is integral to control anger at all times to help deal with stressful situations. For example, getting very upset or angry can increase your blood pressure. Look for a variety of techniques that can help you to deal more effectively with your frustrations and keep stress levels under control.
A professional massage is a great way to take some of the stress away. Tense muscles in the body only lead to more stress. A massage can relax your muscles and help you to feel less stressed and more relaxed.
If you want to avoid stressful situations in the near or even far future, pay strict attention whenever someone is giving you any kind of instruction. In order to relieve stress, always be sure to listen attentively when instructions are given. For example, if you focus on what your boss is saying when he is giving you instructions, you’ll be less stressed at work. Similarly, you should pay attention to your doctor during a medical exam or your teacher during an important lecture.

Lady getting a massage
Stress management advice suggest learning to relax

Try to come up with affirmation, which is a short and encouraging statement. Saying your affirmation repeatedly can help you let go of the negative, critical voice that lives in all of us and makes stress worse. You will feel much better if you continually repeat that you can feel calm and you can feel better.
Practice saying no if you feel overwhelmed most of the time. Even though you want to make others happy, if you over commit yourself you are sure to get stressed out.
Make some time for meditation. This will help your muscles relax, and it gives your conscious mind a break. Your daily routine can feel much more manageable if you use this method regularly. This heightened sense of relaxation can enhance your ability to moderate your stress levels during challenging situations.
You should meditate if you feel that you are stricken with stress and anxiety. Meditation makes the mind more at ease, and helps you have less stress from anxiety. Meditation can involve simply sitting by yourself in a peaceful room and listening to soothing music.

calm landscape
Does this calming landscape help reduce stress?

Imagine calming scenes to relieve your stress. While meditating, focus on your own relaxing imagery. Research have proven that this is very helpful in reducing your stress. Think about yourself hanging out on the beach or perhaps just taking a long, hot shower to feel your stress leave as if it were flowing away from your body. Just shut your eyes and go to your happy places for a few minutes! Your stress levels should drop significantly – even with sometime so simple.
When your life is hectic, both your body and brain are moving too quickly. You must, in these circumstances, slow down and put things back into perspective with controlled, deep breaths. Remember to take things slowly throughout your day. If you can slow things down and not rush so much, you will do wonders for your anxiety.
You don’t have to face stress alone. A supportive network of friends and family members can help you cope. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing you have somebody to turn to when life turns your world upside down. Start now to build a support system for yourself.
Find a sturdy wall, plant your hands at a comfortable height and push as hard as you can with both hands and feet. Stretching your hamstrings can relieve stress in the rest of your body as well.
Use aromatherapy to mange your stress. Certain scents can help to instantly relax you and put your mind at ease. Oils like chamomile or lavender can reduce or just melt away tension. Keep a little vial of essential oil on hand, so that you can take a whiff from time-to-time to calm your nerves.
Reduce your caffeine consumption. Caffeine increases the presence of stress hormones in your body. Try substituting green tea for coffee. Not only does it have a lower caffeine content, it can reduce stress.
Listening to music is an effective stress reliever. Music has a strong ability to alter our moods and feelings. Studies have shown that listening to music has a calming effect on the body and mind. The key is to learn what kind of music has the best ability to soothe you, as everyone is different.
As we have pointed out to you, stress can be eliminated from your life using a variety of methods. You already have everything you need to tackle the stress you have. Use the suggestions in this article to help yourself feel better, and you can begin living a life with less stress.
If you want more stress management advice then you might want to visit our webpage.