Stress Management Program Article on Team Burnout

Good article on how managers can help prevent their teams from burning out.  Leadership and good stress management skills can help teams reach their highest potential.  Please also review our Stress Management Program

The article, How Managers Can Prevent Their Teams from Burning Out, by Jen Fisher states,

“No organization wants to burn out its employees. And yet, according to new research, companies’ efforts to prevent prolonged stress among their staffs are falling short.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review the program and learn more about how to manage stress and become certified in stress management.

Stress Management Program Article on Parenting Stress

Good article on the stress of parenting.  Parenting can be one of the most stressful jobs, albeit rewarding, the stress from the first day of having a child to even when they are well grown, is a continual stress of worry.  With anything worthwhile, comes stress.  Stress Management though can help one better deal with stress.

The article, Thoughtful Parenting: Parenting Stress — it matters; management is key, by Sue Fegelein states

“Parenting stress is the stress associated with being a parent. Parents are often juggling jobs, childcare, finances and household duties. Studies have shown that parents who report high parenting stress tend to be “authoritarian, harsh and negative in their reactions with their child,” and the quality of parent-child relationships is decreased by parenting stress.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Program to learn how to help others cope with stress

Stress Management Program Article on Stress Management

Good article on reducing stress both at home and in the office and how you can reduce your stress from a panel of experts in stress management, as well as life coaching.  Please review and see ow it can help transform your life to a less anxious and stressful one.

The article, 10 Practical Ways To Reduce Stress In Your Life And At The Office, by Forbes Coaches Council states

“Stress can be a killer to any business professional. It can wear you down, burn you out and create more worry that is necessary on a daily basis.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Stress Management Certification Article on Fighting Anxiety in the New Year

Good article on fighting stress and anxiety this new year.

The article, Five ways to tackle New Year Anxiety and Stress, source; IOL states

“In the beginning of the year most people talk about New Year resolutions, which can put a lot of pressure on an individual to stick to them. Some people worry about the uncertainty of an entire New Year whilst others worry about change in their environment, relationships, economy, etc.”

To learn these strategies, please review the full article by click here

Please also review our Stress Management Certification offered by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals to learn more about stress and management of it.

Stress Management Certification Article on Stress and Resilience

Good article on stress management.  Resilience is key when fighting anything and stress is no different

The article, STRESS MANAGEMENT HOLLYWOOD STYLE: 7 Tips for Building Your Resilience, by James Porter states,

“As soon as director Ridley Scott (who is 79 years of age) started hearing the disturbing news about Kevin Spacey he quickly realized that his choice of stars was literally going to sink the movie before it was even released. Rather than delay the premiere, planned for December 22, Scott called up Plummer, Williams and Wahlberg and got them all on board with the idea of reshooting every single scene that had included Spacey.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please review our Stress Management Certification

Stress Management Consulting Article On Stress and Heart Attacks

Great article for certified stress managers that looks how stress and grief can cause possibly cause heart attacks in people

The article,”Here’s How Stress Might Cause Heart Attacks, Strokes”, by Maggie Fox states,

“A new study using brain scans shows how stress might cause heart attacks: people whose fear centers are more active also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

The findings point to the amygdala — often called the fear center in the brain. But the amygdala, which are a nut-sized pair of structures, are linked with various forms of stress, not just fear.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you would like to learn more about Stress Management Consulting, then please review the program

Stress Management Certification Article on Job Stress

Jobs can be stressful for a variety of reasons but they are necessary.  But if we really focus on the purpose of our jobs, we can use them properly to reduce stress

The article, “Could Your Job Help You Be ​Less Stressed?”, by Krithika Varagur, looks at how to reduce stress through our jobs as crazy as that sounds.

“Work is a major source of stress. That may be obvious to anyone who’s ever struggled to meet a deadline or reported to a difficult boss, but it’s also borne out by research. Work (along with money) consistently ranks among the biggest sources of stress for adults, according to the American Psychological Association.”

To read the entire article click here

To learn more about AIHCP’s Stress management certification program, please review

Stress Management Certification: De-stress your workplace

Minimizing stress needs to be engineered into an organisation’s DNA. To start with, align employer and employee perspectives on what causes stress Sourced through from:

Good article about stress management and how one can destress their workplace to optimize productivity and also strengthen work relationships.  Our Stress Management Program can help you become certified.

Please review our stress management program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.


How To Make Better Decisions Under Stress

The quality of life you live and your ability to do the meaningful things you set out to will depend almost entirely on the decisions you make. Here’s one more small set of tools to use to make sure your choices are the best ones possible.


Stress can make us or break us.  Making wise decisions under stress can be a great gift.  Good leaders are always cool under pressure and are able to find a way out despite the stress.  This article gives some insight how to better make decisions while under stress

If you would like to become a certified stress manager, then please review the program


The Role of the Acute Stress Response in Grief

I want you to think about the worst moment of your life.  When was it?   What was happening?


An excellent article that looks how individuals respond to traumatic news.  With any sad or bad news, within the the first minutes, our body has an acute stress response, in grief this has been researched via Kubler Ross, Worden, Rando, etc.  The flight or fight mechanism in our body.  This article looks deeper into these ideas.

If you would like to become a certified bereavement counselor, then please review the program
