Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Medication Malpractice

Medication error is a type of medical malpractice.  It occurs when the improper medication, dose, or time when a medication is prescribed.  It can be due to scripts with bad handwriting, overworked staff, the pharmacist, or even a nurse. Ultimately, it will usually fall on the shoulders of the doctor.  Communication is key in preventing this type of possible malpractice suite and death or injury to a patient.

Medication error is a potential medical malpractice that can be avoided. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program

The article, ”

Medical Malpractice: How Medication Errors Can Be Devastating” by Dr Sonya Sherpa looks at the this type of medical malpractice in detail.  She offers a wide range of ways to prevent it as well.  She states,

“There is no one single step to reducing medication errors, in fact, the entire healthcare staff and administration need to work together to reduce these errors, by hiring more staff, reducing the numerous responsibilities of one single doctor, and better communication. Communication is key.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program.  The program is online and independent study that leads to a four year certification.  Qualified nurses can apply and earn this certification



Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Malpractice Requirements

Malpractice can occur at anytime in healthcare.  Unfortunately, many people suffer life long damage due to malpractice.   However, when do you know you have a legitimate case?

The article, “The “Four D’s” of Medical Malpractice” by Greg Barnhart looks at four easy ways to recall if your case fits the malpractice paradigm. He states,

“Medical malpractice can be thought of as a particular subset of negligence. If you feel like you or a loved one has been damaged by medical professionals’ negligence (meaning, their failure to adequately perform their duties), our Florida medical malpractice attorney can help. The requirements for establishing medical malpractice are often referred to as the “four Ds:” Duty, Deviation, Direct Causation and Damages.”

To review the entire article, please click here

What constitutes medical malpractice? Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program


Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals and nurses.


Legal Nurse Consulting Training Program Article on Professional Malpractice

Negligence happens in healthcare.  In some cases it can also occur with medication.  The article below looks at a case of malpractice and looks to determine if it falls under ordinary negligence or professional malpractice.

There are many types of medical errors. This article looks at ordinary negligence and professional malpractice


The article, “Fatal Medication Error: Ordinary Negligence or Professional Malpractice?” by Ann Latner presents a case in which such a decision was needed.  She states,

“This month, we look at a recent case out of Nevada where the court was asked to decide if an error involving a fatal dose of morphine was medical malpractice, requiring an affidavit from a medical expert, or whether it was ordinary negligence, which does not have such a requirement.”

To review the article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Training Program.  The program is online and independent study.  Nurses and other qualified professionals can take the program to earn a four year certification.  See if the Legal Nurse Consulting Program from AIHCP meets your academic and professional goals.



Legal Nurse Consulting and Wrongful Death or Medical Malpractice

Legal Nurse Consultants deal with deaths or injuries of individuals resulting in negligence or failure to comply to a standard by a medical professional.  Terms such as medical malpractice and wrongful death are used daily in these cases

Legal Nurses deal with Medical Malpractice daily.
Please review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


There are differences though in these phrases.  The article, “The Key Differences Between Wrongful Death And Medical Malpractice” by Legal Desire reviews this difference.  The article states,

“The law is a broad field of study and there are many facets contained within. One of the areas of law that most commonly affects us is personal injury law. Personal injury law covers medical malpractice, wrongful death, car accidents, slip and fall, etc. Today we are going to take a look at the differences between medical malpractice and wrongful death.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is open to nurses seeking certification in Legal Nursing.

Working From Home: Is It Possible For Healthcare Professionals? 

laptop with smart phone on wood tableWritten by Lucy Peters

More employees are working from home today than ever before — as many as 9.8 million Americans worked remotely in 2019 before the pandemic hit, Pew Research reveals. When it doesn’t compromise patient care, healthcare organizations can benefit from implementing work-from-home programs, which reduce staff burnout, improve care coordination, and boost patient revenue. Some healthcare roles can be successfully performed from home, however, healthcare organizations must take care to establish clear guidelines and provide the necessary equipment and technology.

Incorporating work-from-home programs

Telehealth is a relatively new service replacing in-person appointments; it allows healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients effectively via virtual appointments. Video chat software is all that’s required to facilitate telehealth. Physicians therefore only need to appear in-office for the most acute patients. Staff who support patients without dealing with them directly — in the fields of marketing, claims management, medical records management, and patient intake, for example — can also work from home efficiently. Healthcare organizations will generally find some tasks need to be performed in person while others more flexible can be done remotely. Most simply, this could mean sharing office spaces on set days to treat patients, while staff then work from home on the other days of the week.

Secure technology and HIPAA compliance

Remote workers must continue to be HIPAA compliant and protect the organization’s network, sensitive data, and electronic personal health information (ePHI). Workers who handle electronic health records will need to use VPNs (virtual private networks) to access them at home. Devices and apps should be encrypted and password protected (two-factor authentication provides maximum security). Additionally, any devices used to view ePHI should always have up-to-date security software installed. Cloud-based communication systems allow workers to collaborate remotely, however any systems used should be third-party certified for security standards (the HITRUST CSF certification is most widely used in the healthcare industry).

Injury and worker’s rights

Remote workers can still be prone to workplace injuries — slips, trips, and falls being some of the most common. Poor home-office setups can also increase risk of objects falling from shelves, burns from hot drinks, or ankle sprains from going up or down the stairs. In fact, healthcare organizations may ask employees to perform a risk evaluation of their home office space; this can be used to identify and eliminate potential issues that may cause injuries. Injuries sustained by remote workers are covered by workers’ compensation law as long as they occurred during completion of a work-related task during work hours. Healthcare professionals can strengthen their chances of receiving compensation if their employer specifically instructed them to work remotely and provided necessary equipment to perform their duties.

It’s possible for many healthcare professionals today to work from home while continuing to provide excellent patient care and service and adhere to industry regulations. Healthcare organizations should always provide workers with the equipment and technology needed to fulfil their roles safely and efficiently.





Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a Legal Nurse Consulting Program

Legal Nurse Consulting Certification Article on Doctor Client Confidentiality

The confidentiality between a doctor and patient is on par with that of a attorney or client, or priest and spiritual dependent.  It is critical that there is no breach in this confidentiality.  Like other bonds, there are serious complications and consequences when this confidentiality is betrayed.

Doctor Patient Confidentiality is a fundamental block of THE patient doctor agreement. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification


The article, “What Is A Breach Of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?” by Paul Tolzman  takes a closer look at this.  He states,

If someone has a health issue that requires medical attention, or is simply going in for their annual check-up, anything they discuss with their physician is kept between them and the health care provider. The physician is legally required to uphold a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, which is based on the concept that a patient should never be concerned about seeking medical treatment for fear that private medical information will be disclosed to others. ”

The article goes on to state, malpractice and other suites can follow when a breach occurs.  To read the entire article, please click here

It is important for healthcare professionals to protect sensitive medical information regarding their clients.  When this is not done, legal action usually follows.  If you would like to learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting or would like to become certified as a Legal Nurse, then please review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals in the field of medical law.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Working with Malpractice Attorneys

Legal Nurse Consultants work with malpractice attorneys on a consistent basis. They can be utilized to help the healthcare professional’s case or the plaintiff’s case.  Legal Nurse Consultants hence play a critical role in the medical and legal arena.

Nurses have an opportunity in legal nursing to consistently work with or against malpractice attorneys. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals


They also learn many things in the process and have a strong understanding of how to prevent malpractice.

The article, “Behind the scenes: Working with a malpractice attorney” by Noel Paschke looks at somethings dental offices should take note of in preventing malpractice cases.  He states,

“Working with a malpractice attorney was another interesting professional endeavor that was a natural fit. After several years’ experience on the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners, chairing the board’s Discipline Committee as vice president and working with the attorney general’s office on investigations, reviewing records was second nature to me. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the College of Legal Nurse Consulting and its Legal Nurse Consultant Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to nurses seeking to work in the legal field of malpractice cases.

Legal Nurse Consulting Certification Article on Reasons Behind Medical Error

Malpractice in healthcare is caused by a variety of reasons.  People are human and doctors and healthcare professionals are no different.  For the same variety of reasons that mistakes and errors plague people in other professions, they so to can plague medical professionals.  The only issue is with health, the stakes are much higher.  Doctors and healthcare professionals have to minimize errors.  Perfection or close to it is necessary.

Medical error is unfortunate but sometimes costly. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


The article, “What Are the Causes of Medical Malpractice?” by Michael Langton looks at common errors in the medical profession and how they can lead to injury or physical damage.  He states,

“While errors are understandable, negligent mistakes that cause serious injury or death are known as medical malpractice. When medical malpractice occurs, this opens up a physician to legal action should the victim or their family choose to sue.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the Legal Nurse Consulting Certification from the American College of Legal Nurse Consulting and see if it matches your professional goals as a legal nurse.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Malpractice Cases

A malpractice is a terrible thing to have happen.  The injury or pain caused can be overbearing and in some cases life altering.  The process of dealing with a malpractice enters its final phase during legal proceedings.  In this part, attorneys, legal nurse consultants and other experts explore the case and see its merits.

A Legal Nurse Consultant can help aid in a malpractice case. Please also review AIHCPs Legal Nurse Consulting Program


The article,  “What You Should Expect During A Medical Malpractice Settlement Case Hearing” from looks at what to expect during this period.  The article states,

“Medical malpractice is when a doctor or a healthcare facility causes an injury to a patient through negligent practice of their standard procedures. Ask a lawyer, and  they will say that medical malpractice takes place when there is a violation of the recognized “standard of care”, which is the kind of care that is carried out by all medical professionals “under the same or similar circumstances”.

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the American College of Legal Nurse Consulting and how it can help qualified professionals become trained in the procedure of legal nursing.  The Legal Nurse Consulting Program is online and independent study.



Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Malpractice Attornies

A malpractice can be a life altering thing.  Some people are forever disabled or lose abilities they once had.  Others seek justice for the deceased who died due to malpractice.  While medical professionals work hard, mistakes can happen.  When true and legitimate mistakes happen, justice is demanded for the patient.  It is important to work with the proper malpractice attorney and seek their aide.  Legal Nurse Consultants also supply their expertise on a malpractice team and can help push your case.

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


If you also are a nurse looking to enter into the legal nursing field, then please review the Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.