Worldwide Office: Best Volunteer Avenues for Nurses Who Want to Travel

Worldwide Office: Best Volunteer Avenues for Nurses Who Want to Travel

Becoming a volunteer is one of the best ways for nurses to travel the world and use their medical skills where they are most needed. They get the chance to learn more about new countries and cultures at the same time they help to make the world a better place. There are loads of different volunteer opportunities out there for those interested in traveling to foreign lands, but not all of them are worth your time. Here is a look at some of the best volunteer avenues available for nurses who want to travel.

Nepal Medical Elective
For any nurse who wants to see the majesty of the Himalayas, the Nepal Medical Elective is a fantastic opportunity. Nurses are placed at either a hospital in Kathmandu, a hospital in Chitwan, or a medical school in Bhaktapur. They will get the chance to volunteer in many different areas, including oncology, radiology, burn unit, emergency, pediatrics, geriatrics and the ICU.

Global Vision International (GVI)
This program has projects in Thailand, South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, India, and Fiji. Volunteers of all backgrounds are accepted for this program, but anyone who has medical skills is particularly prized. Anyone getting a nursing degree would be very welcome and if you are getting an RN to BSN online in Florida or from another program, you can use your experience to help boost your resume as well. GVI’s programs are wide-ranging, but they always target low-income patients. The volunteers are able to customize their volunteer experiences of between two to 12 weeks.

African Impact
As most of us are aware, the healthcare systems in parts of Africa can be very poor. It is particularly poor or even non-existent in most rural areas. African Impact will allow nurses to practice their skills in beautiful, rural areas of Africa. This is a volunteer program that gives nurses a chance to provide medical care for people who need it the most.

Agape Volunteers
This is another volunteer opportunity for nurses who would like to make a difference in Africa. Nurses who go through Agape Volunteers will have the chance to go to Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Ghana, and Maasai-land. This program has lots of extracurricular activities that will take volunteers out to explore some of the outdoor opportunities available like hiking, rafting, and even wildlife viewing.

These are just four amazing programs that nurses can use to travel to exotic lands and help the needy. There are many other opportunities available for nurses, and the times are flexible to accommodate their schedules. Don’t just jump at the first program you look at. Do some research and ask the program representatives questions. The key is to find a volunteer experience that has the best combinations of features to make it a memorable one.


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Healthcare Certification Education: Get the Most out of Your Healthcare with These 5 Tips

Get the Most out of Your Healthcare with These 5 Tips

Health insurance is expensive and many people do not take full advantage of everything their health insurance offers. There are times when health insurance can actually save you money and keep you healthy. Here are five life hacks to help you get the most bang out of your healthcare bucks.

Make Sure Your Insurance Is Right For You
Research your healthcare insurance options thoroughly before you make a final decision. Take inventory of the healthcare needs for you as well as your family and pick a plan that best covers the things you most need from your insurance, such as lower deductibles and lower copays.

Take Full Advantage Of Health Insurance Open Enrollment Periods
If you have already picked a healthcare plan and you don’t think it is right for you, open enrollment is a way to address inadequacies in insurance coverage. During open enrollment, think about your life changes over the last year and also think about the life changes you are able to anticipate for the upcoming year, if possible. If you are planning for an upcoming major life change such as having a baby or major surgery, use the open enrollment period to pick an insurance policy that will best cover you and your family through these life events.

Pick Your Primary Care Physician
Find a primary care physician with a background in health information management programs you are comfortable with. Work to cultivate a strong, positive relationship with your doctor and his nurses. Pick a physician that you trust, respect and feel comfortable being honest with about your health. Your primary care doctor should be invested in your well-being and proactive about getting you to come in for preventative exams.

Always Take Advantage Of The Free Stuff
Everyone loves freebies. Many insurance plans offer stuff for free and many people do not take advantage of these opportunities. For example, an insurance plan may offer a free flu shot, a free Well Woman exam, free birth control and free antibiotics. Many vision plans actually offer one free pair of glasses or a free annual eye exam for all covered individuals.

Utilize Health Programs, Assessments, And Coaches
A lot of insurance companies offer free or low-cost health programs and health assessments. Always check to see if your insurance company offers for programs that are dedicated to blood pressure, cholesterol, rehabilitation, and weight management. Many health insurance programs actually reward individuals for doing their part to live a healthful, active life of wellness. These health opportunities through insurance programs pay people for exercising, being fit, eating right, meeting goals, and picking nutritious foods.

For some families, healthcare is the primary expense that eats up the budget. It pays (literally) to be more involved in you healthcare so you don’t have to compromise your well-being in the long run. Preparation is key. You will get better quality care and improved health if you take a proactive role in your own health. You deserve it. Being proactive about your health by utilizing all benefits of your healthcare plan is just as important as nutrition and exercise. Your health means everything.

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What Over-the-Counter Painkillers are Most Effective?

Living with pain can be a frustrating ordeal. Luckily, there are plenty of choices when it comes to over-the-counter painkillers that can help in most situations. Certain types of pain relievers are more effective for different types of ailments. Headaches, muscle pain, fever, and inflammation are all issues that can be addressed with over-the-counter solutions, but each pain reliever has their own benefits and downsides. It is always a good idea to check with a doctor before taking any new medication, but here are a few guides to what each kind of painkiller is most effective and for what ailments.

If you are experiencing minor aches and pains, specifically headaches, aspirin may be a good choice. Its major benefit is the ability to treat and prevent heart disease. Aspirin has become an over-the-counter drug to keep on hand due to the claims that if it is taken during a heart attack, it may save your life. If you are at risk, this can be an easy way to protect yourself. If you are a migraine sufferer, aspirin may not be the best choice though. It has not proven to be as effective as other choices for migraine pain, and the same goes for menstrual cramps. Children should not take aspirin as it has been linked to Reyes disease in young people.

Pain experienced during a migraine or other type of headache will likely be relieved using ibuprofen. It is effective for fever and inflammation reduction, and even relieves menstrual cramps fairly well. Its effectiveness is made even better because it rarely has any ill effects if taken as directed. It is a mild pain reliever and is most helpful for pain caused by inflammation. According to a DWI lawyer this may come in handy if you experience pain after a traumatic event like a car accident, though you should always check with a doctor first. If you have heart issues, this may not be the best option, as there are concerns about its relation to heart health. But if you have ulcers or stomach issues, then it is considered a good choice as it is gentle on the stomach.

If long lasting pain relief is what you are looking for, naproxen will most likely be your best bet. It is effective for all types of headaches and is considered one of the best treatments for menstrual cramp pain. The relief offered by naproxen outlasts most other types of pain relievers. It does take its toll on your stomach in some cases, but if you have no stomach concerns, the ability of naproxen to last twice as long as anything else may make it a winner in your book.

This treatment for minor aches and pains associated with cold and flus is often used to reduce fevers and for minor headaches. Migraine sufferers may not get the relief they are looking for with this drug though. Acetaminophen is very mild on the stomach though it is important to keep careful track of how much is taken because this drug is filtered through the liver and can cause liver damage if not taken as directed. It is considered a safe choice for hemophiliacs and those with aspirin allergies and acetaminophen is also safe to take in combination with other pain relievers.

Choosing an effective over-the-counter pain reliever can be confusing with all the choices and brands on the market. It is helpful to focus on what is causing your pain and research which type is going to do the best job making you feel better, while avoiding side effects that could lead to bigger problems. It is also important to follow your doctor’s advice and always take medication as directed.

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Bedside Nursing

Better Bedside: How Nurses Can Improve Their Patient Engagement Skills

A good bedside manner, the way in which a healthcare professional interacts with their patients, can aid in diagnosis, helps with treatment, and encourages the patient to feel like a person instead of a case. The most important factor in developing a good bedside manner is establishing a rapport. Rapport helps to break out of the nurse/patient relationship and encourages a casual environment more reminiscent of one person chatting with another person. A degree in healthcare or health law is a way to learn and improve patient engagement skills.

Listen to the Patient

Everyone wants to be understood. Nurses need to give patients their undivided attention when they are talking with them. Encourage the patient to talk about the presenting problem and its history. When the patient has described their symptoms and history, nurses can then begin to evaluate the information the patient has provided, and to ask questions. This is especially important in differential diagnoses of conditions that have similar signs and symptoms.

Have Empathy, Not Just Sympathy

Sympathy is saying, “I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.” Empathy is understanding what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Nurses should provide the level of service that they would expect, were their role and the patient’s role reversed.

Genuinely Care About the Patient

Healthcare is a profession of sharing in the responsibility of the well-being of patients. Give the best treatment possible to the person who is present right now. Patients are more likely to follow the directions of nurses who really care about their health, rather than nurses they feel don’t really understand or care about them.

Be Tactfully Honest

Patients can become negative and discouraged when problems with their health cause them to seek medical care. Nurses should consider the emotional impact a prognosis will have on the patient, and use the rapport they have established to deliver the news.

Nurses with good patient engagement skills take the time to listen and to understand their patients. They show genuine care and empathy towards patients. They are aware of the emotional impact that their behavior can have on those patients and understand the legal and practical consequences of improper practitioner-patient interaction. Having healthcare master’s degrees can be invaluable in learning these skills. These are all important factors in establishing a good rapport.


The patient engagement skills listed above are not just good for nurses—they will benefit healthcare professionals in whatever capacity they serve. Healthcare providers need to learn and cultivate sound patient engagement skills to develop a good bedside manner. Doing so will provide a better experience for both the patient and the provider.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.

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What Technologies are Missing from Your Medical Clinic?

What Technologies are Missing from Your Medical Clinic?

Technology is expanding every day, and as a result the world is becoming smaller, and everyday life is much more convenient. In the medical industry, technology is also a big part of improvements and is continuing to make changes for doctors and patients alike. Keeping this in mind, how can you make your patients’ experience at your clinic better?

Improved Waiting Time
A lot of patients complain that too much time is spent in the lobby while waiting to see the doctor. So what can a healthcare professional do about this? Perhaps you could have an app developed specifically for your clinic, whereby patients can schedule their visits, while still making room for on-demand patients. This app could help give a real-time status of the doctor’s schedule in terms of time slots set aside for consultation. Talk with an app development company to see how you can use a template to make your own specific app that improves patient’s experiences.

Digitized Prescriptions
This will not only ease your inventory-keeping efforts, but will also ensure legibility in prescription labels given to patients. What’s more, you are in a better position to track the patient’s medication considering their recent history.

Online Marketing Strategies
How do patients know about your clinic? Do they have to see it physically or hear about it from a friend? Perhaps you may consider creating an online presence of sorts. You may not necessarily have a Facebook page, but having a website may go a long way in marketing your clinic and in turn expanding your patient reach. Don’t neglect your online visibility, and make sure your contact information is always up to date.

Video Doctor Visits
Why not go the extra mile and allow your patients to schedule virtual visits online? Whether it is a follow-up, or a small issue that may not require physical attendance, patients may interact with you via online video call. This may particularly be helpful for the elderly and convalescents, or if your patient cannot make it for a physical visit.
In the instance of a multiway video, the virtual visit may additionally be attended by a specialist, a caregiver, a language translator, or a family member to the patient in question.

Up-to-Date Equipment
At the very core of technology in healthcare lies improvements in medical tools. A look at Hudson Robotics technology may help you gauge just how in-the-know you are on current equipment used in modern clinics. Whether it’s robotics for microplate handling or better diagnosis and testing equipment, make sure your clinic has what it takes to be on the cutting-edge.

Technology breaks many barriers in the healthcare sector, and if used right, may help you not only reach out to more patients but also improve your CRM with existing patients. The mobile age has broken down all inhibitions posed by distance, and this is a compelling aspect when channeled into the healthcare system.



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Trust in Healthcare

Why Is the Public Losing Trust in Healthcare Professionals?

In days past, the relationship with a family physician was a close one, with adults often having the same physician that brought them into the world. Today’s health professionals operate under a slew of new rules and regulations, some of which arise from business forces and others that arise from the need to collect data about medical care. These requirements often impact doctors’ ability to maintain good patient contact and have had the result of reducing overall faith in health professionals. A number of factors impact this lack of trust:

Insurance Companies Influence Care

Health insurance companies exert a strong influence over many decisions that physicians make for their patients. They may dictate what types of treatments are covered, availability of medications, and limitations on physical therapy or other options. These restrictions can cause a conflict between what the physician would like for his or her patient to have, and what is actually covered and possible. However, the restrictions can also cause patients to have less confidence in their physicians’ ability to deliver care.

HMO Pricing

Health maintenance organizations have worked aggressively to keep down costs, but they have also provided less money for keeping physician’s practices going. Doctors must see more patients in order to keep their practices financially sound, which often makes patients feel rushed and given less opportunity to voice their concerns. Utilizing electronic media may provide a method for better doctor-patient communications in the future.

Additional Mandates Decrease Patient Time

The need to carefully collect data on patient care and outcomes is causing physicians to have less face-to-face patient time, which is often critical to serving their needs. When patients spend less time talking to the doctor, they feel they are receiving poorer quality of care. Utilizing nurses or physician assistants to collect this information may enable physicians to spend more time with their patients.

Outside Influences

The federal government and many states require companies in the life sciences to record and report any interactions with healthcare organizations and providers. This aggregate spend requirement is intended to track the financial relationships between healthcare manufacturers and doctors. When these relationships work against patient interests, it can lead to a loss of trust.

Media Images of Doctors Result Cause Dissatisfaction

Another problem appears to be created by media, who often portray physicians in a self-serving manner, focused more on generating income than serving their patients. This portrayal has caused patients to doubt their physician’s commitment to their care and has undermined the essential doctor-patient trust that can help to ensure good outcomes.


Although the image of health professionals is suffering in the public, people still generally feel satisfied with their own personal physicians. Learning to communicate effectively with a physician can go a long way toward improved relations and better outcomes for patient care.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.


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Why Constant Improvement is Crucial for Success in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is an industry that is continuously growing, expanding and learning. To provide the best service, providers need to strive to improve their practice offerings, data and diagnostic information.

Better Informed Patients

More than ever, today’s patients are smarter and more informed than ever. With the advent of the internet and many legitimate medical websites such as sites on nursing informatics, patients can learn significant insight into symptoms they are experiencing as well as different types of healthcare that is offered. They come alone or with family to their doctors with questions in hand and listen attentively.


More Choices

The healthcare field now includes urgent care and walk in clinics, where patients can be seen without appointments. This increases competition and takes money away from other practices. In addition, patients with minor illnesses can see a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner to obtain an antibiotic for a simple easy to diagnose condition. These walk in practices are often open on weekends and nights when many doctors no longer have hours. Unless experiencing a life threatening or serious injury, patients will go to urgent care.

Better Faster Diagnoses

Healthcare practitioners need to have improved ability to diagnose and treat more quickly than before to keep patients coming and leaving with more information than when they came in. Private office could improve by expanding hours. Many internal medical and family practices have their own laboratories and radiology services in their own offices fulfilling the needs of patients. Patients are happier when they can save time by not having to go to another building, filling out more paperwork and waiting all over again for labs or X-rays. Patient’s value time saved.

Less Insurance, More Money

Some patients, disgusted with attempting to obtain public or private insurance, opt to self-pay for some services. These services may include annual checkups or vaccinations. They feel by the time they pay the premiums and battle over reimbursement, it is easier to simply just pay out of pocket for some health care costs. These patients are going to want the most bang for their buck, so well maintained offices and caring staff are a necessity. Pleasant surroundings and modern equipment will keep self-pay and insurance covered patients feeling they are being well served.


State of the art diagnostics in office will help achieve turnaround time for labs and radiology reports. Patients want to know test results quickly and have a right for that. Regularly updating practice software, diagnostic equipment and continuing education for employees will keep practices well recommended and busy.


Overall, constant improvement is essential for the healthcare industry because there is always a better and more efficient way that things can be done. It needs to keep developing so that we can save more people and make more of a difference. It will be incredible to see how this industry keeps advancing in the future. There is an incredible amount of potential!

Author Bio-Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from West Jordan, Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.


Please also review our various certifications for nurses.  Ranging from case management to legal nurse consulting, AIHCP offers a wide variety of certifications for nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Certifications for Nurses and Careers in Nursing

Moving Forward: How to Boost and Revitalize Your Nursing Career

The rapid shift of the United States healthcare system over the past decade has resulted in both experienced and new nurses trying to adapt to a slew of new responsibilities in an expanded field. The new role that nurses are expected to fulfill can be difficult when they are already trained and accustomed to one, but just because there are new changes taking over the healthcare system doesn’t mean that your career needs to suffer. There are plenty of ways for you to revitalize your nursing career and get into the mindset necessary to thrive in the evolving times.

Think Outside Hospital Walls

The challenges of the U.S. healthcare system have resulted in a major shift in the way people receive medical care. Hospitals were once a one-stop location for most patients’ needs, especially those without an insurance plan. But now there has been a surge of acute-care facilities and many portions of hospitals are being converted from in-patient care areas to primary and ambulatory care facilities. This change has given rise to the need of a shift in the mindset of American nurses. The methodical, task-oriented approach that has worked so well in hospitals for years is no longer enough to get you by. A nurse now needs to know how to respond in the same fast and efficient way a hospital dictates while operating under a care-centered perspective.

Changing Focus from Sickness to Health

A nurse is used to seeing people at their worst. They help treat illnesses and many have taken care of people in their final moments. But the new paradigm of American nursing has resulted in a different function of hospitals. Instead of directing all of your attention toward maladies, you now need to be able to meet patients and treat them with their ongoing wellness in mind. This may not initially strike you as exciting as trauma care, but it can actually bestow you with a much more optimistic and upbeat approach to work as you focus on nutrition and wellness coaching, care and stress management and so on.

Don’t Be Afraid to Wander

Exploring your career options and wanting to broaden your horizons as a medical professional is completely okay. If you have a particular field that you’re passionate about and don’t see it as a viable choice in your current location, start searching elsewhere. Return to school, study a specialization you always wanted. Consider pursuing an online master of science in nursing degree to further sharpen your skills. Try out ambulatory care or primary care even if you’ve dedicated yourself to working the hospital floors. You won’t adapt or find any happiness in your career unless you’re willing to branch out and shape the new changes sweeping the field to your advantage.

Although there’s much more involved with revitalizing your nursing career, there are distinct keys to success that can guide you no matter what direction you decide to take. First and foremost, don’t be afraid of change. It’s just another word for opportunity. Second, find camaraderie. You aren’t the only nurse struggling, and an open discussion with your fellow nurses may be exactly what you all need to move forward. Lastly, have the courage to do what is best for your nursing career, even if it means leaving familiar territory in search of something more gratifying.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.


Please also review our certifications for nurses offered at AIHCP.

How the Most Common Cancer Screenings Have Improved

Preventative screenings are the most effective treatments for cancer. Tests done for prevention allow this dangerous disease to be caught and treated while in the early stages and offers the best survival rates for the average patient. Improvements in cancer screening techniques have allowed certain cancers to be spotted earlier, and while it is smaller than previous methods could notice, it offers astronomically better odds for patients everywhere. Let’s examine some of the ways that the most common cancer screenings have improved over recent years.

Better Intervals
Cancer screenings have improved markedly as a result of more research into specific types of cancer. This has helped doctors to create guidelines concerning intervals for screenings to occur, depending upon the age and other factors of an individual. The American Cancer Society states that tests to find rectal cancer should occur every three years, while other guidelines exist for more prominent cancers. This allows slow- and fast-developing cancers to be found, which in turn helps to greatly improve the life of any patient.

New Imaging Methods
New technologies have developed that allow for higher resolution imaging, and cancer consisting of just a few thousand cells can now be detected. Some of these methods are significantly safer and less invasive than previous models. Sonography is one such method that allows cancerous tumors to be identified without the need for potentially harmful radiation. Diagnostic medical sonographic schools now teach students these new technologies as part of the course work. Making new advancements more assimilated into hospitals and clinics everywhere.

Standardized Tests
By working with physicians and organizations to standardize cancer screenings, improvement in detecting cancer has been improved. Breast cancer screenings are an example of this.
With clinical breast examinations, practices like taking biopsies of growths has become common practice. Different scales have been developed to assess the results of biopsies, which in turn make it easier for doctors to consult patients with regards to their treatment options.

Considering Patient Involvement

One of the greatest improvements in cancer screenings revolves around the way physicians are aiming to better understand the desires of their patients. For example, some patients may be opposed to exams like breast exams due to the personal nature of these exams.
By informing patients of alternatives and the benefits of screenings, patients are better able to act quickly. This allows them to make informed decisions that work best for their health.

These four improvements are but a small start to making cancer screenings more effective. As new technologies develop, higher resolution, and safer imaging will become commonplace. When combined with more precise early treatment options, this could allow cancer to go from being one of the leading causes of death to one of the most prevented diseases. Hopefully new technologies will continue to develop, and in time will make cancer and all the involved treatments a thing of the past.


“Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.”


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Why Professionalism in Healthcare is Essential to Building Patient Trust

Something many patients have in common as they sit waiting for their doctor or healthcare professional to enter the room is that they do not want to be there. Whether anxious because of unexplained symptoms or apprehensive about the information they will need to share, patients are put at ease when the confidence of experience and knowledge is evident in their care provider. Having a professional bedside manner is paramount in getting your patient to relax and share pertinent details necessary to get the full picture of the problems they are there for.

A Calm Demeanor

Even when the concerns are indeed cause for a concern, a calm demeanor assures the patient that they aren’t the first, nor the last, to experience the problems they are facing. A significant part of exuding professionalism is being a reassuring presence. Relating the positive outcomes you have witnessed in your practice will do more for your patient than overall statistics. A relaxed expression as the patient details the concerns they have will help them to open up even more and give you a better chance to make the best decisions about their care.

Being Non-Judgmental

As a healthcare provider you may have seen it all, but your patient hasn’t. Being aware of body language as he or she shares personal details will give you the opportunity to nod your head knowingly or lightly touch their arm to assure them that this information does not shock or disturb you. This is vitally important in matters where certain details are distressing or embarrassing to vocalize. Even the most open-minded patients sometimes have difficulty expressing thoughts when it comes to taboo subjects, so it’s important to maintain a non-judgmental posture when receiving a patient’s most personal information.

Cooperative Staff

It’s important to show patients that the hospital or clinic they receive their treatment at is operated by competent, professional healthcare workers. Everyone from the administrating staff to the cafeteria workers in a hospital or clinic should dress and act respectfully.

Open Up

While the provider and patient relationship must maintain professional boundaries, don’t be afraid to relate to your patient. Share a bit of your life with them so they see you as a real person that takes their concerns seriously and genuinely cares about a positive outcome. Let them know thorough your body language that you are not in a hurry to get to the next patient. Do not minimize concerns they share even if you feel they aren’t a significant part of the problem they are there for. Acknowledge all information with a positive message that you have heard and understood what they are saying. Talk to your patient as if they are an equal partner in their health and not merely a customer who must obey orders. While you can’t be friends with all your patients, you can be friendly.

Be the Expert, But Gently

In a world largely technology driven, it’s common to meet a patient for the first time and have to undo hours of self-diagnosis. While this can be frustrating, take time to commend your patient for being diligent about their health. As quickly as possible, let them know that while the internet is a wonderful place to get information it’s not always the best place to make a health determination based on symptoms alone.

Establishing a healthy and trusting relationship with your patients will make your professional life less stressful and make treating your patients less frustrating as they will be more willing to honestly engage in discussion about why they there to see you. It’s a win/win situation all around.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.

These aspects are critical for all healthcare professionals.  Please review our certifications for nurses and also our Nurse Patient Educator Certification Program