Why hire a health coach?

Why hire a health coach
Why hire a health coach? It is not a secret! They help you achieve your goals!

Find out how a health coach could benefit you.

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Maybe you are asking “Why hire a health coach?”  Health coach advice can be the difference between weight loss and giving up.   Health coaching professionals have the knowledge and skills to get you where you want to be.   They can customize workouts and diets to fit your individual needs so you can see results.

This article has more information to offer you on your search.  And for information on becoming a health coach, please GO HERE.

See on www.drsearswellnessinstitute.org

Health Coaching Advice to Help Lose the 1st 5 lbs

The article, “Why the First Five Pounds Are Always the Hardest”, by Armin Tehrany states

“When you lose weight, you’re not sacrificing, you’re investing. Let’s keep rolling with the money theme. Don’t lose weight — instead, gain self-confidence, better health and self-esteem. Keep the tone positive at all times.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

What is the hardest part of any journey?   The first step of course.   The same holds true for dieting and exercising as well.     Health coaching advice on how to get started is sometimes needed.   This article giving good exercise advice on how to jump start your diet and lose that first 5 pounds.    For more please click: Become a Health Coach

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Health Coaching Advice to Avoid the Gym.

The article, “Hate the Gym? 11 Crazy Alternatives to Get in Shape”, by Mario Thomas states

“When it comes to physical fitness, I’ve always opted for the tried, true and traditional. I’m perfectly happy with my light weight-training and a good jog in the park.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Many people like to exercise but they hate the gym.   Blame it on the equipment lines.   Rude people who do not clean up after themselves.   Or perhaps simply working out in front of people just is not their thing.    Lucky there are gym alternatives available.    For a full list of health coaching advice to avoid the gym, feel free to check out this article.    Also if you have any questions about health care coaching then please check out this link: Become a health coach.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Email Marketing for Health Coaching Business

The article, “How to Be Consistent with Email Marketing for Health Coaching Business Success”, by Heather Cottrell states

“Email marketing (that’s your newsletter or ezine) is an essential part of your health coaching business building strategy. The goal is to create a list of ideal clients who opt in to your list because they’re interested in what you have to say.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Here is an article for all of the health coach professionals.   It has great information on how to reach your clients via e-mail marketing.    Not everyone realizes that health coaching is 1 part promoting a healthier lifestyle and another part running a business.    Hopefully this information helps out.   For more on becoming a health coach please come to our site to learn more.

See on www.healthcoachweekly.com

Health Coaching Tips to Speed Up A Workout.

Health Coaching Tips
Health Coaching Tips

Article by Dave Smith

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Workouts are long.   They are boring.   They take too much time!   These are several excuses that many (myself included) have used as a mental reason to skip your workouts.    After reviewing these health coaching tips on how to make your workouts “fly by”, it is solid health coach advice.    For me I find that if I use #3 with #4 and make sure I have a #16 waiting at the end of the week, I can stay on track.   What works for you?    For more on how to become a health coach please check out our page.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Health Coaching: Exercise Helps You Sleep.

The article, “Exercise Gives a Big Boost to Sleep”, by Dr. Michael J. Breus states

“We all know exercise is good for us. Good for our health, good for our waistlines, good for stress and for our clarity of mind. Exercise is also very — very — good for sleep.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
There are plenty of benefits to exercise.   A new article shows that there is another benefit to it, a better night’s rest.   Health coaching professionals are now stating that the right amount of exercise can lead to better sleep.   So exercise can help you lose weight, feel great, and make you better rested in the morning.     If you want to become a health coach, then you might want to visit our webpage.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Health Care Coaching Breakfast Ideas

Health Care Coaching
Health Care Coaching

The article, “Healthy Breakfast Roundup: Your Favorite Morning Eats (PHOTOS)”, by Kate Bratskeir states

“John Gunther once wrote, “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.” We at Healthy Living happen to agree — a good breakfast can set the tone for your day and positively influence your health.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so we might want to make it the most nutritional one as well!   This article has 15 breakfasts you should try to boost your mornings!   This list will give you 2 weeks worth of different recipes and foods to try.   Making proper nutrition anything but boring.
For more on health care coaching go to our website.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Mistakes to Avoid! Health Care Coaching

The article, “Healthy Dinner Tips: Mistakes We Make And How To Avoid Them.” source; Huffington Post states

“While breakfast and lunch are often consumed alone or on the go, dinner is the most likely to be a group activity.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

How often do you make these mistakes at the dinner table?   Health care coaching offers plenty of good dietary advice.    If you want to lose weight and keep it off, just follow simply health coaching guidelines like these half a dozen dinner mistakes.

Health Care Coaching
Health Care Coaching

For more on health care coaching courses please visit our website.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

5 Website Mistakes That Chase Health Coaching Clients Away

The article, “5 Website Mistakes That Chase Health Coaching Clients Away”, by Karen Brunet states

“Is your coaching website attracting clients? If it isn’t, then it could be you’re making one of these 5 common website mistakes that chase clients away.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Are you currently in the Health Care Coaching field?   Do you use a website to promote your business?   If you own and maintain your own website for your clients then you might want to follow the health coaching advice listed here.
There are plenty of things you should not do on a website but he most important thing is knowing it is basically an advertisement for your skills.   With that in mind you need to show your potential clients why a life coach is important to them.   You need to show how you have helped others.   And most importantly you need to have up to date contact information on your site.   Many times potential clients have been turned away from an invalid e-mail address or a number that connects them to a local pizza shop.

Health Coaching
Designing a Health Coaching website for clients? Then avoid these mistakes.

For more on health coach courses visit our page!

See on www.healthcoachweekly.com

Health Coaching Tips: Fitness Facts Vs Myths

a man with jeans that do not fit him
Health coaching tips can help you achieve your weight loss goals only if you separate the facts from the myths.

Health Coach Tips: What Works and What Doesn’t.

The article, “Fitness Folklore, Or Fact? Exercise Experts Debunk Common Myths”, by Reuters states

NEW YORK, March 4 (Reuters) – Can crunches create six-pack abdominal muscles? Do weight-lifting women risk bulging biceps? Is stretching always a good idea?

For the full article please go here.

Health coaching tips can only take us so far in our fight to combat body fat.   We have to be willing to follow the health care coaching advice.    It is easier said than done but in the same respect nothing worth having should ever come cheap.
If you would like to learn more about health care life coaching then you should check out our webpage.