Health Coaching Tips: Fitness Facts Vs Myths

a man with jeans that do not fit him
Health coaching tips can help you achieve your weight loss goals only if you separate the facts from the myths.

Health Coach Tips: What Works and What Doesn’t.

The article, “Fitness Folklore, Or Fact? Exercise Experts Debunk Common Myths”, by Reuters states

NEW YORK, March 4 (Reuters) – Can crunches create six-pack abdominal muscles? Do weight-lifting women risk bulging biceps? Is stretching always a good idea?

For the full article please go here.

Health coaching tips can only take us so far in our fight to combat body fat.   We have to be willing to follow the health care coaching advice.    It is easier said than done but in the same respect nothing worth having should ever come cheap.
If you would like to learn more about health care life coaching then you should check out our webpage.