Substance Abuse and College Life

Navigating College Life in the Midst of the Substance Use Dilemma

College life can be a mix of calm and storm, especially when it comes to navigating the complex issue of substance use.  It is important for students entering into college life understand the pitfalls and dangers of drug use that may manifest at university life.  With parties, new friends, peer pressure, school, work, and exam pressures, drug use sometimes seems like a way for students to relax and de-stress but instead, whether it is simple binge drinking to more dangerous pills to enhance study performance, drug use within university life can be a dangerous detour in life.

Campus life and partying can lead to substance abuse problems throughout life


The article, “ADDICTION RECOVERY DURING HIGHER EDUCATION” from looks at some of the common issues, as well as drugs that accompany college life.  The article states,

It’s clear that college students are under a lot of pressure from school and their peers, leading them to engage in risky behaviors like substance misuse. There’s no denying the great benefit young adults stand to gain from attending schools of higher education, but it would be unwise to dismiss the use of alcohol and drugs as a normal part of the experience. Every year students struggle with academic performance and become injured or die as a result of substance use disorder.

To read the entire article, please click here



The Impact of Substance Use on College Students

Patterns of Substance Use

Understanding the patterns of substance use among college students is crucial for addressing the broader implications of this issue. The prevalence of substance use varies across different types of substances, with alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs being the most commonly used. The frequency and intensity of use also differ, ranging from occasional experimentation to regular, heavy use that may signal dependency.

  • Alcohol: Often seen as a central part of college social life, with a significant number of students engaging in binge drinking.
  • Marijuana: Usage has been rising, possibly due to changing legal status and perceptions of risk.
  • Prescription Drugs: Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and opioids is a concern, particularly for their cognitive enhancement and pain relief properties.

The transition to college life can be a period of increased vulnerability to substance use due to new social pressures and stressors. This period often coincides with a peak in risk-taking behaviors, including experimentation with drugs and alcohol.

The data on substance use can be complex, with various factors influencing patterns, such as demographics, campus culture, and individual psychology. It is essential to analyze these patterns through a multifaceted lens to develop effective interventions.

Consequences of Substance Use

The repercussions of substance use among college students extend beyond the individual, affecting academic performance, personal relationships, and future career prospects. Substance use can lead to a range of health issues, from acute effects like overdoses and injuries to long-term consequences such as addiction and mental health disorders.

  • Academic difficulties: missed classes, lower grades, and increased dropout rates
  • Health problems: both physical (e.g., liver damage, heart problems) and psychological (e.g., anxiety, depression)
  • Legal issues: arrests, fines, and a criminal record
  • Social repercussions: strained relationships, isolation, and decreased social activities

The intersection of substance use and college life creates a complex web of challenges that students must navigate. The consequences are not isolated to health but permeate every aspect of life, often with long-lasting effects.

It is crucial to understand that these outcomes are not inevitable. With the right support and resources, students can overcome the challenges posed by substance use and lead successful, healthy lives.

Factors Influencing Substance Use

The myriad factors influencing substance use among college students are complex and multifaceted. Environmental, psychological, and social elements all play a critical role in shaping students’ attitudes and behaviors towards substance consumption.

  • Environmental Factors: The college environment itself can be a significant contributor, with the availability of substances and the presence of events that encourage use.
  • Psychological Factors: Individual characteristics such as stress levels, mental health status, and personal history with substance use can heavily influence a student’s propensity towards using substances.
  • Social Factors: Peer pressure, the desire for social acceptance, and exposure to substance-using role models are powerful social factors that can sway a student’s decision-making.

The interplay between these factors can create a scenario where substance use becomes a normative behavior, despite the potential risks and consequences. Understanding these influences is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Mental Health and Substance Use in College

Co-Occurrence of Mental Health Issues

The intersection of mental health issues and substance use in college students is a critical area of concern. The prevalence of co-occurring disorders—where individuals struggle with both mental health problems and substance abuse—has been observed to be significantly higher in the college population compared to the general public. This dual challenge can exacerbate the severity of each condition, leading to a complex cycle that is difficult to break.

Numerous stressors at home and at school can push college students into experimentation with different types of drugs


The relationship between mental health and substance use is often bidirectional, with each influencing the onset and progression of the other. For instance, students may turn to substances as a form of self-medication for untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues, while substance use can also contribute to the development or worsening of mental health conditions.

The following list outlines common mental health disorders that frequently co-occur with substance use among college students:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Eating disorders

Addressing these co-occurring issues requires a comprehensive approach that considers the unique needs of each student. It is essential for college health services to integrate mental health and substance use treatment, offering a continuum of care that can adapt to the evolving needs of students.

Treatment Approaches

In the realm of college life, where mental health and substance use often intersect, treatment approaches must be multifaceted and tailored to the individual’s needs. Evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI), have shown efficacy in addressing substance use disorders among college students. These therapies aim to modify harmful behaviors and thought patterns while enhancing motivation for change.

The integration of treatment modalities can significantly improve outcomes for students grappling with substance use issues.

A comprehensive treatment plan may include a combination of the following:

  • Individual counseling to provide personalized support and strategies for overcoming substance use.
  • Group therapy sessions that offer peer support and a sense of community.
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for cases involving opioid or alcohol dependence.
  • Access to campus health services for ongoing medical and psychological care.

It is crucial for treatment programs to be accessible, non-judgmental, and supportive, creating an environment where students feel safe to seek help. Collaboration between campus health services, counseling centers, and external healthcare providers can ensure a continuum of care that addresses both the immediate and long-term needs of the student.

AIHCP offers a Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification for qualified professionals looking to help those dealing with addiction.

Preventive Strategies

In the realm of higher education, preventive strategies against substance use are paramount. Colleges and universities are increasingly adopting a multi-faceted approach to prevent substance misuse among students. These strategies are designed to address the issue before it escalates into addiction or causes harm.

  • Education and Awareness: Institutions are implementing educational programs to inform students about the risks associated with substance use.
  • Skill Development: Workshops on stress management, time management, and decision-making are offered to equip students with the skills needed to avoid substance use.
  • Environmental Strategies: Changes to the campus environment, such as limiting the availability of substances and promoting substance-free events, help to reduce the temptation and accessibility of drugs and alcohol.

By fostering a campus culture that prioritizes health and well-being, colleges can create a supportive environment that discourages substance use and encourages positive lifestyle choices.

The success of these strategies often hinges on their integration into the fabric of campus life, ensuring that they are not isolated efforts but part of a comprehensive plan. Collaboration between students, faculty, and health services is essential to create a unified front against substance misuse.

Social Dynamics and Substance Use in College

Peer Influence

The social environment in college can significantly shape students’ attitudes and behaviors towards substance use. Peer influence is a critical factor in the decision-making process of college students regarding the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The desire to fit in or be accepted by a group can lead to the adoption of risky behaviors that are normalized within certain social circles.

  • The prevalence of substance use in social gatherings
  • The role of fraternities and sororities
  • The impact of peer pressure on individual choices

The dynamics of peer relationships often dictate the norms around substance use, which can either mitigate or exacerbate the issue.

Understanding the mechanisms of peer influence is essential for developing targeted interventions. Social networks within the college setting can act as conduits for both positive and negative behaviors. Therefore, addressing peer influence in substance use requires a nuanced approach that considers the complex interplay of social factors.

Social Norms

Social norms within the college environment play a pivotal role in shaping students’ attitudes and behaviors towards substance use. These unwritten rules and shared expectations can either mitigate or exacerbate the prevalence of substance use on campus. The normalization of substance use in social settings often leads to increased consumption among students, as they seek to align with perceived group standards.

  • The perception of substance use as a common and accepted behavior among peers
  • The influence of social gatherings and events where substance use is prevalent
  • The role of Greek life and other campus organizations in setting social norms

The challenge lies in altering the social narrative to one that promotes healthy behaviors and critical thinking about the consequences of substance use.

Efforts to shift social norms require a multifaceted approach, including education, policy changes, and the promotion of substance-free social options. By addressing these norms directly, colleges can create an environment that supports healthier choices and reduces the pressure to engage in substance use.

Campus Policies and Programs

Substance Abuse Practitioners can play a role in helping students cope with school and exams without relying on drinking or pills


Colleges and universities have a unique role in shaping the environment in which students make decisions about substance use. Campus policies and programs are critical in establishing norms and providing support to students grappling with substance-related issues. These policies range from strict enforcement of legal drinking age to the provision of counseling and rehabilitation services.

  • Prevention Programs: Aimed at educating students about the risks associated with substance use.
  • Counseling Services: Offer support for students dealing with substance use and mental health issues.
  • Recovery Communities: Provide a supportive environment for students committed to maintaining sobriety.
  • Policy Enforcement: Involves disciplinary actions for substance use violations to deter future incidents.

The effectiveness of these programs and policies is often reflected in the campus culture, which can either condone or condemn substance use. A proactive approach in policy implementation and program development is essential to foster a healthy educational environment.

It is imperative for institutions to continuously evaluate and adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of their student population. Collaboration with student organizations and health services can enhance the reach and impact of these initiatives, creating a more comprehensive approach to substance use prevention and support.

Academic Performance and Substance Use

Effects on Academic Achievement

The nexus between substance use and academic performance in college students is a critical area of concern. Substance use has been consistently linked to poorer academic outcomes, including lower grades, higher rates of absenteeism, and an increased likelihood of dropping out. The cognitive impairments associated with substance abuse, such as diminished concentration and memory, directly undermine the ability to learn and perform academically.

The relationship between substance use and academic achievement is not merely correlational but indicative of a complex interplay of factors that affect a student’s educational trajectory.

To illustrate the impact more clearly, consider the following table which outlines the correlation between substance use frequency and academic indicators:

Substance Use Frequency GPA Range Absenteeism Rate
High 2.0 – 2.5 20% – 30%
Moderate 2.5 – 3.0 10% – 20%
Low 3.0 – 4.0 5% – 10%

Furthermore, academic support systems play a pivotal role in mitigating the adverse effects of substance use. These systems include tutoring programs, academic advising, and mental health services. They are essential for providing the necessary assistance to students who struggle with substance use issues, ensuring that their academic journey is not irreparably derailed.

Support Systems

In the academic context, support systems play a pivotal role in mitigating the negative impact of substance use on students’ educational outcomes. Effective support systems are characterized by their accessibility, responsiveness, and comprehensiveness. They often encompass a range of services, including counseling, peer support groups, and academic accommodations.

  • Counseling Services: Provide individual or group therapy sessions to address substance-related issues.
  • Peer Support Groups: Offer a platform for students to share experiences and coping strategies.
  • Academic Accommodations: Assist students in managing their coursework during recovery.

These support mechanisms are designed to work in tandem, creating a safety net that encourages students to seek help without fear of judgment or academic penalty. It is crucial for institutions to actively promote these resources to ensure students are aware of and can easily access them.

The integration of support systems into the fabric of campus life is essential for fostering a nurturing environment that prioritizes student well-being and academic success.  Certified Substance Abuse Practitioners from AIHCP can offer aid and support to campus life.


Interventions in the academic setting play a crucial role in addressing substance use among college students. Early identification and support can significantly alter the trajectory of a student’s academic and personal life. Tailored intervention strategies are essential, as they must align with the unique needs of each individual.

  • Educational workshops
  • Counseling services
  • Peer support groups
  • Referral to professional treatment

These interventions aim to not only provide immediate support but also to equip students with the tools necessary for long-term recovery and academic success. It is imperative that institutions foster an environment where seeking help is normalized and encouraged.

It is important to discover other coping methods to face the daily demands of college life without falling victim to substance abuse

The success of interventions is often measured by their ability to reduce the frequency of substance use and improve academic performance. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of these programs are necessary to ensure their effectiveness in the ever-changing landscape of college life.

Coping Mechanisms and Substance Use

Stress Management

College life presents a unique set of stressors that can lead students to seek relief through substance use. Effective stress management is crucial in mitigating the risk of substance dependency. Students who develop robust coping mechanisms are better equipped to handle the pressures of academic and social demands without resorting to harmful substances.

  • Identification of stress triggers
  • Time management skills
  • Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga
  • Regular physical activity
  • Adequate sleep

The ability to manage stress through healthy practices is not only beneficial for students’ mental health but also serves as a protective factor against substance abuse. Developing a personal toolkit of stress management strategies can empower students to navigate college challenges more successfully.

It is important for educational institutions to provide resources and support for stress management. Workshops, counseling services, and wellness programs can play a significant role in educating students about the importance of self-care and the dangers of using substances as a coping mechanism.

Coping Strategies

In the academic sphere, the development of effective coping strategies is paramount for college students grappling with substance use. Adaptive coping mechanisms can mitigate the risk of substance abuse and aid in the management of stressors inherent to college life. These strategies often involve a combination of personal, social, and institutional support systems.

  • Personal coping strategies may include mindfulness practices, physical activity, and engaging in hobbies. These activities serve to distract from cravings and reduce stress.
  • Social coping strategies involve seeking support from friends, family, or support groups who provide encouragement and accountability.
  • Institutional coping strategies refer to utilizing campus resources such as counseling centers, health services, and substance-free events.

The cultivation of a robust set of coping strategies is essential for students to navigate the pressures of college without resorting to substance use. It is a proactive approach that emphasizes resilience and self-care.

While individual strategies vary, the common goal is to foster an environment where students can thrive academically and personally, without reliance on substances. Institutions play a critical role in providing the necessary resources and creating a supportive campus culture.

Healthy Alternatives

In the quest to mitigate substance use among college students, the promotion of healthy alternatives plays a pivotal role. Engaging in regular physical activity, pursuing hobbies, and participating in community service can significantly redirect the focus from substance use to more constructive endeavors. These activities not only provide a sense of accomplishment but also enhance overall well-being.

  • Physical activities such as sports, yoga, or gym sessions
  • Creative pursuits like music, art, or writing
  • Volunteering for social causes or joining student organizations

Embracing these alternatives fosters a supportive environment that encourages personal growth and resilience. It is essential for students to have access to resources that facilitate the adoption of these positive practices.

Furthermore, the establishment of campus-wide programs that highlight the benefits of a substance-free lifestyle can reinforce the value of these healthy alternatives. By integrating such programs into the college culture, institutions can create a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere for all students.

Community Engagement and Substance Use Prevention

Community Initiatives

Community initiatives play a pivotal role in the prevention of substance use among college students. These programs often leverage local resources and are tailored to meet the specific needs of the community. Boldly, they bridge the gap between college campuses and the wider community, fostering a supportive environment that discourages substance use.

  • Campus-Community Partnerships: These collaborations focus on creating a seamless support network for students.
  • Awareness Events: Local events and workshops raise awareness about the dangers of substance use.
  • Volunteer Programs: Engaging students in community service can provide a sense of purpose and deter substance use.

Community initiatives not only address the immediate risks associated with substance use but also work towards building a resilient student body equipped with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices.

The success of these initiatives often hinges on the active participation of various stakeholders, including students, faculty, local businesses, and law enforcement agencies. By working together, they create a comprehensive approach to substance use prevention that resonates throughout the community.

Educational Campaigns

Educational campaigns play a pivotal role in substance use prevention on college campuses. These campaigns are designed to inform students about the risks associated with substance use, and to promote healthy, drug-free lifestyles. By leveraging various communication channels, such campaigns aim to reach a broad audience and create a more informed student body.

  • Awareness-raising events
  • Distribution of informational materials
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Social media outreach

Educational campaigns often rely on peer-to-peer communication to enhance their effectiveness. This approach capitalizes on the influence that students have over their peers, fostering a supportive environment for making healthy choices.

The success of these campaigns is frequently measured through surveys and feedback mechanisms, which help to tailor future initiatives to the needs and preferences of the student population. Continuous evaluation and adaptation are crucial to ensure that the message remains relevant and impactful.

Collaborative Efforts

Collaborative efforts in substance use prevention are pivotal in fostering a supportive environment for college students. Interdisciplinary partnerships between academic institutions, healthcare providers, and community organizations have shown to enhance the efficacy of prevention programs. These alliances leverage diverse expertise and resources to address the multifaceted nature of substance use.

  • Academic institutions provide research-based insights and educational resources.
  • Healthcare providers offer clinical support and mental health services.
  • Community organizations contribute with outreach programs and local support networks.

The synergy of these collaborations creates a comprehensive approach to substance use prevention, aiming to reduce the incidence and mitigate the impact on the student body.

The success of these joint ventures can often be measured through various metrics, such as reduced substance use rates, increased awareness, and improved student well-being. It is essential for these collaborative efforts to be sustained over time to ensure long-term benefits and adapt to the evolving landscape of college life.


In conclusion, the complex interplay between college life and substance use presents a significant challenge for students navigating this delicate balance. As highlighted throughout this article, the prevalence of drug use among college students underscores the need for comprehensive support systems and educational initiatives to address this pressing issue. By fostering a culture of open communication, promoting healthy coping mechanisms, and providing access to resources for those in need, universities can play a pivotal role in mitigating the risks associated with substance use on campus. It is imperative for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, and administrators, to work collaboratively towards creating a safer and more supportive environment that prioritizes the well-being and success of every individual.

Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals


Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Substance Abuse Practitioner


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common patterns of substance use among college students?

Common patterns of substance use among college students include experimentation, social use, regular use, and abuse.

What are the potential consequences of substance use for college students?

Potential consequences of substance use for college students may include academic decline, health issues, legal problems, and impaired decision-making.

What factors influence substance use among college students?

Factors influencing substance use among college students may include peer pressure, stress, mental health issues, and availability of substances.

How do mental health issues and substance use often co-occur in college students?

Mental health issues and substance use often co-occur in college students as individuals may use substances to cope with mental health symptoms.

What are some common treatment approaches for college students with co-occurring mental health and substance use issues?

Common treatment approaches may include integrated therapy, medication management, and support groups tailored to address both mental health and substance use concerns.

What preventive strategies can help college students reduce the risk of substance use?

Preventive strategies for college students may include education on the risks of substance use, promoting healthy coping mechanisms, and creating a supportive campus environment.

How does peer influence impact substance use among college students?

Peer influence can play a significant role in college students’ substance use behaviors, as individuals may be influenced by their peers’ attitudes and behaviors towards substances.

What role do campus policies and programs play in addressing substance use among college students?

Campus policies and programs can help create a safe and supportive environment by implementing substance-free initiatives, providing resources for students in need, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices.

Additional Resources

“Substance Use Among College Students”. Justine W. Welsh, M.D.,corresponding author Yujia Shentu, M.S., and Dana B. Sarvey, M.D. (*2019). National Library of Medicine.  Access here

“College Drug Abuse”. Addiction Center. (2024).  Access here

“Comprehensive Guide to Drugs on Campus”. Access here 

“For College Students Battling Addiction, a Safe Space for Recovery”. Johnson, S. (2022). U.S News.  Access here


Chronology of Addiction and Substance Abuse

Addiction always begins with simple curiosity and eventually develops into habitual or biological and neurological dependence.   A simple taste, smoke, snort, drink, or injection can lead to a life long battle with addiction.   Peer pressure and escapism from issues can all open the door into these unhealthy habits.  Some have an easier escape via counseling and coping, while others have a more difficult escape due to withdraw and physical and neurological cravings for the substance itself.  Depending on one’s family history, the nature of the drug itself, personality,  and commitment and support, addiction recovery can have a long chronological path with many different stages and outcomes for different people.  Again, it simply begins with curiosity gone terribly wrong.

The process and chronology of addiction goes in phases but the entrance and exiting of addiction is different for many people based on numerous subjective aspects the addiction and its story.


The article, “The Chronology of Addiction: Watch Out for Key Warning Signs” by Dr Sachin Mangla looks at the chronology of addiction and paths it can take.  In the article, Mangla states,

“Although the factors that lead to addiction are varied, it is extremely hard to pull oneself out of the vicious cycle of addiction. Additionally, in a recent study, it has been found that individuals who are caught in one addiction are at an increased risk for developing another new addiction. While this is especially true among patients with alcohol dependence, this could be equally applied to other forms of substance abuse, including opioids, sedatives, inhalants, cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis, among other things”

“The Chronology of Addiction: Watch Out for Key Warning Signs”. Mangla, S. (2023). HealthShots.

To review the entire article, please click here

Entering Addiction

If one is seeking answers why individuals become addicted, then one will find a wide variety of reasons.

Age itself plays a key role.  Individuals in their teens are more prone to experiment and try new things that can be harmful due to peer pressure but also due to depression and hormonal changes.  With life seeming more dramatic that it is, individuals with low self image and chemical changes into adulthood may seek relief from substances, especially if good family support and example is not present in the home.  Teens can easily become attached to smoking, drinking and weed at an early age.  Some will later through these gateway drugs experiment with worst drugs in college and later life, especially if life takes an ugly turn.  While some may be able to “grow out” of it, some do not.  Family life and support, morals and upbringing, mental stability, and genetic predisposition are all issues that point to one “growing out” of it or going down a darker path.  Ultimately, curiosity can play a key role that can lead to a regretful decision.

In addition to age itself, many find themselves addicted through misuse of pharmaceuticals.   Adults who are hurt on the job in the past were ordered opiates, a time of pain reliever with highly addictive qualities.   Through misuse of prescribing, many became addicted well after their healing from the injury.  While the pain went away, the addiction to the opiate continued.  This led to massive pill abuse over the years and is another ugly path and chronological process of addiction.

Others enter into the devastating process of addiction through mental anguish.  Those suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, extreme anxiety and loss in life, turn to drinking and other substances to alleviate the pain.  They enter into a chronic relationship with the substance as a way to cope with the issue.  This improper coping method leads to a disastrous addictive behavior.

Exiting Addiction

Entering addiction is far easier than exiting.  While many have their own stories why they became addicted, those exiting have multiple different struggles.

Those with genetic predisposition can face a harder path than without.  Family history can reveal genetic predispositions to addiction of a particular substance.  In terms of alcohol, some may have no predisposition while others will develop into alcoholism and have severe physical and mental repercussions when they try to escape the substance.  Hence, those without these genetic predispositions have an easier time leaving the addicting path than others.

However, there are some substances that are far more insidious than alcohol and leave a higher rate of addiction.  Cocaine, Heroin, Opiates and Meth are examples of drugs that are far more addictive in nature and leave a far higher percentage entranced by its power.   Beyond the gateway drugs, more advanced drugs have a strong ability to trap individuals in a physical and mental addiction that has severe withdraws and a life long craving.

Exiting addiction is also a different story for those with poor coping abilities.  Those without support systems and coping strategies will find it much harder to escape addiction.  If an individual has family support, peer groups, and healthy strategies when coping with issues, then exiting is far more easier than people who have not these things.  Peer support groups are an excellent way where like minded individuals can come together and share their stories and mutual support. AA has created a system based upon peer support and better coping that emphasizes responsibility and admitting the problem.  Hence exit can be easier for some but harder for others without the necessary tools to mentally cope and deal with the pressures of exiting addiction.

Different Paths

Hence everyone has different entrance and exit stories regarding their personal addiction.  There are many subjective issues that create different stories and outcomes for different people.  Addiction Counselors are able to identify and classify these subjective elements and help create the best exist plan for an individual.  They can identify the issues and habits and also understand the unique situation for the individual and help find the best exit path, strengthening and supporting against particular weaknesses for that particular person.  Some may have different needs to exit an addiction, but due to their unique path, will have different addiction exit plans of action.  Substance Abuse Counselors or Substance Abuse Practitioners can help individuals find the best tailored plan.

Substance Abuse Practitioners can help individuals understand their unique situation with addiction and the best ways to fight it. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Training Program


It is important to note for some, addiction may be a life long cross.  Relapses happen, and in many stories, relapses are common.  Relapses should not be a sign of shame but a sign of how powerful the addiction is and how hard it is to overcome.  One who relapses must find the courage and strength to continue the plan.  By admitting one is human and imperfect and that one has a problem, then one can better face addiction and possible relapse with a stronger resolve next time.  Support groups, substance abuse practitioners and family and friends can all play a positive role in helping those who fall, to get back up again.

Stages of Addiction

After curiosity or for whatever reason one decides to try a substance, one may become enticed by it.  Some may though choose to never do it again due to a negative social experience, but some will continue to experiment with the drug on a social level.  Some may binge the drug during the weekend or only on particular days.  This type of abuse is known with alcohol and binge drinking.  Usually this begins only as a social experimentation with the drug itself but will later catapult into other parts of life.  Many simply the stages with binging, withdraw and negative effects and finally preoccupation and anticipation as the brain craves the drug again.  Hence the vicious cycle.

Dr. George E. Valliant listed and more detailed explanation in his three core phases of drug abuse.  As shown above, the asymptomatic phase results in various social settings for amusement and has random occurrences of hangover or physical discomfort following binge episodes.  It is sporadic.  However, this is not say minus addiction, it is not abuse of the substance.  If multiple social events occur, and the individual continually over consumes, or participates in dangerous behaviors it can become a serious issue in itself.  It can become in some ways a dangerous social habit while not per say addicted to the drug.  If one cannot cope in public or social settings without a particular substance, then one seriously needs to reflect on one’s life and where it is going and how bad it can become if something were to go wrong.

Valliant’s second phase results in abuse.  While considering social settings that result in continual misbehavior as abuse, when abuse of the substance is in response to poor coping with life at work or in relationships, or to deal with loss or depression, then it can become a more addictive problem in traditional sense.  Individuals at this phase may drink or abuse the particular drug alone and find themselves facing negative social, legal or physical health issues, but still find the need to abuse the drug despite these issues.

Finally, Valliant points out the final phase of dependency. In this case, addiction is in full display.  The person needs the drug to function in life.  Valliant listed four qualities associated with this level of addiction.  He points out a high tolerance for the drug, the development of withdraw symptoms when the drug is absent in the system, inability to regulate intake of the drug, and significant disruption in all aspects of life.   While some of these qualities may also exist in the second phase it merely shows the danger of addiction when any abuse takes place.

So many do not escape addiction.  Lives are ruined due to it.  Some die of over doses and are found later.  Others waste away family relationships and finance to pay for the substance.  Others destroy family relationships and betray responsibilities.

If anyone sees signs of these qualities even at a mere social level, there is still time to address the issue.  Whether it is due to coping or merely because one needs a substance to be social, these are signs of a deeper need that needs met.  Drugs are not the answer to meet these issues.  If one needs help, they can turn to substance abuse practitioners, LCPs, or peer support groups to find the solution and better coping needed to overcome potential disaster.


People become addicted for different reasons and the nature of the addiction varies dependent upon a variety of factors.  For some exiting addiction may be easy, but for others it may a long process with relapses, but with good guidance via a substance abuse counselor or support group, one can find the courage to push forward and exit substance abuse.

Understanding the stages of addiction is important. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Training Program


Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Substance Abuse Practitioner.

Additional Resources

“What Are the Physical and Mental Stages of Addiction? “.  American Addiction Centers. (2022). Access here

“Addiction: Stages, signs, and treatment”. Richards, L. (2023). Medical News Today. Access here

“What Is Addiction?”. Tyler, M. (2018). Healthline.  Access here

“The 3 Stages of the Cycle of Addiction”. Swain, E. (2023). Addiction Group.  Access here

Telehealth and Substance Abuse

Since Covid erupted onto the healthcare scene, Telehealth has become a more available option for appointments.  At the peak of the outbreak it was a necessity and continues to hold importance to individuals who have a difficult time getting out to see a doctor.  Many also love the convenience.  Since it was successful, this newer technology can be applied to a wide variety of healthcare and mental healthcare needs.  Substance abuse counseling is a sector that can use its service.  It can keep individuals who are susceptible to addiction find support and guidance.

Telehealth can help counselors help those with substance abuse.


The article, “Can Telehealth Help With Addiction Treatment?” by John Loeppky takes a look how this novel and important technology can utilized for those suffering from substance abuse.  He concludes that the values are immense but only if this service can be applied to the population who needs it, whether in rural areas or access.  He calls for a greater push for this service to help individuals facing substance abuse and addiction.  He states,

“Experts say that the changes around telehealth medical appointments could help many with substance misuse disorder, but that many people may not get access to these programs. Dr. Katherine Hirchak (PhD, MHPA) of Washington State University, whose research and work is centered on American Indigenous communities, says that healthcare policymakers and providers need to make sure that they’re not prescribing urban solutions to issues facing rural communities, especially when it comes to internet availability.”

“Can Telehealth Help With Addiction Treatment? John Loeppky. January 29th, 2023.  Healthline.

To review the entire article, please click here


The technology revolution has changed the way we live our lives, the way we work, and the way we access healthcare. It has made it easier for us to access health care services from the comfort of our own homes, and it has made it possible for us to access specialized care that may not have been available in our locality. One of the most significant changes it has brought about is in the way we access substance abuse treatment. In this blog, we will discuss telehealth and how it is revolutionizing substance abuse treatment.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a form of remote healthcare delivery that uses technology to provide medical care, mental health services, and other health-related services. It is a great way to provide healthcare services to people in remote locations or those who are not able to access traditional healthcare services. It is also an effective way to provide care to those who have mobility issues or other special needs.

Telehealth services can include video conferencing, phone calls, emails, and text messages. It is a way for healthcare providers to stay connected with their patients and to provide timely and efficient care.

Telehealth and Substance Abuse Treatment

Telehealth can provide an amazing service for substance abuse practitioners to help their clients with addiction and mental health


Telehealth has become an increasingly popular option for substance abuse treatment. It has allowed treatment providers to reach a broader range of patients who may not have been able to access traditional services. It has allowed providers to offer more personalized care and to tailor treatment plans to the individual needs of each patient.

Telehealth is also a great way for substance abuse treatment providers to monitor the progress of their patients. They can use video conferencing to observe patients’ behavior and to provide feedback and guidance. They can also use text messaging and email to stay connected with their patients and to provide reminders and encouragement.

Benefits of Telehealth for Substance Abuse Treatment

One of the greatest benefits of telehealth for substance abuse treatment is its convenience. It eliminates the need for patients to travel to a treatment center and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier for patients to access treatment and to stay connected with their providers.

Telehealth also allows for more personalized care. Providers can use video conferencing to observe their patients and to tailor treatment plans to their individual needs. They can also use video conferencing to provide feedback and guidance to their patients.

Telehealth also makes it easier for substance abuse treatment providers to collaborate with other healthcare providers. Providers can use video conferencing to consult with other providers and to discuss treatment plans. This allows them to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Finally, telehealth allows for more cost-effective care. It eliminates the need for patients to travel to a treatment center and can be accessed from a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. This can help reduce the cost of care and make it more accessible to those who may not be able to afford traditional treatment services.

Challenges of Telehealth for Substance Abuse Treatment

While telehealth has many advantages in the treatment of substance abuse, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. For example, telehealth services may not be available in all areas, and there may be limitations on what services can be provided. Additionally, telehealth services may be difficult to access for those in rural areas who do not have access to reliable internet or mobile phone services.

Another challenge is that telehealth services may not be as effective as traditional face-to-face treatment services. This is because it may be difficult for the provider to observe changes in behavior and to provide feedback and guidance. Additionally, there may be limitations on how much information can be shared and discussed over video conferencing.

Finally, there may be a lack of privacy and security with telehealth services. This is because the services may be provided over public networks, which can be vulnerable to security breaches. Additionally, there may be a lack of regulation in some areas, which can lead to a lack of oversight and accountability.

Telehealth and Mental Health Services

Telehealth is also being used for mental health services, such as counseling and therapy. It is a great way for providers to stay connected with their patients and to provide timely and efficient care. Additionally, it can be used to provide services to those in remote locations or those who are not able to access traditional services.

However, there are some challenges with telehealth for mental health services. For example, it may be difficult to establish trust and rapport with a patient over video conferencing. Additionally, there may be technical issues and delays, which can make it difficult for the provider to provide effective care.

Telehealth and Evidence-Based Practices

Evidence-based practices are an important part of substance abuse treatment. They are strategies and interventions that have been proven to be effective in the treatment of substance abuse. Telehealth can be used to provide evidence-based services, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing.

Telehealth can also be used to provide other evidence-based services, such as medication-assisted treatment and relapse prevention. It can be used to provide education and support for patients, as well as to monitor their progress and provide feedback and guidance.

Telehealth and Accessibility

One of the greatest benefits of telehealth is its accessibility. It eliminates the need for patients to travel to a treatment center and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier for patients to access treatment and to stay connected with their providers.

Additionally, telehealth can be used to provide services to those in remote locations or those who are not able to access traditional services. It can also be used to provide services to those who have mobility issues or other special needs.

Finally, telehealth can be used to provide services to those who cannot afford traditional treatment services. It can be a more cost-effective option and can make treatment more accessible to those who may not be able to afford traditional services.

Telehealth and Cost Effectiveness

Telehealth can also be a more cost-effective option for substance abuse treatment. It eliminates the need for patients to travel to a treatment center and can be accessed from a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. This can help reduce the cost of care and make it more accessible to those who may not be able to afford traditional treatment services.

Additionally, telehealth can be used to provide more cost-effective services to those who cannot afford traditional services. For example, telehealth can be used to provide counseling services to those who cannot afford weekly visits to a therapist. It can also be used to provide medication-assisted treatment to those who cannot afford inpatient or residential treatment programs.


Please review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


Telehealth is revolutionizing the way we access substance abuse treatment. It is a great way for providers to stay connected with their patients and to provide timely and efficient care. It also allows for more personalized care and can be used to provide evidence-based services. Additionally, it can be used to provide services to those in remote locations or those who are not able to access traditional services. Finally, it can be a more cost-effective option and can make treatment more accessible to those who may not be able to afford traditional services.

The technology revolution has changed the way we access healthcare, and telehealth is revolutionizing substance abuse treatment. It is an effective and cost-effective way to provide care to those who may not have been able to access traditional services and can help improve the quality of care provided to those in need.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, telehealth may be an option worth exploring. It is a great way to access the care you need and to stay connected with your provider. It is also a great way to access evidence-based services and to get the help you need to recover from substance abuse.

Telehealth is revolutionizing substance abuse treatment and is a breakthrough in counseling. It is an effective and cost-effective way to provide care to those in need and is a great way to access the help you need.

Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in substance abuse counseling.


Additional Resources

“Telehealth: Technology meets health care”. Mayo Clinic.  June 18th, 2022.  Mayo Clinic.  Access here

“Telehealth: What Is It, How to Prepare, Is It Covered?”. National Institute on Aging.  Access here

“Telehealth: The advantages and disadvantages”.  Stephanie Watson. October 12th, 2020.  Harvard Health Publishing. Access here

“Tele-treatment for substance use disorders”. December 7th, 2022. TELEHEALTH.HHS.GOV.  Access here

Naloxone and Its Role in Saving Lives Due to Overdose and Substance Abuse

Overdose deaths due to drug use are in the rise again.  Individuals due to opioids and other drugs especially with Fentanyl are increasing the number drastically.  Individuals hence are turning to overdose reversal drugs such as Naloxone to save lives.  The life saving reversal is becoming more and more available but its presence and use is only a bandage.  It does not remove the source of the issue which is addiction.   Substance Abuse and addiction need real solutions that help individuals emotionally overcome drug use and find healthier ways to cope.  Addiction and Substance Abuse Counselors can help individuals learn to overcome addiction.

With opioids being such a wild card in what is being taken with them or being filled with another substance, it is no wonder why they are so dangerous


CNN recently wrote an interesting article on the use of Naloxone in the ongoing opioid crisis.  The article, “Naloxone is reaching more people than ever” by  and , discuss the ongoing increase in deaths due to overdose.  They furthermore discuss the role Naloxone plays in reducing those deaths and how it will soon be more accessible to others.  Despite this, again, this is seen as a bandage to a greater problem.  The article states in regards to better access,

“The US Food and Drug Administration will meet next month to review the first application for a naloxone nasal spray that would be available over-the-counter. The application, which is for a generic version of Narcan from drugmaker Emergent BioSolutions, was granted priority review in December after the FDA signaled that it would support submissions to improve access. Still, experts say that improving access to naloxone is just one step down a long road. Making the medication available over-the-counter will help make it more accessible, but experts say it’s important that it gets to the right people.”

“Naloxone is reaching more people than ever”.  and 

To read the entire article, please click here


In recent years, opioid overdose deaths have become a major public health crisis in the United States. However, there is hope for those living with opioid addiction. Naloxone, a life-saving medication, is proving to be an effective tool in reducing opioid overdose deaths. In this blog, we will discuss what naloxone is, the dangers of opioid overdoses, how naloxone is administered, the legal implications and restrictions on naloxone, availability and access to naloxone, education and awareness of naloxone, the benefits of naloxone, and the cost of naloxone.

While Naloxone is crucial to saving lives, the root problem of substance abuse needs to be addressed as well.

What is Naloxone and How Does it Work?

Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a drug that is used to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses. It works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain, thereby reversing the effects of an overdose. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist, meaning it binds to opioid receptors and blocks them, preventing any further action. It is important to note that naloxone does not have any effect on non-opioid drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, or cocaine.

Naloxone is a safe and effective drug with few side effects. It is available in both injectable and nasal spray forms, making it easy to administer. Naloxone can be given by first responders, family members, or friends of someone who is experiencing an opioid overdose. It is important to note that naloxone does not replace medical attention and the person who has received naloxone should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The Dangers and Statistics of Opioid Overdoses Due to Substance Abuse

Substance abuse and overdose due to opioid abuse is becoming a common issue in today’s society.


Opioid overdoses are a major public health concern in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 130 people in the United States die each day from an opioid substance abuse and overdose. In 2017, more than 47,000 people died from an opioid overdose. The majority of these deaths were due to prescription opioids, such as oxycodone and hydrocodone, and synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl.

Opioid overdose deaths have been on the rise in recent years, due in large part to the increasing availability of illegal opioids, such as heroin and fentanyl. These drugs are often mixed with other substances, making them even more dangerous. The misuse of prescription opioids is also contributing to the increasing number of opioid overdoses.

How Naloxone is Saving Lives

Naloxone has been proven to be an effective tool in reducing opioid overdose deaths. Since its introduction in 1996, naloxone has been used to reverse more than 26,000 opioid overdoses in the United States. In many cases, naloxone has been used to save the lives of those who would have otherwise died due to an opioid overdose.

Naloxone is also increasingly being used to reduce the number of opioid-related fatalities. In some states, laws have been passed that allow first responders to carry and administer naloxone. In addition, many states have passed laws that allow family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain a prescription for naloxone.

How Naloxone is Administered

Naloxone can be administered in a number of ways. Injectable naloxone is the most common form of administration and is typically used by first responders. Injectable naloxone is given through an injection into a muscle, typically in the arm or leg. Naloxone can also be administered through a nasal spray, which is easy to use and does not require any medical training.

In some states, naloxone is available over the counter at pharmacies. This makes it easier for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone. It is important to note that, while naloxone can be administered without a prescription, it should only be used with medical supervision.

The Legal Implications and Restrictions on Naloxone

In recent years, many states have passed laws that allow first responders to carry and administer naloxone. These laws provide immunity from criminal and civil liability for those who administer naloxone in good faith. In addition, many states have passed laws that allow family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain a prescription for naloxone.

However, there are still some restrictions on naloxone. In some states, naloxone is only available through a prescription from a doctor. In addition, there are some states that do not allow for naloxone to be prescribed to family members or friends of those with opioid addiction. It is important to check with your state to determine the legal implications and restrictions on naloxone.

Availability and Access to Naloxone

Naloxone is increasingly becoming more available and accessible. In recent years, many states have passed laws that allow first responders to carry and administer naloxone. In addition, many states have passed laws that allow family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain a prescription for naloxone.

In some states, naloxone is available over the counter at pharmacies. This makes it easier for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone. In addition, many states have passed laws that allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone without a prescription. It is important to check with your local pharmacy to see if naloxone is available.

Education and Awareness of Naloxone

In order for naloxone to be effective, it is important for people to be educated and aware of its use. This includes understanding the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose and knowing when and how to administer naloxone. Many states have passed laws that require first responders to be trained in the proper use of naloxone.

In addition, many organizations have started to offer training and education programs for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction. These programs provide information on the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose, how to administer naloxone, and what to do in the event of an overdose.

The Benefits of Naloxone

Naloxone has numerous benefits. It is a safe and effective drug with few side effects, making it easy to administer. It can be used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, potentially saving the life of someone who would otherwise die due to an overdose. It is also increasingly becoming more available and accessible, making it easier for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone.

In addition, naloxone can be used to reduce the number of opioid-related fatalities. This can help to reduce the burden on first responders, who are often the first to arrive on the scene of an opioid overdose. Naloxone can also be used to reduce the number of opioid-related hospitalizations, which can help to reduce healthcare costs.

The Cost of Naloxone

The cost of naloxone can vary depending on the form in which it is administered. Injectable naloxone typically costs between $30 and $120 per dose. The nasal spray form of naloxone typically costs between $50 and $150 per dose. In some states, naloxone is available over the counter at pharmacies without a prescription.

In addition, many states have passed laws that allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone without a prescription. This can make it easier for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone at a reduced cost.


While Naloxone can saves lives, people still need to focus on better choices and avoid substance abuse and live cleaner lives


Naloxone is a safe and effective drug that can be used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It is increasingly becoming more available and accessible, making it easier for family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone. Naloxone can be used to reduce the number of opioid-related fatalities and hospitalizations, which can help to reduce healthcare costs. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose and to know when and how to administer naloxone.

The use of naloxone can be lifesaving and can help to reduce the number of opioid overdose deaths. If you or someone you know is at risk of an opioid overdose, it is important to make sure that you are educated and aware of the signs and symptoms of an overdose and to know when and how to administer naloxone.

If you or someone you know is at risk of an opioid overdose, it is important to talk to your doctor about naloxone and to make sure that you have access to it. If you are in a state that has passed laws that allow family members and friends of those with opioid addiction to obtain naloxone without a prescription, it is important to check with your local pharmacy to see if naloxone is available.

Naloxone is a life-saving medication that is proving to be an effective tool in reducing opioid overdose deaths. With the right education and awareness, naloxone can be used to save the lives of those who would have otherwise died due to an opioid overdose.

Despite its amazing ability to save lives, individuals still need to find the root reason for their addiction to a substance.  Substance Abuse Counseling can help individuals find better ways to cope with urges and make better decisions for their health and life itself.

AIHCP offers a four year certification in Substance Abuse Practitioner Training for qualified professionals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a certification in Substance Abuse Counseling.  Those certified can utilize this certification under the guidance and care of an institution, or if already licensed as a counselor, use it to enhance their practice and standard in Substance Abuse guidance and care.

Additional Resources

“What is naloxone?”.  January 2022.  National Institute of Drug Abuse.  Access here

“Naloxone”. Wikipedia.  Access here

“How to administer Naloxone”. American Medical Association.  Access here

“Opioid overdose prevention and naloxone rescue kits: what we know and what we don’t know”. Todd Kerensky and Alexander Walley. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice volume 12, Article number: 4 (2017).  Access here

Alcohol Substance Abuse and Increase Cancer Chances

Substance Abuse leads to excess in any type of drug or medication.  When misused, or used at an excessive level, one can damage and injure one’s body.  It is of no surprise then that drinking can be correlated with an increased chance of cancer.  It is hence important to understand how this can occur and what parts of the body are more vulnerable to damage due to drinking and substance abuse.

Substance abuse and excessive drinking is correlated with increased chances of cancer


The article, “Drinking Alcohol Increases Cancer Risk—But Very Few Americans Are Aware of the Link” by Kaitlyn Sullivan looks closer at the connection between cancer and substance abuse with drinking.   She discusses the danger of excessive drinking and statistics associated with drinking and cancer.  She also lists various ways to decrease drinking.  In regards to cancer increase, she states,

“Drinking alcohol of any kind—liquor, beer, and wine—is a leading risk factor for developing cancer, but too few Americans are aware of the risk, and it could be putting their health in jeopardy.A research article published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer, shows that most Americans—more than 50%—report not knowing how alcoholic drinks affect cancer risk. Some individuals (10.3%) believed wine in particular decreased cancer risk”

“Drinking Alcohol Increases Cancer Risk—But Very Few Americans Are Aware of the Link”. Kaitlyn Sullivan. January 11th, 2023. Health.

To learn more about the connection between cancer and substance abuse with drinking, please click here



It’s no secret that alcohol has long been associated with a number of health risks, but did you know that it can also increase your risk of developing cancer? For many, drinking alcohol is part of their social life, but it’s important to understand the potential risks of drinking, especially when it comes to cancer. Substance Abuse Practitioners and Counselors can also help guide one into making better life choices with drinking and limiting consumption.

Most people are aware of the potential risks associated with drinking alcohol. Excessive drinking can lead to a number of short and long-term problems, such as liver damage, memory loss, and an increased risk of certain cancers. But what exactly is considered excessive drinking, and how does alcohol increase your risk of developing cancer?

It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with substance abuse, especially if you drink regularly.

The Link between Alcohol and Cancer

The link between alcohol and cancer is well-documented, but the exact mechanism is still unclear. Research suggests that alcohol consumption can lead to the production of certain carcinogenic compounds, which can damage DNA and increase the risk of developing cancer.

Additionally, alcohol consumption and substance abuse can lead to an increased risk of certain types of cancer, due to the way it affects the body. Alcohol can reduce the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients, such as folic acid and vitamin A, which can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Types of Cancers Linked to Alcohol Consumption and Substance Abuse

Several types of cancer have been linked to alcohol consumption and substance abuse, including:

  • Breast cancer: Studies have found that women who drink alcohol are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Colorectal cancer: Alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, particularly in men.
  • Liver cancer: Excessive drinking can lead to liver damage, which can increase the risk of developing liver cancer.
  • Oesophageal cancer: Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of developing oesophageal cancer, particularly in people who already have certain pre-existing conditions.

It’s important to note that these cancers can be caused by a number of other factors, such as smoking, diet, and genetics.

Understanding the Evidence

Before jumping to any conclusions, it’s important to understand the evidence linking alcohol consumption to cancer. There have been numerous studies done on the subject, but the results can be difficult to interpret.

For example, some studies have found that drinking alcohol can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, while other studies have found that it can actually reduce the risk. How Much Alcohol Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

The amount of alcohol that you consume can have an effect on your risk of developing certain types of cancer. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the risk of cancer increases with the amount of alcohol consumed.

The WHO recommends that people should not consume more than 14 units of alcohol per week, and should have at least two alcohol-free days each week. Additionally, it’s important to remember Factors That Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer

There are a number of factors that can increase your risk of developing cancer, including:

  • Genetics: Your genetic make-up can play a role in your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Smoking: Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer, including lung cancer.
  • Diet: Eating a diet that is high in fat and sugar can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Age: Older people are at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer due to age-related changes in the body.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Alcohol-Related Cancers

There are a number of steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers:

  • Limit your alcohol consumption: The most important step you can take is to limit your alcohol consumption to the recommended amount.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet that is low in saturated fat and sugar can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Stop smoking: Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Alcohol and Cancer Prevention Strategies

There are a number of strategies you can use to reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers due to substance abuse:

  • Limit your alcohol consumption: Limiting your alcohol consumption is the most important step you can take to reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet that is low in saturated fat and sugar can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Stop smoking: Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
  • Manage stress: Managing stress can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.


Drinking less can reduce chancers of drinking related cancers. Please review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification


It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with drinking alcohol, especially when it comes to cancer. Several types of cancer have been linked to alcohol consumption, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, and oesophageal cancer.

To reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers, it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption to the recommended amount, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, stop smoking, and manage stress. Additionally, getting regular check-ups can help catch any potential problems early.

By understanding the link between alcohol and cancer, you can make informed decisions about your drinking habits, and reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers.

Can alcohol cause cancer? The answer is yes, but with knowledge and the right precautions, you can reduce your risk of developing alcohol-related cancers

Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification and see if it meets your goals and needs. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a certification in Substance Abuse Counseling


Additional Resources

“Alcohol and Cancer”. CDC. Access here

“Alcohol and Cancer Risk”. National Cancer Institute.  Access here

“Most Americans Still Unaware that Alcohol Is a Cause of Cancer”. American Institute for Cancer Research.  February 16th, 2022.  Access here

“Alcohol Use and Cancer”. American Cancer Society. Access here


Substance Abuse Practitioner Program Article on Recovery Program Necessities

Substance abuse counselors need to have a successful system in place for any program to help the addicted overcome substance abuse.  Most systems or plans have four components that are necessary.

Good recovery programs are necessary for individuals. Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program


The article, “4 KEY COMPONENTS OF A SUCCESSFUL SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER RECOVERY PROGRAM” by Jennifer Thew lists these important aspects.  She states,

‘Educating the nurses and physicians on how to utilize the Peer Recovery Specialists’ services as well as teaching them the clinical aspects of substance abuse disorder is another component of the program.”

To read the entire article and identify the four components, please click here

Helping others overcome addiction involves a good program with the necessary components to ensure success.  Substance Abuse Practitioners need to understand the best ways to help their patients and clients.  Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner program


Substance Abuse Practitioner Program Article on Drugs and Mental Health

Drugs do not only affect one physically but also mentally.  One’s overall mental health is affected in various different ways with different types of drugs.

Drugs cause multiple mental health issues beyond the physical. Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

The article, “How alcohol and drugs affect your mental health” lists a variety of drugs and how they differently affect one’s mental health.  Rob Crossan states,

“Most studies of alcohol’s effect on mental health have focused on the most severe addicts, who had almost completely dropped out of society. However, research revealed in the British Medical Journal in 2017 is genuinely game-changing”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Substance Abuse Practitioner Article on Substance Abuse and Employees

Employers are faced with issues of employees.  The issues can come to work but many of them can be dealt with efficiently.  Stress, anxiety and grief can all be met with a kind hand, but also the issue of substance abuse.  As long as substance abuse is not affecting the workplace, how can an employer help an employee suffering from this and maintain productivity?

Its beneficial for employers to help employees with substance abuse issues. Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals

The article, “Taking On Substance Use Disorder As An Employer — Getting It Right” by Gary Gottlieb states,

“Nearly one in ten full-time workers in the U.S. has a substance abuse problem, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that 7.9 million individuals in the U.S. are dealing with a dual diagnosis: experiencing substance use disorder along with another mental health condition like anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Substance use can involve alcohol, prescription or illicit drugs.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Substance abuse is a serious issue. Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Substance Abuse Practitioner Article on Veteran Care and Substance Abuse

One of the most sad realities in this country is the treatment of veterans.   Veterans do not receive the top quality care they need.  Many lapse into mental disorders and become victims to substance abuse.  Better care is a must for them.

Good article on the need to care for veterans. Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

The article, “Substance abuse among veterans increasing as mental health issues go untreated, study finds” by Frank Miles illustrates this growing problem.  The article states,

More U.S. military veterans are struggling with substance abuse and half of returning service members who need mental health treatment don’t seek out care, according to newly released data.

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.


Substance Abuse Practitioner Article on Addiction Therapy

Addiction of anything is hard to overcome.  Many times individuals need assistance or substance abuse counselors to help them overcome the addiction.  Addiction therapy is another tool that can be used.

Please review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

The article, “What Is Addiction Therapy, and Does It Work?” from Rehab Solution states,

“Addiction therapy delves deeply into the roots of addiction. It seeks out its original causes, because addiction is frequently a manifestation of deep-seated mental issues, such as depression or anxiety. Addicts seek relief by “self-medicating” with drugs and/or alcohol.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification and see if it meets your professional goals and needs