Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Stress and Weight Gain

Stress causes multiple problems to the body due to the stress response.  In such a tense state, it can also affect over time one’s waist line and add to gaining weight.  Weight gain is directly correlated with chronic stress.

Stress can negatively affect one’s weight. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your professional goals


The article, “Surprising Side Effects Stress Has On Your Waistline, Say Experts” by Perri Blumberg looks closer at how stress can affect weight gain.   She states,

“As Ivanir further elaborates, stress can lead to weight gain via a hormone called cortisol. “When under stress, the adrenal glands produce cortisol, which leads to a surge of energy by stimulating fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism,” she explains. “However, cortisol also increases appetite and cravings for sweet, fatty, and salty foods. With chronic stress, this overexposure to cortisol can lead to weight gain,” she adds, further noting that cortisol secretion also promotes abdominal fat accumulation.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Reducing stress is imperative to overall health and as one can see, stress affects almost every aspect of our life.  It is important to manage it in order to live a healthy and productive life.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Neck and Shoulder Tension

Stress can cause multiple aches throughout the body.  During stress our body prepares for fight or flight responses and hence muscle tense up and tighten.  It is because of this that many have tension in the neck and shoulders due to higher levels of stress.  Through Stress Management and massages and other techniques, stress caused physical ailments can be reduced or eliminated.

Neck and shoulder tension is a symptom of stress. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


The article, “5 Ways to Reduce Stress-Related Tension in Your Neck and Shoulders” from Healthline looks at ways to remove tension from the shoulders and neck due to stress.  The article states,

“The areas where you’re likely to feel stress or anxiety-related tension are in your neck and shoulders. Over time, this can lead to chronic pain as well as other health issues.  Fortunately, muscle tension in your neck and shoulders responds well to stretching, yoga, relaxation, and other stress management methods.  Let’s explore several simple techniques you can use to help release tension in your neck and shoulders, as well as some stress management strategies to help calm your mind and body.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Stress and Clutter

Cleanliness and order makes someone feel good about him or herself.  It allows the mind not to be consumed with things that need done.  It fortifies accomplishment and pride.

When things are messy, it is easier to be stress.  One has no place to escape stress.  When order is in balance, one can retreat to something beautiful and in order and find possibly find peace.

Stress breeds in disorganization. Order is important. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


The article, “De-stress by decluttering” Judi Hopson looks at the benefits of decluttering when stressed and how it can not only create order but also take one’s mind off stressful things.  She states,

” You’ll feel more in control of your life. Sorting through just one room, and organizing it well, will make you feel you’re on top of things. Sure, it takes discipline to do this. But, you’ll feel your power to focus and your self-respect growing.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Decluttering a house has many benefits but reducing stress and creating a more conducive environment is important.  To learn more about Stress Management Consulting, please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Meditation Instructor Program Article on Faith Factor and Healing

Many religious traditions believe that one through meditation can cause a positive disturbance into the cosmos and tap into the natural healing energy.  Some cultures call this Chi.  While this is only an Eastern belief, meditation from a secular point of view can also elicit responses through the Relaxation Response to help heal the body.  In fact, whichever religious tradition, the utilization of meditation within the particular creed seems to all cause the Relaxation Response.

In previous blogs and articles, we know that the Relaxation Response is the opposite of the Fight or Flight Response.  The Relaxation Response reverses the blood pressure, higher heart rate, and heavier breathing caused by the sympathetic nervous system in time of physical need, or stress.  Adrenaline is pumped into the body during physical emergencies to enable the body to better react to the issue at hand, however, this response is more damaging when responding to only emotional and mental stresses of the modern world.  Hence, anxiety and stress can cause an array of physical ailments to the heart and blood pressure.

The relaxation response is able to reverse the physical reactions of the Fight or Flight response in the body. It is able to undo the higher blood pressure, heart rate and respiration induced by this response. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


The ability of the mind via meditation and breathing to induce the Relaxation Response is key to healing.  It is only doubled when combined with the faith factor.  Positive vibes and beliefs through meditation and even basic mindset can produce within the body multiple cures over minor issues and also maintain optimal health.  Likewise, negative beliefs and lack of faith can lead to physical ailments.  The mind body connection is real and the ability to control the negative responses of the body to stress as well as produce healthier mental images, is key to overall health.

Does this mean one should never go to the doctor but only procure a healthy mindset?  Definitely not, but Herbert Benson in “Beyond the Relaxation Response” believes that a healthy mindset and faith factor tied to meditation can procure within the Relaxation Response a more general bill of health, as well as better responses to illness.  He reviews the importance of the placebo effect for both positive and negative results.

Meditation is an excellent way to overcome stress and its consequences. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


One can see through studies and throughout history, the power of the mind in helping someone recover from an illness, likewise, the power of the mind to produce illness.  Meditation and the Relaxation Response with a strong faith factor reveals that many individuals are able to control negative responses from the Sympathetic Response system and maintain better health in part by preventing illness  as well as aiding the body heal itself.  A person with a positive mindset and faith factor has a better chance of healing or overcoming a major operation and illness than one with a negative.

Part of this is the placebo effect of the medication.  Many medications are strengthened by the belief of the person.  Furthermore, a strong trust in the physician who is optimistic can help trigger a better faith factor which can help a patient recover faster.  In many cases, medications produce more side effects than good, and the faith factor and optimistic view is strong enough to help someone.   It is important to know if the medication one is on is completely necessary for health and wellness.

The faith factor is just a religious ideal but one that places faith in something, whether it be God, medication, a physician or one’s own ability to heal.  It is a critical element in self healing and overall mental, emotional and physical health.  Through the studies on meditation, we clearly see a connection between mind and body and vice versa.  The mind has an ability to control many of our responses, including heartbeat and blood pressure, it also has the ability to aid the body in recovery with positive imagery.  This is not a cure all.  While mental positive images can help, they cannot overcome certain obstacles or devastating disease or injury, but they can help the body recover and maintain itself.

It is important to procure this type of positive attitude and with a strong faith factor, coupled with meditation and the triggering of the Relaxation Response, one can better achieve better health and a more peaceful life in response to stress and anxiety.

Anxiety looks to tear into the body causing a brutal cycle where the body is forced to respond to a physical threat that is not present.  By eliminating this cycle through the Relaxation Response, one is able to lower breathing, heart rate and blood pressure and allow the body to relax from the hormonal onslaught.  Remember, it is about how we view stress, cope with it, and our overall outlook on life that helps prepare us to handle these stresses.  Through meditation we are able to heal the body from stress and prepare it to handle it later.

The Relaxation Response is the physical result of various religious traditions. A positive faith factor can help reduce the negative consequences of stress but also help the body heal itself over time


For purposes of the review, the steps are simple.  Find a quiet place, focus on breathing, find an object or mental image to dwell upon, use a mantra or prayer to stay on path and avoid distractions and maintain a passive mind.  These steps are part of almost every religious tradition.  While religious traditions may have different spiritual ends, they all through meditation induce a particular physical reaction which is beneficial to the body.  That response is the Relaxation Response.

If you would like to learn more, please review Herbert Benson’s revolutionary work on meditation.   If you would like to earn a certification in Meditation Instruction, then please review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Meditation Instruction.

Also, feel free to review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program which also closely ties to meditation and its uses as a way to monitor and overcome stress.




Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress and Health

Stress is a health issue that is overlooked.  Many individuals worry about diet, lack of exercise, hereditary illness and contagious disease but never consider stress.  Stress is a silent killer that can take a healthy person with healthy life styles and over time kill him or her.

Stress is one of the biggest killers of people in the modern world.  It can suddenly cause death or gradually cause illness in the body.  This is true in any living creature and not understanding the nature of stress on the body and taking appropriate stress management strategies can lead to an early grave.

Stress can kill overtime. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program


The body reacts to stressors in life.  Each person reacts to different stressors uniquely.  What may be stressful for one person is not for another.  When the body’s stress reaction takes place, various systems within the body prepare the body for the fight or flight experiences.

Walter Cannon, a physiologist, was the first to coin fight or flight.  Early man responded to stressors or threats by either fighting the threat or fleeing from it.  The body produces various hormones after the brain interprets the threat.  The hypothalamus and pituitary gland send messages for the adrenal cortex to produce glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.   These in turn produce cortisol and aldosterone.

Cortisol is the primary hormone that fuels the fight or flight reaction.  This is an extremely important process for survival, especially for early man.  Increased levels of sugar to burn, allow the body to deal with the stressor.

Aldosterone prepares the body for action.  It increases blood pressure, hence permitting the body to transport food and oxygen to other parts of the body.  In addition, the adrenal medulla, secretes adrenalin to give the body more energy and strength in any stress or crisis response.  Combined, these hormonal changes in the body give it the energy, strength and ability to respond to stressful conditions.

Due to this, the temporary reactions raise blood pressure and increases heart rate.  Various other parts of the body also react, including the autonomic nervous system, the gastrointestinal system, the muscular system and even the skin.  While temporarily this is needed to respond to stress, over a long duration, these conditions can cause heart attacks, strokes, stomach ulcers and other forms of illness.

Due to modern man’s less primal living situation, one cannot resort to fight or flight responses but must instead internalize issues.  One cannot flee a job assignment, yell at a boss, not take an exam, or scream at a customer.  Instead, one is forced to deal with the stress and endure the physical reactions within the body.

This over time becomes deadly.  Whether the degree or duration, stress kills because of the changes it forces upon the body when proper outlets are not permitted.  Long work hours, deadlines, toxic relationships at work and home, poor diet, smoking, and type A personalities more prone to anxiety, anger and impatience all deal with an abundance of stress.  This excess stress without proper outlets and management leads to early death.

It is imperative to limit the body’s reaction to stress with stress management techniques which teach one to cope.  Stress is part of life but it can be managed.  Stress can be environmental or from within and how we react, but how we handle the stressors and learn to navigate them can reduce the wear and tear on our mind and body.

Hans Sele, the Father of Modern Stress Management, conducted a variety of experiments on rats, inducing different rats with different levels of stress and stressful situations.  He noted that the rats with the most stress over time developed various conditions to their bodies.  These conditions affected almost all bodily systems, from heart issues to ulcers and anything in between.  He became aware that stress over time kills.

He pointed out three phases all animals face. First, the alarm reaction. During this phase, the body reacts to stress and exposes the reactionary characteristics of the body to the stressor.  Within this phase, the body reacts to stress and if the stress is to strong, the person dies.

The second phase is the reactionary phase in which the body endures and adapts to the stressor.  Alarm appearance had diminished and the resistance to the stressor rises.

The final phase according to Seyle, is the stage of exhaustion, where the body’s adaptation energy becomes exhausted, and the alarm phase appearances return, but this time, become permanent and the body dies due to duration of the stress.

Hence Seyle pointed out that if the body does not adapt or remove the stress irritant, one can either die from stress immediately or over duration.  This led to the idea that stress kills according to degree or duration.  This is why it is important during the second stage, to overcome the issue and move on or if the issue is not life threatening, to learn important coping strategies to deal with the stress itself.

This is difficult with hard and long work hours, definitive deadlines and toxic interpersonal relationships.   Divorce, loss, death, unemployment, illness, and other issues can pile upon an already stressful life style and compound the body’s ability to overcome the stressor.  Duration sets in and the body’s stress responses in themselves become deadly.

Long hours, deadlines and taxing mental work can lead to unhealthy levels of stress over time


One can take some control though in how the body responds to stress.  Meditation, bio-feedback, hypnosis, channeled breathing, prayer, positive outlooks, humor, exercise, diet, and life evaluations can all play key roles in limiting stress. Ultimately it is up to you if you wish to limit the damage stress can do on your body.

Stress Management coping strategies are key to a healthy life.  Certified Stress Management Consultants can help others learn how to better cope and deal with stress.  Stress Management is becoming more mainstream in a variety of areas beyond just personal health but is also becoming a big service offered in business, politics, emergency response, policing,  and other industries that see a high level of stress.

Stress reduction will limit poor health and help someone find a better balance in life. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


If you would like to learn more about Stress Management or would like to become a certified Stress Management Consultant, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and leads to a four-year certification.  In the meantime, limit your stress and live a healthier life.

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Stress and Proper Breathing

When stress strikes, we respond with fight or flight mentalities.  We hence physically emit certain physical characteristics with the emotion associated with it.  If one can breathe properly, they can reduce stress.  They correlate the breathing patterns associated with less stressful emotions.  This in turn can fool the mind into a more relaxed state.

How we breathe and refocus during stress plays a large role in how our body responds to stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program


The article,  “Research: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress” by Emma Seppälä , Christina Bradley  and Michael R. Goldstein look at how studies show that better breathing can help reduce stress.  They state,

“Research shows that different emotions are associated with different forms of breathing, and so changing how we breathe can change how we feel. For example, when you feel joy, your breathing will be regular, deep and slow. If you feel anxious or angry, your breathing will be irregular, short, fast, and shallow. When you follow breathing patterns associated with different emotions, you’ll actually begin to feel those corresponding emotions.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program to learn more about how one can reduce stress and utilize breathing as an effective strategy in reducing stress.

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Worker Burnout and Stress

Worker burnout is a big issue in today’s work field.  It can range from dissatisfaction of a job due to mundane chores to the opposite of overload and over specialized tasks.  It can occur due to poor personal relations with other employees and managers.  It can occur due to poor job descriptions and task goals. Finally it can be due to lack of overall content with the job due to lack of advancement or security.

Worker burnout is due to chronic stress.  Han Seyle, the father of stress study, emphasized that stressors can negatively affect the organism.  In doing, so the organism responds with a fight or flight response.  In agrarian communities, this was a far simpler response.  In prehistoric times, one could face a larger predator such a saber tooth tiger, or flee.  In modern day, minor stresses, although less fatal acutely can become fatal on a chronic level because employees cannot fight or flight.  An employee facing a difficult customer, or a demanding manager, or an over loaded office desk, cannot externalize the frustration or flee the scene.  Instead, stress is internalized and becomes toxic without an outlet.

Worker Burnout is a reality in the modern day work paradigm. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


During the stress encounter, Seyle pointed out that organisms react in three phases.  The first phase, is alarm.  This phase prepares the body for fight or flight.  The heart pumps more blood, blood pressure increases, the body excretes adrenaline, and organs release sugar to burn.  Temporarily, this prepares the body for action. It gives the body more focus, more energy and an ability to react.  However, when this alarm is constantly on, it can cause health issues, especially when there is no way to externally release the stress.

The second phase is resistance.  In this stage, the person is not able to fight or flight, and is forced to deal with the stressor.  Anger and frustration can emerge in these cases.

The third phase is exhaustion.  In this phase, the raw emotion is gone and the person succumbs to the stress.  The person may in this phase exhibit burnout.  Burnout syndrome is caused by prolonged chronic stress.  Burnout though has two elements.  Some become constantly angry and easily frustrated while others become detached and depressed. Burnout is ultimately a sign that one has no control over the stressors that ate tormenting them. One becomes powerless.

In preventing burnout, it is essential that one identifies issues that could lead it to it.  One acronym that helps individuals become more positive about stress is OPEN.  Open looks to rethink the way we look at stressors and stress.

O represents opportunities.  One should look at their position and look at the opportunities associated with it instead of the negatives.

P represents positives.  One should look at the positive elements of one’s work or place in life

E represents environment.  One should look at the environmental issues at work and see how they can be better faced and create better productivity.  Stressors can help us show what is wrong with something and create better responses.

N represents negative.  One should identify the negatives of a job or position and see how they can become less impactful.  How can one face the negatives and reduce stress?  This is the key element of looking at the negatives.

In addition, stress reduction goes beyond the individual’s attempts to reduce but also at the organizational level.  Better organizations can lessen the chance of burnout among employees.  Over taxing jobs or under stimulating jobs, while opposite extremes, can produce stress and create burnout.  In assessing this, organizations need to see where more balance can be produced for employees.  Employees with more balance see less burnout.

The Job Diagnosis Index looks at a few critical points in a job that lessens burnout.  Does the position hold skill variety?  Does it possess task identity as well as task significance?  Does it offer some autonomy to the employee? And does it offer feedback from the others as well managers regarding the position and how things are done?  When positions lack a variety different tasks  and became over mechanized, the employee may burnout from boredom, or feeling of lack of significance.   When an employee feels zero autonomy they feel enslaved and free from expression or innovation.  And finally, when an employee is not given feed back or allowed to express concerns, then the position can truly become stagnant.

Positions without task variance, task identity, significance, employee autonomy and employee and manager feedback are more likely to lead to burnout


Positions with clear cut mandates, significance, variances in tasks, autonomy with less strict oversight, and communication between management and feedback from staff, experience less burnout.  Team work, team orientated goals, autonomy and communication are key in reducing burnout.  Keeping the position challenging but not over tasked and preparing the training necessary can make the employee become one of the team instead of a step in the process.

Hence employers should offer task variety, provide task identity and offer some autonomy with feedback and discussion.  Beyond these basics, job enrichment can also be amplified through increased responsibilities, opportunities for advancement and job security.  With an umbrella of communication and structural support, a better job position can be created that reduces stress and pushes one to do better in more healthy environment.

Some positions, such as nurses, waitresses, customer service centers,  social workers, and police offers find a more difficult time in dealing with these issues. They face a chronic criticism and deal with many situations that can tie their hands in how they respond to certain things.   With better structural support as well as stress management skills, they can also better face the issues they deal with regarding the public.

Some individuals may be better equipped to handle stressors.  They may be able to find outlets and also have the resources for support.  Others may fall victim to burnout.  Unfortunately in recent history, one can identify the stress for police officers as they come across difficult crowds due to policing policies that need reformed.  The ability to handle the stress becomes internalized and chronic stress can lead to a break down.

Learning to create a better work environment is key to preventing burnout. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Stress Management is critical in the modern world.  With industrialization, one must deal with stress without being able to fight or flee it.  Individuals are over worked or under challenged due to these new labor paradigms.  In addition, jobs that deal with the public especially during the recent turmoil are pressing first responders.  Stress Management remains an important skill set.  Stress Manager Consultants can offer guidance to business, organizations and police stations.  Stress Management Consultants can help employees and employers better deal with stressors and help create more conducive environments that limit chronic stress and prevent future burnout.

Please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


Sources: “The Stress Management Sourcebook” by J. Barton Cunningham, PhD


Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Type A Stress Job Outline

The workplace itself is a great source of stress.  The workplace has the ability to turn Type B personalities into Type A personalities.  Workplaces that are more competitive, stressful, intensely quota oriented, and with poor management, can lead to high level of stress and stress related deaths.

Workplace stress is a big killer among many Americans.


Some workplaces are far more peaceful but work itself must have some level of stress.  It is essential to have goals and meet certain standards, but without moderation, stress and anxiety can emerge.  It is important to be balanced but unfortunately, it is difficult to find the perfect career that is balanced.  In some cases, they can be found, but ultimately, many deal with some types of stress in the workplace.  Whether its the workload, dissatisfaction, management, or inter personal relations, stress can quickly overload into family and personal life.

Type A workplace environments are best listed with these qualities.  First, tasks are either extremely overloading or not enough.  Second, goals are unclear or even unrealistic to achieve.  Third, one’s career can be blocked towards future advancement or self fulfillment.  Finally, the hierarchy or management may seem unresponsive in meeting the needs of employees. (1)   A Type B workplace on other hand has clear priorities and no worker ambiguity.  Goals are clear and one’s career can develop and advance.  Finally, management is responsive to needs of employees.

Work overload is one of the biggest issues of stress.  It has the potential to kill yet individuals with this type of “battle fatigue” slug forward without noticing the mental and physical tear.  These individuals work longer than 40 hours a week, bring work home with them, and find little time for relaxation.

Work overload is a key issue in many type A careers. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Goals are also a source of stress.  Sometimes in workplaces, goals are so far fetched or unclear that they are impossible to meet.  The goals may be unable to be met due to lack of proper training, or due to lack of time.  It is important to reduce stress that management defines objectives in a clear way and enables their team to meet those objectives with proper training or appropriate time.

Careers without meaning can also become a source of stress.  While everyone at some point has worked a meaningless job from time to time, no greater stress can be found when one works a meaningless job for a long period of time with no end in sight.    A person’s career or lack of career can become a huge source of anxiety and stress.  As one hits middle age, one looks to see where they are going and where they have been.  When one does not meet his or her expectations, then stress can set it.

One needs to identify dead end jobs or careers and see how change can be implemented.  Is the dead-end due to to the organization itself? Is it due to one’s lack of involvement within the organization?  Essentially, what is the source of one’s lack of advancement.  Is it the employee or the company?  Furthermore, one can look outside of the company to meet needs through hobbies, as well as volunteer programs or education.

Unrealistic goals without the proper amount of time or training can be a great source of stress for employees. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


How management responds to the needs of their employees is also key.  Some management teams and organizations are bureaucratic and apply rules and regulations over common sense and oral discussion.  These types of organizations become more impersonal. This creates a divide between the company and employee.

When employees cannot control part of their job or have a reasonable understanding of what to expect, it can negatively affect morale and work performances.  Unresponsive, impersonal and ambiguous management can cause unneeded stress on a workforce and affect output.

Stress Management Consultants are utilized to address these organizational issues for many firms and companies.  Companies in the 21st century are finally realizing that stress not only kills employees and costs them millions of dollars annually on disability, but that it also affects morale and output.  Output can be increased by creating a more Style B company plan. It is essential that employees are treated with dignity and respect.  Not all employees are good people but if companies reduce stress, the reward of output from most employees will outweigh any negatives.

Companies can work within their Human Resource Department and implement various stress management policies to help reduce discontent and increase mental well being.  This in turn can increase output and save cost.  Companies can hire experts in stress management or have their own HR department become certified in stress management techniques that can be utilized in the workplace and also applied to company goals and standards.

Companies need to help employees succeed with better stress management in mind. Stress kills output and companies should seek to limit stress as much as possible for their employees


If you would like to learn more about stress management or would like to become certified through AIHCP in Stress Management Consulting, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

  1. The Stress Management Sourcebook by J Barton Cunningham (PhD)

Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Stress Personalities

Stress, as grief, is very subjective.  There are many universal elements to the science of stress but subjective personality traits react differently to stressors.  While certain things may be stressful in nature, they can affect the person differently with greater or lesser stress based on the person.

One of the biggest contributing factors to grief is one’s personality traits in how they react to stress and life itself.  Some individuals by their very nature are more compulsive or anxious or even quick to anger.  Some may be more controlling and combative.   Others may be low energy and very passive and meek.  They may even possess a level of apathy to situations.  They may not care what occurs.

These attributes and qualities of individual personalities are a very important ingredient in understanding stress and one’s ability to cope with stress but also one’s overall health and life span.   Personality A is the more active personality towards stress.  It responds to stress but it can be so in an excessive or moderate ways.  Studies show moderate but active responses to stress are good for health and life.  Individuals who react to stress but in a moderate fashion, respond to stress in an appropriate way.  Stress and issues arise and one needs to react but if one reacts in a measured but productive way, one can handle situations, resolve conflicts and minimize stress damage via controlled emotional response.   The same is true of any moderate responses.  Personality B is a more passive response to stress but again, if moderate it can be a beneficial response system.  It passively resolves the stressful situation again with the appropriate energy and understanding of the situation.

What type of stress response personality do you have? Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


It when personality A or B enters extremes that one sees negative health and higher mortality rates in people.  Individuals who do not respond to stress at all and exist in apathy have poorer health and shorter lives, while individuals who over react to stress also face negative health risks.  Like everything in life, moderation is key to any response.  Balance in life is critical.  Stress and its many stressors are not necessarily negative things in the temporal world.  Things happen that require change but when one fails to respond to stressors or over react to stressors, then acute and long term chronic poor health can result.

If we are more aggressive or more passive, we need to develop moderation in our personalities to face and deal with stress.  Moderate reactions acknowledge stress and form solutions prevent immediate negative health symptoms to our heart or blood pressure or cardio vascular and digestive systems as well as long term and chronic damage.

Obviously, our personality and how we react is only one of the many elements in stress management.  Exercise, diet, relaxation and interpersonal relations at home and work all play key subjective roles in how one responds to stress, but our personality and how we choose to deal with stress is definitely one of the front line determining factors in how one will live his or her life.

If you would like to learn more about Stress Management or would like to become a certified Stress Management Consultant, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress, Work and Death

Stress is usually the unseen enemy.  It be gradual or sudden but overtime, stress can kill.  It can cause problems with the mind, body and soul.  It is important to understand the dangers of stress and how to properly cope.

While stress is very subjective it also has some universal aspects.  A generally accepted definition refers to stress as “universal human (and animal) response resulting from the perception of an intense or distressing experience” (1)  Stress can influence our behavior and responses and our ability to cope and react.  Stress can gain a foothold in one’s life through an event but the event itself is not always universally stressful.  Beyond the stressor itself, one must look at the person’s coping strategies, diet,  exercise, genetic dispositions and daily schedules.  Regardless, if stress is not properly coped with, it can cause a variety of diseases in the body, most notably heart disease.

The leading cause of stress unfortunately comes from work. Better strategies can reduce work stress and save millions to the economy. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


With this danger of stress so apparent and modern humanity facing more stress than ever before, it is important to understand where stress originates in our lives.  Ancient man dealt with stress at a basic level.  Hunting, eating, gathering, and flight or fight responses.  These needs were very much connected to the nature of man.  However, humanity in the modern era faces many different types of challenges beyond the basic needs and these needs are rarely faced externally but allowed to internalize due to social norms and work.

Work is one of the biggest sources of stress but having a job is not necessarily the source of negative stress.   One of the biggest issues at the job site is interpersonal relationships.  The inability to deal with these issues leads to multiple problems.  Work place violence is becoming a bigger issue in this nation as stress at work between employees continues to rise.  The inability to properly work with others and deal with issues is a huge source of workplace stress.

In addition, on the job site stress can be related also to the work load.  Work load is not always directly correlated to stress due to subjective reactions, but usually, overwork load can play a role in stress.  Workload can be an issue due to quantity or quality of the work.  Individuals with too much to do in a little time will experience work load stress, while others under trained to perform a task, may feel helplessly lost in fulfilling it.

Other issues can include, micromanagement.  Individuals with less control and freedom to complete a task will experience higher levels of work stress.  This dismisses the myth that higher level positions are more stressful.  The fact is, lower level and moderate level positions have more stress due to a lack of freedom to complete tasks.  Middle managers experience the most stress in being given tasks from higher management and then translating it to the floor workers.

Ultimately, most stress does come from work but it does not have to.  Stress from work will exist at a healthy level but excessive stress is not usually due to the job itself, but more so the inability to work with relative freedom and in a non hostile environment with tasks conducive to skill set and time frame.

Without stress at work, ambition, motivation and completion of tasks would be impossible.  With no stress at all, the mind would fall into disconnect and lack of interest, but it is important to avoid the other extreme where certain issues can lead to panic, anxiety and resentment.  Unfortunately, for most, the natural level of needed stress in one’s life is not present.  In work, it is either a lack of motivation or too much pressure.

In essence, it is not necessarily the job or the career, but the unneeded stresses that come with human interaction with job related tasks.  Work is necessary and work is good but unfortunately it is also a leading cause of many people’s stress due to improper stress management and stress reducing policies in organizations.

How work and career is handled will greatly affect one’s health.  Overworking, like anything in excess, can eventually cause health issues and death.  In addition to over working, how one handles interpersonal drama as well as handling tasks is important to long term health.  If interpersonal drama is minimal, and tasks are correlated with proper alignment of time and professional training, granting some autonomy to the employee, then less stress can be found at one of the leading places of stress.

Yet, stress is not only found in the work place.  Stress is a very personal thing and can affect well beyond the work place but follow one with finances, health, family and loss of loved ones.  These issues can accumulate and over time cause serious health issues.

Stress can be a source from work but also due to family, social, financial and personally losses. Stress can accumulate over time as well


Stress kills but it kills over time.  It sends messages to the body to exert certain amounts of energy and hormones to face certain problems.  While this is natural and important to achieve goals, chronic stress and intense situations can in fact hurt the body.  Excessive tear on the body, internally and externally can create issues for the function of the body.  Stress hence internally can affect heart health, cholesterol levels, stroke, as well as affect the body’s immune system through fatigue or tiredness.  It can affect the digestive track, causing intestinal issues, as well as ulcers.  Stress can also cause muscle aches, migraines  and tightness in the muscles.  Stress can also cause an array of emotional responses that can lead to anger, depression or anxiety.  These in turn can lead to bad coping strategies through smoking or drinking and other drug abuse.

Stress overtime can kill. It can combine with numerous genetic, family, work, and social issues that weaken the body over time. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


It is no wonder then that stress can kill.

In protecting oneself, no one answer suffices.  One needs to have an overall holistic approach of body, mind and spirit when dealing with stress.  And even then, genetic dispositions of bad health, or places in society or finances can still make it subjectively difficult for one to deal with stress better than the other.  Regardless though, one needs to reduce the level of stress one faces in order to have a longer more healthy life.


If you would like to learn more about Stress Management techniques or would like to become Certified Stress Management Consultant, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


  1. The Stress Management Source Book: Everything You Needt o Know” by J. Barton Cunningham, PH.D