Life can be stressful for women. Learning to manage stress for a more healthy mind body and soul is key for many women. Whether working in a business or keeping the home clean or both, life can be stressful for a woman.
Stress for women is unique in its own way. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification
The article, “4 Stress Management Tips For Women Trying To Balance It All” by Devon Barrow looks at some ways women can better manage stress for a more healthy life. She states,
“As modern women, we pride ourselves on being able to do anything we set our minds to. Maybe that looks like unleashing our entrepreneurial spirit on the world. Or the full-time job of raising a family. Or saying goodbye to familiarity and traveling the world solo. Maybe it even looks like all the above… But the long story short is: As women, we continue to prove that we can balance it all and then some. So the question is not just what can we do but how healthy and happy can we be while we do it?”
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant.
Stress builds up within the body even at the subconscious level. Panic nightmares can erupt in a person’s life due to unresolved stress. Individuals who experience these nightmares wake in a panic and fear and the nightmare is a manifestation of the stressor or issues that are dominating the person’s mind. Why the panic attack in the sleep occurs is still open to debate, but the root cause is generally agreed to be stress.
Panic attacks in one sleep are usually rooted in stress. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification
The article, “Why Am I Panicking In My Sleep?” from Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials discusses the phenomenon of panic nightmares. The article states,
“It’s 3:00 a.m. and you’re wide awake. It’s not because you had too much coffee or need to use the bathroom. You’re up because a panic attack jolted you out of your sleep. You’re sweating, breathing hard, your heart is racing and you can’t shake the panic or dread you’re feeling in that moment”
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.
Stress causes a response in the body. The response while short term is not physically beneficial if constantly present or no outlet is allowed. Certain breathing can help the body find pre stress balance and reduce the negative effects of the stress response. This is why meditation and other breathing techniques are excellent ways to deal with stress.
Deep breathing can help the body cope with the stress response within the body. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Certification
The article, “BEAT STRESS ONE BREATH AT A TIME” by Jonathan Black remarks that breathing and learning how to breath properly can greatly reduce negative effects on the body from stress. He states,
“Deep breathing – not typical short, shallow breaths – triggers your body’s relation response by sending signals to your brain to slow the heart rate, decrease blood pressure and relax muscles, according to the American Institute of Stress, a non-profit that provides science-based stress management research.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor and Stress Management Consultant Certification programs and see if they match your academic and professional goals. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
Stress plays havoc on health, social life and work. Ultimately it is a killer. For these reasons, it is essential to respond to stress. Without a fight or flight response for many everyday situations, one needs a way to help the body escape the situation or cope with the situation in a healthy fashion. In doing, so there are four types of interventions that can take place in dealing with stress.
Interventions to stress or in many ways we look to fight it within a civil and acceptable way. Since we cannot like our ancestors flee or fight a situation, we do not want to internalize stress and damage our bodies. It is important to look at each stress and see what type of intervention is the best way to deal with it.
Stress kills. It is important to utilize stress interventions in life. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program
Life change interventions are one important way to fight stress. It may involve changing how we handle things via organization to a complete restructuring of a career. The changes may be minor, or may be major depending on the level of the stress. Some stressors are internal while others are external. Some we have more control over while others we cannot control. Our life changes all hinge upon that in how severe we can alter a life style. Some changes may alter the extremity of the stress, while others may limit the duration of the stress. Some life changes seek to avoid the stress or limit the stressor’s affect on one’s life. Ultimately, the life change depends on the person’s situation and the stress. Each person is different and what stresses some, may not stress others. Hence the life change is subjective in many cases.
Does one change a career completely, or make smaller changes within the paradigm of the work itself. Hence these changes are based on the person’s individual needs and their ability to deal with the stress.
Not all stresses require outward life changes, but can be managed other ways. One way include perception. How one perceives things ultimately shapes one’s world outlook on life. One can be a glass is half empty person or a glass is half full person. If one perceives a stressor as something that will destroy them, then it will cause a great amount of worry, but if one sees such stressors as challenges or ways to improve oneself, then this outlook totally changes the stress reaction within the person. One may lose a job and see new opportunities, while others may see the loss of income and fear of unemployment. Again, it ultimately lies within the person’s perception. The ability to alter one’s perception to stress is a key way to manage it and make situations better.
Another intervention against stress is emotional response. We can help our emotional responses to stress through a variety of interventions. One includes meditation. Meditation is correlated with many health benefits. Individuals who meditate regularly overall have better health and are able to refresh themselves against stress. Besides meditation, biofeedback is a helpful tool. Biofeedback looks at how our body responds to certain stimuli and understanding what our body does when affected by stress. Most of these functions are subconscious, such as our breathing and heartbeat. Individuals can identify stress and how the body responds and use techniques to control heartbeat and breathing to reduce the damage of stress. There are a multitude of other ways one can emotionally reduce the power of stress in one’s lives. Utilizing these methods can help one deal with a life situation that cannot be altered or changed.
Working out is a great way to respond to stress in a “fight” type response. It allows your body to remove the negative stress responses that are internally taking place in the body
Equal to emotional release, physical and physiological methods of reducing stress are critical to health. These interventions and responses tie deeply with the fight response. Physical response to stress in the gym can be very beneficial. One can lift weights, punch a bag or run to escape the reality of stress. The body responds well to exercise not just for health but also mental health. Endorphins are released that help the body overcome stress damage to the organs. Those in high stress fields, should consider a regular exercise regiment to cope with the daily stresses of life.
Stress interventions are key to good health. Stress kills and one must be able to alleviate the responses of the body through a variety of coping strategies. These strategies can help one cope with stress and increase good health.
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your standards. Qualified professionals can earn a four year certification through AIHCP’s independent study and online program in Stress Management.
Stress kills. This not a clique or a baseless statement, but a real statement based on fact and science. Stress causes disease and death in many people every year. Stress can be real, physical, environmental and immediate, or social and psychological.
Psychologist Walter Cannon first studied the stress response of human beings. He termed the popular phrase, flight or fight. The flight or fight response is humanity’s most evolutionary basic response to stressors. When something immediate and threatening approaches, our ancestors fled or stayed and fought. In that process, the stressors were analyzed in the brain and the necessary adjustments were made to the various bodily systems to prepare the body for stress. These systems included the endocrine, cardiovascular, automatic nervous and muscular systems of the body to respond to the stressor or threat. Through these complex systems, various reactions in the body take place that prepare the body for fight or flight
One is not tied to stressors but can react and cope against stress in positive ways
Among these many reactions originating from the brain and then transferring to the various glands that emit hormones include faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, muscle contraction, increased metabolic rate, less fatigue, more energy, and more oxygen. These changes are a result of hormones in the body. Cortisol is a primary hormone that increases blood sugar for energy. In addition, aldosterone is a hormone that increases blood pressure.
These essential changes are pivotal in flight or fight responses. However, over time, these increased hormones and the chemical changes they produce in the body are not healthy. Seyle, the Father of Stress Management, studied the effects of stress on rats and discovered that a multitude of physical ailments befell the rats when over stressed. This is the same truth for human beings. Human beings can injure their bodies through prolonged and intense stress. Heart damage and higher blood pressure, leading to stroke or heart attack are real killers due to stress response. Other ailments can develop over time, such as stomach issues, ulcers and digestive disorders.
Stress does kill. It can kill immediately or over time. It is hence important to understand stress and reduce stress. Stressors all play different roles to an individual. One may be stressful for one person may be a blessing or nothing at all to someone else. How we view stressors and react to stressors play a key role in activating our flight and fight responses. We need to limit these responses to only life altering situations so as to spare our body the changes it deals with during a stress incident.
Unlike our ancestors who could flee or fight stress, modern humanity must deal with stress internally or externally. One cannot flee a job or fight the customer but must deal with the everyday stresses. This leads to chronic stress that modern humanity is not evolved to deal with. So ultimately, it comes down to how one views life, reframes stressors and reacts.
Stress is all about the stressor and the stress response. If someone is stressed in the a traffic jam, he can scream, yell and honk the horn, or take the time to listen to music or reflect on the day. If someone is watching a sporting event, they can become intensely stressed or enjoy the game for the love of the game itself. Ultimately, how one reacts to a stressor depends on the uniqueness of the individual. Life is not about avoiding stress, for no stress is not living and not healthy in and of itself. Instead, life is about sorting out stressors and dealing with the most important ones. One needs to learn to cope with stress by reducing the degree and duration of the stressor event. In doing so, one can limit the natural effects of stress on the body and its natural reactions to stress.
Stress if not controlled can have negative effects on the body due to the body’s own inherent fight or flight responses. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program
Ultimately it is one’s health that is on the line. By understanding how the body internally responds to stress, one can see the bodily reactions, which in themselves are healthy in the moment but unhealthy in extreme degree and long duration. Learning to sort out un-needed stress, reframing situations and utilizing stress management concepts such as meditation, one can then reduce the physical reactions within the body to stress.
If you would like to learn more about AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and designed to help qualified professionals meet the standards of AIHCP for the four year certification.
In the meantime, limit stress and learn to cope better with stress for one’s own physical well being.
Stress causes numerous health issues in life and knowing how to manage it is key. One simple way to manage stress and reduce its impact is through smiling and humor. Studies have shown that humor and laughing are big stress reducers. Learning how to reframe stress and control it through humor can help one get through the day and limit the negative effects of stress on the body.
When stress approaches, are we able to reframe it and find humor in it? Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification
The article, “How to Use Humor to Manage Stress” by Dr Clay Drinko takes a closer look at the value of humor in dealing with stress. He states,
“Humor starts to come into play when we start reframing our stressors. You probably can’t reject everything that causes you stress. You are an adult and there are certain things you have to do. That’s when you can try to reframe them.”
Humor is a great medicine and by learning how to react to stressors and reframe them, we can then be able to react differently in a more healthy fashion.
Stress can manifest from many things. It can manifest from situations but also from relationships. Relationships can range from work to home to personal to romantic. Whenever people exist, the chance for conflict can exist. Conflict in itself is not bad but can become stressful when not properly resolved. Individuals need to learn about each other to reduce potential stress and infighting from differences and conflict.
Different personalities in any relationship can create conflict. It is important to see the value of conflict in better resolutions and not allow stress and disagreement to cause damage to relationships
Personality A and Personality B in themselves can cause issues but if we look deeper, we can find more indepth differences between people that result in conflict. People are different at large scales and when these differences in values or expressions manifest at work or in a relationship, they can produce conflict. In properly understanding other people and seeking to find solutions and compromises through questions, one can better resolve conflicts and produce beneficial results from them.
Karl Jung looked at differences in people as a source of stress from four conflicting personality traits.
The first was between extroverts and introverts. Extroverts naturally are more outgoing. They seek to meet new people, surround themselves with others socially and partake in activities. They are quicker to move and respond. Introverts on the contrary are less outgoing. They find discomfort being around multiple people and seek to avoid festivities. Introverts find more joy alone. They move more slowly. With 75 percent of the population extrovert, there is less chance to come into contact with introverts but it does occur. At work, extroverts and introverts can find conflict in how their personalities seek to resolve issues. Extroverts can reduce stress with introverts by encouraging them, while introverts can slow extroverts down through questioning.
Thinking or feeling? Which one do you utilize more in problem resolution?
The second preference is intuitive people and sensing people. Sensing people approach problems more analytically and search for facts before making decisions, while intuitive people relay on gut feelings. Sensing people systematically approach a situation while intuitive people may jump from place to place. The conflict is very understandable. 75 percent of the population is sensing, while 25 percent is intuitive. Both personalities need to see the merit of each other to solve the problem as a whole.
Different personalities react differently to conflict. It is important to know what personality traits you possess
The third preference is judging and perceiving. Judging people are very objective while perceiving individuals are very subjective. Judging individuals will have a set plan while perceiving are more flexible and adaptable. Judging personalities wish to complete tasks and move on, while perceived personalities do not like to be rushed. This flexible and inflexible conflict can lead to stress unless both parties seek common ground and understanding.
The fourth preference is thinking and feeling. Many individuals make decisions based logical decision making instead of making decisions based on feelings. Emotions are critical in processing a decision for a feeler, while logic is more important for a thinker. Most men are thinkers and most women are feelers. Thinkers tackle situations with the term, “I think we should…” while feelers approach problems with the term “I feel we should…” While thinkers are cut off from feeling which is important, many feelers are stressed when making decisions due to immense emotion.
When looking for conflict resolution with less stress and great productivity, it is important that one identifies differences in people. If one can understand their own personality traits and that of whom they are working with, then conflict has a greater chance to be resolved. When one does not identify, then conflict has a greater chance of leading to stress and more problems.
Many individuals enter into conflict with more emotion than logic and set values. Sometimes the values or perceived sense of rules are even greater than the issue itself. It is important to understand each other and not allow extreme emotional responses to overtake.
It is far more than merely identifying differences of personality but also creating a integrative plan to find resolution. This involves four facets.
First, a healthy relationship must be established. This relationship must set ground rules and establish guidelines.
Second, there needs to be a clear statement of how each party feels.
Third, common goals must be established
Finally, a determination of range of alternatives and compromises must be established between the two parties.
Conflict can go either way but by establishing these guidelines, resolution has a far greater chance of success. Sometimes, however, no matter how hard we try, conflict cannot be resolved. Difficult and uncompromising people exist. When identifying difficult people, it is important to have a support group that you can trust and never stop working within your values. When one realizes they are dealing with the difficult personality, it is best to avoid confrontation and when forced to work with such an individual to pose more questions to them than declarative statements.
Conflict resolution requires common ground and mutual understanding of each other.
Ultimately, balance is key in everything. If one discovers they are too extrovert, they may wish to work on incorporating some introvert values, or if one is to rigid and judging, they may wish to balance that with more flexibility from time to time. Balance within oneself creates harmony but when working with others who value differently, we should sometimes try to see them as the balance we may need to make a better decision.
If you would like to learn more about Stress Management or would like to become a certified Stress Management Consultant then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study for qualified professionals seeking to learn more in this important field of Stress Management.
To learn more about managing stress and reducing conflict, please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification
Please also view our Anger Management Consulting Program. This program also contains vital information for stress reduction and conflict resolution between differing personalities.
Stress greatly depends on one’s personality. Personality plays a key role in how we interpret stressors and how we react to stresses. Certain characteristics and personalities are more conducive to stress and its ill effects.
Personality A is a type of personality that is more proactive, hyperaggressive, easily frustrated, impatient and assertive. One can vary within it. One can be on the higher end or the lower end of it. The important reality is that one identifies it as a higher stress prone personality and how one responds to these more natural impulses.
Personality A in work or home life is very consumed and competitive in life. The personality wants to accomplish as much as possible with limited time. It has a difficult time enjoying accomplishments, but judges them and looks for more. It finds little time to relax the mind. It finds competition with others and expects more out of others. Due to this, is is also prone to quicker frustration, as well as less patience in its everyday dealings.
Personality A is very hyper goal orientated but with balance it can help one be very productive. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification
Stemming from this also is a perfectionism that goes beyond doing a good job but looks for impossible levels that cannot be reached. Due to this, many with Type A Personality are all in and when something goes wrong, they can binge to the opposite extreme. It also pushes one to overtly dependent on self with little trust upon others. Internal and external balance for achievement is in flux.
Believe it or not, this may look confident from the outside, but in fact, most Personality A also have low self-esteem. They need external approval and measure success by completed goals and achievements instead of one’s self.
Many individuals are Type A personality or share in the competitive and sometimes aggressive spirit. They have impatience and easy frustration and may exhibit lower self esteem deep down, but many are able to identify these impulses and alter them. They can use the impulses, much like OCD, or even ADHD, and utilize them for the good they create but not allow it to dominate them. Of course, the more severe the trait, the harder it is to be more relaxed, easier going, but balance is always the key.
Spirituality, a moral compass, and a objective conviction can also ground a personality driven by A. It can lessen the necessity of materialism and help one focus on the family and the soul.
Noone fits completely in one type of group. One may possess certain characteristics and not others within a personality trait but if one possesses enough traits and feels enough of the trait’s impulses, then one should be aware of it and know what it entails. In knowing this, one can better cope with one’s natural inclinations and live a more balanced and spiritual life.
Managing stress and having good health is essential to managing a Type Personality A. One can utilize the good drives that come from it but also manage the excess that can be found it. Balance is key.
If you would like to learn more about Stress Management Consulting, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.
It is well known stress is a silent killer. Stress in nature can start disease and death within an organism. Stress can also gradually erode a human being’s overall health if not controlled or maintained. Prolong stress is not healthy for the body or mind.
Long term stress can lead to serious health issues. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification
The article, “Stress, the silent threat” Michael van Soest explores how stress can damage the body. He states,
“Studies have shown that one to three adults suffer from the effects of unmanaged stress. Many of us don’t even realize how stressed we actually are; often becoming accustomed to being tense, so we think of it as normal. It damages our health, our work, our relationships. It destroys families, businesses, and lives. It costs companies staggering amounts every year in health costs, absenteeism, and poor performance. In fact, stress built up over a long period can reduce our ability to regenerate, which means less energy and tolerance to combat daily stress.”
Stress and its negative effects over long term can permeate into every aspect of life. If not coped with or handled, it can lead to later serious health issues.
Stress is not a natural state of the body but a reactionary one. Stress hormones are produced during the fight or flight moment when a person faces intense moments. The moment can be a life threatening one or a moment that requires more attention. The body is designed to handle these situations in short term reactions.
Chronic stress can cause numerous health issues
Stress though over a long period of time can cause health issues. While it is good to produce these hormones in emergency situations, it is counter productive over a long period of time. Due to this, stress is very unhealthy for the body over long periods of time.
Stress can cause headaches, depression, insomnia, weakened immune system, higher blood sugar, higher risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and for women, missed periods. Chronic stress symptoms include anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia and depression. (1)
In the central nervous system, stress produces hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These help speed up the heart beat to deal with danger. This is the reason we call it the fight or flight response. While this is good in the short term, it causes long term issues on the heart and blood pressure.
The digestive system during stress also reacts. It increases one’s glucose to boost energy during stress. While this is temporarily good, it can have long term problems, leading to diabetes two.
The respiratory and cardiovascular systems also play a role during stress. Due to cortisol, it allows your heart to beat faster but also for your blood to absorb more oxygen. This is not good for those suffering from asthma. It is also not good for the long term, leading to higher blood pressure and chance of stroke.
The muscular system is also affected during stress. The muscles tighten up during stress. This can lead to headaches and other muscles spasms. In addition to this, the sexual organs are also affected negatively during stress. In men it lowers testosterone and in women it affects menstrual cycles.
The immune system is also negatively effected by stress. Stress overtime weakens the immune system which leads to many becoming sick when over stressed over a long period of time.
Ultimately, stress hormones are essential to our survival, but chronic stress is unhealthy. The temporary adjustments to stress are good but overtime they are destructive to numerous systems of the body. This is why stress management is so pivotal to good health. Stress Management helps individuals cope with stress hence reducing long term health issues. (2)
It is pivotal for good health to identify stress. Somethings in life are worth worrying about short term and need our attention but many things need to be controlled. Stress Management helps an individual identify whats important and how to cope properly. Stress Management also helps one to identify what is not important.
Stress over time can over whelm at home or work
Some critical stress management techniques can help one reduce stress and become more healthy. Of course the first step in stress management is overall mental view of life. How one reacts to anger and anxiety determine how we cope. Issues from work or home can build up if not properly dealt with from a mental standpoint. A healthy mindset is key to good stress management.
Stress Management hence is closely tied to Anger Management. Identifying triggers that are not essentially stress worthy is important. If triggers can be spotted, then an individual can avoid them or minimize them.
In addition to targeting potential triggers, individuals need to also know how to relax. Relaxation is a key element to stress management. Reducing frustration, mental worry and physical symptoms are important steps to long term health. Many individuals utilize meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices to reduce stress. Massages and other physical therapies also help. Over working can be a negative thing at times, and individuals sometimes need a vacation, or simply a nice long nap. It is critical to be able to let off steam. Some utilize hobbies, or sports or the gym, to do this, but if one does not have the ability to reduce stress, it will overtake one’s life.
After noting triggers and having ways to reduce stress, individuals need to know how to limit stress around them as well. Rules at home or work that generate a certain type of order can help. Disorder is a big contributor to stress. Organization at home and work can play a large role.
While some find more stress at home, others find more stress at work. Working with difficult people, deadlines and heavy work load can all contribute to that. Some things cannot be avoided and need coped with but other things can be minimized. Again through good communication and organization, stress can be reduced anywhere.
Stress appears in anything in life. This is a reality. As living organisms, we are open to stressful situations by the very definition of living itself. One can learn to deal with legitimate stress appropriately or allow it to overtake one’s life. As we saw, chronic stress has way too many negative impacts on the body to be ignored. It is hence very important to face and reduce in one’s life. Stress Management is the key to spotting stress and coping with it. Stress Management also offers a variety of ways to escape stress and reduce anxiety levels.
Since stress is such a big reality in life, stress management is sought after by millions of people. Individually people seek stress management consultants for aid. Large corporations also look for stress management consultants. Employers have discovered that a less stressful work environment is conducive to higher employee productivity.
Stress Management Consulting is in very high demand because of these needs. Many healthcare and behavioral health professionals look to give stress management consulting to individuals and large corporate firms. The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a Stress Management Consulting Training Program to qualified professionals seeking certification.
Stress Management Consulting helps teach others how to manage stress and cope with it through healthy strategies
The program is entirely online and independent study. It is working professional friendly in that it allows professionals to work on the online courses leading to certification at their own pace. The program is completely online and the exam for each course is open book. One can utilize an instructor as much or as little as needed. Some of the courses also have approvals for certain professionals seeking CE hours.
The certification in Stress Management Consulting is a four year certification and be renewed.
If you are interested in learning more about the Stress Management Consulting Certification offered by AIHCP, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.