Malpractices are difficult cases but they do have clear cut definitions.
Physicians and caregivers when they deviate from certain standards of care and when damage hence results, it is important to understand the law. Legal Nurse Consultants help various firms in these cases.
Legal Nurses play a key role in malpractice cases. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification
Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to nurses looking to become certified Legal Nurse Consultants. Legal Nurse Consultants play a key role in this litigation process
Medical malpractice is everyone’s nightmare but the law gives every patient the right to recover damages if a health care professional fails to supply the proper care. However, states differ in a variety of ways from statutes of limitations to what can be legally won back.
Malpractices laws have minor differences from state to state. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program
The article, “Do Medical Malpractice Laws Differ from State to State?” by Vivian Evans looks at a few differences and the definition of standard of care. She states,
“In the United States, medical malpractice law has traditionally been under the authority of individual states and not the federal government (in contrast to many other countries). State laws dictate how courts determine whether a physician failed to exercise the degree of care, skill, and learning expected of a professional doctor.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals and nurses looking to earn a four year certification as a Legal Nurse Consultant.
Many malpractice cases never make it to the court room. Some may not even make it to public record due to mediation. Meditation is the process where the two parties can find a compromise for compensation due to malpractice. It is cheaper, less stressful and spares the healthcare provider less unwanted publicity.
Legal meditation is a way to avoid court. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program
The article, “Legal Malpractice Ideally Handled in Pre-Suit Mediation” from Miles Mediation and Arbitration looks at the process of mediation. The article states,
“Resolving a matter pre-suit often means that it can be disposed of in weeks or months instead of years. The lawyer can quickly put the matter to bed and fully return to the business of law without the weight of uncertainty caused by litigation. The truncated time period also translates to cost savings in terms of legal fees. Relative to litigation, the cost of a pre-suit mediation is nominal.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consultant Program. Legal Nurse Consultants can play big roles in meditation. The program is a four year certification for nurses.
Heart surgery is a very risky surgery. Not all heart surgeries are successful due to the risky and dangerous nature of it but some errors are preventable and fall outside the standard of risk. Healthcare providers have the obligation to supply care and professionalism from the surgery preparation to checkups following heart surgery. When they fail to adhere to standards of practice, and injury results, it is important to seek reparations.
Legal Nurses can help in cases regarding heart surgery malpractice. Please review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification Program and see if it meets your goals
The article, “What Are My Legal Options Regarding Heart Surgery Malpractice?” from South Florida Reporter looks at some of the problems that can point towards a possible malpractice case after heart surgery. The article states,
“There are various types of errors that can take place during heart surgery. Concerning heart surgeries, most errors take place in Balloon Angioplasties. A Balloon Angioplasty is a way to correct several heart problems such as heart attacks and artery diseases. Next most erroneous, complications arise from Cardiac Ablations. Heart surgery errors can also arise from the incorrect diagnosis of a heart problem and during other surgeries, such as Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.”
To learn more, click here to review the entire article
Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consultant Certification. The program aims to train nurses in the field of legal nurse consulting to help aid attorneys in malpractice cases, whether in defense of the physician or on behalf of the patient.
The confidentiality between a doctor and patient is on par with that of a attorney or client, or priest and spiritual dependent. It is critical that there is no breach in this confidentiality. Like other bonds, there are serious complications and consequences when this confidentiality is betrayed.
Doctor Patient Confidentiality is a fundamental block of THE patient doctor agreement. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification
The article, “What Is A Breach Of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?” by Paul Tolzman takes a closer look at this. He states,
If someone has a health issue that requires medical attention, or is simply going in for their annual check-up, anything they discuss with their physician is kept between them and the health care provider. The physician is legally required to uphold a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, which is based on the concept that a patient should never be concerned about seeking medical treatment for fear that private medical information will be disclosed to others. ”
The article goes on to state, malpractice and other suites can follow when a breach occurs. To read the entire article, please click here
It is important for healthcare professionals to protect sensitive medical information regarding their clients. When this is not done, legal action usually follows. If you would like to learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting or would like to become certified as a Legal Nurse, then please review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals in the field of medical law.
Malpractice in healthcare is caused by a variety of reasons. People are human and doctors and healthcare professionals are no different. For the same variety of reasons that mistakes and errors plague people in other professions, they so to can plague medical professionals. The only issue is with health, the stakes are much higher. Doctors and healthcare professionals have to minimize errors. Perfection or close to it is necessary.
Medical error is unfortunate but sometimes costly. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.
The article, “What Are the Causes of Medical Malpractice?” by Michael Langton looks at common errors in the medical profession and how they can lead to injury or physical damage. He states,
“While errors are understandable, negligent mistakes that cause serious injury or death are known as medical malpractice. When medical malpractice occurs, this opens up a physician to legal action should the victim or their family choose to sue.”
Please also review the Legal Nurse Consulting Certification from the American College of Legal Nurse Consulting and see if it matches your professional goals as a legal nurse.
Malpractice cases occur everyday. Whether the physician is in the wrong or right, cases and lawsuites range in the thousands. As a physician or healthcare provider, it is not uncommon to eventually face a malpractice charge. Whether warranted or not, healthcare providers need to be aware of the many things one should and should not do.
While this may be a stressful time it is critical to remain level minded and react in the proper emotional, professional and legal ways. A healthcare provider needs to understand how to react legally and professionally to the notice.
A malpractice notice can be a stressful time for a healthcare provider. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals
The article, “What to do if you are sued for malpractice” by James Sweeney offers some basic advice if sued. He states,
“How physicians behave after learning that they’re being sued for medical malpractice can determine the outcome of the case, regardless of its legal and medical merits. That’s why it’s important for physicians to know how to act upon being served notice of a lawsuit. Medical Economics spoke to malpractice defense attorneys and insurers to determine the do’s and don’ts to follow.”
Healthcare providers will need the aid of a malpractice attorney specialist who will be better equipped to mount a proper defense. Legal Nurse Consultants also play a pivotal role on a malpractice team. They are able to serve as expert witnesses and also define the industry standard in medical procedure and determine if one acted within the standards. To learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting please review the American College of Legal Nursing’s Legal Nurse Consultant Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.
Security cameras in nursing homes are aimed at helping prevent injuries. Cameras also can present multiple ethical issues.
Please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification to learn how you can become certified in this field.
The article, “Security cameras in nursing homes aim to protect the vulnerable but present ethical dilemmas” by Kim Eckart attempts to look at the issues surrounding them. He states,
“The use of cameras in resident rooms is so common that some states have passed laws to help families and facilities navigate the legal issues. But it’s not just a gray zone for law. Lots of ethical issues are at play, and it raises the question of privacy’s role in our lives.”