Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Malpractice Attornies

A malpractice can be a life altering thing.  Some people are forever disabled or lose abilities they once had.  Others seek justice for the deceased who died due to malpractice.  While medical professionals work hard, mistakes can happen.  When true and legitimate mistakes happen, justice is demanded for the patient.  It is important to work with the proper malpractice attorney and seek their aide.  Legal Nurse Consultants also supply their expertise on a malpractice team and can help push your case.

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


If you also are a nurse looking to enter into the legal nursing field, then please review the Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Nursing Liability Insurance

Nurses should always protect themselves against liability.  With malpractice cases happening all the time, it is critical that nurses have liability insurance.  In case of malpractice, the insurance can help find legal aide to help defend them against lawsuits.

Medical errors can happen and nurses need to be protected with liability insurance. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program

The article, “Why You Should Always Carry Nurse Liability Coverage” by Elizabeth Binsfield relates the critical importance of possessing such insurance.  She states,

“Nursing is consistently voted the most trusted of all professions. One that involves providing medical and personal care for individuals at their most vulnerable. So, why should nurses consider carrying nursing liability insurance to protect themselves from litigation? Because we live in an increasingly litigious society. Nurses are human, and, unfortunately, they can make mistakes. ”

To read the complete article, please click here

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Legal Nurse Consulting Program Guest Blog Article

4 Common Auto Accident Injuries and How to Handle Them

Auto accident injuries can negatively impact your physical, mental and financial wellbeing in many ways. Getting the proper treatment if you’ve been in an auto accident and taking other measures to rectify the situation can help restore your quality of life. Here are some of the most common auto accident injuries and what you can do to treat them.



Burns can occur when a vehicle catches fire, when parts of the body are grazed, or parts of the body are pressed up against a hot surface during an accident. Burns may range from minor first-degree burns to major third-degree burns that need prompt treatment to prevent infection, minimize scarring and address other health concerns. Burn units in hospitals treat the most severely burned patients, but burns that aren’t as serious in nature can often be treated using antibiotic ointments or household items like honey or lotion containing aloe vera. After being seen by a professional, aloe and coconut oil are often very helpful in soothing the itching dryness that often accompanies burn injuries.

Broken Bones

Vehicle impacts can result in broken bones. Arm, leg and pelvic bones are among the most commonly broken in car accidents. You may also sustain damage to facial bones, which may need cosmetic surgery to fix. Doctors will usually prescribe casts, slings or splints to stabilize appendages where bone are broken and facility healing. Though bones will typically heal on their own with time, it is important to take time off of work as recommended by your doctor to allow the break to set before attempting to put weight on it again.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that sometimes results in loss of consciousness, persistent dizziness and vision problems. Cognitive skills and emotional reasoning can also be negatively affected after sustaining a concussion. The best treatment for a concussion is usually prolonged physical and mental rest. If a concussion makes it difficult for you to return to your normal work functions, resulting in a loss of income, there are auto accident injury attorney services that can help you get compensation for your financial and personal losses.


The sudden back-and-forth movement of your head and neck that might occur during a collision can result in whiplash. This condition often causes symptoms like neck pain, muscle stiffness and headaches that can greatly interfere with daily life. Resting the head and neck can help facilitate healing and minimize pain. Chiropractic care and physical therapy are other treatment methods that often prove to be effective. While you may not recognize whiplash at first, prolonged back and neck pain after an accident are clear signs of whiplash that should be addressed as soon as possible.

Taking proactive measures to treat your auto accident injuries will increase your chances of faster recovery and help minimize the hassle of dealing with such an unfortunate incident. Seeking the right medical treatment and legal guidance can help you move on from your accident injuries while sustaining minimal losses overall to your personal and financial wellbeing.


Author Meghan Belnap, Blogger, Researcher and Freelance Writer

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Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article

What are the rights of a dismissed nursing student?  It can happen and one can be expelled or removed from a program.  In this article, these questions are looked to be answered.  It can definitely be a horrible feeling to be removed from a program you have worked so hard to succeed in.  Your rights may be violated and you may need to seek professional and legal help in finding justice.

What are your rights in a nursing school? Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program
What are your rights in a nursing school? Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program

The article, “Dismissed nursing student wants to know her rights” discusses one’s rights and how to find justice if inappropriately removed.   The article states,

“Generally, if you’re a nursing student your rights in a dismissal proceeding depends on, first and foremost, if you are in a public post-secondary nursing education program or in a private nursing education program.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.  As a Legal Nurse Consultant you can deal with a wide variety of cases with various legal firms dealing with nursing laws and malpractice.   AIHCP offers an online program where one can earn a certification in Legal Nurse Consulting and apply their knowledge to variouis cases throughout the country, hoping to help others escape injustice.   If you are interested in nursing and legal cases, please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing Home Neglect

Good article on recognizing nursing home neglect. If you would like to learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

The article, How to Recognize Nursing Home Neglect and What to Do About It, by Randy Appleton states

“Families who make the difficult decision to place an elderly parent or disabled spouse or child into a nursing home expect their loved one to receive sufficient and professional care. Sadly, incidents of sometimes shocking nursing home neglect appear to be on the rise. Worse, the mistreatment of mentally and physically vulnerable patients often escalates to outright abuse.”

To read the entire article, please click here

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Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing Home Drug Abuse

Nursing homes find themselves in many legal battles due to poor patient care.  This is not to say all homes are bad but the ones that are make headlines.  Legal cases erupt due to these abuses.

The article, US: Nursing Homes Misuse Drugs to Control Residents, source; Human Rights Watch, states,

“Nursing homes across the United States routinely give antipsychotic drugs to residents with dementia to control their behavior, despite rules against the misuse of drugs as “chemical restraints,” Human Rights Watch said in a report and video released today. This abusive practice remains widespread, even though the use of antipsychotic drugs on older people with dementia is associated with a nearly doubled risk of death.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting program.

Legal Nurse Consulting: Preparing for Medical Malpractice Legal Action


“With a rise in medical malpractice cases, it is important that your firm be visible to prospective clients Make your firm visible to victims of malpractice.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

A good article for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants.  If you are interested in learning more about legal nurse consulting, then please review our program.  With so many malpractices, lawyers are looking for good legal nurse consultants to help with their cases


Legal Nurse Consulting Can Help With Personal Injury

Legal Nurse Consulting Can Help You Choose The Right Lawyer.

If you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit, you may feel a bit overwhelmed and hopeless. You must be sure that you learn all you can about this situation, and that’s what this article aims to assist you with. Continue reading for more tips on preparing a winning case.
Choose a lawyer you like. You don’t need to stay with one that you don’t get along with just because that person knows what they’re doing. If you don’t get along with them, you won’t win your case.  Legal nurse consulting can help you understand the medical terms so you can make your choice correctly.
You should not move your vehicle after an accident unless a law enforcement officer tells you to. Moving the car can lead to more damage, leaving you at least partially liable. When it’s in a busy street’s intersection, that’s the only exception.
If you receive injuries in a car crash or while at work, get yourself a lawyer right away. Time is important with this kind of suit. When you hire a lawyer quickly, he will be able to help you gather photographic evidence, take witness statements, and interview parties involved.
Prepare yourself before meeting with your lawyer. When they work on contingency, this is even more important. Your lawyer will only get money if you get a favorable ruling, so it is possible they may turn your case away if you don’t have adequate information. Bring everything needed with you.   Also talk to a legal nurse as well to get a medical point of view.
Save all receipts related to your personal injury expenses. You can use these items to show how much money you had to pay as a result of your injury. If you don’t keep these, the court may not reimburse this money.
Take your time choosing your personal injury lawyer. Often people will rush to choose a lawyer to represent them. This is almost always a mistake. There could be a superior lawyer that may be better for you. Do some research and interview a good selection of lawyers before you choose one to represent you.
If you’re handling your case yourself, you must locate every policy that the at fault party owns. Perhaps you can make multiple claims. If the at-fault party will not willingly give you the information, you can compel the court to order them to do so.   Lastly make sure you get advice from a legal nurse consultant.
Never hire a lawyer off the TV. This is not a good way to judge if a lawyer is competent. If you want to consider such a lawyer, be sure you research them thoroughly before making an appointment. Failing to do this may sabotage your case, costing you even more money and making it impossible to hire a talented lawyer.
When you’re thinking of getting a personal injury lawyer, pick out one that is close by. This person and you will be spending lots of time together, therefore, the more convenient his office location is, the better it will be for you. Email and phone calls just won’t cut it for some types of needed conversation.
Before choosing a lawyer, do your research about them. Various firms and lawyers deal with certain cases, and you also need to look at their history. Hire someone that is familiar with cases like yours.
Assist your lawyer in finding holes in the other party’s story when dealing with a court case. If you can prove the other side is lying your case becomes very easy to win. These lies will make the judge or jury doubtful of their entire case, and cause your side to be much more believable.
Hopefully you now have a much better understanding of what can be done to help you build your personal injury case. You have to get started on hiring a lawyer, so use the tips that you have learned to help you do that. It’s time to get going now, so get to work!
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Legal Nurse Consulting and Radiology Malpractice Statistics

Legal Nurse Consultants and Radiology Malpractice

The chance of a health care provider being sued is always high and realistic.  Legal nurse consultants can help in cases where there is legitimate case or even defend the health care provider if they feel the patient is in the wrong.  One such area is radiology.  Below is research on malpractice within radiology.

The article, “The demography of medical malpractice suits against radiologists.”, by Department of Radiology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School states

“PURPOSE: To delimit demographic characteristics of malpractice claims against radiologists in the United States by sex and location and to note the varying percentages of favorable outcomes and award amounts to plaintiffs by state.”

To read the article click here

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Elements of Health Care Malpractice

The Legal Nurse

Medical or Health Care malpractice can be defined as a professional negligence by a medical professional i.e. a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or any other healthcare professionals that results in emotional or physical harm to a patient. Medical malpractices come in many forms. For instance, a medical malpractice can be as a result of an act or an omission of a necessary act or care that eventually harms a patient.

 The four elements of medical malpractice

There are four main elements that have to be proven in any given medical malpractice case. These elements include; duty, breach of duty, damage and cause. These elements have to be assessed for a medical malpractice case to be determined.
1. Duty
Duty as the name suggests refers to the doctor patient, or health care provider relationship whereby a duty exists for the doctor to treat a patient according to the set professional code of conduct and practice. For a medical malpractice case to be determined, there must have been a given duty owed (to a patient) by a given healthcare practitioner i.e. doctor, nurse, pharmacist e.t.c charged with the care of a patient. The doctor-patient relationship is a common example of a situation where that duty would exist. A good example of a malpractice based solely under duty is when there is delayed treatment which is treatment that over four hours late. In such a case the duty owed is breached by a responsible party. It is however important to note that a medical malpractice case has to prove that all the four elements exist for it to qualify as a legal medical malpractice case.

 2. Breach of duty

Breach of duty in medical malpractice occurs in cases where a healthcare professional who has been charged with the responsibility/duty of care for a given patient fails in his or her duty by failing to exercise a certain acceptable degree of care or a given medical skill that any other healthcare professional practiseing in the same capacity or specialty would be able to give or address in equal circumstances. Such medical malpractices considered when an expert or experts in similar fields confirm that the professional should have been able to adhere to the set standard of care as required. A medical malpractice example based on breach of duty may include a practitioner i.e. a doctor failing to prescribe standard medication that may have serious health implications on a patient. A medical malpractice case has to proof that a practitioner breached their duty for compensation among the other elements for the case to qualify.

 3. Damage

In cases of medical malpractice damage, the patient has to have suffered either physical or emotional injury while under the care of a given healthcare professional/practitioner. This is among the most common element that dominates medical malpractice cases. For instance a medical practitioner i.e. a doctor may have operated a patient without following the set code/standards which eventually results in physical injury. A good example would be to operate on a patient and causing more new injuries that were not there initially or aggravation an existing injury. A medical malpractice case has to prove that the medical practitioner caused the new damage or aggravated as well as proof the existence of the elements for a case to qualify for hearing which can eventually lead to a patient wining the medical malpractice case and eventually getting compensated.

 4. Cause

The last element of medical malpractice is cause. For a medical malpractice legal case, there has to be concrete/solid proof that a given medical practitioner/professional directly caused a patient injury. Like all the above elements, the cause of injury must be as a result of all the above elements i.e. a breach of duty, duty and damage causing injury to a patient. Such medical malpractice cases are also common for instance when a doctor or a pharmacist prescribes the wrong medicine to a patient and then the patient takes the prescribed medicines and falls ill. The ’cause’ has to be proved in a medical malpractice case.
In conclusion, a successful medical malpractice lawsuit has to prove the existence of all four elements mentioned above four elements. If a healthcare practitioner being sued is able to prove that none of the elements exists, then the medical malpractice case is dropped.
Are you interested in becoming a Legal Nurse? If you are a registered nurse than you may qualify to enter a legal nurse consulting program. Legal nurse consulting is a highly rewarding career specialty for nurses and continues to be in high demand in our country. If you would like to learn more about a legal nurse courses and programs, click here.