With Time and Grace God Can Help Good Change

The article, “No Quick Fixes in God’s Plan”, by Cortni Marrazzo states

“The beginning of a new year is so full of possibilities. I personally love this time of year because I always love a fresh start.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This article looks at how New Year Resolutions come and go, but it takes more than a quick vow to change something or a few days.


If we are targeting a vice, we need to focus on eliminating and not become distraught when we fall, or too eager when we succeed.  Habits are difficult to overcome.  Quick fixes are a myth.

With God, we grow and part of the journey is overcoming our sinful nature and reflecting the will of God.  This takes time.  It also means a lot of bruises, but God understands this and the harder we try the more he blesses us.  When we do fall, we get back up and his loving hand is there to lift us.


In moral theology, when one is trying to remove themselves from a sinful habit, the chance of a habit reoccurring is understood.  This can reduce the culpability of the agent.  God’s mercy is thrown at us if we have even the slightest intent of changing and if we fall.  God understands that vices and habits are hard to change.  As a man, Christ experienced the ways of the world, and as God and man, he understands the struggles we go through.


If you are interested in learning how to become a christian counselor, then please review the program.  We also list an info page on our website on how to become a Christian counselor and other requirements needed.



See on www.crosswalk.com

Pope Francis’ Stunning Critique Of Capitalism

The article, “Pope Francis ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ Calls For Renewal Of Roman Catholic Church, Attacks ‘Idolatry Of Money’”, source; Huffington Post

“(Reuters) – Pope Francis called for renewal of the Roman Catholic Church and attacked unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny”, urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Evangelli Gaudium by the ponitff, Francis, should not surprise many.  Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII also condemned many capitalistic aspects of greed.

Trickle down economics though really touches the nerves of many Conservative Capitalists, namely Republicans, who have for the longest time said it works.

Not according to the Pontiff. While only a spiritual leader, the Pope touches upon the fact the needs of the poor or put last in this system and left to the greed and decision of those with power of what trickles down or not.

Christian Counselors of course should avoid politics as much as possible, but when issues of care of the poor arise, they should be social activists.  Giving to the poor first, is key.  Awaiting arbitrary decisions by the elect and powerful is a scary thought.

If you interested in Christian Counseling or wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review the program.


See on www.huffingtonpost.com

What did St Paul mean by Faith and Works of the Law?

St Paul's ideas have been a point of division for Catholics and Protestants, but is there really a division in practice? Christian Counselors can play a big role in removing the confusion. If you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then review the program
St Paul’s ideas have been a point of division for Catholics and Protestants, but is there really a division in practice? Christian Counselors can play a big role in removing the confusion. If you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then review the program

The article, ” What did St Paul mean by Faith and Works of the Law?”, by Dr Taylor Marshall states

“Faith and works, right? But have you ever met a Protestant or Evangelical who insists that we are saved by “faith alone”?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This is a very insightful article.  While authored from a Catholic perspective, be not to quick, if Protestant, to judge it harshly because it is written from a very ecumenical view.  It presents the ideas of Justification and Works and the meaning of the Law.

Non-Denomitional Christians may be very surprised to learn in this article that the Catholic Church does not believe justification is by one’s own works but only through Christ.

Please, read this article because I truly believe this difference is not as great as Catholics and Protestants believe, but instead show a very similar ideal, namely- Both groups believe justification is only attainable via Christ through faith and works–works that are devoid if not filled with faith and love for Christ through His grace and of no merit by our own actions.

Christian Counselors from both persuasions on the topic I believe sometimes become to encamped into their own theology on Paul–pushing an extreme that believes one side denies the value of the law and the other side believes in self justification.  This is farther from the truth!  I believe no Protestant believes one can faith in Christ and not follow the law, and I believe no Catholic believes one can merit one’s own salvation via his own works.  Scripture supports neither extreme.

I would like this article to serve as a dialogue and I will post it as one within Christian counseling groups with the intent to promote discussion and realize the unity between Catholics and Protestants in this theology.

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling or would like to know how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review the program


See on taylormarshall.com

How to Be a Miserable Counselor

The article, “How to Be a Miserable Counselor”, by Paul Tautges states

“The horrendous one-another ministry of Job’s so-called “counselors” is a bad example for us to recognize and learn from, but definitely not follow.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

An article how the friends of Job proved to be horrible counselors indeed.  The old view that suffering and personal sin are connected.  Suffering as seen through Christ has merit.

The friends of Job felt Job had sinned to deserve what had occurred him but were wrong.  Instead Job was a just man.  This was a story of how suffering has merit for others.  Job also became a pre-figurement of Christ as a just man who suffers.


If you are interested in learning more about Christian Counseling Instruction, then review our program.  Those who wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor can also review our blog.

Our program in Christian Counseling consists of four core courses.  These courses, once completed, allows qualified professionals to become certified.  After three years, one then needs to renew their certification.


Christian Counseling Meditations for Holy Week

Christian Counseling: Holy Week Meditations

A short video of classical art and music depicting Christ’s last days on Earth.  Helpful meditations for holy week
If you are interested in learning more about Christian Counseling certifications, then please review the program and click here
There are a variety of meditations to consider during this Holy Time.  Meditations from mystics or meditations from Scripture.  You can also partake in a variety of church devotions or merely have private devotions about something related to the wounds of Christ.
If you are wondering how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review our program. Our program in Christian Counseling can show you the steps it takes on how to become a Christian Counselor.
In the meantime, please enjoy the video and please feel free to review our blog.  If you have any questions, please let us know.


How to become a christian counselor: Christian Behavior in the Modern Day Church: What Would Christ Do?

Christian Counseling: The State of the Church on Earth

“And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”-strong words and the ultimate promise of Christ to Peter regarding his Church.  Yet,  while victory will be denied to Satan, one must accept that the Church will be tested.   This testing has pushed many Christians away from the Church because they do not understand the nature and relationship of the Bride of Christ.  Christian Counseling needs to make clear what the Church is and a Christians responsibility to the Church.

First, what is the Church?  So many times, we mistake the entirety of the Church to that of the hierarchy.  This is an error.  The Church is the entirety of all believers, those in Heaven and those still on Earth.  Within the Church on Earth or the Church Militant exists the hierarchy and the laity who all equally represent the Church on Earth as equal brothers and sisters in their baptism.  Only the form and duty of the branches differentiate them in their paths.  Ultimately all share in the royal priesthood of Christ and are called to know, love and serve God.  Those who wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor are also part of the church and play an important role in its function and reform.
While the Church of Heaven can never sin, the Church on Earth, while still a perfect spiritual bride of Christ, is marred by the sins of its members.  With this comes a dualistic nature of the Church-a Church made of sinners but for sinners.  Stemming from apostolic succession, the hierarchy element of the Church spiritually feeds its children via Baptism and the Lord’s meal, while the laity of the Church accept these spiritual gifts and also utilize their special charisms in helping advance the Church.  Yet, within both hierarchy and laity exists a broken human element.  A broken element that throughout the ages has caused corruption within the physical structure of the Church.  Satan, has utilized the corrupt to gain control and cause pain and suffering through the arm of the physical structure of the Church.  Some can see pass this, while others correlate corruption with he spiritual nature of the Church.  These people lose their faith and revolt instead of keeping strong the faith and reforming it.
Perhaps with a better understanding of the Church and its structure, these people would not have reacted agains the corruption of the hierarchy in form of revolt but reformation instead.  Christ never came to destroy the Old Law, despite the corruption that existed, but he came to fulfill and reform it.  This is the calling of today’s Christians.  We are not to revolt and hate the Church for its corruption, but vigorously defend the spiritual nature of the Church.  If we truly understand the nature of the Church, then we can never leave her, but always remain apart of her because we know we are part of her as well.  Is that not the Mystical Body of Christ?
With these views in mind, we can only imagine Christ’s disgust with the abuse within the Church.  His disgust is not with merely the present state but also the past.  While there is 2,000 years worth of goodness, there is also 2000 years worth of corruption.
Christ’s disgust would first fall upon laws that no longer serve man but hinder.  Traditionalists who hold to outdated laws and judge man by that are no different than the pharisees of Christ’s day.
Christ’s disgust would fall upon the division of of his Churches.  He would find no amusement with the divison of East and West and the multiple divisions within Protestantism.

Christ’s disgust would fall upon the present hierarchy who boldly call themselves “Princes” of the Church and care more about the politics of the physical Church instead of its spiritual purity.
Christ’s disgust would fall upon the pedophiles of all religious denominations who prey upon children and supposed shepherds who hide these monsters from justice.
Christ’s disgust would fall upon the various heretical doctrines that attempt to water down his teachings.
Christ’s disgust would fall upon the rich and powerful who oppress the poor.
Christ’s disgust would fall upon those who are Christian in name only and do not fulfill the teachings of the Gospel
Where would we find Christ?  We would find Christ criticizing those who defile his teachings.  Whether minister, priest, religious or bishop, Christ would correct false doctrines and question these supposed shepherds.  While Christ would never condone open revolt against just leaders, he would demand that we stand up to those leaders who pervert his doctrines for financial or political gain.
We would find Christ helping the poor.  We would find him conversing with the sinners.  While Christ would never expect us to condone these sins, he expects us to serve our neighbors with Christian charity.

We would find Christ standing up for those without rights.  Christ expects us as Christians to defend the rights of the unborn.
We would find Christ holding and consoling the victims of sexual abuse and justly condemning those who supposedly represent him.
We may very well find Christ, “turning tables over” in many churches who supposedly profess his name.
Christ founded the Church and he does not expect us to revolt against it but he expects us to reform it.  Minister, priests, bishops, christian counselors and even laity need to start this reform.  If you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor and help in this reform, then consider becoming certified.
The biggest question to be answered is would those who control the Church today yield to their master or crucify him once again?

If you are interested in learning more about Christian Counseling Certification, then please review our program. Those who want to learn how to become a Christian Counselor can learn more by reviewing the program.
Those who wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor will discover that the process is a simple one.  Simply take the required courses.  Once these courses are completed, those who wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor can become certified.

New Year Resolutions That Reflect Spiritual Mastery

Christian Counseling and New Year Resolutions

Secular society confuses true change with superficial change.  Christians realize that true changes stem from the core of one’s being.  Christian Counseling hence urges people to find true meaning in their New Year Resolutions that go beyond the mere breaking of bad habits to true spiritual regeneration.
Yes, to quit smoking, diet, or work out more are great things that Christians should encourage, but when these things are the only things we notice, then we are truly spiritually in danger.  When we look to improve ourselves, we need to look not just at the surface but at the deepest part of our souls.  We need to realize that while quitting smoking may be great, it is even more important that we stop certain vices that are destroying our soul.  Maybe we use the Lord’s name in vain, not attend Sunday service, Mass or Liturgy, or maybe we do not give God enough prayer.  Maybe its a vice of lust, sloth, pride, or envy that dominates our being?  A thorough examination of conscience should be made at New Year to identify the weaknesses in our spiritual armor to work towards cultivating the virtues that contradict those vices!
In addition to inwardly working on ourselves, we may find ourselves in a position to allow our inner spiritual beauty to bloom in the early Winter, as we perform more spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  Have we been sitting on the sideline too long while others suffer?
In this way, we should take each New Year as a chapter in our life to cultivate a particular Christian virtue.  Each year we should attempt to master a different virtue in an attempt to become more Christ like.  While many New Year resolutions fade into the cold month of February, let us remain in prayer with Christ, and continue with fortitude on any spiritual resolutions we may make.
These are the resolutions that matter most for they will follow us into eternity.

If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, please review the program.  For those who want to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, one can review our program and discover the various courses that are required for certification.
The process on how to become a Christian Counselor first requires a competent background.  One should have a ministry or pastoral background.  The second element is taking the courses.

Mark Moran. MA

Christian Counseling: Living for Christ Now, Not Later

Counselors Need to Encourage Youthful Commitment to Christ

How many of us find the race of life to be like the tortoise and the hare where like the hare we run across the track doing what we want except running the race correctly?  There is always tomorrow, or later, to win the race.   Christian Counselors need to encourage youthful comittment to Christ!


This mentality exists today.  Instead of turning one’s life over to God at a young age, people wish to experience life first then love God.  They joke that one day, they will be the old lady in Church, praying for her past sins.  Why though?  Why not live one’s entire life for Christ and gain more spiritual merit?  Also, why be caught off guard? What if we death come

s sooner and we still have not lived the life we needed to?

In the artclie below from Crosswalk.com, Whitney Hopler writes about dying young for Christ in “Die Young to Live For Jesus Now”.  This editorial is actually a report on the book, “Die Young: Burying Yourself In Christ” by Hayley and Michael Dimarco.  Below is the article.

“When someone dies young, people often view it as a tragedy – a life cut short, with wasted potential. Premature physical death can indeed be tragic. But there’s another kind of death that’s a blessing, especially when people are young: death to self.”

To read the entire article, click here

Christian Counselors need to emphasize an importance to their spiritual children, the importance of living now for Christ and not later.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses for Certification, please review the program and click here.
Also if you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, this site will help guide you.

Pregnancy and Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling and Teen Pregnancy

 A young Christian girl who is pregnant needs good spiritual guidance. She needs social support and personal support from the Church and her family. Within that structure comes good Christian counseling from lay ministries or the church itself. This young girl does not need a lecture on the commandments, but needs the charity and love Christ would give her. She also needs the support and advice to avoid the murderous choice of abortion. This is an opportune time for Christian counselors to promote the correct and only option of life. Through good Christian counseling, the girl can be prepared for her future nine months and beyond. This will involve emotional, spiritual and physical care. For more information on Christian counseling, one should consider becoming a certified Christian counselor at AIHCP. Through the courses at AIHCP, one can become certified as a Christian counselor and better prepared to face such dilemmas and difficult situations that Christians face in the modern world.

If you would like to learn how to become a christian counselor, then please review.