Benefits of Meditation From A Theological Perspective

Theological Meditative Benefits

Many of us are aware of the physical benefits of meditation.  However, those are side benefits and not the primary reason why one should utilize meditation in one’s prayer life.   Meditation’s ultimate purpose is to unite one with God.
Whether one approaches meditation from an Eastern or Western theological point of view, the ultimate purpose is spiritual renewal and connection with God.  The benefits of this are beyond

measure because they are spiritual in nature.
Whether one refers to such union as increase of grace or spiritual awakening, one cannot deny the inner peace, focus, clarity, and understanding one achieves when meditation is properly applied to one’s prayer life.  The inner workings of God, his grace, and his serenity are applied to the soul and re-energizes the it.
This spiritual feeding of the soul, allows one to grow spiritually and to better communicate and share the love of God with the world.  Ultimately this is the purpose of meditation.  To find God and to share God with the world.  Meditation is not a selfish individual endeavor as many think, but is an action that purifies oneself so oneself can help purify the world.
If you are interested in Meditation Certification, please review the program.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C