Legal Nurse Consulting Blog on AIHCP’s Legal Nursing Certification

Malpractice is a big concern for both patient and caregiver.  It is something that costs millions upon millions of dollars a year for caregivers.  Some caregivers are simply make a small mistake while others are negligent or even criminal.

Malpractice whether accidental or criminal is a common issue in healthcare.

It is important that caregivers give the best treatment and respect to their patients.  Unfortunately this is not always the case and patients need to seek legal action.  There are multitudes of lawyers who specialize in medical error.  They look to bring justice to patients who have received improper care through malpractice cases.

Whether the medical error deals with diagnoses, actual treatment, or for the care of an infant or elderly, one can seek justice against caregivers who give poor quality of care.   This is why it is so important for caregivers to be diligent in their care of their patients.  Whether a doctor, a nurse, or even an aide, it is critical to follow procedure, as well as document the appropriate charts.

Documentation is key especially for nurses in malpractice.  It can determine guilt or innocence in a malpractice case.  It can also free one from responsibility and point guilt to another party.   So while accidents do happen, it is important to not care for one’s patient but to also follow procedure.

Doctors themselves also must follow procedure, but when they deviate or make decision errors, they will likely face a malpractice.  Even the best intentions of a doctor can lead to error, so the reality of malpractice is always present.

A Legal Nurse Consultant is a medical expert, who understands medicine and procedure in nursing or healthcare, but also is trained in the process of medical law.  They can serve both the caregiver’s case, as well as the patient’s case.  Usually firms look to them for guidance in determining culpability in a medical case.

Legal Nurse Consultants can provide expert advice and also supply research, but they can also provide expert testimony in malpractice cases.  They can provide justice for either the caregiver or the patient.

Legal Nurse Consultants can bring expertise to firms regarding nursing procedure and possible nursing error

With malpractice such a large reality in the medical field and so many accidents, criminal or just accidental occurring, nurses can play a large role in helping determine culpability in cases.   As a Legal Nurse Consultant, nurses can take their skills from the hospital floor to the courtroom.

If you are a registered nurse and would like to enter into the exciting field of Legal Nurse Consulting, then please review the American College of Legal Nursing and see if the program meets your professional goals.   The program is online, independent study and even offers continuing education for some nurses.  The certification is four years and can be renewed.

Please let us know if you have any interest in becoming certified in Legal Nurse Consulting.  With the certification you can begin an exciting new career that diversifies and takes your nursing career into directions you never imagined.


Legal Nurse Consulting Certification Article on Nursing Home Cameras

Security cameras in nursing homes are aimed at helping prevent injuries.  Cameras also can present multiple ethical issues.

Please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification to learn how you can become certified in this field.

The article, “Security cameras in nursing homes aim to protect the vulnerable but present ethical dilemmas” by Kim Eckart attempts to look at the issues surrounding them.  He states,

“The use of cameras in resident rooms is so common that some states have passed laws to help families and facilities navigate the legal issues. But it’s not just a gray zone for law. Lots of ethical issues are at play, and it raises the question of privacy’s role in our lives.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Guest Blog Article

4 Common Auto Accident Injuries and How to Handle Them

Auto accident injuries can negatively impact your physical, mental and financial wellbeing in many ways. Getting the proper treatment if you’ve been in an auto accident and taking other measures to rectify the situation can help restore your quality of life. Here are some of the most common auto accident injuries and what you can do to treat them.



Burns can occur when a vehicle catches fire, when parts of the body are grazed, or parts of the body are pressed up against a hot surface during an accident. Burns may range from minor first-degree burns to major third-degree burns that need prompt treatment to prevent infection, minimize scarring and address other health concerns. Burn units in hospitals treat the most severely burned patients, but burns that aren’t as serious in nature can often be treated using antibiotic ointments or household items like honey or lotion containing aloe vera. After being seen by a professional, aloe and coconut oil are often very helpful in soothing the itching dryness that often accompanies burn injuries.

Broken Bones

Vehicle impacts can result in broken bones. Arm, leg and pelvic bones are among the most commonly broken in car accidents. You may also sustain damage to facial bones, which may need cosmetic surgery to fix. Doctors will usually prescribe casts, slings or splints to stabilize appendages where bone are broken and facility healing. Though bones will typically heal on their own with time, it is important to take time off of work as recommended by your doctor to allow the break to set before attempting to put weight on it again.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that sometimes results in loss of consciousness, persistent dizziness and vision problems. Cognitive skills and emotional reasoning can also be negatively affected after sustaining a concussion. The best treatment for a concussion is usually prolonged physical and mental rest. If a concussion makes it difficult for you to return to your normal work functions, resulting in a loss of income, there are auto accident injury attorney services that can help you get compensation for your financial and personal losses.


The sudden back-and-forth movement of your head and neck that might occur during a collision can result in whiplash. This condition often causes symptoms like neck pain, muscle stiffness and headaches that can greatly interfere with daily life. Resting the head and neck can help facilitate healing and minimize pain. Chiropractic care and physical therapy are other treatment methods that often prove to be effective. While you may not recognize whiplash at first, prolonged back and neck pain after an accident are clear signs of whiplash that should be addressed as soon as possible.

Taking proactive measures to treat your auto accident injuries will increase your chances of faster recovery and help minimize the hassle of dealing with such an unfortunate incident. Seeking the right medical treatment and legal guidance can help you move on from your accident injuries while sustaining minimal losses overall to your personal and financial wellbeing.


Author Meghan Belnap, Blogger, Researcher and Freelance Writer

Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your educational and professional goals.

Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing Documenation

It is so critical for nurses to proper document a patient.  This is one of the most critical aspects of protecting oneself from legal malpractice.  Nurses need to document to protect themselves when writing reports on patients

Documentation is important in nursing when caring for a patient. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consultant Program
Documentation is important in nursing when caring for a patient. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consultant Program

The article, “Nurse documentation contributes to lawsuit dismissal” discusses the importance and the particular case that highlights why nurses need to document properly in legal cases.  The article states,

“In the case, William was the temporary guardian for his father-in-law, Harold, who was admitted to the hospital for treatment, presumably because of malnourishment. Harold was placed on tube feedings.  During a visit with his father-in-law, William decided to use a ballpoint pen to puncture the hanging plastic nutrition bag so the infusion would flow faster. The nurse caring for Harold contacted the nursing supervisor when she determined what had happened”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consultant Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.   And also always remember the importance of good documentation for patients.



Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing and Malpractice

Malpractice cases are a very common theme in the medical world.  Individuals are injured and seek compensation due to negligence, misconduct, or failure to apply to medical standards.   Legal Nurse Consultants play a key role in aiding the victim or helping in the defense of the healthcare provider. Long ago, the idea of nurses being sued in a malpractice was non-existent, but in recent years the chance of a nurse has increased in facing charges.   Around 2 percent of all malpractice cases involve nurses.  This is still very low, but if a nurse is not careful, he or she can become liable for patient injury.  A nurse can lose his or her license, position, as well as personal assets in these cases, so nurses, even basic RN’s need to protect themselves with good habits in patient care.   Following nursing standards and following protocol are key factors in protecting oneself as a nurse, but it goes beyond that.

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs
Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs

Most cases against nurses involve misconduct, but can also include a variety of issues during the actual care.   Besides from deviating from norms of care, nurses need to properly communicate with the physician, fellow nurses, and patient in the overall care.

Nurses also need to monitor and assess the patient.  This involves watching the patient carefully and not neglecting the patient’s needs or missing important and clear changes in health.   While this seems to be the most common-sense role a nurse plays, nurses can become overwhelmed with numerous patients and one can forget a minor duty.

Most attorneys look at the nurse’s role in the injury to their patient and will look at communication issues, medication errors, assessment errors, and the mental state of the nurse.   Nurses need to be very vigilant in the care of their patients, not just for the patient’s health, but also for their own legal and professional security.

Most professionals agree, nurses can protect themselves through excellent charting and documentation.  If it is not documented, in the eyes of the court it never occurred.  Nurses hence need to document patient care and communicate it efficiently to other care professionals.

Nurses need to also work within the chain of command.  If something does not seem right, they need to notify the physician and if something continues not to seem right, they cannot just remain silent, but contact the head nurse to correct the issue.

Through communication with the patient and family, most nurses can avoid these pitfalls.  Most attorneys are looking to sue the system itself, but nurses play an important role in protecting the hospital through good first-hand care.

Nurses are, still nonetheless, no longer absent faces in malpractice suites and can face great legal and professional losses if they do not follow standards of care and present themselves properly in that care.  It is a serious job to care for people and responsibility and professional care are prerequisites for any nurse.

If you would like to learn more about nursing law and malpractice, then please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Certification.  If the program matches your academic and professional needs, you could become a certified Legal Nurse Consultant.



Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article

What are the rights of a dismissed nursing student?  It can happen and one can be expelled or removed from a program.  In this article, these questions are looked to be answered.  It can definitely be a horrible feeling to be removed from a program you have worked so hard to succeed in.  Your rights may be violated and you may need to seek professional and legal help in finding justice.

What are your rights in a nursing school? Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program
What are your rights in a nursing school? Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program

The article, “Dismissed nursing student wants to know her rights” discusses one’s rights and how to find justice if inappropriately removed.   The article states,

“Generally, if you’re a nursing student your rights in a dismissal proceeding depends on, first and foremost, if you are in a public post-secondary nursing education program or in a private nursing education program.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.  As a Legal Nurse Consultant you can deal with a wide variety of cases with various legal firms dealing with nursing laws and malpractice.   AIHCP offers an online program where one can earn a certification in Legal Nurse Consulting and apply their knowledge to variouis cases throughout the country, hoping to help others escape injustice.   If you are interested in nursing and legal cases, please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Legal Nurse Consulting and Nurse Case Management in Worker Compensation

Ethics and law in handling worker compensation cases is a detailed study and professional practice.  Sometimes legal nurse consultants are necessary in understanding the injury and the legal implications of a settlement.  Nurse Case Managers also play an important role in handling the cases and representing the individual case.   Both of these fields, Legal Nurse Consulting and Nurse Case Management play an important role in these outcomes.

Nurse Case Management as well as Legal Nurse Consulting can help cases in workers compensation
Nurse Case Management as well as Legal Nurse Consulting can help cases in workers compensation

The article, “Nursing The Wound: The Law and Ethics of Disability Management in Workers Compensation” by Justin Beck goes into greater detail about this.  The article states,

“Nurse case managers are often viewed with some suspicion by claimants and their lawyers, but a wider perspective is needed to understand the virtues of their profession. In this episode of Workers Comp Matters, host Alan Pierce talks to Justin Beck about his paper, “Nursing The Wound: The Law and Ethics of Disability Management in Workers Compensation.” ‘

To listen and read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program, as well as our Nurse Case Manager Program and see if they match your academic and professional needs.


Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Private Hospital Malpractice

Good article on issues regarding private hospital nurses and a higher rate of malpractices.   Malpractice can be a serious issue for any nurse.  Legal Nurse Consultants can help nurses overcome false claims, or even help victims find justice at the hands of poor care

Medical error and malpractice can occur. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting program
Medical error and malpractice can occur. Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting program

Many times nurses can protect themselves by properly charting and documenting.   The article below discusses private hospital nurses and stats of malpractice against them.

The article, “Private hospitals face nursing malpractice havoc” by Masutane Modjadji states,

“According to the latest study, from Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences, this has resulted in a rise in civil claims settlements with many amounting to payouts of millions of rand. The study also found that the costs of these claims are passed onto consumers.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you would like to learn more about malpractice or learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting then please review the program at AIHCP.  AIHCP offers a complete online program for nurses seeking certification in this field.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article

Nurses have the opportunity to diversify their fields more than any other professional field.   They can advance in a variety of medical related fields as they enhance their education.   Certifications are an additional example of how nurses can diversify their field.

Nurses can diversify their careers with various certifications. AIHCP's Legal Nurse Consulting Program can help
Nurses can diversify their careers with various certifications. AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program can help

In particular, Legal Nurse Consulting is an excellent way for nurses with legal interests to combine both the legal and the medical knowledge.   Legal Nurse Consulting is not a licensed field but a certification nurses can earn from a credible organization.  Once certified, they can utilize the certification in a variety of legal cases.

Malpractice cases are a key area for Legal Nurse Consultants.   Firms defending a provider, or malpractice attorneys working for a client can utilize a Legal Nurse Consultant’s skills in defending or finding justice in a case.   With an abundance of malpractice cases, legal teams are always looking for medical knowledge to help prove or defend a case.

Legal Nurse Consultants can serve as expert witnesses or work in the background developing the case.   Many firms may hire a Legal Nurse Consultant for individual cases or may hire one on retainer.   The Legal Nurse Consultant can then develop the career as needed, or in addition to nursing itself.

Legal Nurse Consulting is an excellent opportunity for nurses that legal minded nurses should not ignore.  If you are interested there are plenty of organizations that certify nurses and teach them the necessary skills to become a Legal Nurse Consultant.

The American College of Legal Nursing offers a comprehensive, online program.  It is independent study and one can work at his or her own pace through the curriculum.   Each course carries CE value and can be utilized towards hours of a nursing license.

After completing the program, one can then become certified as a Legal Nurse Consultant for four years.  Recertification involves 500 hours of work within the field and 50 hours of CE hours.   Once certified, one can begin to gain the credibility needed to ensure firms and attorneys of one’s skills and abilities within the medical and legal fields.

If you are considering becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant, then please review the program from the College of Legal Nurse Consulting and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.  Within a short period, you could become a certified Legal Nurse Consultant and begin an exciting career that takes you from the hospital floor to the courtroom bench.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Nursing and Work Place Violence

Work place violence is an issue in any work force.  It unfortunately can cause even more issues in a hospital or with nurses.  Nurses need to be focused to save lives and the issue of work place violence can be a big deal.  If you would like to learn more then please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program.

The article, Nurses, get informed about workplace violence, states

“As the discussion continues in the nursing community on how to prevent workplace violence, laws are being enacted nationwide to reduce the number of incidents and make healthcare settings safer for both patients and staff.

In the Prevent Workplace Violence in Nursing digital edition we explore this important topic, along with measures being taken to decrease violence against medical staff. Nurses of every level and specialty should read this issue — it could make a difference in your own jobs and lives.”

To read the entire article, please click here

In the meantime, nurses, as well as other professionals, need to work on cutting down work place violence.  Healthcare officials and managers need to have the appropriate guidelines installed to prevent and react to these issues.

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program.