Marketing your Hypnotherapy Certification Via Social Media

Attracting Hypnotherapy Clients through Social Media

Businesses that operate online have several options when it comes to getting an audience. There are plenty of ways to get yourself noticed, but these methods require different amounts of time and money to succeed. Social media marketing lets companies attract a lot of people and entertain many fascinating marketing options. If you have a hypnotherapy practice, you need to be engaging potential clients via social media.  This article will assist hypnotherapists in understanding social media marketing.
You should always interact with visitors, just like how you would handle a call from a hypnosis client,  using social media sites. A single-sided conversation throughout your page can be the end of your business presence. If readers care enough to comment, then you owe them the respect of a reply.
Use a variety of social marketing venues for the greatest success. It’s well known that Facebook is one of the most popular social sites, but don’t sell yourself short by sticking with Facebook only. The greater the exposure, the greater the chances of a successful marketing.
When people comment on your site or ask questions, make sure you respond promptly and professionally. It’s easy to just skim over some kind of message or comment, so seek out these comments every time you log in.
Your social media updates should engage Facebook fans by incorporating fun, interesting and directly relevant content. Use this as an opportunity to let them know more about your hypnotherapy techniques and what you can offer. For example, you might share links to intriguing articles, unique images or off-the-wall videos from media sites like YouTube. Find the right balance between being friendly and professional.
Take the time necessary to produce a strong online presence but remember that a profitable enterprise is the real goal. Because you want to be thought of as a niche expert, you should not post shaky opinions or advice. Just post relevant and appropriate, amusing videos. These techniques makes sure your social media marketing strategy end up successful.

A business man sitting on a couch alone
Is this your hypnotherapy business? Learn to market yourself!

Don’t be careless when it comes to putting yourself out there on social media. Twitter is a great site to reach out to your subscribers without putting in too much effort. If you make factual and grammatical errors in the content you create, it can make you look bad to your followers and customers. Even though social media sites tend to be laid back, it’s important to always present yourself professionally while you use them.
It’s always a great idea to research any type of campaign or strategy you’re going with. Social media constantly changes, and you don’t want to miss the boat on anything new. Social sites are different. By knowing the differences between them, you can better utilize your time and effort. There might be a site that reaches more people and may require most of your time.
Followers can easily share your content with Facebook. When a person comments on a post on your page, all of their friends can see it. Have readers connect with you more and more so you get more exposure for your hypnotherapy business.
Where is your target audience? Go to them. Look for people who need to quit smoking or want to lose weight.   Search for them and let them now about you have a hypnosis certification and are up to date on the latest hypnosis techniques.
Include different types of animations and pictures on your website to improve the content. Let people know about you and show them a picture of yourself or the business you are running.
Make comments on social media blogs regularly. The term social media implies interaction and communication. Always make sure that you are focusing on your niche to highlight your strengths. Network with other business owners whose companies are related to yours.

3 penguins walking on an icy beach
Without marketing you might as well open your hypnotherapy practice in Antarctica.

Be sure your postings have eye-catching titles. Your reader makes his or her first impression when reading a headline. You do not want to simply say “Hi I have a hypnotherapy certification!” Use strong keywords and original titles that will make people want to learn more about your topic. Don’t just write anything; give it the thought it deserves.
You should have regular interesting blogs. If you offer new content when readers expect it, they are sure to become routine visitors. This has been proven with newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Keep it regular to maximize your rate of return visitors.
Add a review area on your Facebook page. This widget makes it easy for anyone following you to review your business. You can edit the reviews and take out the ones you wish. One way to get people to submit reviews is to enter anyone who writes a review into a drawing.
Common adds and vapid articles are no longer the way to make your marketing plan a winner. All sorts of media which entertains people can be used to attract a big audience in very quick order. The information in this article can help you build a strong audience and create a successful social media marketing strategy.

Hypnosis Courses Help Understand The Human Mind

A gold pocket watch on a chain.
Hypnosis courses will teach you how to put clients into “trances”.

When you take hypnosis courses, you will start to learn a lot.   Hypnosis allows a person, or subject, to enter into a deep state of relaxation. While under this state, the subject’s concentration is firmly directed at one particular topic. This subject is typically guided by the hypnotist, the person who put them in the state, and are more inclined to recall past events. This is due to heightened focus and concentration while being under the ctrance.” However, while under this state, the subject is still in full control of their actions. Their free will and judgment are still intact. This allows the subject to be in a comfortable setting and should enhance their experience. Hypnosis and repressed memories often go together because under a hypnotic state, a person is more inclined to remember past events.

Hypnosis Courses Help Learn What Are Repressed Memories?

4 lit candles
Anything that allows you to focus can help induce a trance.

Oftentimes, events that occur in people’s lives are too horrific for them to recall. If they do recall them, it is usually many years later. Repressed memories have been deemed a form of amnesia because of the similar traits they have in common. However, when repressed memories are recalled, it usually manifests very quickly. Certain smells, tastes or sounds can cause a memory to suddenly appear. It is quite an interesting process because the true cause of it is not fully known.
In fact, a group of researchers tried to find any written cases of this happening before the 1800’s, but did not find one case that exhibited the same behaviors. This lead them to conclude that this is a rather new experience that has been brought about by cultural beliefs. Naturally, there have been refutes to this claim and one in particular that would set the first known occurrence. In 1786, a play was made which presented the story of a woman who had forgotten that her lover had died and waited for him every single day. However, this does not explain the reasoning behind repressed memories being a recent phenomenon.
Common Reasons For Repressed Memories
Although repressed memories are relative to cultural change, there are some common factors associated with them. These memories are usually forgotten after a person has a traumatic experience. For instance, child abuse is a major cause for memories to be forgotten. However, in earlier times people were often married at a much younger age and many of the abuses that we recognize today were common place back then. In this case, the memories would not be repressed because it was so common that it was not the traumatic experience it is today.
Repressed memories can also come from many other traumatic experiences that cause physical or emotional pain. Although this seems like a defensive mechanism in the brain, the memories are still present within the subconscious areas of the brain. This is why people can remember the events very rapidly once they are triggered.
Hypnosis and Repressed Memory

A plate with letters on it spelling "Subconscious"
Once in a trance your hypnotherapist has access to your subconscious.

Since hypnosis is a great way to recall past events and provides for a relaxed state, it only makes sense that repressed memories might be recalled under hypnosis. In fact, many people have had great results with recalling their repressed memories. However, a problem that often occurs is that the hypnotist often leads the person’s memories into a particular direction. When this occurs, the subject might start to recall things that did not take place. This has caused many hypnotists to follow strict rules of guidance when their subjects are under a trance. This includes a neutral position on events and letting the subject naturally recall events.
When these events are naturally recalled, the subject can see why they possess certain behaviors. For instance, if a memory was repressed because of a traumatic experience involving falling down stairs, the person may be anxious or scared of stairs. This would be something that always made them feel uneasy and remained unexplained. Through multiple hypnosis sessions, they would be able to recall the events, what triggered it from happening and how to deal with the anxiety they have because of it.
The benefits of hypnosis have allowed many people to recall repressed memories that have been stored deep inside of their brains. Throughout time, these past experiences might have affected their life without them even realizing it. Hypnosis and repressed memories work very well with one another because the hypnotic state provides an avenue for memories to be recalled. This often has a positive effect on the person and allows them to cope with the event which has been affecting their lives without recollection of it.
By Ryan Demeco

What exactly is Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

A picture of a hand holding a watch by its chain
Hypnosis is a trance like state of mind.

Hypnosis refers to a trance-like condition, which is usually induced by a hypnotherapist. In this condition, a person experiences a heightened sense of focus and is more receptive to suggestions. A hypnotist can therefore help the person to gain control over undesirable behaviors, emotions and perceptions. If a person wishes to undertake hypnosis training, there are various academies and institutions that offer such training. These institutions are normally licensed and approved by the relevant authorities. In some cases, they are licensed by state education departments. A good program will be approved for its students to become certified in hypnosis. Hypnosis is mainly used for behavioral modification, enabling people to cope with certain medical conditions. It has been used in the treatment of various conditions such as phobias and obsessions. Hypnosis has also been used in helping people to stop smoking, while it has also been effective in facilitating weight loss. Doctors also use hypnosis for pain management, particularly with terminally ill patients.
By Matt Jackson

Hypnotherapy is a Gateway to the Subconscious.

Can Hypnosis Lead Into The Subconscious?

A picture of a spiritual looking head floating in the clouds with the moon orbiting it.
Is hypnosis the key to the subconscious?

Everyone has a subconscious mind which helps them throughout their lives.  But the question remains ;  what is the subconscious mind? The Subconscious mind can be considered as a store room which stores everything which is not present in the conscious mind. According to researchers, the subconscious mind stores all the data related to your previous life, beliefs, past memories, skills, situation which you faced and images associated with things which you must have seen somewhere in past. The finest method to understand the subconscious mind of a person is to consider an example of a person who is willing to learn how to drive a car. Initially, the learner will not be able to establish conversion with anyone else while driving the car as he would be concentrating on the various moves involved in driving a car. The reason behind this is that, the person is using his conscious mind to drive the car.
The Subconscious mind of a person is completely responsible for triggering emotions and feelings which a person experiences whenever he faces a new situation. If you need to give a presentation in front of board members then you will experience feelings of anxiety and fear. Such kind of feelings is controlled by the subconscious mind of a person.

If you want to use power of the subconscious mind in the best way then you need to understand the functioning of the subconscious mind.  The Subconscious mind of a person functions on many beliefs and emotions.

A doctor helping her patient
Hypnotherapists can access your subconscious mind.

Once you learn about these rules then you will be able to use the subconscious mind without  a lot of effort. In this article you will learn the method by which you can control the subconscious mind.
Have you ever wondered why people go through an emotional set back after facing hardship in something about which they had a strong belief or trust? For example, people are broken down after facing breakup in their relationship because they had false belief about the relation which was stored in their subconscious mind. It is important to get rid of such  beliefs which help you to forget your past and you can control your subconscious mind in a better way to utilize it in a best possible way. As soon as person erases such beliefs from the subconscious mind, he realizes that he can find another partner in his life who can replace the previous one and he can stay happy forever. In similar way, people can control their anger by controlling thoughts of the subconscious mind which drives the anger inside them.
To control the subconscious mind, you need to program your subconscious mind with new thoughts which will help you to overcome various problems and issues with your personality. Programming your subconscious mind will help you to prevent any undesirable problems in your life and you will be able to make your life smooth and comfortable.
Hypnosis is one of the tested and tried methods which can program the subconscious mind in an effective manner. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and doesn’t understand logical analysis easily. This is the reason that people convince others in an argument by repeating the facts again and again rather utilizing any logical facts. Use can use hypnosis to train your subconscious mind and live a happy life.
If you want to learn more about hypnotherapy then maybe you would be interested in an online hypnosis certificate.

Working with the Subconscious Via Hypnosis

Working with the Subconscious Via Hypnosis

a doctor with a patient under hypnosis
Hypnosis can help doctors treat mental conditions.

One of the primary goals of hypnosis is to reinforce positive habits over negative ones. While smoking and weight loss are usually the primary requests by clients for hypnosis, one will discover that hypnosis is also used for a variety of other mental maladies. Such conditions include obsessive-compulsive behaviors and various phobias such as a fear or heights, surgery or spiders. The purpose is to calm the inner workings of the mind and reprogram the subconscious to new suggestive behaviors. The key to effectiveness in hypnosis is the quality and depth of hypnotic trance. Those with hypnosis certification are most qualified to work with and induce the trance state in clients. The hypnotist must be highly trained and skilled in working with clients in trance. The American College of Hypnotherapy offers courses in hypnosis training for qualified candidates who wish to learn this treatment modality. If you are interested in becoming certified in hypnosis, you may review the materials at The American College of Hypnotherapy and ascertain if the course work and certification correlates with your professional goals and aspirations.
For more information on hypnotherapy certifications please visit our webpage.

Hypnotherapy Treatment As An Option

Hypnotherapy Treatment As An Option

Many people with phobias, mental maladies and other subconscious issues seek counseling and medical help. Yet beyond the medical and counseling sessions lies another option that can be applied in correspondence with these treatments. Hypnotherapy treatment is this other option. More and more people are discovering the benefits and uses of hypnotherapy as an alternative help to subconscious issues. Phobias, subconscious memories and mental issues can all be dealt with in an effective manner when hypnotherapy is applied via a certified and trained professional. Hypnotherapy seeks to effectively eliminate one’s negative habits and thinking. Once eliminated, the hypnotherapist then instills positive affirmations and suggestions for positive behaviors into the subconscious mind. Years of research studies show it to be highly effective in treating many emotional and physical issues in patients. The American College of Hypnotherapy offers a certification in hypnotherapy for qualified individuals who wish to utilize the benefits of hypnosis for their clients. If you are interested in hypnotherapy, you should review their program and see if it matches your professional needs.
If are you interested in learning more about hypnotherapy please go here.

Should You Become a Certified Hypnotherapist?

Should You Become a Certified Hypnotherapist?

Hypnosis has the ability to reach the subconscious mind and reinforce positive practices over negative habits. Induction into trance should only be conducted by a trained and certified hypnotherapist who understands the art as well as the science of trance and inductions. The American College of Hypnotherapy offers, for qualified candidates, a program that can certify one to become a hypnotherapist. The courses teach the basic elements of hypnotherapy including hypnosis techniques, trance inductions, the workings of the subconscious mind and the therapeutic effects of hypnotherapy. Once the foundations are learned, students then study more advanced methods of working with clients in deep trance. The program also requires one to perform hypnosis on volunteers. This is permissible only after a qualified instructor approves the student’s techniques in a skills lab. If you are interested in learning more about hypnotherapy and would like to become certified in this field, you should inquire into the program and the American College of Hypnotherapy and determine if it correlates with your professional goals.

To learn more about hypnotherapy certifications please visit our site.

Hypnotherapy and OCD

Can Hypnotherapy Help OCD

Many people suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. The rituals and compulsions to do something repetitively drive these people to near insanity. Some experience rituals regarding cleanliness, while others experience self doubt whether something was accomplished or not. Some worry about completing tasks to the point of having no choice but to complete them or be haunted for the remainder of the day. The loud noise and echo of compulsion and rechecking push these people to seek help, especially in times of stress when the symptoms increase. While there is no cure for OCD, medication, counseling and hypnotherapy can help alleviate some of the symptoms and help the person operate and survive the day. The American College of Hypnotherapy can train qualified candidates to help people with OCD via hypno-training. By taking the required five core courses, a qualified individual can become certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy. With this training, one can help silence the echoes and torments of OCD via hypnosis

How to Become a Hypnotherapist

Become a Hypnotherapist

Have you thought about becoming a Hypnotherapist? Hypnotherapists utilize the state of hypnosis (deep relaxation) to treat their patients’ physical and psychological elements. Hypnotherapy has been effective at treating anxiety, depression, eating disorders, weight problems, sleeping disorders and addictions to alcohol and smoking. To become a hypnotherapist, you must undergo training in a solid and reputable hypnotherapy education program.

While there is not yet a central national organization that regulates the certification of hypnotherapists, you may become a certified hypnotherapist by meeting the certification requirements of bodies such as the American College of Hypnotherapy. This program provides for 220 hours of education and training. This includes a full practicum course where students practice inductions as well as using various hypnosis and hypnotherapy scripts. Once passed on this by the instructor, the students then work with actual subjects in conducting hypnosis and hypnotherapy sessions. Full faculty mentoring is provided. All courses are provided in online, distance education classrooms. Students complete a major online examination for each of the core courses that are provided in the curriculum.

 Training Costs

Costs vary depending on the program of education and training that you select. Costs are generally seen in the range of $ 1,500.00- $ 2,000.00. In some instances, some program costs are much higher. The tuition fees usually do not include required textbooks. Upon successful completion of the education program, those completing their education/training at the American College of Hypnotherapy are eligible for official certification. Certification costs are reasonable and provide certification for a three-year time period.


The American College of Hypnotherapy also offers a full “recertification” program. Re-certification comes due every three years. To apply for recertification the professional must complete a required amount of continuing education as well as have attained a defined number of hours of practice, within the time-frame that they are certified. Recertification is for another three-year term.

 What Does it Take to become a Hypnotherapist?

A hypnotherapy career may not be your best choice if you lack empathy and good communication skills. You should ideally be a people person; somebody who is able to connect with other people and their feelings, and have the will to assist them to overcome their problems.
In terms of qualifications, the American College of Hypnotherapy requires that one first be a licensed health care professional, in order to be considered for acceptance into the program. There are other programs available, and each have their own specific entry requirements.
If you feel confident about wanting to become a hypnotherapist, then you can begin you path to this career by enrolling in a course that meets your needs as well as the requirements of the state and those of the certification boards. To learn more about the American College of Hypnotherapy, click here.

Hypnotherapy for Remembering a Traumatic Event

Hypnotherapy for remembering a traumatic event

When some people experience a traumatic event, they repress that memory far back in their mind so they don’t have to think about it. This can result in not even remembering the trauma for most people. Unfortunately, repressing a bad event in the back of the mind can result in a lot of future problems. Each person is different, but the mind normally works in similar ways for most people. Hypnotherapy for remembering a traumatic event can be very useful.
Suppressed memories could manifest themselves into making an adult obese, untrustworthy or even a criminal. Sometimes traumatic events can subconsciously change the way a person thinks, which is why these issues arise. There are a lot of people who walk around having absolutely no idea that they had a traumatic event happen in their past. Getting help is important for anyone that wants to recover from issues they are having in the present.

 How Hypnotherapy for Remembering a Traumatic Event Works

When someone goes to therapy like this, otherwise known as regression therapy, they will be put in a relaxed state. This isn’t like hypnosis that is seen on television when someone has to walk around and act like a chicken. The Hypnotherapist will gradually work up to accessing different memories. This works much like a tape recorder does since most memories will be played back with vivid detail. The patient will still be awake and able to respond, but they will be accessing different parts of their memory.
Normally these memories are huge events that happened during childhood. This could mean being raped, being abused, having a family member die or a number of other things. The therapist is going to ask questions that will lead to the patient remembering these things from their past. Sometimes it can be too much for them to handle; which means it could take several sessions to fully get the entire story. When the patient is woken up out of the relaxed state, they will be able to remember all the memories they pulled from their past.

 How Hypnotherapy can help Someone?

This therapy can help people navigate through their past and find out why they act the way they do today. For example, some people who are dangerously obese eat their feelings because they were raped in the past. Instead of dealing with the emotions of being physically abused, they repressed all of them and started eating. Normally this is a gradual weight gain that is obvious from right after the abuse happened. This is just one example of how trauma can affect someone without them even knowing it. There are a lot of other ways this can affect each individual and change their life. In fact, many serial killers have pasts that involved traumatic events. These events and not dealing with their emotions are what make them so violent and unhinged.
Being able to work out feelings with a therapist is extremely important. Once all the memories have been brought to the conscious mind, they can start to work themselves out. The therapist is going to work with their patient to determine what needs to be done. It is going to take many sessions for most people to come to terms with the events that happened in their past. Talking out these things can make a big difference with the way someone acts in the present and future. Most patients end up shedding a lot of tears and feeling relief by letting these memories come to surface.
Therapy can result in a person having a better attitude, not being violent, quitting certain behaviors and so much more. The patient is able to talk out memories and feelings, which is probably something they weren’t able to do in the past. The therapist is going to ask a lot of questions and become an active role in their life. Having a safe space where the patient can talk about their trauma is extremely important when it comes to the healing process. After the emotions from the past have been worked out, the future can become a lot brighter. It does take a while to re-build, but it can be done with the help of a therapist. Without hypnotherapy it might be impossible for some individuals to remember any trauma at all.
Interested in learning more, click this link: Hypnotherapy