Medical Care: How to Find the Right Health Care Provider

 How to Find the Right Health Care Provider

At times it becomes necessary to seek a new family practitioner or a physician who specializes in a specific area of medicine. The reason for searching for a new physician may be because of moving to a new city, because a family physician retires, or because of changes in a family’s health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. One possible method of locating a new doctor is to ask the opinions of family, friends, and co-workers. The type of insurance a family possesses may determine who they choose as their family practitioner. In other words, the physician must be “in network.”


When choosing a healthcare giver, it is important to make certain the provider is board certified. Whether a family practitioner or a specialist, it is important the practitioner be board certified. This is accomplished when the physician goes through what is called a fellowship, which involves training in a specific area of medicine. The physician is then qualified to become board certified after passing exams. Most physicians also belong to groups that emphasize their area of specialty, such as the North American Spine Society for spine surgeons. Perhaps the most important item to check out is whether the practitioner is in good standing with his state’s licensing department. Other important information includes any disciplinary actions or lawsuits. This information may be obtained online through websites such as or

Personal Concerns

There are several elements to investigate before choosing a caregiver:

How long must a patient wait to obtain an appointment? The receptionist is a vital component of the clinic. Is she pleasant on the phone? Does she try to find an appointment that is sooner rather than later?
Where does the doctor have hospital privileges, and what kind of ratings has the hospital received from state surveys?
Does the physician’s clinic process insurance claims or expect the patient to file the claims? If the patient is on Medicare, does the physician accept Medicare?
During the hours the clinic is closed, who is “on call?” Is the physician in a group of other caregivers, who take turns being “on call?”
How far from the patient’s home is the clinic located? Is there ample parking space?
Schedule a “conference appointment,” which is simply an appointment to get to know the physician and ask any pertinent questions. If there are children in the family, the children should attend this appointment in order to observe how the physician interacts with children.
If it is a primary care physician, is she willing to refer to a specialist? A good primary care physician is not threatened if it becomes necessary to refer his patients to a specialist. (“How To Choose a Doctor,” WebMD).

In recent years, physicians and businessmen have banded together to form new companies for the purpose of improving quality of care, expanding the available market, and lowering healthcare costs. Companies such as Nueterra seek to move medicine from a volume-based system to a value-based system. Advanced outpatient surgical procedures are developed, and wellness and prevention are emphasized. Because a large number of physicians belong to such companies, contacting the company is a practical way to seek a new physician.

Choosing a physician of any kind is an intimate decision for an individual or family. The caregiver will be like another member of the family. Therefore, the caregiver chosen must not only be qualified professionally, but the patient must like the provider as well. In others words, it must be a good match, so choose wisely.


About the Author:

My name is Lizzie Weakley and I am a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. I went to college at The Ohio State University where I studied communications. I enjoy the outdoors and long walks in the park with my 3-year-old husky Snowball.


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How Health Information Technology Is Improving Healthcare

How Health Information Technology Is Improving Healthcare

Health Information Technology (HIT) is an array of technologies that store, share and analyze organized health information through the internet between healthcare providers, consumers, government agencies, and insurers.

It can be the primary means of providing continuity of care for each patient, between the primary care physician and supplementary care from other doctors. If a patient were admitted to the hospital, all hospital caregivers and the primary care doctor would have easy access to the patient’s same medical records, lab results, vital signs and medical orders. This accurate report reduces medical errors through omission, illegible notations, and misplaced records.


The internet can simplify the administrative healthcare system by eliminating unnecessary procedures and reducing myriads of paperwork, which is often duplicative. Internet technology can limit medical errors that increase consumer costs and engender mistrust in the changing healthcare industry.

Improved Care and Treatment

Medical personnel can instantly check a patient’s medical records for allergies, adverse drug interactions. Doctors can ascertain whether a patient’s insurance covers a prescribed drug, then email the prescription to the pharmacy. New medicines and advanced treatments may reduce pain and suffering as well as recovery time.

All clinical data is organized and analyzed, in case an unexpected health crisis should arise. Surgeons and physicians can transmit this data to skilled specialists anywhere in the world, who will consult and supplement the patient’s care.

Benefits to Consumers

Health Information technology enables today’s consumers to be well-informed and interactive participants in their health care. According to Paula Kane, who works with online health information management programs, those who suffer from a chronic illness stand to gain valuable understanding of their condition with improvements in health information technology. This knowledge can initiate a candid conversation with the patient’s doctor by addressing his concerns about medications, symptoms or treatment options.

More Productive Research

Medical groups can learn from each other and incorporate the most recent and innovative treatment methods. Research encourages and produces better diagnostic tools and strategies. Research fosters progressive surgical and procedural techniques. Access to available sophisticated medical equipment and communication with trusted colleagues worldwide, reduces disparities in health care. Health Information Technology promotes the early detection of infectious diseases, and improves the tracking of chronic illnesses.


If Health Information Technology remains an effectual tool, health care is sure to improve. The sharing of medical information between specialists via information technology promotes better standardized treatment for all patients. Focusing on quality comprehensive health care prevents subtle abuses of this technology and helps identify disparities in patient care.

While this decade has seen widespread implementation of HIT, there remain some drawbacks which prevent it from being universally embraced by all healthcare providers. Cybervulnerability and “HIT fatigue”, a symptom of constant alerts and confusing user interfaces, need to be addressed before the full potential of HIT can be realized.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from the University of Georgia.


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Getting Older: How Men Can Increase Their Energy in Their Everyday Life

Getting Older: How Men Can Increase Their Energy in Their Everyday Life

No one should ever feel as if ongoing fatigue is a simple fact of growing older. While workouts may become less rigorous and naps become appealing each afternoon, there are some basics steps that men can take to up their energy levels no matter their age.

Rule Out Major Health Problems
The first and most important step for those that are struggling with low energy levels is to have a full checkup with their primary healthcare provider. There are a myriad of health issues that could be causing fatigue ranging from vitamin deficiencies to pre-diabetes. It is vital to continue getting physicals at least once a year before moving onto other options.

Improve Your Heart Health
Any major issues with one’s heart will instantly sap strength and energy due to poor circulation. One of the best ways to improve heart health is to begin taking omega-3 oils as a daily supplement. This oils are derived from fish products and countless studies have shown them to improve alertness, energy levels, and one’s mood.

Stay Hydrated
When the body becomes dehydrated it will begin to go into shock. While the symptoms are not always immediately noticeable, it will begin to take its toll on one’s energy and stamina. Drinking enough water and other fluids will prevent the body from forcibly conserving energy as it attempts to stave off permanent damage from dehydration.

Get Your Hormone Levels Tested
As men become older their body will naturally begin to produce fewer hormones or create an imbalance in hormones. According to Genemedics Health Institute, this is one of the primary causes of fatigue in elderly men, but there are options out there to prevent this decline. Many now turn to hormone replacement therapy to stave off chronic fatigue as well as improve one’s overall strength.

Find Your Circadian Rhythm
Every human has a slightly different circadian rhythm, or the natural ebb and flow of one’s energy. While humans can slightly alter their circadian rhythm by changing their sleep schedule, some men simply need to become more in tune with their body’s own needs. Those that have peaks of energy at certain points of the day should attempt to schedule physical activity or strenuous work during this period.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often
An imbalance in blood sugar is often the culprit for those that have become chronically fatigued or only have short spurts of energy. Studies have shown that consuming smaller meals at shorter intervals could help those with blood sugar issues. It is also important to avoid processed sugars that will spike one’s energy levels before bottoming out.

Chronic fatigue and a lack of energy is one medical condition that no one should accept without a fight. By focusing on one’s overall health, men can maintain higher levels of energy no matter their age.


My name is Lizzie Weakley and I am a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. I went to college at The Ohio State University where I studied communications. I enjoy the outdoors and long walks in the park with my 3-year-old husky Snowball.



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4 Neonatal Diseases and How You Can Prevent and Treat Them

Healthcare Professionals and Neonatal Diseases

According to the World Health Organization, each year three million babies die within their first month. Many of these infants suffer from common complications that can be prevented, treated during gestation, or treated upon birth.



Development of anemia results from an inadequate amount of red blood cells. In a healthy fetus, iron is stored during the last months of pregnancy to be used for production of red blood cells after birth. Babies born in unhealthy conditions or those born before term may not be able to properly store iron. It is essential for the mother to take the necessary vitamins during gestation, particularly folic acid. If this is not enough, the baby may be treated with iron supplements after birth.



According to high-risk obstetrician Gilbert Webb MD , this condition occurs when the liver cannot function well enough to remove waste from the blood, and this condition is more common in premature newborns or those who have incompatible blood types with their mothers. High levels of this waste product, known as bilirubin, can cause complications. There are various ways to treat the condition depending on the expertise of the physicians in care. One way to treat the baby is with phototherapy, which breaks down and eliminates the bilirubin. In more extreme circumstances, the baby may need an exchange transfusion to reduce the levels.


Breathing Problems

Breathing issues occur fairly frequently among newborn babies, and the most common conditions include apnea and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Apnea occurs when there are inconsistencies in the baby’s breathing pattern. The pattern can be monitored to ensure safe breathing, and babies will be stimulated or given medicine to help. BPD occurs in babies who have immature lungs, and they may develop scarring or fluid. They may need a mechanical ventilator to assist with breathing before moving on to medications.



Normally affecting premature babies, this condition occurs when bowels become damaged due to decreased blood supply. Bacteria that reside in the intestines invade the affected areas and cause further damage. Babies with the condition suffer from abdominal swelling, feeding problems and other complications. Upon diagnosis, the baby will be fed intravenously until the bowel heals. If the problem becomes too severe, damaged sections of the intestines may need to be surgically removed.


Advancements in medicine and technology improve the knowledge about common neonatal complications. This knowledge allows more problems to be prevented beforehand or effectively handled to give babies a greater chance of health down the line.


About the author: A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect wit


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The 5 Most In-Demand Healthcare Careers

The 5 Most In-Demand Healthcare Careers

Even with difficult economic times now and in the foreseeable future, healthcare personnel continue to find jobs faster than just about any other industry. Baby boomers are aging, and their children have had their children. Who is getting hired at such staggering rates?


For the last 20 years it has been nurses, and for at least the next 10 years it will still be nurses. Job openings for nurses are expected to number 500,000 in the next three years. Baby boomers will be needing more nurses and more of the baby boomer nurses will be retiring. The fastest growth areas for nursing appear to be in outpatient care facilities, home health care and physicians’ offices.

Medical Assistants

These are support personnel for doctors and nurses that perform both clinical and administrative functions. They’ll take a patient’s vital signs, administer medications and injections, and enter them on medical records. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, opportunities in this field are expected to increase 29 percent by 2022. Those interested in a career as a medical assistant should pursue an online health education degree, which typically requires the completion of an internship before the degree is awarded.

Medical Records Technologists

With the aging of both the baby boomers and their children, somebody has to maintain all of those medical records. This field has become much more complex than it was 20 years ago, primarily due to electronic record systems. They’re mostly employed in hospitals, long term care facilities and doctors’ offices. The Bureau of Labor expects a 30% increase in these jobs to 2022. There are programs that offer an associate’s degree in this field.

Medical Lab Technologists

These technologists work under the supervision of a lab manager and senior medical technologist. They perform laboratory tests on specimens. A large percentage of decisions made by physicians are based on medical laboratory test results. Job growth projected through 2018 is at a 22 percent increase. A four year bachelor’s degree is required for this position.

Physical Therapists

There are more jobs for physical therapists than available physical therapists. There is an expected 36 percent increase in demand for them through 2022. Although training is extensive, the career pays very well. Physical therapy assistants are also in demand and will be in the future.

The job forecast in the healthcare industry is robust. The demand for quality healthcare continues to grow with more jobs than personnel to fill them.

By Marlena Stoddard


If you are interested in learning more about healthcare or are a healthcare professional seeking certifications for nurses, then please review our programs.

AIHCP earns BBB Accreditation

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Earns BBB Accreditation

This week, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals announced its recent Accreditation by the BBB of Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties.  As a BBB Accredited Business, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals is dedicated to promoting trust in the marketplace.


According to BBB reports by Princeton Research, seven in ten consumers say they are more likely to buy from a company designated as a BBB Accredited Business.  The BBB is a resource for the public, providing objective, unbiased information about businesses.


“We are pleased to be a BBB Accredited Business because we value building trust with our customers,” said Dominick Flarey.  “Our BBB Accreditation give our customers confidence in our commitment to maintaining high ethical standards of conduct.”


BBB Accredited Businesses must adhere to the BBB’s Standards of Trust, a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and best practices representing trustworthiness in the marketplace.  The Standards call for building trust, embodying integrity, advertising honestly, telling the truth, being transparent, honoring promises, being responsive and safeguarding privacy.


About The American Institute of Health Care Professionals

AIHCP is a health care professional organization dedicated to helping health care professionals earn continuing education and certifications.  The fields range from Grief Counseling to Nursing Case Management and include certification opportunities for nurses, social workers, counselors, ministers, pastoral care givers, funeral workers and other health care professionals.  As a professional organization we offer certifications to qualified professionals.


About The BBB

The Better Business Bureau’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust.  The BBB accomplishes this mission by creating a community of trustworthy businesses, setting standards for marketplace trust, encouraging and supporting best practices, celebrating marketplace role models and denouncing substandard marketplace behavior.


Businesses that earn BBB Accreditation contractually agree and adhere to the organization’s high standards of ethical business behavior.  The BBB is the preeminent resource to turn for objective, unbiased information on businesses and charities.


The BBB of Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties can be contacted at 330.744.3111 or


If you would also like more information about The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, then please review our site.


Mark Moran, MA, SCC-C, GC-C

Assistant Executive Director

Health Care Certification Programs: Kids and Losing Weight

How can Adults Eradicate the Obesity in Kids

The startling increase in the rate of obesity in children has worried the WHO (world health organization). The kids with extra pounds in their bodies tend to suffer from various physical ailments. They are also prone to the risk of developing asthma and heart diseases. The obese children get affected in an emotional way because of their excessive weight. They tend to lose their confidence due to frequent teasing at schools and public places. Even if it doesn’t happen, they become shy and do not wish to step out of the house.

Lack of activity leads to increase in their fat and weight. Obesity makes the child physically and mentally incompetent. Often they are excluded from the school activities, which make them lonesome and depressed. If the feeling persists then these young kids would start hating their body which may lead to some dangerous situation at a later stage.

Prospects of Physical Activities

According to a research conducted in the year 2012, parents revealed the chances of getting their kids involved in physical activities to decrease their fat, and vice-versa increase their self-confidence. The concerned age was from 0-8 tears. However in 2013 there was an improvisation seen in the health of kids by 61 percent.

The years 2012-13 witnessed the chances amongst the young children to get involved in the physical activities like sports and swimming. It gradually rose according to the age-group. The children who were benefitted by the exercises were mostly from American Indians, children of natives of Alaska, Arab and American children, and the young ones of Latin and Spanish parents. Amongst this brood the adults figured more chances of white kids involving in the physical activities, and getting better results than the kids from other nationality or tribe. The reason was unknown but these gave chance of studying the life of colored people in a better way.

Kids suffering from obesity also sometimes suffer from speech problems. They might stutter or cannot speak the exact words. To heal this problem the speech pathologists Newcastle provide verbal communication reviews and healing to the child. The aspect of family focused therapy is used by the speech pathologists Newcastle so that both the child and the parents get attuned with goals and concept of speech therapy sessions.

Reduced Ratios of Obesity

Fresh surveys and trends amplify the fact that the rising risk of obesity in children has slowly reduced. In the year 2011 the ratio of reduction in obesity moderately decreased by 0.3% in the kids aged from 2-5 years. Similarly, the kids suffering from their weight problems indulged in the physical activities and got better health aspect, it reduced the obesity problem by one percent.

Encouraging Analysis

There were appreciated efforts made by the grown-ups to eradicate this problem by developing recreation centers, sports-club and parks for kids. The survey further emphasized the investment in organizing camps for children, and gymnasium for those living in the lower income group. Parents, teachers and other responsible adults working with children encouraged the children to indulge in activities like sports, hiking, swimming which helped in reducing the fat cells from the body and thereby increased the power of immune system.


If you are also interested in any health care certification programs, then please review.  We offer a wide variety of programs for nurses, but also other health care licensed professionals, social workers, counselors and those in ministry.

Health Care Certifications and How to Prevent Gum Disease

How to Identify Gum Disease

Gum diseases are more common than you might think. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research has estimated that 80% of adults in the United States have gum disease to some degree. Not all of these cases are serious, of course, but teeth and gums are highly susceptible to disease and infection.

If not all of the cases are extremely painful or obvious, however, how do you know if you are among the many whose gums are less-than-healthy?

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease can come in many guises. It is not just elderly people who should be concerned about it—even children and teenagers are affected by periodontitis and gingivitis. Periodontal disease can be as mild as a slight inflammation or dangerous enough to cause tooth decay or tooth loss.


Gum diseases can also affect your overall health. Studies have linked gum disease to heart disease, increased risk of stroke, and diabetes among other conditions.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Before you know what to look for, you should know what causes gum disease so that you can do your best to prevent it.


Gum diseases are caused by bacteria. Bacteria, mucus, and other particles combine to form colorless plaque that we brush off of our teeth morning and night. Improper or inconsistent brushing leaves residual plaque, which can harden and form tartar, a cement-like substance that brushing doesn’t clean.


If plaque and tartar are allowed to stay on the teeth for too long, the bacteria in them causes inflammation of the gums called gingivitis. Gingivitis can be treated by flossing and brushing more consistently and seeing a dentist regularly. More serious diseases like periodontitis need further help.

Other variables that might cause gum disease include:

•           Illnesses that attack your immune system (cancer, HIV, diabetes)

•           Medications that lessen the flow of saliva

•           Smoking

•           Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause)

•           Family history of dental diseases

What Symptoms Should I Watch For?

There are plenty of symptoms to watch out for when it comes to gum disease. Here are some of the most obvious:

•           Bleeding gums

•           Noticeably sensitive teeth

•           Swollen or puffy gums

•           Tender gums

•           Consistently bad breath

•           Gums that separate or pull away from your teeth

•           Gums that have receded up from your teeth

•           Pain when you bite down

•           A persistent bad taste in your mouth

•           Pus in between your teeth and gums

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you probably have some kind of gum disease. Tender or swollen gums is likely a mild case of gingivitis, and can be treated by being more diligent with your teeth cleaning.


If, however, you are experiencing some of the more extreme symptoms (pus, separating gums, etc.), you will need to seek further treatment.

How Bad Can It Be?

The symptoms listed above are not to be taken lightly. Gums pulling back from your teeth can lead to a whole slew of other, more serious problems. Periodontitis is a more advanced form of gingivitis, and it not only affects your gums, but your jawbone.


In the most serious cases, periodontitis causes bone decay and tooth loss. If you notice any of these signs, dental offices like Forest Lawn Dental Centre offer treatments for both mild and severe gum disease. Don’t wait to book an appointment with your dentist—the longer you wait, the further the disease can progress.


The most important thing you can do to prevent gum disease is to stay informed. Be aware of your own oral health, and take the proper preventative measures to protect your teeth and gums.


About the author: A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty.


If you have any questions, please let Anica know.


Also, please review our Health Care Certifications for health care professionals and counselors offered at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.

Health Care Life Coaching: How exercise can reduce your risk of heart attack

Health Care Life Coaching: How exercise can reduce your risk of heart attack

In today’s world where most people follow an inactive lifestyle and spend most of the hours of a day either in front of a computer or television, heart diseases have become a regular affair. While it is true that heart diseases might cause death eventually in some cases, there are also a number of ways following which you can prevent the fatal outcome. Of course, there are some unavoidable factors like age, sex, family history etc, which might cause heart diseases. But it doesn’t mean that you have to accept the disease without doing anything. In fact, you can definitely reduce your risk of being affected by heart diseases and for doing that, all you need to do is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. To begin with, you have to start doing a number of cardiovascular exercises. Also, have some supplements for weight loss or any type of fat burner regularly since obesity is one of the major causes of heart diseases.

You might wonder how exactly doing exercises will help you keep heart diseases at bay. The answer lies in what many fitness experts say. According to them, regular workouts that include both aerobic as well as cardiovascular exercises have a number of benefits for your health. If you are not sure about how they help reduce your risk of being affected by heart diseases, here are some pointers that will offer a clear idea:  

  • Aerobics or cardiovascular exercises – They involve muscle activities that work large muscles of your body. You can take your pick from a wide variety of exercises such as jogging, walking, swimming, boxing, running, bicycling, jumping rope, skating, skiing, rowing etc. These exercises strengthen your lungs and heart, in addition to improving your ability to use oxygen. They are considered to be the best form of exercise for your heart. Over time, aerobic exercises help improve your breathing system as well as blood pressure. This ensures that your heart doesn’t have to work hard while exercising. While doing these exercises, it is also important to make little changes to your drinking habits. For instance, if you drink too much of coffee throughout the day, it might have an adverse impact on your heart. As an alternative, you can try green tea. Several studies have shown that green tea extract has catechins, which cause weight loss, without causing any harm to your heart.
  • Strengthening exercises – Supersets, plyometrics and circuit training are popular strength training exercises. They help tone your muscles. Such workouts involve repeated muscle contractions and increase your metabolism rate, apart from improving your overall strength. If you are also aiming to lose weight, you can add a fat burner like synephrine to your daily diet. This stimulates the beta -3 receptors that influence fat loss to a great extent. Moreover, it also boosts your energy, without increasing your heart rate or blood pressure.
  • Follow a proper exercise routine –Irrespective of whatever exercise you are doing, make sure that it has three different phases – warm up, conditioning phase and cool-down. Warm up allows your body to get adjusted for doing exercises. This gradually increases your heart rate, breathing and body temperature and thus ensures that your muscles and heart is not stressed out. In the conditioning phase, you get the benefits of your workouts and the calories get burned. Cool down is the last phase of your exercise and it helps you slowly recover from the previous phase. Just like it is important to follow these three phases whenever you are exercising, it is also important to include the ideal food supplements in order to achieve the desired results. For instance, you can include the best creatine supplement in your diet that has creatine powder as an essential ingredient. Creatine powder increases your strength and muscle mass, which in turn improves the health of your heart.

So, use these tips to stay healthy as well as reduce your risk of a heart attack and other heart diseases.

James Hundson


 If you are interested in Health Care Life Coaching, then please review our site.




How to manage your diabetes naturally with these simple remedies and tips

Diabetes is one of the leading diseases that people across the world suffer from. But it is not that you can’t manage it. In fact, most of the cases are preventable and you can also control the blood sugar level by following some healthy lifestyle changes. You might think that controlling and managing diabetes is all about living in deprivation and excluding all your favorite food from your diet but it’s not so.

 Whether you are aiming for weight loss, or just want to manage your diabetes, it is not essentially true that you have to give up sweets entirely or have to live on typical ‘health food’ for the rest of your life. Here are some simple tips that will help you manage diabetes while enjoying your favorite food, and even lose weight in a healthy manner by including some effective fat burners in your daily routine:

·         Drink enough water – Drinking more water than what you usually drink is important while you are suffering from diabetes. This is because high blood sugar level makes your body draw a lot of water in order to flush excessive glucose in your blood. This is precisely the reason why you feel excessive thirst and an urge for frequent urination while suffering from diabetes. Also, consider drinking a cup of green tea every morning. Green tea contains catechins, which are known to offer significant weight loss results.

·         Eat organic food and whole grains – Stick to natural, home-made food as much as possible and try to avoid processed food with lots of chemicals. Include food items like green leafy vegetables, which are full of nutrients, to your daily diet. You can steam or cook these vegetables as this helps you to break down the insoluble fiber and absorb the essential nutrients easily, apart from activating the healing power of these vegetables.

·         Adding protein and reducing carbohydrates don’t always work – Even though there is a common belief among people that having extra protein and cutting down on carbohydrates helps in preventing diabetes, it is not actually the case. Studies have proven that eating excessive protein causes insulin resistance. Reducing carbohydrates, too, won’t help you much. What you need to consider is the type of carbohydrates and the serving size that you are taking in. You can also consider adding dendrobium to your diet as this helps in weight loss significantly, which in turn would help you to manage diabetes effectively.

·         Don’t stress yourself too much and take proper rest – If you subject yourself to a lot of stress, your body will generate too much of cortisol, which in turn would cause you to gain weight. Too much of stress is not good for those with diabetes. Make sure you go to bed early and have at least 10 hours of sleep every night. Also, try to reduce the daily stress levels as it overworks the adrenal glands of your body. This excretes more sugar in your blood.

·         Choose your fat intake carefully – While suffering from diabetes, fats can be either helpful or harmful for your health, depending upon how carefully you are choosing them. Since people suffering from diabetes are vulnerable to a number of heart diseases, it is all the more important to choose fats wisely. Saturated fats like eggs, red meat and whole milk dairy products and trans fats are extremely unhealthy for your health. Make sure you are not having these types of fats. Instead, try including unsaturated fats that come from fish or plant. Also, try to have canola oil, olive oil, avocados and nuts. Focus on Omega-3 fatty acids that support the health of your heart and brain and also fight inflammation. Since being overweight is often associated with diabetes, you can consider including raspberry ketone to your diet in case you are worried about your excessive weight. Raspberry ketone boosts the process of weight loss and also helps you to manage diabetes easily.

Follow these tips to manage diabetes well and live a life where you don’t have to give up on your favorite foods or worry endlessly about your health

By James Hudson

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