Grief demands more of a man than a stiff upper lip | Letters

Grief Counseling Training


Letters: The empire is no more, but British males continue to psychologically construct themselves in contrast to women – tough, aggressive, reticent and invulnerable

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The old image of a man who does not cry is more our culture than gender roles.  Men should cry over loss and grief.  There is nothing un masculine about it nor should it be avoided.  The days of the John Wayne stuffer lip are not what we should try to emulate.

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Celebrating a Deceased Loved One’s Birthday

My family goes a bit overboard with the Happy Birthday song.  For starters, there are a lot of us so that means anywhere from 4 to about 20 voices depending on who’s present.

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This is a way of coping for some and is dependent obviously upon grief support and how the recent the person died.  Still many of the ideas in here is a perfect way to commerate the loss of a loved one.  A lot of good ideas can be found in this article

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Learning A Secret After A Death

The topic of secrets has been a grief theme for me lately.  It started about a month ago when I watched the documentary Stories We Tell.  Haven’t seen it? No fear, the preview is below and it is on Netflix right now.

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Another element that can complicate grief are secrets.  Secrets we may learn after their death can involve affairs, sexual tendencies, or debt.  These things can startle loved ones and have a tremendous effect on their image of the deceased or how they grieve.

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Are You Healing Your Grief, or Perpetuating It?

We all know that it is in one’s highest good to grieve the loss of a relationship. Healthy grief releases feelings rather than allowing them to get stuck in the body. Healthy grief allows the griever

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Grief Counseling helps people overcome and adapt with acute grief.  Some people perpetuate grief. Whether due to bad coping or the grief is complicated, sometimes people need help to overcome the loss.

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If There Were Greeting Cards For Grief

It might sound crazy, but I think there is definitely room for realistic and humorous cards for parents who’ve lost children. In a situation where no one really knows what to say, it’s nice to let a card do the talking.

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Very good article about the odd and sometimes wrong but well intentioned things we say to a griever.  What if we could make greeting cards for the bereaved, what would they say?  How many of these have you heard when you are down and thought “wow” or how many times after reading this have you seen yourself say some of the things you should not say?

Please review the article and also review our grief counseling certification program


Embracing Grief When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

One day when I was visiting Ed, my beloved Romanian life partner of 30 years, in the memory care facility where he lived, they were having a festive sing-along. I sat down beside him to keep him company.

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The particular grief that comes with Alzheimers can be difficult because you realize the person you love will one day not recognize you.  This is a mental anquish and a pain as the days go by.

This article looks at the pain of this diagnosis for both the loved one and the family

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Inside Out Offers Important Lessons for Grieving Children and Adults

If you’re wondering whether Pixar’s newest movie Inside Out will make you cry, the answer is maybe.  I know because I saw it a few days ago, thanks to Discount Tuesdays at the local movie theater and two very bored children (we’re on week two of summer vacation people, things are not looking good).

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Some small insight from the writers of WYG about Pixars “Inside Out ” and how it can apply to us.  Its amazing how a childrens’ cartoon can give deep perspective on the emotion of grief

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Grief At The Office: When A Coworker Loses A Loved One

As described in Sheryl Sandberg’s moving Facebook post about her husband’s death, when a colleague suffers the loss of a loved one, this incredibly personal experience can create uncertainty in the office. Here’s how to handle it.

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Workplaces try to help employees who lose a loved one,  It can be hard to overcome that even with time off.  After time off though, grief at the office can enter as the coworker still may have other emotional needs.  Understanding what to say and how to help them adapt to life at work is key

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Dying helps us appreciate life

It is timely and commendable for TODAY to draw attention to the last taboo in our nation (“As population ages, more are confronting the last taboo”; May 30).
The fear of death blinds many of us to many opportunities to find love, joy and peace in the face of suffering.

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Death and fear of it can prevent us from living life.  This article looks at how dying can make us have a new perspective on life.  Part of life is death and experiencing it in a healthy way is critical

If you would like to learn more about bereavement counseling training then please review the program.


Grief and the Veteran: An Inside Look


If you or someone you know have experienced a death, please take the time you need to process your grief. To all those who have served our country or who are remembering a Veteran, may Memorial Day bring some measure of peace and calm to your heart.


This is a good article about the grief many veterans can face. The sacrifice and loss they endure can cause many griefs in their hearts.

If you would like to become certified as a grief counselor then please review the program and see if it matches your professional and academic needs
