Christian Counseling and Broken Desires Video

In the temporal world, humanity is scarred with the sin of Adam.  While baptism washes away this mark, it consequences still manifest.  Human nature while preserved still is inclined to disorder and without grace cannot find proper direction.  Within the body, one can see the disconnect between mind and body and the discord it can cause between doing what is right or wrong.  There are a variety of physiological functions that can lead to issues that affect thinking and emotions.  Passions and yearning that are disordered to an illusionary good that is sometimes not moral according to God’s design can further complicate.

Working with vice and immorality can be a difficult process.  Christian Counselors, mentors, and pastors can help one live a better life with virtue but ultimately we all need God’s grace.

Fortunately, God is very patient and merciful.  He sees our broken nature and understands the difficulties.  He is always sharing His grace and forgiveness.  It is critical we try and accept His grace to be morally better.  On the final day, the body will rise and again be restored to its original order.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals interested in Christian Counseling.

Social Pressures on Moral Decision Videos

Social influences have impacts on individuals and how they respond.  Multiple social experiments show how individuals respond to social, authoritative and peer pressured situations.  Hence moral beliefs within individuals can sometimes be altered due to situations.  While not everyone alters their moral belief due to circumstances and social pressures, many individuals succumb to pressures.  This explains why in many cases, dictators can overwhelm a population and paint justifications for immoral actions.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals..  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

The Spiritual World and Christians

It is important to note, that Christianity believes in a metaphysical world where God, angels, spirits, demons and the living interact through the temporal plane and metaphysical plane.  How that interaction occurs is what differentiates the occult and extraordinary gifts from God.

As human beings, we are both soul and body.  We are hybrids of two worlds and can interact with both worlds.  Our material body anchors us in this fallen and temporal world, but our soul although contained within the body is open to metaphysical experiences of the other spiritual realms.  It is true only death can allow one to cross over to the metaphysical realm, but our souls are attune to the spiritual realities that can interact with us.   As Christians, it is important to tread this line carefully.  As spiritual beings, we have spiritual qualities and spiritual aspirations but we must also constrain ourselves and cautiously interact due to evil spirits.   Scripture warns in multiple books the dangers of spiritualism, divinization and interaction with spirits.

There are numerous extraordinary spiritual events that can occur within Christianity. Prayer and meditation in itself is a spiritual exercise beyond the temporal world


One might be surprised though that the moment we enter into prayer or meditation, we are already interacting with the spiritual world.  In this state, we are talking to God, or asking for intercession before God.  We commonly pray for our deceased, or pray for angelic protection as well.  These are all examples of safe and secure interactions with the spiritual realm but there are extraordinary cases beyond the everyday function of prayer that is cemented in our faith and shows that God works through individuals and intervenes in history.

Extraordinary Gifts from God

While Christians are constantly warned to avoid spiritualism and divinization and rightfully so, there are numerous cases of the spiritual world communicating with Christians.  Christians have spiritual charisms and gifts that are beyond the normal but are highlighted talents within their spiritual makeup that contribute to the spiritual health of the Church.  While some individuals may be blessed with extraordinary physical gifts such as strength, speed, or leaping, others possess spiritual gifts that lead to greater insight.  These types of gifts should not be shunned, avoided, or dismissed, but embraced.

The key difference is these gifts are directed towards God.   They are not intended to prod or intrude upon the unseen world unsafely, but are guided by God’s grace and light.  They are receptive to God’s grace and avoid the usage of occult symbols, or pagan tools.  They are intended for the greater glory of God and His Church on earth.  In Scripture, one can see the variety of charisms bestowed upon the Church.  Prophecy, dream communication, speaking in tongues, divine healings, miracles and visions are all extraordinary events but part of the Christian faith.  They are given to prophets, healers, mystics and saints to guide the Church.  They are not intended for self glorification, gnostic searches for knowledge, or divinization of self, but for God’s greater glory.

Discerning if from God

Obviously discernment is key when dealing with any metaphysical reality.  If a Christian displays prophecy, or someone claims visions, then discretion and discernment are required.  This is not only critical for the people but the person experiencing the metaphysical activity.   Lucifer can indeed appear as an angel of light and it is key that all metaphysical activity is tested.  While this may at times seem profane it is also wise.  It is critical to dismiss any cases of psychosis or malicious intent from evil spirits.  Hence, the message is tested first.  Is the message orthodox to the faith?  Does it contradict Scripture?  Also, what good is coming from the event or the message of the person?   Are there any evil consequences?  Usually, it is best to leave such messages to proper Church authorities who can deliver a more thorough message.

If miraculous events do indeed occur, a respectful but objective investigative force should look into the person or events.  These individuals should possess authority but also be educated within the faith to properly discern and report.   Usually, these teams also present scientific members of the community to rule out anything pathological or of a natural explanation.

Within the Catholic Church, the bishop of a diocese sends out investigative teams to undergo a thorough investigation of the event.  Like Fatima, Lourdes, or Guadalupe, the Church reviews these metaphysical events and then decides if an apparition, person, or event is spiritually safe for the faithful to visit.  In the case of Guadalupe, the miracle of the Juan Diego’s shroud and the image of Mary upon it, convinced the local bishop to approve the apparition.

Discerning if a message is from God or not is key in assessing any spiritual event


There are many cases, where apparitions and mystics receive no official declaration, while others are declared not spiritually safe due to unorthodox message or fear of evil spiritual presence.  There are charlatans, fakes, and others who play on the faithful, as well as demonic tricks that the Church looks to identify and prohibit.  If, however, approved, no message is forced upon for all to believe.  The message is declared safe and probable, but the faithful can choose to ignore it.  What is in Scripture and the ancient creeds of the faith are the requirements of the faith not later apparitions or spiritual events.  Private revelations, even approved ones, are not required for belief.

Still many look to the messages of Fatima or the healing properties of Lourdes as a supplement to the faith because it is does not contradict it but enhances it.  Miracles from God still exist today.  Visionaries, within their own private revelation, share their stories.   Prophets warn of society’s sin.  Spiritually attune mystics guide and direct us to God.  Ultimately, we are spiritual beings with a spiritual end and whether one likes it or not, we have spiritual connections.  The important part is that we safely and with discernment partake in this spiritual journey.  Through discernment and following the guidelines of the Church, individuals can become part of the metaphysical world around us without fear of demonic or unsafe pagan practices.

Cultivating Extraordinary Gifts

Christians should never attempt to create within themselves extraordinary gifts.  One should not practice spiritualism or attempt to contact the dead.  One should never try to awaken within oneself something.  One should very much be aware of God’s presence, the presence of evil within our natural spiritual abilities, but beyond this, these extraordinary gifts will manifest within themselves through God.

God chooses who will prophesize, who will interpret dreams, who will speak in tongues, who will heal, or who will experience mystical experiences via apparition or visions.  Those who invoke these skills are driven by pride and can fall victim to satanic manipulation.  Furthermore, those lacking humility will attempt to create a spectacle to the community.  This is why such actions of serpent handling or speaking in tongues for purpose of show boating is not from God.  In fact, speaking in tongues, was never babbling but was the miraculous event of the apostles speaking in their own language but being understood by everyone else in their own language for the purpose of proclamation of the Gospel.  Hence when cultivating one’s own gifts, or witnessing another’s gift, discern whether this is about the faith or an individual.

There are many spiritual gifts given by God to the Church, including the gift of healing


Those who experience extraordinary gifts are usually humble.  Padre Pio and his stigmata or the three children of Fatima, never sought out these gifts but were chosen by God.  God chooses the low and humble to manifest His greatness.  Some extraordinary gifts are meant for oneself or a small circle, while other gifts are meant for the faith.  Hence it is important when discerning a gift or helping someone discern a gift, if it is sought or given.  If its end is prideful or humble.

In addition, all medical and psychological explanations must be explained.  If one thinks feels one is seeing the Virgin Mary, one may first question the experience. If counseling one, it may be important to evaluate any signs of psychosis.  In many cases, extraordinary events can be tested by asking questions that are beyond the knowledge of the person.  This was done in the case of St Bernadette of Lourdes.

After dismissing grandstanding and psychosis, discernment of the source becomes a critical step.  Prayer, fasting, collective minds and an orthodox message not contrary to Scripture must be presented.  Finally, what good comes from the extraordinary event?

As it stands, many mystics keep silent.  Their messages are private or not meant yet for the universal Church. Many are terrified of publicity and scrutiny.  This is why many miracles remain in small circles and are meant for those within that circle.  Many of us have experienced these small miracles and we know they are meant for the growth of our own faith.  We do indeed live in an age of miracles still, if we only look.

We still live in an age of miracles

While the Biblical miracles at this current moment seem distant, we still live in an age of miracles.  Personal healings, prophecy, apparitions, and messages from God continue to come to the world.  It is merely a matter of looking in the right direction.  We must avoid charlatans, fakes, and false prophets.  We must understand and discern if the message is from God or Satan.  We must dismiss the occult and spiritualism.  However, if we use our spiritual sight, we can find where God is appearing and spreading His message through His servants.  Miracles are alive today and one day, universal miracles that cannot be doubted will manifest.  In the meantime, we must be prepared and discern properly.

Miracles and spiritual events still happen today. Discernment is key. Review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.

Additional Resources

“The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit”. Bradley, M. (2023).  Access here

World Apostolate of Fatima.  Access here

“Discerning of Spirits: A Crucial Gift for Spiritual Warfare”. Ibbitson, D. Above and Beyond Christian Counseling.  Access here

“Christian Mysticism”. The Spiritual Life.  Access here


Brain and the Soul Video

A question by many involves the existence of the soul.  Is their a soul?  If so, where does it reside in the body?  How it is connected to the body?  Neuroscience attempts to explain away the soul with the entire functions of the brain.  Since the brain stores memory, controls emotion, and shapes personality, many contend that the actions of the soul are in reality the functions of the brain.  According to many atheistic scientists, this strips the necessity of the soul and replaces it with the natural functions of the brain.   However, many theists contend that the soul and the brain overlap and work together.  The brain is a metaphysical organ with the capabilities to translate for the soul and help the soul manifest itself in the world.  The brain and its functions hence are the vehicle for the soul to communicate with the world not a replacement.

Where does the soul and body meet? Is in the brain? Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.


Please review the video below

Problems in Christian Marriage Video

Marriage can be difficult enough with its many conflicts regarding each other’s family, friends, habits, finances, or personality differences.  These things usually are secondary and only become a greater issue when more core problems exist at the most intimate level.  In love, there is more than just mere feelings but hard work, patience, acceptance and mutual understanding and give and take.   When love is only passionate, or only friendship, or only companioning, then the other lacking elements can cause problems in the union.  A healthy love involves intimacy, passion and long term companionship and they all must be balanced.

Problems in marriage can sometimes relate healthiness of the love two have. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification


Please review the video below

Church Fathers Video

Scripture remains the bedrock of the Christian faith.  It serves as a book of wisdom and guidance.  Christian Counselors, preachers, ministers and priests are able to utilize it to define, defend and spread the faith.   As the Church grew, the bedrock of the faith remained in Scripture, but new challenges arose that denied core Christian doctrines.  The Early Church Fathers utilized Scripture to defend and preach the faith.  Their writings while not inspired still stem from Scripture and provide invaluable concepts and doctrines to help others.

The Church Fathers supply excellent commentary on Scripture and defense of the faith. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Christian Counselors should become acquainted with their teachings and writings and utilize them in their own ministry.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.



Please review the video below

Types of Demonic Influence in the World

While many deny the existence of the devil and demons, those of faith realize that their existence is a real threat to humanity.  Many would rather reduce the devil to a myth and as a scapegoat to blame for the evil of humanity.  The reality is Lucifer, the first fallen angel, consciously chose self over God.  He chose darkness over light and via the absence of good permitted evil to enter into the world through his proud disobedience to God.  He then spread his hate and evil to humanity through the tempting of Adam and Eve.  Humanity hence learned the capability of evil and sometimes even without Lucifer’s prompting, commits its own heinous deeds.  The seed though of all evil is Lucifer.

Demonic activity is on the rise. Temptation, Obsession and Possession are the three key demonic interactions with humanity


Evil is not a equal choice to good.  It is not a rival to good but in essence is a lack of good.  It is the lack of goodness in an action.  God did not create evil, but evil was a conscious choice by sentient beings to dismiss God.  Like fallen angels, humanity also chooses evil at times but unlike fallen angels, humanity is not totally corrupted but has opportunity to repent from evil.  The demons fully understood their choices, while humanity, lacking angelic intelligence, learns from mistakes and hopefully chooses good.  Humanity in its current fallen form is far weaker than their angelic siblings,  The angels, both good and evil, have great intelligence and as pure spirit possess far greater abilities that fallen humanity.

Demons look to corrupt the goodness of God’s creation.  They seek revenge upon God by corrupting humanity.  If not for God, they would devour humanity, but Christ’s death on the cross preserved humanity from the sin of Adam and dark control of Lucifer.  Through Christ and His sacrifice, humanity has access to grace, the sacraments, and spiritual protection against the demonic.  Through Christ, power has been given to His followers to cast out demons via His Blessed Name.


The most basic and common form of demonic activity is in the form of temptation.  Temptation is an outside source beyond our own fallen nature.  It is not our passions alone desiring something illicit and illusionary as good, but an outside force pushing one towards it.  Demonic temptation hence is different than our own fallen temptation and inclination to sin.  Demonic temptation can be seen in Scripture, where Lucifer tempted Christ in the desert.  Christ, as the ultimate paradigm, teaches the importance of rebuking Lucifer or whatever demon may be tempting oneself.   One of the most famous literary works on temptation is C.S. Lewis, “Screwtape Letters” in which the demon, Wormwood, writes to hell about his temptation and workings against a simple man.  In the work, Wormwood plays off daily frustrations to try to turn the man away from goodness, even if in the most minute form.  Ultimately, Wormwood fails in his endeavor to corrupt the man but the Lewis helps expose the inner workings of demonic temptation in a daily basis.   This is why in the “Our Father”, Christ reminds us to pray, “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”.

While it may be easy to blame Satan for everything, one still must take moral responsibility for one’s actions.  One should develop a strong moral conscience in accordance with God’s law and enforce moral decisions based upon the teachings of Christ.  Whether it is one’s own internal passions, or demonic whispers, one is called to be accountable for oneself and choose good over evil.

Demonic Obsession 

A more intense demonic presence beyond the whispers of the devil is actual metaphysical presence in the world.  Demonic obsession and manifestations occur to both good and bad people and have different intents and purposes.  In the case of a saint such as Padre Pio, the obsession is one of hate, fear, and punishment.  St Padre Pio or even St John Vianney enraged the demons so much as to produce their manifestations.   Padre Pio accounted to be being beaten by demons, while St John Vianney related to the shaking of his bed.  God permitted these actions for His greater glory and victory of His saints over the demonic and these saints willingly entered into spiritual warfare with the demonic for the greater glory of God.

Obsession can manifest in sounds, hauntings, knocks, dreams, night terrors, visions and attacks


In some cases though, the intent is not one of punishment or anger, but desire to control.  Those who foolishly partake in the occult or expose themselves through New Age methods of meditation or out of body experiences endanger themselves to the metaphysical world of the demonic.  This is why Scripture warns individuals to avoid spiritualists, the occult and its tools.  Those who brazenly and without fear play the Ouija Board, partake with spiritualists, play tarot cards, attend occult functions, or attempt to control demonic beings via witchcraft open themselves to demonic presence at a more intimate level.

Others who attempt to disturb haunted sites or play with haunted artifacts with known demonic attachments, also risk the chance of more demonic attention in their lives.  Demons can attach to a variety of objects to remain in the temporal realm.  This is illustrated in the case of Christ exorcising the demons, Legion, from the man into the herd of swine.  Instead of returning to Hell, they pleaded with Christ to be sent into the swine herd. In this way, many demons remain attached to the temporal realm via cursed objects.  An object that has a demonic attachment that finds its way into one’s home can cause hauntings and obsessions.

Others can find themselves victims of demonic obsession via curses.  Those in witchcraft and the occult can place a curse over someone.  This not a magical curse but a malicious prayer and offering to the demonic.  As Christians prayer for God’s presence over loved ones, the occult can curse one with the presence of the demonic.   The demonic is then focused upon the particular individual and a type of physical haunting or obsession can begin.  In essence, demonic obsession is the haunting of a particular person instead of a place or thing.  The purpose is to inflict pain, fear, punishment, or dominion via possession.

Signs of obsession, or oppression, include lucid dreams of the demonic, mental images of the demonic and in some cases apparitions of the demonic.   Initially various hauntings will occur with sounds, knocks, laughs, or even physical markings on the body.  In addition,  mental illness, depression and physical symptoms may develop from the stress of the obsession.  Also, many experience unfortunate events surrounding their lives.  Some of these things obviously are coincidence but when they are all added together, and after all medical and scientific explanations are left unanswered, it is best then to take proactive action.

Obviously, those closer to God are safer from curses.  Naturally, the spiritual hygiene of a religious person is greater than a non-religious person.  A religious person is closer to Christ, attends Mass or Service, prayers regularly, reads Scripture, receives the sacraments,  wears sacramentals, blesses their home, and adorns the home with images of Christ.  These are powerful things to consider in any demonic attack.   Hence when one finds oneself against these odds, it is critical to turn to Christ, His Mother, and the rituals of the Church and its many sacramentals to protect oneself.   Blessing the home, wearing the cross or scapular, placing the St Benedict Medal throughout the home, and performing a minor exorcism of the home are important acts against demonic obsession.

Through one’s Baptism and the authority of Christ, one can in Christ’s name, command demons to leave one’s property.  The ritual of minor home exorcism is a loss art among Christians.  Seen as superstitious medieval, the scientific mind prefers to explain the demonic away.  Yet, Christians are constantly in Spiritual warfare and must engage the enemy.  By blessing the home with Holy Water and pronouncing the name of Christ  in each room for all evil to depart is a powerful weapon of Christians against Satan.  Symbolically, the doors and windows should be left open for all negative and demonic energy to leave the home.  Assisted with the words of Christ, blessed water and a lighted candle, Christians can defend their own home. In greater cases, a minister or priest may be needed but for most cases, the Christian can defend his or her own home through the authority of Christ.

Demonic Possession

Throughout Scripture, possession is a common occurrence.  Christ exorcizes multiple demons from individuals through the New Testament.  He also gives the apostles and disciples the same power in His name to case out demons.  In particular, Christ emphasized the importance of fasting and purity.  When the apostles were unable to cast out a certain demon, He reminded them of the need of fasting.

Christ gave the apostles and their successors power to cast out demons. The Rite of Exorcism is an ancient Christian Rite to cast out demons


While many so-called possessions were in fact mental disorders in the past, the Church still recognizes the reality of demonic possession.  After intense clinical investigation, the Church will determine if the person is possessed or mentally ill.  Cases such as Schizophrenia are quickly dismissed in the modern era, unlike the past, and with proper medical and clinical evaluation, anyone with mental illness can easily be distinguished from a true possession case.

Possession in itself is domination.  The demon looks to exert its will over the human person.  Some particular demons hope to utilize the vessel to experience sin, others look to torment the soul.  Possession can be imperfect or perfect.  In imperfect state, the soul is still fighting the dominion of the evil spirit, while in perfect possession, the soul has accepted its Satanic counterpart.  In the occult and other Satanic circles, many seek this type of sick union, in corruption of the union Christians seek with God.  Unlike union with God, which is holy and pleasing and respectful of autonomy, possession is vile and evil and domination of one over the other.

The soul that is possessed usually became possessed through foolishness or weakness.  Certain acts, or opening oneself without knowledge of consequences can lead to the ultimate possession of a person.  In Malachi Martin’s “Hostage to the Devil”, the now deceased author accounts 5 cases of demonic possession.  In most of the cases, the individuals were naive to the dangers or performing deeds in the occult.  Only after the trap was set did these individuals realize the danger they were in and sought help.

In demonic possession, the person’s moods can change drastically.  They are commonly severely depressed and suicidal.   They perform gross and disgusting deeds and can become dangerous if provoked.  Some exhibit extra human strength and while under possession know other languages.  Within the room, like any case of obsession, the demonic possessed can levitate, contort one’s body,  cast objects, or lower the temperature of the room.  While the movie, “The Exorcist” embellishes exorcism, one need not need special horror effects or embellishment to terrify oneself through the witnessing of a true exorcism within its own right.   In fact, what makes the movies “The Exorcist”, or “The Conjuring” so terrifying is that they are based on a foundation of reality. If anything, these movies open a greater awareness and belief in the devil’s existence which is good.

The Rite of Exorcism finds it power from the authority Christ gave to His apostles to cast out demons.  It has developed over the centuries to include a multitude of prayers invoking Christ, the Blessed Virgin and St Michael.  The ritual is a pastoral ministry carried out by the local diocese and assigned to a particular priest.  The process involves the concerned party calling the diocese and reporting demonic activity.  After all scientific and medical explanations have been investigated, the assigned exorcist priest will interview the possessed and assign a particular day for the ritual.  The priest will be accompanied by a few aides to ensure safety of the possessed and those performing and witnessing the rite.

The ritual is a battle of wills between the priest and the demon.  The demon will mock, expose sins, intimidate and blaspheme throughout the process but the priest must maintain focus.  The priest must realize it is through Christ and not his own words that this demon will be cast away.  One of the key stages is forcing the demon to expose himself and present its identity.  The priest will then continue to command the demon to the leave the person.  This can take hours or even days.  Circumstances surround the piety of the priest, the proper execution of the rite, the will of the possessed person to be free, and the power of the individual demon. Obviously, an exorcist priest is a special calling.   Many are called to a special devotion to Christ to fulfill this calling.  Many also do not live long lives due to the trauma they witness.


Unfortunately, some dioceses infected with secularism have dismissed the office and it can be sometimes hard to find a priest equipped with this particular training.  Furthermore, the exorcism cannot be performed without the consent of the local bishop of the area it is being conducted.  So the pastoral ministry against the demonic weighs heavily upon the bishop.  Dioceses with an exorcist priest and department that deals with this type of pastoral ministry is greatly needed at a higher volume than it is currently.  Demonic activity is growing as the faith continues to recede among the secular population.  Many individuals come across the demonic without knowing and need assistance from trained and spiritual people.

Only after a cleared medical diagnosis can a trained professional perform an exorcism. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Christian Counselors should never conduct an exorcism.  Simple exorcism of a home or blessings are fine but if confronted with the possessed or suspecting of the possessed, it is important to refer this person not only to a mental health professional for evaluation but also to the proper spiritual authorities.  Many who attempt exorcisms can be harmed both physically and spiritually.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.


Additional Resources

“An Exorcist Tells His Story”.  Fr. Amorth, G. (1999). Ignatius Press.

“Hostage to the Devil”. Martin, M. (1992). Harper One.

“Is there demonic activity in the world today?”. Compelling Truth.  Access here

“Demons and How They Influence Mankind”. Cook. S. (2020). Thinking on Scripture.  Access here

“Exorcism – how does it work and why is it on the rise?”. Lam, V. (2018). The Conversation. Access here








Temperaments and Morality Video

Temperaments define one’s overall personality in life.  It is not fluid and more permanent overall.  It is something that one is or is not at birth.  While temperaments can be cultivated via good parenting to bring out the best and limit the worst in each one, the primary temperament of someone will be dominant.  Other minor temperaments can co-exist and create a unique blend.

No temperament is superior to the other but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.  With this said,  some will be more attracted to different virtues or vices more easily.  This is not an excuse to live with a vice but it does explain why some more naturally are distracted by certain vices in life.   With proper guidance, one can utilize whatever temperament for the greater glory of God.

The video below reviews the four temperaments and how they play into one’s morality.  Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.

What is Schizophrenia?

Many mental maladies deal with personality.  Anti-Social Personalities deal with individuals whose consciences and sense of right or wrong are completely muddied and confused.  Other personality disorders deal with emotional states and an inability to control anxiety or sadness.   Perhaps the most crippling form of mental illness is Schizophrenia.   In the case of Schizophrenia, individuals experience psychosis and an inability to decipher true reality and their own delusions.   This type of disorder is classified as psychotic due to its irrational and distorted perceptions from reality (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 522).

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that creates delusions within the brain confusing one from reality and fantasy


Schizophrenia can be chronic and long term or acute.  Acute is far easier to recover from while chronic is a life long struggle.  Most chronic cases are usually genetic and tied to abnormal brain structure and development within the frontal lobes which aid individuals with reason, planning and problem solving skills (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 524).   Brain waves and activity also are irregular within Schizophrenic individuals.  When attempting to filter incoming sensory information, the Thalamus becomes ultra active, as well the Amygdala during emotional distress.  In addition, experts have noticed thinning in the Cerebral Cortex as a sign of Schizophrenia (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 525).  Hence irregular brain waves, less developed portions of the brain and fewer neural connections can all correspond with Schizophrenia. In addition, studies show Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is overactive in Schizophrenic individuals (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 524).   This neurotransmitter can intensify brain signals that can lead to hallucinations and paranoia.

Those stricken with Schizophrenia display symptoms that are either positive or negative.  In positive instances, inappropriate behaviors are present, while in negative instances, appropriate behaviors are lacking.   Examples of inappropriate behaviors include disorganized speech, abrupt laughter, sadness or rage, while negative symptoms include absence of emotion and lack of expression (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 523).

One of the primary symptoms is delusion or the “false belief of persecution or grandeur” (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 523).   Many individuals with Schizophrenia are paranoid and fearful.  They believe they are being followed or threatened.   Some may also hear voices or weird commands.   There is also  an overall disorganized thinking where selective attention that usually is filtered out by the brain is amplified.  Tiny unrelated stimuli can distract one with Schizophrenia such as a tiny crack in the ground or something far down the road (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 523). Stemming from this can emerge disorganized speech.  Disorganized speech can include multiple ideas smashed together into an odd word salad that makes no sense.  The Schizophrenic will jump from idea to idea with no logical connection or coherence.

The distress of Schizophrenia also impairs emotional expressions.  Some with Schizophrenia will exhibit motionless behavior, while others may exhibit continual movement or rubbing or rocking of the body.  In addition, some may display no emotion, while others may laugh or become angry.  Due to impaired theory of mind, they also have extreme difficulty reading facial expressions (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 523).   With these immense issues, those with Schizophrenia are very unpredictable and from an untrained person, may become very scary.  In fact, in the medieval ages, many were thought to be possessed.

Schizophrenics require anti-psychotics and cognitive therapies to help them better cope with their false sense of reality


Fortunately, only 1 in 100 are afflicted with Schizophrenia which totals roughly 21 millions people (Myers and Dewall, 2019, p. 524).  Many are medicated, counseled or closely monitored.  Most are not a threat to others but there can be cases when they can become a threat to society when violent voices tell them to do harmful things or when their own delusions lead them into unsafe situations.

Another type of psychotic disorder is Dissociative Identity Disorder.  Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.  This disorder is also psychotic in nature and stems from the creation of a new identity.  Most cases stem from a traumatic event that pushes the individual to forget the trauma by creating a new identity.  There is still much research to be done in this field but it is separate and different than Schizophrenia.

Those who suffer from Schizophrenia cannot exist without medical and professional help.  They are a threat primarily to their own safety without proper treatment and medication.  For most, it is a life long cross of trying to distinguish reality from delusion.  Obviously, only licensed therapists can treat and care for Schizophrenics and it falls far out of the levels of competence of mere pastoral counselors.  If a pastoral counselor and one suspects Schizophrenia, it is important to help the person find the professional counseling and assistance the person’s needs.

As Pastoral Counselors, one can see the suffering such delusions can bring to a person.  As Christian Counselors, one can see the steep price of sin and how disease both physical and mental are a result of that sin.   These individuals while odd and offbeat nevertheless are children of God and deserve compassion and respect in treatment and care.  They deserve patience and love.   If a loved one is suffering from this, it can be very painful to witness.  One needs to not argue with the delusions but patiently walk one through it.  Staying connected with the person and not becoming agitated is key to keeping the person calm.   If on the other side, one is experiencing these symptoms it is crucial to find the help that is needed and to avoid drugs and drinking that will only make the delusions worse.

While there is no cure, some treatments can alleviate the issue.  Most treatment involves anti-psychotic medications and also Behavioral Cognitive Therapies.  Some therapies also include Electroconvulsive Therapy which includes while sedated, electric impulse shocks to improve brain activity.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


If you would like to learn more about counseling and helping others from a pastoral and Christian perspective, then please review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.  The program is designed for qualified professionals to help others from a Christian perspective.  The program is also online and independent study and can be completed at one’s own timing and speed.


“Exploring Psychology” 11th Edition.  Myers, D & Dewall, N. (2019). Worth Publishers: Macmillan Learning, New York.

Additional Resources

“Schizophrenia” Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020). Mayo Clinic.  Access here 

“Schizophrenia”. Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

“Schizophrenia: An Overview”. WebMed Editors. (2022). WebMed.  Access here

“What is Schizophrenia?”. APA. (2020).  Access here







Psychology and Moral Theology of Motivation

Human Needs

Humanity in the fallen world has numerous needs to maintain existence.  Among the most basic needs are food and water.   Instinctively within human nature is a drive for to satisfy hunger and thirst, as well as drives to reproduce.  These are natural evolutionary forces that push the human person to exist and perpetuate the species.   In Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow lists basic needs of existence as the base of all needs.  Following these needs are needs of safety and shelter.  Beyond that is a more complex social need of belonging and love.  Following this basic social need, is a mental need to perform and succeed in certain areas and talents that help manifest self esteem.   Still even beyond those accomplishments, there needs to be a self actualization of self that recognizes one has met one’s fullest potential.  Finally, after all these physical, social and mental accomplishments, one needs to find an existential or spiritual idea of meaning and tie that meaning into one’s life (Myers & Dewall, 2019, p. 351).  Hence humanity has many needs to find completeness .  Obviously in this search and motivation, the only fulfilling source of happiness is God.  God is the ultimate source of happiness that can never be taken or stolen but promises infinite and eternal happiness that meets every human need.

Human needs start at the most basic and proceed to higher abstract needs. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Program


Humanity still nonetheless experiences needs in the fallen world that fall short of the perfect End which is God. Throughout life, there are a multitude of illusionary goods that can distract the person from the true good.   In psychological studies, the person is driven by motivation.  Motivation is defined as “need or desire that energizes and directs behavior” (Myers & Dewall. 2019, p. 349).  In addition to genetic and evolutionary drives, one is also driven to certain goods via an arousal of the psychological state that looks to decrease that desire through obtaining or fulfilling it.  This is referred to as Drive-Reduction Theory (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 349).

In addition to drive, human nature is also guided by arousal.  Some motivated behaviors increase arousal instead of decrease it (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 349).  The Yerkes-Dodson Law points out that optimal performance exists when moderate arousal is present (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 350).  Hence certain levels of arousal can be detrimental to overall human performance when not properly moderated.

Morality and Human Needs

These Psychological concepts help explain many of the inner workings of why a person is motivated to certain a good or need, but Moral Theology completes the story through spiritual explanation of the inner moving of the intellect and will.  In Thomistic Philosophy, the soul is comprised of the intellect and will.  The intellect processes information from the senses and is guided by the conscience in judgement.  The will is the motivational force behind human decisions.  Like in Psychology, the will seeks needs and ascertains the good of each need.  Due to humanity’s fallen nature, sometimes this decision can be in contradiction to true moral good and the conscience.

St Thomas Aquinas refers to two types of human appetites within the will.  The two he lists are the Concupiscible Appetite and the Irascible Appetite ( Aquinas. Summae Theologica).  The Concupiscible Appetite’s formal object is a sensible good or evil, which is easily obtained while the Irascible Appetite’s formal object is a more abstract good which is arduous or difficult to obtain ( Aquinas. Summa Theologica).  In regards to the Concupiscible Appetite,  it is attracted to passions and emotions such as love or hate, desire or aversion, or joy and sorrow in regards to the sensible object (Aquinas.  Summae Theologica).  In regards to the Irascible Appetite, it deals with things that are difficult to attain and attached to emotions such as hope or despair, fear or daring, or anger (Aquinas. Summae Theologica).  In essence, the Concupiscible Appetite deals with direct objects or sensible objects, while the Irascible Appetite deals with more abstract objects.  In addition, the will interprets direct objects of the Concupiscible Appetite as they appear good or evil, while the Irascible Appetite is directed towards goods as they present themselves as something good or evil that might be difficult to achieve (Aquinas. Summae Theologica).

Certain emotions are within the range of the Concupiscible Appetite while others fall into the Irascible Appetite


Hence emotion plays a large role in one’s appetites and how one is pushed towards or pulled away from an object.  According to Myers and Dewall, emotion itself is the response of the whole organism from physiological arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience (2019, p. 369).  Within the list of emotions, many scientists differ what are the core base emotions, but most concede that anger, fear, disgust, sadness and happiness are the basic human emotions (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p.369). Others also include interest, shame, guilt, as well as pride and love (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 369).

Ultimately, in Moral Theology, humanity’s broken nature due to Original Sin, prevents one from controlling one’s passions and emotions.  The control our first father, Adam, experienced in the Garden has been corrupted and his descendants experience an ability to control emotion.  This can be seen in the Amygdala.  When emotional situations are perceived they can travel two ways.  In the case of fear, the stimuli can travel the high road through Thalamus and Cortex which later proceeds through the Amygdala with a thought out emotional response, or it can take the faster low road with involves less thought since it is first processed through Amygdala (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 370).   This leads to emotional outbursts and reactions.

One can see loss of control in many individuals.  Whether utter fear, anger, or lust, one can lose control.  The Holy Spirit gives humanity four cardinal virtues to help regulate the moral life.  Among one of the most important related to emotional control is Temperance.  Temperance helps curb emotional desires in moderation.  Christians need to pray to the Holy Spirit and help cultivate this virtue in their daily moral life to better curb the Concupiscible Appetite’s desires and direct all deeds to the greater honor and glory of God.  Furthermore, when Temperance is tied with the moral virtue of Prudence one can better discern good and evil within the Irascible Appetite’s abstract desires.


To lead a better moral life, one must understand that humanity is broken via Original Sin.  While Psychology can give some explanations how these broken processes still operate, it is imperative that Christians take responsibility for their actions.  While culpability can be lessened due to emotional outburst, it does not remove consequences or total culpability.   One must constantly look to control their emotional actions and desires with direct and indirect objects.  This involves prayer, fasting and denial.  It involves following the example of Christ who taught temperance and moderation, as well as prayer to the Holy Spirit to supply the necessary graces to overcome one’s fallen nature on Earth.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.


“Exploring Psychology”. Myers and Dewall. (2019). Worth Publishers: Macmillan Learning, New York. 11th Ed.

“The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas”. Second and Revised Edition, 1920.  Online: New Advent.  Access here

Additional Resources

“Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. Cherry, K. (2022). VeryWellMind. Access here

“Emotions”. Psychology Today Staff. Psychology Today. Access here

“The 6 Types of Basic Emotions and Their Effect on Human Behavior”. Cherry, K. (2022). VeryWellMind. Access here