There are many types of meditation. Most meditation involves focusing on breathing. Transcendental Meditation looks to release oneself from complete awareness through mantra and sound. All work to reduce stress but all also have deeper spiritual meanings as well.
Transcendental Meditation looks to free the mind. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Training
The article, “Your Guide To Practicing Transcendental Meditation” by JR Thorpe looks closer at the unique elements of Transcendental Meditation. He states,
“According to the Oxford Handbook of Meditation, transcendental meditation is all about “transcending from the active mind to the silent mind” and trying to find bliss, a sense of calm, and a reduction in stress. While both are legit ways to train your brain to be present, regular mindfulness meditation training involves being aware of your own body by incorporating elements like visualization, a focus on the breath, and/or a body scan. Transcendental meditation, on the other hand, involves repeating a mantra or sound until you let go of your awareness and surroundings.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Training Program and see if it matches your academic or professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Meditation Instructor.
PTSD is a severe reaction to trauma. It haunts millions, especially veterans who have witnessed war at its worst. Transcendental Meditation may be able to help individuals relax and process the trauma in more productive ways. It has the possibility to heal the mind and soul through the process.
PTSD is a serious condition due to severe past trauma. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program
The article, “Could transcendental meditation treat PTSD?” from MedicalNewsToday takes a closer look at how Transcendental Meditation can help veterans with PTSD. The article states,
“A common plot device in fiction finds a character overcoming past traumatic experiences by finally confronting their pain. In real life, recovery is not so simple. While therapies for people with PTSD typically focus on facing one’s trauma, a new study finds that the restful effects of TM may more readily help people with PTSD heal.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Meditation Instructor
Transcendental meditation can take you wherever your mind is willing to lead.
You may have at one time or another have asked yourself what is transcendental meditation and failed to get a comprehensive and right answer. Well, here is the answer. This is an effortless and natural procedure that is practiced for around twenty minutes on a daily basis with the eyes closed while one is comfortably seated. Research has shown that this is one of the most widely and also one of the most effective methods that anyone can use for self improvement. It has benefits that are gained through a self healing natural process that releases stress when a person practices.
What Is Transcendental Meditation?
This meditation technique is one of a kind. So far, it is the only technique that has over 500 studies that are all independent and that seek to support it’s claims. Researchers carried the research in over 200 different research institutes and universities in over 33 countries. Results of this research have been published in more than 100 respected journals worldwide including the Scientific American Journal and also the American Journal of Psychology. One of the main strengths of this meditation technique is the fact that it involves no belief system of any kind. In fact, those who believe that this meditation technique cannot work are the ones who are most encouraged to try it out.
It allows the mind to settle in a state that it is beyond thought so as to experience thought which is pure awareness or otherwise known as transcendental consciousness. Research has actually proven that this is the most peaceful and silent level of consciousness whereby one actually connects to his/her inner soul. It is only during this state of mental alertness that the brain is able to function with a better and greater coherence while the body gains deep rest. Those who are successful with it just make sure that they create a state of restful alertness where they remain very aware but the body and mind remain in a very deep state.
This state of brainwave activity represents a state of consciousness which is totally different from walking, dreaming, all states of dreaming and also waking up. Through this technique, the body benefits a lot. Researchers believe that the body is actually replenished therefore making it very easy for it to derive all the benefits. Around the world, it is believed that over 5 million people have learned this natural and simple technique. The funny thing is that contrary to what many of us might think, it is all the different ages and not only one specific age group that know the benefits that this technique comes with.
This technique is based on the Vedic tradition which is a form of enlightenment in India. This tradition was handed over by the Vedic masters from one generation to the other for over a thousand years. About 50 years ago, the man who we can call our present Vedic representative introduced this technique to the world. This came at a time when the world we are living in needs one to have a better and higher experience of consciousness. The best thing with this technique is the fact that the original and the present techniques are just the same because those who teach it do exactly how it was taught thousands of years ago.
This technique got into the limelight few decades back when an Indian student brought it into the United States in 1971. However, it is only after Dev’s (the Vedic representative of our generation) death in 1953 that he became really serious with preaching it. The student first of all became a repulsive monk before spreading it in cities. It slowly and quietly gained acceptance and popularity when people from different countries of the world began to visit Maharishi (the name of the student) in India to learn it.
All said and done, this techniques has and will remain on the front line when all matters related to being of benefit to those who practice it are concerned. Presently, it is one of the most popular and beneficial mind consciousness and alertness techniques and it has gained a lot of reputation and acceptance too from the general public. Many practitioners from different parts of the world have also joined the bandwagon that seeks to make it accessible and known to as many people as possible everywhere in the world.
To learn more about meditation and meditation techniques please go to our webpage.