Stress Management Consulting Program Article on SM Strategies

Reducing and managing stress is a key way to better health and more productivity.  Stress Management Consultants can help individuals face stress and deal with in better ways.  Fortunately there are numerous stress management technique and strategies available for individuals to utilize.

There are a variety of Stress Management Strategies to employ in dealing with stress. Please review the article and also the Stress Management Consulting Program


The article, “16 Stress Management Activities and Worksheets to Help Clients Beat Stress” by Jeremy Sutton from the looks at 16 different stress management activities available to individuals to cope with stress.  He states,

“There should be no excuse to hide from stress or become overwhelmed by it.  By using tools for coping and taking control, we can see stress as something natural that can invigorate and motivate us to overcome both the planned and the unexpected. These activities we shared will definitely help you manage stress. ”

Please review the article to learn more about these activities by clicking here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see how it matches with your academic and professional goals in becoming a Stress Management Consultant

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress of Office Politics

Stress can be caused by multiple issues in the office.   Management needs to curtail these issues to create a productive work environment.   Office politics plays one of the biggest roles of stress in the office.   It can cause divisions, resentment and gossip.   It can also prevent management from rewarding based on merit instead of status.

Office politics and favoritism can play a large source of stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program


The article “Office politics major source of work related stress”  by Jayne Smith looks at some of the issues caused by office politics.  She states,

“In contrast, the number 1 cause of work-related stress is now ‘work-related office politics’ – with 37 percent commonly experiencing this issue. Following recent scrutiny and growing awareness of toxic work environments, ‘office politics’ clearly presents itself as a pressing issue for HR strategies in the upcoming year. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Learning to overcome stress in the office is key to a healthy work environment and high productivity.  Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

Stress Management Consulting Article on ER Nurses and Stress

One of the most stressful jobs is ER nursing.  Lives hang in the balance and quick decisions need to be made.  The pressure of an ER nurse cannot be denied.  The stress that results from this type of high pressure nursing can be over bearing at times.  Sometimes a patient dies, or a nurse is stretched from one patient to another.  This type of environment is not for the weak of heart.  The ER nurse needs to be able to control emotion and stress.

ER nurses deal with immense amounts of stress. Stress Management is key. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program


The article, “Stress Management For The Emergency Room Nurse” by Rosa Elizabeth Vargas looks closer at how ER nurses can better cope with stress.  She states,

“As an ER nurse, you know how taxing emergency nursing can be. If you don’t know, allow me to share that many of my ER nursing clients say it is complete turmoil—but they love what they do. You can ask a new ER nurse or a veteran ER nurse, and they will tell you that the Emergency Department (ED) is one of the most challenging patient care units…”

To read the entire article, please click here

ER nurses love their job and they love saving lives but being able to stay calm and cool at work and at home can be a challenge.  Stress Management is a key ingredient for nurses.  Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your professional goals.



Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Corporate Stress

Stress in the corporate world can cause hypertension and possible heart attack.  It is important to monitor stress and keep it down while working and managing a company.  Stress Management helps keep the anxiety and stress down.

Stress in the corporate world can be a health risk. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification

The article, “Stress and hypertension in corporate world” by the Elets News Network states,

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Dealing with Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are serious conditions for many people.  Learning how to control anxiety is a key stress management skill.  Those who can master control can alleviate anxiety and better be able to function in society.

How well we deal with stress and anxiety is key to mental health. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

In looking at anxiety, the article “Getting Caught In The Rain Taught Me These 4 Important Lessons About Dealing With Anxiety” by Joann Toporowski looks at some important lessons when dealing with anxiety.  The article states,

“Anxiety is no one’s friend and we all want to know how to deal with anxiety and stress when they threaten to ruin our day. The symptoms of anxiety disorders are not always obvious but with the proper stress management techniques, you can make it through. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress and Negativity

How we respond to negativity is a big element in how we feel in regards to stress.  Individuals who cannot cope with negativity are more stressed and angry.  Hence is important to develop skills in how we respond to negativity in our life.

Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program. In the meantime, cope with negativity in better ways to reduce stress
Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program. In the meantime, cope with negativity in better ways to reduce stress

The article, “The Way Meditation Helps With Stress Has A Lot To Do With How You React To Negativity, Study Shows” by Georgina Berbari discusses meditation and stress in relationship to coping with negative things.  The article states,

“How do you respond to negative, stressful situations? Honestly, it’s hard not to let it affect you when things don’t go the way you planned, but then again, you always have the power to choose how you respond to less-than-ideal circumstances — and practicing mindfulness might help, according to the results of a new study.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Also, please review our Meditation Instructor Program, as well as our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress Relief Toys

Good article on stress relief gadgets and toys that really help others overcome stress.  This article is in an time for Christmas list for the stressed person in your life, or even yourself!

The article, “13 Stress-Relief Toys That Actually Work” by PJ Feinstein states,

These stress relief gadgets can erase stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program
These stress relief gadgets can erase stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

“Some days, life can make even the calmest person feel anxious. First, try taking a few deep breaths, then find your zen with one of these calming products.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your professional goals.  With a Stress Management Certification you can offer clients and friends stress relieving guidance.

Stress Management Consulting Article On Stress and Heart Attacks

Great article for certified stress managers that looks how stress and grief can cause possibly cause heart attacks in people

The article,”Here’s How Stress Might Cause Heart Attacks, Strokes”, by Maggie Fox states,

“A new study using brain scans shows how stress might cause heart attacks: people whose fear centers are more active also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

The findings point to the amygdala — often called the fear center in the brain. But the amygdala, which are a nut-sized pair of structures, are linked with various forms of stress, not just fear.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you would like to learn more about Stress Management Consulting, then please review the program

Stress Management Consulting

Use Stress Management Consulting to Remove Stress From Your Life.

There is good stress and also bad stress. Some stress can provided motivation and focus while bad stress can cause a host of uncomfortable physical symptoms and even disease. You must learn to cope with stress in order to keep your life in control.

Man yelling at another man
One man has learning stress management consulting, the other has not. Can you tell the difference?

Read the following article to get some great ideas on how to properly handle stress in your life. Make sure to keep your preventive health care up-to-date so you won’t be worried about possible medical problems. If you don’t take preventative measures to protect your health, that can lead to problems; not only that, but wondering and worry about your health can lead to stress. Make regular appointments for check-ups and screening so that you can stay less stressed and healthy. If you have a group of friends, take a jog in the park and enjoy the great outdoors. You can sweat out the toxins that have accumulated in your body this way. Go for a jog or run to take stress out of your life.
A professional massage can help you eliminate stress you might be feeling. Most people that are stressed have sore muscles that are full of tension. Getting a great massage will not only relax your muscles, but it will also make you feel less stressed.
Reduce your stress at all times, and put yourself in the best position to minimize your worries. For example, if you’ve got a comrade that creates stressful situations for you, you may want to stay far away from that person. Getting rid of stress sources can incredibly improve both your health and attitude.
Don’t rely on alcohol when you are dealing with stress. Relying on alcohol to relax isn’t the proper way to handle stress and can create even more problems. You need to rely on your own resources to relieve your stress, not become dependent on a drug like alcohol.
Let those around you know to not take your stress personally; that it is not them that caused it. A lot of the time a significant other, or a child, will think they are to blame for your stress. Since your stress is under your control, you shouldn’t blame it on the people that surround you. In many cases, an enjoyable talk with a close friend is the greatest way to overcome stress. Expressing your emotions is a great way to feel better. Seek out loved ones who are willing and able to meet you for a chat whenever you need them.

An overworked lady at a mess desk
She really needs to manage stress in the workplace.

A great method of dealing with stress is to spend some time playing video games, especially for young adults. Playing a game forces you to focus on the strategy, thus helping to distract you from other worries. Both playing at home alone and at a friend’s house can improve your mood. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to learn to forgive others.
If you fixate only on others’ mistakes, you will find yourself feeling anxious and ill-tempered. By identifying the parts of your life that are truly important, you can begin to better manage stress. By giving priority to the things that are essential and vital to you, you will stress less about trivial matters. This will improve your life.
Short-term stress leads many times to more focus, motivation and adrenaline to get tasks accomplished. Stress over the long term can lead to a myriad of problems such as high blood pressure, obesity and depression. Using the ideas in this article, you will be able to manage stress better and not let it control your life.
For more on counseling stress management or learning how to reduce stress please feel free to visit our stress management consulting webpage.

Stress Management Consulting with Spirituality

The article, “STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH SPIRITUALITY”, by Welearnindia states

“The term “stress” is nothing new to modern life. Estimates suggest that one in every three individual today is a victim of stress, depression and various kinds of phobia.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
What is stress?   By now everyone knows the answer to this question.   The real question should be: What stress management tactics work?   The answer is a bit difficult.   It really does depend on the person.   For some stress management through spirituality might be the answer they are looking for.   Spirituality and meditation has a calming effect on us.   Being able to use it to reduce stress seems like a great idea.    By knowing that the little things do not matter in the grand scheme of things, many of us can put them aside and learn how to react to stress better.
In this article they go into how spirituality can be used to combat stress.    Want to learn more?  Click here:  Stress Management Consulting

Stress Management Consulting
Stress Management Consulting gives helps to those who are in need. You don’t need an SOS sign when stress management is around!

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