Pet Loss Bereavement Counseling Training Article on Finding a New Cat

Good article on dealing with the loss of a pet, in particular a cat, and how to determine when it is the right time to find a new cat.  Obviously not a cat to replace the lost cat, but one to share your love with for the next years.

The article, “How Long After Your Cat Dies Should You Wait Before Getting a New Cat?”  by Kellie B. Gormly states,

“Losing a cat is devastating for a household’s humans and other pets. While no cat can replace another beloved cat — each pet, like each person, is unique — hopefully, you will open your heart and home to a new cat at some point. But how long after your cat dies should you get a new cat, and what can you do to make a successful match?”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pet Loss Bereavement Counseling Training

Pet Loss Grief Counseling and Vet Help Article

Good article how vets can help relieve the pain and sting of losing a beloved pet.  Pet loss grief counseling can help others overcome grief as well but its important to start with the vet and the initial loss.

The article, “Veterinarians can help ease the pain of losing a pet, says researcher”, by  Kate Bueckert states,

“Anyone who has had to put down a pet knows it can be a gut-wrenching experience.

Many veterinarian officers offer a support system to their clients – they work to give the grieving pet owner as much help as needed.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our pet loss grief counseling program to learn more and to see if the program matches your professional needs.

Pet Loss Grief Counseling Article on Caring for Sick and Dying Pets

Losing a pet is painful.  The process of caring for a dying pet can take an emotional toll as one awaits the inevitable.  It is truly sad to see an older pet not be himself and then have to come to the ultimate decision of letting go.

The article, “For Veterinarians, Caring For Sick Pets And Grieving Owners Takes A Toll”, by Kasia Galazka states

“When I walked dogs at a Chicago animal shelter, I wondered how each one got there. Whether a stitched-up pup shirked from my touch or happily greeted me tongue-first, my eyes would well up with salt. I wanted to keep them all.”

To read the entire article please click here

To learn more, please review our Pet Loss Grief Counseling program

Grief Healing: Pet Loss: When A Pet Goes Missing

Sourced through from:

This is a horrifying nightmare for pet owners.  Most of us have experienced it. I have with my Siberian Huskies and it puts a pit in your stomach.

The anticipatory grief, the imaginary scenarios all dance in our minds.  It can be sometimes an unresolved issue.

I recall, one time we actually found a stray Siberian Husky and as Husky people took him in.  We put out ads, notified individuals in the community yet he was never picked up by  an owner.  I cannot imagine the pain of the owner, but the husky who recently passed lived a happy 6 years with us, his new family.  This is best scenario we can dream of when we lose a pet, but the scary dreams are always there

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief counseling then please review


Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Two weeks ago my husband was playing with our dog, Amos, when he felt a lump – a huge lump – on his side.  When I say huge, I mean a humongous golf-ball sized lump that came out of nowhere. Seriously, nowhere; a few days before there was nothing and then suddenly there’s this enormous lump.


A good article about considerations we need to take into play when grieving the loss of a pet.  The loss of a pet is a serious blow to people who have a strong connection with their pet.  Pets are family!

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief counseling, then please review the program


Pet Loss Grief Counseling Support.


American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Pet Loss Grief Counseling Offers Support Groups.

Our pets are as close as family.  Their loss can be very difficult.   Grieving pet owners can find support with dealing with pet loss.   There are a number of support groups out there willing to help anyone facing the loss of a pet.   This article has more.   If you want to learn more please goto : Pet Loss Grief Counseling

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Pet Loss Grief Counseling: A Booming Trend?

Pet Loss Grief Counseling
Pet Loss Grief Counseling

people who cherish their PETS will understand A booming new trend.

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

A new trend in grief counseling is quickly becoming a booming trend.   Dealing with pet loss is never easy.   For years everyone thought that they had to go it alone and combat their pet loss grief by themselves.   Now pet funerals are gaining popularity.   It is a way for you to say good bye and it makes sense.   They were a member of the family and should be treated as such.   It also helps dealing with their passing.  Giving a loved one a burial helps deal with their death.   Why wouldn’t pets be any different?

Would you have one for your pet?

For more on this subject please click: Pet Loss Grief Counseling

See on

A Great Pet Loss Grief Counseling Forum

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

When dealing with pet loss grief and having to put your pet down, it is a very hard time.    Many need pet loss grief support.   This forum is a great place to go if you need support.

Sometimes just knowing there are people out there and that you are not alone can help deal with pet loss grief.   Forums like this one can be a great place to receive advice or find a shoulder if needed.    They are full of supportive and understanding people that have lost their own pets.    Many of them fully understand the pet loss grieving process.   Other are just looking for a way to give back.

For more information please visit: Pet Loss Grief Counseling

See on

Pet Loss Grief Counseling Is Important

Why is Pet Loss Grief Counseling Important?

Pet Loss Grief Counseling is important because it caters to a disenfranchised group of grievers.  How many lose a pet but their grief is dismissed as inconsequential or not important because it did not involve a death of a friend or family  member?  Noone’s grief should ever be dismissed but accepted and recognized.
The reality is many people need help in overcoming the sorrows of losing a pet.  Children, the elderly, and pet lovers all need guidance when they lose a life long friend.  For some, a pet is all they have or ever tasted of love.  Pet Loss Grief Counseling can help people work through the sorrow of pet loss and find wholeness again.
You can become pet grief certified as well if you meet the basic requirements of the American Academy of Grief Counseling.

(Rev. Bears is a fictional character and is not a certified pet loss grief counselor)

Attachment and Pet Loss

Pet Loss is not Irrelevant or Insignificant

One of the most disenfranchised loss in grief is pet loss.  So many times, people find pet loss to be insignificant or not important.  Due to this, many people lose important counseling and compassion in their loss of a pet.
Some people may feel, since it is not a human person, they should not burden others with their loss, or that other people might dismiss their loss as trivial.  The reality is the loss of a pet is a loss of a family member.  The attachment to the pet may vary from person to person but when one loses a pet, there is some form of attachment that has been severed.  Of course, there is a huge difference between a fish and a dog, but regardless, losing a friend that has been at your side for years will cause an emotional emptiness.
Attachment theory teaches that the greater the dependency and the stronger the bond, the

greater the pain if that bond is broken.  Many people have close relationships with their pets that are critical to their everyday lives.  The young child or the old man all find great comfort in their cat or dog.  This is especially true for the elderly.  In some cases, the shut ins of the world only have their dog or cat as companions.  With a spouse deceased and no children, some older people suffer a large emotional loss when a pet dies.
With these things in mind, it is important to realize that in grief counseling, especially pet loss grief counseling, one cannot dismiss a loss simply because it is a pet.  Instead, one should focus on the attachment level of the loss and not who the loss is.

By Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C