Abortion’s ‘Invisible Grief’ Surfaces With Nationwide Gravesite Ceremonies

The article, “Abortion’s ‘Invisible Grief’ Surfaces With Nationwide Gravesite Ceremonies”, by Melanie Korb states

“The National Day of Remembrance will memorialize tens of thousands of children buried at gravesites around the nation—a tiny fraction of the 55 million children killed by abortion since it was legalized in 1973.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
A very sad reality that we as a nation have killed over fifty million babies since Roe V Wade.  This horrible genocide goes un-noticed and is a disenfranchised grief because no one accepts it.  This article looks at how memorials are being made to show our acknowledgement of this crime. If you are interested in Christian counseling courses, please review our program

Eastern Fast and Western Fast: The Difference?

Become a Certified Christian Counselor:  East and West Fast Differences

Christian Counselors can help many confused Christians of both East and West regarding fast rules and regulations.  Christian Counseling sessions can include a time for informative exchange of information.  One such conversation can include both Eastern and Western guidelines.

The History of Differences

Even prior to the schism of the Eleventh Century, the East and the West had begun to diverge socially from each other.  While the Eastern empire continued to prosper, the Western empire began to crumble as barbarian invasions crippled it during the Fourth and Fifth centuries.  Traditions that were once universally shared began to erode hence creating two different social and cultural traditions of Christianity.  While sharing the same faith and professing the same lord, the West began to adapt to the culture that had subdued it.   In fact, as Rome christianized the barbarians and became the only light of the dark ages, it also was changed in some ways.
The See of Peter became a secular throne as well as a spiritual one which whether for better or worst would shape the future of the papacy and its interactions with the new found kingdoms.  As these changes progressed, the church itself would become a central figure in the new culture of Western Christendom.   While there were many differences between East and West such a celebrant priesthood, the role of the pope, the filioque and other minor rules, the two churches continued to exist as one universal church.  These issues would later lead to a schism between the two heads of Rome and Constantinople.
Among the minor differences were fast rules.  The East then and as well as today, subscribed to a stricter Lenten code.  This included days of Abstinence from meat products on both Wednesday and Friday.  It also included Lent starting on Monday instead of Wednesday.  A final difference was regarding complete fast days.  The East subscribed to no dairy and meat on the first day of Lent and Good Friday.
The West would adapt to its new found converts and only enforce no meat on Friday, start Lent on Ash Wednesday and not enforce dairy on complete days of abstinence.
Since then, these rules have continued to exist in both churches.  Slight differences include Latin age requirements of 21 to 59, while Byzantine requirements are for all who can receive communion.
The Eastern Churches in union with Rome also maintained their traditions but coincide with the West in regards to the Gregorian calendar, while the Orthodox hold firm to the Julian calendar–which ultimately places Easter usually on a different day. A final difference is the East counts Sundays as part of the consequent forty days of Lent, hence the Eastern Lent ends the Friday before Good Friday, but Holy Week still involves fasting as a separate period of purification.  The West counts its Lent to the day prior to Good Friday and recently included Good Friday into the Easter Tridiuum till Easter Vigil.  All fasts are still imposed the final three days.
Whether Eastern or Western, Catholic or Orthodox, or Catholic or Protestant, all can agree sacrifices and offerings to God as a universal whole are important.  This Lent, no matter what rules or regulations bind us in charity, let us all offer together to God remorse for our sins and thanksgiving for the sacrifice of his Son.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, then please review the program. If you would like to become a certified Christian Counselor, then please review also the courses that lead to certification.

Mark Moran, MA

Christian Counseling: Christ in Marriage

Christian Counseling:  Is Christ in Your Marriage?

Christ’s presence at the marriage in Cana saved the day, is Christ invited to your marriage to possibly saves yours? Also, if you are interested in Christian Counseling courses, then please review Recently a homily on the Wedding Feast of Cana caught my ear.  The priest emphasized the importance of Christ in one’s marriage.  Christian Counseling must also emphasize this invitation to Christ to young married couples.  With divorce rates sky rocketing and marriage becoming merely a legal title, the secular idea of marriage has failed society.  It has led to broken homes which have led to broken people.  Without the stability of the first cell of society, how can society thrive?
By inviting Christ into your marriage, you increase your chance to preserve your marriage.  With Christ comes many blessings but also the idea that marriage is a bond and forever.  When people understand that life is not easy and if something breaks, you do not replace it merely to replace it, then a new paradigm emerges.  A paradigm that looks for fortitude when times become tough.  While financial and personal issues can tear apart people, Christians who face these things have Christ at their side.  Why?  Because they have welcomed him into their marriage.
Before Christ, there was marriage.  Marriage existed as a contract between a man and woman for centuries.   Yet at the Wedding Feast of Cana, Christ for the first time made marriage sacred.  He enhanced it and elevated it to a sacred and sacramental state.  Christ’s presence at Cana did not only in general make marriage sacred but it also made a huge difference for the couple who invited him.  If they had not invited him they would have ran out of wine.  Yet because of Christ’s presence, his first public miracle was observed.  He turned water into wine and saved the bride and groom from a disgraceful celebration.  Yet symbolically, through his presence, water was turned into wine.  He hence enhanced it.  He also enhances any union spiritually by his mere presence, but we must first invite him–as did the couple at Cana.
Do married couples invite Christ into their marriage to make a difference?  It starts from the beginning.  Before marriage, the couple should dedicate their marriage to Christ and follow the proper religious ceremonies.  It should not be a secular event at the court house but a religious and sacred ceremony conducted by a priest or minister.
If Christ is truly invited and accepted into one’s marriage, then one’s marriage will manifest his fruits.  The couple will understand the sacred nature of their covenant to one another and allow the grace of Christ and his presence to bring forth the holiness of their union.  Christ like at Cana can make a difference, but he needs invited first?
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, then please review the program

Mark Moran, MA

Sunday Worship: An Option?

Christian Counseling: The Parable of the Great Feast and Us

Christ spoke of a great feast.  Many were invited to this feast but no-one came.  In response, the host told his servants to invite others along the wayside to come and partake of the feast he had prepared.  Some were good while others were evil.  The good were properly dressed in wedding garments, while the evil arrived in rags.  These evil ones were cast away while the good partook in the feast.  What can be gained from a Christian Counseling perspective from this parable found in Matthew 22:1-14?
This parable correlates with Sunday Service, Mass or Liturgy.  The feast is the celebration of the Eucharist where Christ calls upon many to come but very few attend.  While the original Jewish community rejected Christ, the Gentile population embraced him.  These new guests represent the new Church.  However there within the Church exists many who are spiritually distorted from the will of Christ.  These souls are dressed in “rags” and while attending the feast are unworthy of its graces.  Those of the Christian community who have a sincere love of Christ are the souls dressed in fine wedding garments.
This translation of the parable leads Christians to much spiritual thought.  First, how ignorant it is to deny the invitation of Sunday worship which is a taste of eternal life in heaven.  Second, how spiritually prepared are people for reception of the Eucharist?  Do we enter into church with indifference and various spiritual maladies or do we enter into church with devout love for Christ?
Christian Counselors must emphasize to their spiritual children the importance of weekly church Service, Mass or Liturgy.  This is food for the soul.  Our Lord asks very little of his people.  At the bare minimum he asks for one hour out of an entire week and sixty-two hours out of a year.  This adds up to roughly two in a half days out of three hundred and sixty five days of the year!
The secular mind places such importance upon sporting events and concerts.  It is a horrible misfortune for the materialistic mind to miss kick off or to not arrive early for the best seats at a concert.  Yet Sunday worship is reduced to a mere footnote and a family custom that is more of a bother than a blessing.  Even worst, some consider it merely an option.  This is just not among materialists but also so-called Christians who pick and choose the days of worship that fit them best.  Some even proclaim a false doctrine that they can worship God from their home and that organized worship is not part of the third commandment in keeping holy the Sabbath.
Yet despite all the reasoning and excuses, true Christians recognize the invitation to the feast as a call from Christ to attend weekly worship with a sincere and loving heart.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, please review the program.

Mark Moran, MA

Christian Counseling and Apolegetics

Christian Counseling and the Use of Apologetics

A Christian Counselor plays many rolesSometimes his role in counsel is to advice and instruct.  In these cases, the spiritual child may be confused with modern ideologies or philosophies.  Many of these philosophies are contrary to Christian Orthodoxy.  spiritual director is a sacred calling to defend and define the faith to the ignorant and instruct them in the truth.
With modern ideas of materialism, agnosticism, atheism, secularism, relativism, modernism and other deviant ideologies 

contrary to the faith, society has found itself lost.  With the faith constantly under attack from the outside, many Christians have lost their way without a shepherd.   This attacks from the outside come from many sources.  One can find them from the government, the schools and media.  The numbing of good consciences is the result as blatant sin becomes standard norm.  What was once unspeakable becomes now completely acceptable.  With these shifting morals, one sees morality sliding on a slippery curve of degeneration. 
The attacks do not only come from without but also within.  Scholars deny the faith via modernism.  This hideous assault on the faith hopes to demytholize the sacred nature of scripture and Christ and make it more credible with science.  Priests, ministers, teachers within church circles and other religious have also become infected with this and confuse the laity.
In these confusing times, a Christian counselor must be firm in his or her faith.  They must not only be counselors but also theologians.  They must understand the nature of the enemy of the faith and be well versed in scripture and the various theologies.  They must be aware of current events and how the church identifies them.
Christian Counseling may very well in the future become also a last stand of Christian orthodoxy as modern ideas attempt to destroy the Christian faith.  With such a divine calling, teachers and counselors of the faith should be proud in their profession.  In the next articles, we will review some of the modern ideologies and how teachers of the faith should respond to them when questioned.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling courses, please review the program.