PTSD has numerous triggers. Hyperarousal is the brains reactions to those triggers. Individuals respond to scent, sounds, memories, visuals or even touch that tap into the dissociated mental material of trauma. This can send the person into a flash back or even into a violent rage. It is very dangerous for them as well as for others. It is important to identify triggers and learn how to cope with hyperarousal and manage it. Once the trauma is properly processed, these issues become less of an issue and eventually healing begins.

The article, “What Is Hyperarousal in PTSD?” by Christopher Bergland takes a closer look at hyperarousal within PTSD. He states,
“Hyperarousal keeps the body and mind constantly “on guard,” which makes it hard to go about daily life. Chronically heightened states of arousal are perpetuated by the fight-or-flight branch of the autonomic nervous system. This article discusses the causes, symptoms, and treatment for hyperarousal that occurs with PTSD.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.