Holistic Nurse Certification Article on Managing Pain

Chronic pain is an issue for millions of Americans.  How to overcome that pain is the question.   Some medications have side effects or are too powerful and deemed illegal for use.  With such questions, many seek various safe, alternative forms of treatment for chronic pain.

Please review our Holistic Nurse Certification and see if it meets your academic or professional goals
Please review our Holistic Nurse Certification and see if it meets your academic or professional goals

The article, “Health Talk: Alternative therapies for chronic pain” by Michael Kenosh, M.D, et all takes a closer look into ways to manage pain The article states,

“The New York Times recently reported that opioid overdose was the leading cause of death for people under the age of 50 in the United States (2018). The incidence of prescription medication overdose that occurs outside of health-care facilities has increased exponentially in the last 20 years. In the United States, people often perceive medication as the sole source of relief from pain. However, alternative methods of treatment exist that may have lower risks and lead to improvements in long-term outcomes.”

To read the entire article please click here

Please also review our Holistic Nurse Certification and see if it matches your needs.  As a Holistic Nurse one can help others manage pain through safe and alternative methods

Holistic Nurse Certification Article on Alternative Pain Control Methods

Good article about alternative therapies to help with pain management.  Pain management has many conventional methods but new alternative methods are helping patients find relief.  Aromatherapy and others are but an example of new ways to fight pain.  These new ways give healthcare professionals other options to help their patients.

Aromatherapy is a new alternative for some pain management. Please also review our Holistic Nurse Certification
Aromatherapy is a new alternative for some pain management. Please also review our Holistic Nurse Certification

The article, “How Aromatherapy and Reflexology Are Changing Approaches to Pain Management” by Lisa Blackburn discusses this topic and how it can be utilized.  The article states,

“FOR SOME CANCER patients, those who are treated with brachytherapy, the pain and anxiety that accompanies treatment can be significant. Brachytherapy is used to treat cancers that occur deep within the body, such as cervical or prostate cancer. For this treatment, the radiation source is positioned very close to the tumor itself in order to maximize the radiation dose to the cancer while decreasing exposure to normal body tissues.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Holistic Nurse Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Patience and Prevention: Taking a Holistic Approach to Heart Health

Holistic Nursing and Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, accounting for about 25% of all deaths. People who are at risk for the disease or other heart-related issues may wish to take a proactive and holistic approach to their heart health and treatment. Research into preventative strategies has come a long ways in recent decades, so people have access to more knowledge and more ways to stay healthy than ever before. Holistic or integrative medicine is one of the choices that healthcare professionals should know about.

Traditional Medicine

Heart disease treatment or prevention generally focusing on lowering blood-pressure and reducing bad cholesterol levels. This is frequently accomplished through the use of medication. In general, these remedies are quite effective for many people, although certainly more so for some than for others. Those who are not achieving healthy heart goals with medication alone are the most likely to benefit from a holistic approach.

Mind-body Practices

These include a wide variety of interventions ranging from therapeutic massage to meditation to mindfulness. The goal for the majority of these practices is to reduce stress and induce a higher degree of relaxation, both of which can reduce the amount of strain on the heart and lead to lower blood-pressure and improved quality of life for the patient. Participation in guided medication or mindfulness training can be very helpful as a component of a holistic program designed to improve heart health and prevent blood-pressured-related medical conditions.

Nutrition and Exercise

According to a specialist from ICE, Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence, a person’s diet and activity level can both impact their heart health. Following guidelines and meal plans created by a nutritionist or dietitian can help reduce the likelihood of these complications. One frequent piece of advice is to reduce sodium intake to help manage blood-pressure and kidney function. With the approval of a physician, a program or light to moderate exercise can help as well. Walking and yoga are popular activity choices for heart health.

Treating the Emotions Behind the Disease

Negative emotions like anger, frustration, resentment, and so forth are linked to heart issues. Learning to effectively recognize and manage these feelings can be an important component for preventing heart disease. Counseling, whether individual or in a group setting, can help teach ways to express and manage these emotions in an adaptive or positive way. Therapy can be an important component in an integrated approach to managing heart conditions.


Holistic approaches to treating modern diseases and conditions have made great strides in recent years, demonstrating that traditional medicine alone may not be the most effective way to manage every condition or treat every patient. When patients are interested in pursuing holistic treatment options with regards to their heart health, practitioners should be aware of these and how to best apply them to each individual case.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from the University of Georgia.

If you would like to learn more about holistic nursing and other holistic approaches to health then please review our holistic nursing program

Holistic Nursing and Drug Free Options for Back Pain

Four Drug-Free Treatment Options for Back Pain Patients

Even a minor injury can cause some people to experience intense and persistent back pain. This pain can go down in a few days, or it can have longer-lasting consequences. Other people experience back pain because of poor posture, age, sagging mattresses, or family genetics.

Whatever the cause behind your aching back, you want to alleviate the pain, but you might think you don’t have any treatment options besides over-the-counter or prescription pain killers. Actually, you can find a variety of drug-free, relatively low-cost treatments that can reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

Chiropractic Care

Qualified chiropractors use their hands and body to realign your spine and neck. In some cases, this means you can experience reduced back and joint pain without enduring invasive procedures or surgeries. Over time, chiropractic treatments can reduce pain, restore mobility, and increase flexibility. They can also relieve headaches from whiplash and neck misalignment.

Chiropractic treatment works best on acute back and neck pain. Your doctor may recommend that you seek chiropractic care in conjunction with over-the-counter painkillers and other treatments like massage.

In the event of a car accident, your insurance (or the other driver’s insurance) should cover your chiropractic treatments. Talk to your lawyer and insurance provider to learn more about chiropractic care and compensation in your particular case.

Massage Therapy

Like chiropractic care, massage therapy uses non-invasive spinal manipulation and muscle relaxation techniques to reduce pain. During a deep-tissue massage therapy session, a certified massage therapist will use his or her hands to smooth out your body’s muscles. This can lead to better circulation and blood flow, less muscle tension, and better muscle relaxation.

If possible, and with your doctor’s approval and recommendation, schedule several massage therapy appointments per month. Your back should feel more flexible and less painful.

3. Yoga

Most people with back pain find that motion and stretching can relieve stiffness and pain in their back. At the same time, they don’t want to participate in strenuous activities that could injure their back further.

For gentle, pain-relieving exercise, try yoga. A gentle yoga class can help you perform light stretches that strengthen and relax your back. Like chiropractic care, yoga poses can help your back realign. They’ll also strengthen your back’s muscles so your spine can retain its proper alignment.

4. Physical Therapy

If an accident has caused extensive back pain or a debilitating injury caused you to lose mobility and flexibility in your back, physical therapy can help you return to normal. While there are many different types of physical therapy, many of these focus on improving healing time and minimizing pain. According to a specialist from Ladah Law Firm, physical therapy can be used to treat certain types of nerve compression injuries in the back, which commonly occur after falls. A licensed physical therapist will work with you to lower your pain, increase your mobility, and help you learn exercises that maintain your increased mobility once you stop physical therapy.

Thanks to these four steps, you can reduce your back pain without resorting to more invasive treatments. Talk to your doctor to find out if any of these methods will work for you.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.

 If you are a licensed nurse then you may wish to review our Holistic Nursing Program and see if it matches your educational and professional needs.



Holistic Nursing Help To Make Eating Healthy Easier.

11 Holistic Nursing Ways to Make Dieting A Lot Easier.

Lets face it, dieting is not an enjoyable past time.  Holistic Nursing might not even be in your vocabulary.   If you are anything like me, you love bacon, cheese, desserts, and a few adult beverages.   Of course these foods are not diet friendly.   So how can you stay on your diet and still love the food you eat?  Hint, it is not as hard as it seem.   Luckily for us there are holistic healthcare tips to make dieting a lot easier and a lot more tasty!   An article from Active Times has 11 sure fire ways to keep you on your diet and loving it.

By Katie Rosenbrock
From Active Times

“Long commutes, long work days, busy schedules, kids, spouses, and other activities are all common challenges,” says Lisa Hugh, a Registered Dietitian and creator of “Single Ingredient Groceries”. “Shopping and cooking are chores that can be pushed aside by eating out, eating on the run, skipping meals, eating fast food, and drinking too much caffeine.”

Maybe you can’t find a way around your long work day or an extra busy schedule, but that doesn’t mean you have to forgo healthy eating entirely.

Fruits on grass in the shape of a heart.
Holistic Nursing diet tips do not have to be bad tasting. Follow these 11 ways and put a little bit of flavor back in your diet.

As you can see, by keeping track of what you eat, making a plan, sticking to it, and giving yourself enough move to “Cheat” you can apply these holistic nursing tips to your diet.   Soon you will find out that you do not miss those bad for you foods when you keep healthier options on hand and at the ready.   If you are interested in learning more about becoming a holistic healthcare professional, you might want to check out our online certificate in holistic nursing.


Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Do You Snore? You May Actually Have Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a typical issue for individuals of all ages as well as both genders and affects around 90 million adults in the U.S. alone. Snoring can occur either intermittently or nightly. People who are most at risk include individuals who are overweight and males. However, snoring is an ongoing problem for both males and females, although it’s possible that females don’t complain as often as men do. The problem can result in un-refreshing and fragmented sleep that leads to poor functioning throughout the day (sleepiness and fatigue). Nearly 50 percent of all people who noisily snore have what’s known as obstructive sleep apnea.

Why Do People Snore?

The noisy and often annoying sounds of snoring happen when there’s an obstruction to the airway through the passageways located at the back of the nose and mouth. This space is the collapsible area of the air passageway where the upper throat and tongue join the uvula and soft palate. When these key structures hit one another and vibrate while breathing, snoring occurs.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring could be a symptom of a much more serious disorder called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. The condition is characterized by several episodes of paused breathing that can last as long as 10 seconds per pause, which is caused by the collapse or narrowing of the upper airway. This leads to lower oxygen levels in the blood, which ultimately makes the heart work harder overall. It’s also a great nuisance to a person’s natural sleep cycle, interrupting REM sleep cycles and making them feel sluggish and tired in spite of going to bed early. CPAPMan and similar manufacturers have designed “continuous positive airway pressure” devices designed to open airways and prevent the snoring that is a distinguishing feature of sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Sleeping Disorders

Nearly half of all average adults occasionally snore, while 25 percent snore habitually. Problem snoring is more typical in overweight individuals and in males and often gets worse with age. Snoring could be a sign of obstructed breathing and should be taken seriously. An otolaryngologist has the role of finding the anatomic source of a patient’s snoring and can offer helpful solutions to correct this frequently embarrassing and irritating behavior.


Because a person who snores doesn’t rest well at night, they’ll often feel sleepy the next day. This could eventually affect their overall job performance and make them a risk for operating heavy equipment or driving on the job. Obstructive sleep apnea left untreated greatly increases the chance of developing a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and several other significant medical issues. Therefore, snoring can be a very serious matter and you should talk to your doctor to find a solution.


About the author: A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote.



If you are interested in alternative therapies to these issues, then please consider becoming a Holistic Nurse.  The field of Holistic Nursing can help people utilize alternative therapies to face maladies of today

Holistic Nursing Advice on Healthy Oils.

The article, “Healthy Cooking Oils: 8 New Picks To Try”, by Matthew Kadey  states

“If you already pan-roast your chicken in canola oil and adorn your salad greens with Italian olive oil, way to go.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Holistic Nursing Lists 8 Oils You Should Be Using!

Looking for a way to add more flavor or something different to your diet?   Holistic nursing professionals suggest you try these healthy oils.   In this article is a list of 8 oils you should try out.   Some are suited for salad dressings while others are great for stir-fries and baking.  Go Here for more on Holistic Healthcare.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Holistic Nursing Advice for Summer Salads


Summer fruits make nutritious, low-calorie dishes you’ll want to serve every day.

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Holistic Nursing Care Picnic Salad Recipes

Summer is the time of year when we shift from earthy, heavy and hot soups and stews to light and refreshing summer salads full of nutritionally rich holistic health foods.   Like most I feel it is not summer until I have tasted fresh watermelon, experienced the first bite of a juicy peach or the “heat” from a peppery summer salsa.   Here is a list of a few holistic fruit salad recipes I personally am dying to try out this Memorial Day weekend.   For more on holistic nursing please visit our webpage.

See on www.health.com

Holistic Nursing Grocery List.

The article, “Healthy — And Cheap — Ingredients You Need To Put In Your Shopping Cart”, by Lynn Andriani states

“Foodist author Darya Pino Rose started eating healthily while living as a grad student in San Francisco, one of the most expensive cities in the country. Here’s how she did it.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Holistic Nursing Foods to Add to Your Shopping List.

Do you try to eat healthy but suffer from a lack of funds or the bland taste just is not for you?   The holistic nutrition suggests you try these cheap and tasty ingredients so you can eat healthy and enjoy it too. For more on holistic nursing please VISIT OUR SITE.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Holistic Nursing from A to Z

The article, “The Best Superfoods, from A to Z”, by Kate Morin states

Healthy foods start with every letter of the alphabet. Here are 26 of our favorites, from A to Z, and why we think they’re so super.

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Do you know your healthy eating ABC’s?   If you are a pro or just starting a holistic diet here is a great list for you to follow.    In fact I’m sipping on some “T” right now.    Maybe for a snack I’ll have a few “N”s and a handful of “D”s.   If you want to learn more holistic health care tips please go here: Holistic Nursing

See on greatist.com