Healthcare Case Management Certification Article on Difficult Readmission Patients

Some of the most expensive patients in healthcare are dealing with homelessness and addiction. These factors contribute to the patients not finding immediate resolution of the issue, as well as frequent re-admissions.  This results in higher prices and more difficult coordinated healthcare care management.  Case Managers find themselves in difficult positions trying to help the patient find a permanent resolution to the medical issues experienced.


Readmissions for the homeless and addicted are among the highest. Please also review our healthcare case management certification


The article, “These Patients Are Hard to Treat” by Reed Abelson looks at these two types of patients and better ways to help them and also reduce cost.  She states, 

“These individuals, frequently struggling with addiction or homelessness, have extremely complicated medical conditions. By finding them and connecting them to the right doctors and social services, dozens of costly hospital stays could be avoided. The idea has been adopted in numerous communities around the country.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Certification.  The program is online and independent study and can help prepare medical professionals for the field of case management.  Please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Rising Healthcare Costs

Healthcare continues to be a growing cost for the average American as well as the average employer.  Employers on average according to a latest poll are paying around $13,000 an employee a year.  With the cost continuing to rise, it is becoming more and more expensive to give people the basic care they need.  With healthcare such a huge issue in the 2020 election, it will be interesting to see who has the solutions and who does not to combat this ever growing national issue.

The cost of healthcare for employers is becoming higher and higher each year. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program


The article, “Companies Move to Limit Employees’ Health Costs: bt David McCann looks at some statistics illustrating the growing problem with healthcare costs.  He states,

“The average total health benefit cost per employee grew 3.0% to reach $13,046, following a rise of 3.6% in 2018. This is the eighth consecutive year of health benefit cost growth in the low single digits, and employers expect the cost to rise at a similar pace next year. Still, cost increases continue to outpace overall inflation.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Patient Care Beyond Service Rendered

Service of care should not be the main contributor of reimbursement but quality of that service.  Overall population health, patient experience and patient care that reduces unnecessary stay and services are all critical elements.

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The article, “Improve patient care – aim for the Triple” by Phillip Gratzel von Gratz looks at the triple aim of patient experience and health.  He states,

“There is a broad consensus around the world that healthcare reimbursement should at least partly be based on performance and outcomes and not exclusively on service provision. This is mostly a theoretical consensus though”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.  Healthcare Case Managers need to understand the value of patient care in regards to quality and also cost effective ways to treat patients.


Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Case Management Efficiency

Maximizing efficiency is a key element of case management, especially healthcare case management.   Results with better health is superior to paper work.

Get the most out of your case management care team. Please also review our Healthhcare Case Management Program
Get the most out of your case management care team. Please also review our Healthhcare Case Management Program

The article, “Four Ways to Empower Your Care Managers to Focus on Results, Not Paperwork” sponsored by HMS and Fierce Health Care states,

“Today’s care managers face a variety of challenges with many handling a higher volume of complex patient cases than ever before. At the same time, value-based care delivery and reimbursement models demand that care managers keep a close eye on healthcare costs while still managing their day-to-day.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the Healthcare Case Management Program at AIHCP and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.


Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Chronic Pain Management

Technology is important in healthcare but without trained professionals using it,  it has no value.   This is why it is so important to have good, trained and caring professionals behind all technology.  Only with both, can healthcare make a difference

Chronic pain management works only as well as the care givers working on it. Please also review our healthcare case management program
Chronic pain management works only as well as the care givers managing it. Please also review our healthcare case management program

This is especially true with chronic pain management.  The article, “When it comes to chronic care management, tech can’t replace people” by ERIN DIETSCHE states,

“Technology has become increasingly common in the healthcare arena. The story isn’t any different in the chronic care management space, as companies like Livongo and Omada Health leverage tech to assist patients.  But a new survey found humans are just as important as trendy IT tools.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.


Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Drug Prices

With higher and  higher drug prices, who is really to blame?  It is hard to tell sometimes but the article below looks to answer why these prices continue to seem to increase.

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article,”High drug prices: Who’s really to blame?” by Susan Morse states,

Reaction to the proposal has varied. America’s Health Insurance Plans and pharmacy benefit managers say it’s the drug manufacturers that set the prices, and it’s hard not to point the blame at pharmaceutical companies when prices for orphan drugs to treat rare diseases have sometimes increased by thousands of dollars, for no obviously perceivable reason.

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it meets your needs and goals.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Value Based Care Model

Good article on value based care and how it can help drive preventative care.  In fact, patients in a value based care model benefit greatly in preventative care practices.  Through various models, education and teaching can help patients understand their own diagnosis and recovery to prevent future issues.   This type of model is very beneficial to any organization and it is of no wonder that these value based care models correlate with better preventative care with patients.

Value based care models help! Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
Value based care models help! Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article, “Value-Based Care Drives Preventive Care, Care Management”  by Sarah Heath explores this reality and delves into greater detail how value based care models are very beneficial for patients.  The article states,

Patients receiving care from a doctor in a value-based care model tend to experience better quality care, receive more preventive care, and yield higher medication adherence and adherence to chronic disease management plans, according to a new report from Humana.

To read the entire article, please click here

A certified Case Manager also is well versed in these areas of study and makes an excellent candidate to help implement various value based care models.  Pleas also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to see if it matches any of your academic or professional needs. By taking the core courses in Case Management, qualified professionals can earn a certification in Case Management with AIHCP and apply the skills to their profession.



Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Re-Admissions

Readmissions cost hospitals and insurance companies millions of dollars.  Good hospital administration and case management can help keep readmissions down.

Readmissions is a big financial issue. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
Readmissions is a big financial issue. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program


The article, “Top 4 Big Data Analytics Strategies to Reduce Hospital Readmissions” by Jessica Kent looks at four big data analytic strategies to help reduce admissions. The article states,

“Unplanned hospital readmissions are one of the costliest services in healthcare, with organizations shelling out billions each year on these frequently avoidable episodes.”

To read the entire article, please click here

As long as readmissions are high, the cost of healthcare will be high, so it is important to reduce readmissions for this financial purpose alone, but also for the overall health and recovery of the patient which can be lost in the game of cents and dollars

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to learn more and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Medicaid

Medicaid can be a life line for some who are to ill and sick to have any other type of coverage.   This article looks at an individual case.   Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article, Living and Dying on Medicaid, by Libby Watson states,

“Todd Mouw, a 53 year old man who lived in Iowa, died on July 8. He was married to Cyndi Mouw; he helped organize meals for needy people in his county with his family; and he was a quadriplegic, paralyzed 32 years ago after an accident. He couldn’t breathe on his own and needed round-the-clock care, but he lived for years and years at home, with care workers provided by Medicaid, until that care was slowly taken away by the for-profit company that has run his plan in Iowa since 2016.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Education in Healthcare

Good article on the importance of healthcare professionals seeing healthcare as more than just medicine but also education.  This is especially true in healthcare administration as countries continue to grow and their healthcare systems need educated administrators.

The article, Education: Healthcare is much more than just medicine, by Pradeep Panda states,

“According to the Asian Development Bank, not only is India bound to possess the world’s largest workforce by 2027, it is also projected to sustain its impressive GDP growth rate of 7.6%.”

To read the entire article, please click: Here

The article emphasizes the critical importance of educated professionals to meet the needs of growing healthcare needs in a variety of populations, but with most emphasis on India

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.