Building a Resilient Healthcare System: The Growing Role of Psychology Professionals

Medical mistakes can happen.  Legal Nurse Consultants review the merit or lack of merit of these mistakes for law firmsWritten by Bailey Hudson,

What makes a healthcare system effective, whether it is in a crisis situation or everyday? It’s not a matter of technology or skilled clinicians – it’s about the capacity to nurture both mental and physical wellbeing. In a culture where stress and uncertainty are the norm, psychologists are the undeserved heroes of medicine. They provide a key component in bringing patients and medical staff the emotional and cognitive resources they need. When we put psychological skills into health care, we’re building systems that not only treat, but also know people. 

Understanding Healthcare Resilience  

Healthcare resilience is about building systems to withstand and bounce back from crises. It ensures continuity of care, even in an emergency. Psychologists help build resilience and empathy for clinicians and patients. 

Defining Resilient Systems  

A robust health care system is flexible, effective, and responsive in the event of an emergency. It involves open communication routes, robust systems, and open protocols. They focus on making rapid decisions and distributing resources. Predictive modelling prevents problems and reduces outages. 

By implementing technology, you can increase resilience through telehealth and electronic records. Positive collaborations with local services reinforce external resilience, forming support groups. You make these pieces run smoothly together so patients get better outcomes. 

Psychology’s Role in Resilience  

Mental health practitioners aid in healthcare resilience by improving wellbeing and reducing stress. They offer therapeutic practices to employees, which in turn encourages a positive working environment. This helps nurses keep emotions in check, which is important during stressful moments. 

Psychologists can help patients recover, too, by providing coping skills that enhance quality of care. Emotional intelligence training for leadership encourages communication and decision making. You have to know these psychological factors in order to create a truly robust healthcare system. 

Empowering Psychology Professionals  

Psychology professionals are the cornerstones of a healthy health care system. Their empowerment requires specialized training, cross-discipline collaboration, and influential policy advocacy. If you focus on these priority areas, you can make a difference in mental health care. 

Enhanced Training Programs  

The key to improving the quality of psychology practitioners is investment in dedicated training courses. You could focus on continuing education and certification courses to stay abreast of the current research and practice. Clinical expertise and scientific knowledge must be prioritized in order to deliver high-quality patient care. 

For instance, access to HE Diploma for Psychology, which helps budding professionals acquire the fundamental understanding and abilities required for further education and career growth. This allows them to come into the profession with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact in healthcare delivery systems. 

New training techniques like simulation training and online learning can build your skills across multiple clinical contexts. These methodologies are versatile and flexible so that you can study on your own terms and put what you have learned to real-world use. 

Mentorship programs can offer you further guidance and help match you with senior professionals who have insight into complex cases and career strategies. By providing opportunities for learning and development, you promote the growth of a holistic, skilled mental health care workforce. 

Interdisciplinary Collaboration  

This requires a close partnership with other health care providers to ensure quality patient care. You learn new skills and become better at what you do by being in teams with doctors, nurses and social workers. 

Being in integrated care teams helps you to better accommodate patients’ multidisciplinary demands. By transferring knowledge and practice from one field to another, care plans can be comprehensive and individualized. Such a collaborative model results in better patient care by drawing on the collective capabilities of different specialties. 

Embracing cross-disciplinary workshops and conferences gives you a better chance to share your ideas with experts across disciplines. These interactions bring respect and insight between individuals, dissolving silos and creating a healthcare team environment that works for all. 

Policy and Advocacy  

As a psychologist, lobbying for mental health-friendly policies is critical. You can advocate for legislation and funding that puts mental health care at the forefront of your mind. By being part of advocacy groups, you create a healthcare system that cares about and pays attention to mental health. 

It is important to stay abreast of what is happening on the policy front. When speaking with policymakers and stakeholders, you can communicate the value of mental health and make concrete, actionable recommendations. 

Organizing with community groups will give your activism more leverage. By working together, you can demand policies that expand access to mental health care so that everyone has a chance to thrive. 

Integrating Psychological Practices  

Resilience depends on improving healthcare through psychotherapy. You can use science, technology, and patient priorities to change things for the better. 

Evidence-Based Interventions  

Including evidence-based interventions means that psychological therapies are evidence-based and effective. You may find cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) particularly useful because it addresses mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. 

You can also use motivational interviewing as a way to change the behavior. Such treatments not only enhance mental health but also improve physical health by reducing stress and enforcing medical prescriptions. 

Learning these techniques will help you solve challenging healthcare issues. 

Technology-Enhanced Tools  

Technologically, we have new tools that can be incorporated into psychotherapy. You could harness telepsychology to make appointments more accessible for patients who are unable to visit in person. This can change everything in rural or underserved markets. 

You can even use mental health apps on mobile devices to access tools and interventions. Websites that feature VR experiences can be used in exposure therapy for disorders such as PTSD. 

Using technology to harness your psychology practice can significantly boost your reach and impact. 

Patient-Centered Care  

Patient-focused medicine addresses the patient’s individual wants and needs. You’re welcome to develop collaborative care protocols that acknowledge a patient’s unique experience and include them in decisions. 

Active listening and direct communication fosters credibility. This puts care in step with patient values, increasing satisfaction and compliance. 

If you address their issues, you empower your patients and help them live healthier lives. 

Future Perspectives  

The health care system can only continue to flourish because psychologists play an important role. Recent research and global trends suggest the need for psychological expertise to be integrated into healthcare models. 

Research and Innovations  

Psychology is opening the door for new forms of treatment in medicine. Researchers are pursuing digital interventions such as apps and virtual therapy to help increase access and effectiveness. These tools provide personalized support where people can interact with programs that target them. 

There is also an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research, where psychology links up with neuroscience and biomedicine. That partnership seeks to uncover new information about mental health, establishing treatments that are grounded in a holistic understanding of the mind-body interface. Crossing these lines, medicine can become more holistic. 

Global Healthcare Trends  

The world is moving towards giving health systems the mental resources they need to respond to new needs. As more and more chronic conditions emerge, mental health needs to be taken into account in treatment decisions. Countries invest in whole-of-care mental health training for clinicians to make them more equipped to deliver integrated care. 

There’s also an infusion of community-based models where mental health services are delivered at the local level to foster community resilience. International groups have called for policies to integrate mental health into primary care and promote its contribution to health coverage. When you engage with these new models, you’re laying the groundwork for a future in which psychological care becomes the foundation of global health. 


Psychology specialists help to create sustainable healthcare networks by tackling mental as well as physical health. Through better training, cooperation and advocacy, they help establish comprehensive, patient-centred care. Making space for them brings robust, more effective healthcare to everyone.


Author’s Bio

Bailey Hudson is a freelance writer. Bailey has worked in the health industry since graduating from university. When not writing about the newest topics on health and wellbeing, Bailey can be found researching new travel locations.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification

Innovative Approaches to Stress Management for Healthcare Workers

stressed nurseWritten by Veronica Turner.

All jobs carry a certain degree of stress, but healthcare workers experience not only higher stress than most professions but also burnout at rates up to 70%. Long hours, high-stakes decisions, and emotional demands are just a normal, everyday part of every healthcare worker’s routine, which can lead to significant stress.

And, as we all know, high levels of chronic stress increase your chance of developing a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, among many other things.

And so, finding ways to manage this stress is crucial if you want to avoid burnout and keep your physical and mental health in shape. In this blog post, we share some of the most effective coping strategies for managing stress at work so you can remain healthy and keep providing top-quality care to your patients.

Healthcare Workers and Stress: Can It Be Avoided?

First off, let’s answer this question honestly: no. When you’re dealing with life-and-death situations regularly, the emotional toll of witnessing suffering and death, coupled with the pressure to perform flawlessly, creates a rather stressful work environment. And certain departments, like emergency care, oncology, or even a urology care center, experience particularly high levels of stress even in clinics with supportive environments.

However, that doesn’t mean you cannot manage said stress effectively. And it’s crucial to find ways to do that because unmanaged stress can lead to burnout, which is often characterized by emotional exhaustion, anxiety, general fatigue, and even depersonalization. It’s also important to note here that this isn’t just a personal issue; it can also affect patient care and safety.

So, what are some effective ways to reduce stress or at least make yourself more resilient to it?

Effective Stress Management Techniques

Thankfully, there are plenty of science-backed techniques to reduce stress. These work for all types of stresses, but you’ll probably find some to work better than others for you. This is par for the course – we’re all different and we all face different types and levels of stress, even at the same jobs. Pick and choose strategies that you like best and can see yourself practicing regularly. Because that last part – practicing regularly – is crucial here.

Breath Focus

Let’s start with the simplest yet highly effective technique to manage stress: breath focus. According to Harvard Health, breathing exercises can lower your blood pressure and decrease levels of epinephrine, a stress hormone.

In this exercise, all you need to do is concentrate on your breathing to bring a sense of calm and relaxation. You can practice this by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position, closing your eyes, and taking slow, deep breaths. Focus on the sensation of the air entering and leaving your body. This practice can help you relax and reduce anxiety, especially during or after a stressful shift.

Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation may not be for everyone, but if you’re willing to try and stick with it, it can do wonders for stress management. This is because meditation encourages you to focus on the present moment without judgment, which helps reduce stress by promoting a sense of calm and awareness.

You can start with short sessions, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable. Apps and online resources can provide guided meditations, making it easier to integrate this practice into your routine.

Workplace Initiatives

Your workplace can play a significant role in stress management. Advocating for and participating in workplace initiatives that support mental health can make a big difference.

This might include peer support programs, where you can share experiences and coping strategies with colleagues, or regular debriefing sessions to process particularly stressful events. Employers can also create wellness programs that include access to counseling services, stress management workshops, and wellness resources.

Stress-Relief Exercises Post-Shift

After a grueling shift, stress-relief exercises can help you decompress because physical activity is a powerful stress reducer. Even short bursts of exercise, like a brisk walk or a quick run, can release endorphins and improve your mood.

Stretching exercises, particularly those that target areas where you hold tension, like your neck and shoulders, can also be beneficial. This is why yoga is so often recommended to healthcare workers – by combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, it not only improves flexibility, but also enhances overall well-being.

Eating a Balanced Diet

This one is a no-brainer – everyone knows you need to eat healthy to be healthy – but considering how many healthcare workers work themselves to the bone, having little to no time to cook healthy meals on a regular basis, it’s worth repeating.

Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is a must. It can help stabilize your mood and energy levels, which is crucial when you’re under high levels of stress.

Avoiding excessive caffeine and sugar, which can lead to energy crashes and increased anxiety, is also important. Overall, staying hydrated and eating regular, balanced meals is crucial because it can provide the physical and mental energy needed to cope with stressful situations.

Self-Care and Boundaries

Whenever you have free time, prioritize self-care. Now, what is meant by self-care here? In addition to getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and taking time for activities you enjoy (including nice, long bubble baths), you should also set boundaries.

Having good boundaries can help you protect your energy when too much is demanded from you, whether at work or home. So, learn to say no to additional responsibilities when you’re already stretched thin, and don’t feel guilty doing so – only when you’re able to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance can you give it your best.

Using Technology for Stress Management

Finally, don’t discount technology for managing stress. Wearable devices like fitness trackers can monitor your physical activity, sleep patterns, and even stress levels, helping you make better-informed decisions about your lifestyle choices.

There are also apps that offer guided meditations, stress-relief exercises, and mental health resources that can help you when you’re pressed for time. Using these tools is not cheating in any way, shape or form – whatever can help you develop effective stress-coping strategies is worth exploring.


Author Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.



Harvard Health – Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress

Harvard Health – Top ways to reduce daily stress

Mayo Clinic – Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior



Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

The Intricate Connection Between Poor Posture, Shoulder Pain, and Stress

Eraser deleting the concept Panic Attacks

Written By Lucy Peters

The average American adult spends around six and a half hours a day sitting down. This statistic contributes not only to possible long-term effects such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity, but also to poor posture and, eventually, pain and stress. As found in a 2019 study by researchers at San Francisco State University, many people slouch while working on their computers, which can compress the neck, cause shoulder problems, and contribute to stress. After all, an average head and neck can weigh in the region of 45 pounds. As stated by the researchers, “When your posture is tall and erect, the muscles of your back can easily support the weight of your head and neck—as much as 12 pounds. But when your head juts forward at a 45º angle, your neck acts like a long lever lifting a heavy object.”

The Effect of Stress on Shoulder Pain

The relationship between posture, pain, and stress is complex, since stress can contribute to both poor posture and pain. Many people with anxiety disorders tense muscles throughout their body—including the neck and shoulder area—especially when they are stressed. However, even those without a mental disorder who face stress regularly, can develop pain. For instance, a study published in the Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, undertaken on nurses, found that the incidence of neck and shoulder pain was higher in those who had a higher level of work-related stress.

Shoulder Pain Can Cause Stress

Pain in the neck and shoulder areas is not the only problem that poor posture can produce; it can also affect mental health by increasing stress. A study published in the Journal of Occupation Health and Psychology found that workers who reported more musculoskeletal pain also tended to have more stress and psychosomatic symptoms. Pain reduction under the supervision of their doctor or physical therapist should be prioritized among health care staff.

Doctors may recommend a combination of stretching, strength, and expansion exercises. Shoulder circles, doorway shoulder stretches, and the use of gym rings can also improve mobility. Those using rings at home should ensure their equipment is certified safe, and capable of bearing their weight. In addition to rings, resistance bands, and yoga mats are accessories that can be used at home to boost gym workouts or to replace them if time is of the essence.

Steps to Take to Battle Stress and Shoulder Pain

Hospitals, clinics, and other institutions employing staff who work at desks should ensure that desks and chairs are ergonomically suited to the tasks being performed. Experts in ergonomics can help ensure that everything from lighting to desk height, helps to reduce pain. Stress should be seen as a separate yet equally important issue that should be tackled proactively. Health workers should have time and opportunities to exercise outdoors, since being in nature has been found to be an effective stress buster. Also beneficial are holistic exercises such as yoga and Tai Chi, both of which can be offered to staff as a way to enhance mindfulness and relaxation.

Poor posture, neck and shoulder pain, and stress are inexorably linked. This is especially true when it comes to workers who work for many hours at desk jobs. In addition to doing exercise and battling stress regularly, workers should seek professional help if pain is prolonged. Rehabilitation exercises aiming to improve mobility and functionality can go a long way towards reducing both pain and stress.


Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Stress and Healthcare Professionals: What You Need to Know

Sleeping man near money with calculator

Written By Lucy Peters

83% of workers in the United States experience work-related stress according to the American Institute of Stress, and those who work in the healthcare industry aren’t exempt. With many factors at play, such as a heavy workload and long hours, stress is often viewed as an inevitable part of the job. However, by recognizing the causes and effects of stress, you can manage it much more easily. Whether you’re looking to get certified for the first time, or are planning to re-certify, keeping in mind how stress can affect you in the healthcare line of work

Causes of stress in the healthcare industry

For many in healthcare professions, stress is considered as an unavoidable part of the job. While the causes of workplace stress vary from person to person, it’s commonly triggered by heavy workloads, long hours, and the sheer amount of responsibility that comes with the position. Student loan debt may also be a major stressor for some considering the amount of schooling needed for many healthcare positions,  though it can be especially stressful when figuring out how to manage troubling finances. While causes of stress in the healthcare industry are abundant, it’s necessary to keep in mind that it can have a serious impact on a worker’s health, and even on their patients – and even more so for those who are just beginning their careers.

The physical and mental side effects

While getting to the root of workplace stressors can be a great way to begin solving your problems, identifying the symptoms of stress can prove to be just as important.  Common physical symptoms include headaches, muscle pain/tension, and fatigue. Stress can also increase your risks of developing health problems like high blood pressure, and can lead to further issues like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

While the physical effects of stress on the body may be a bit more difficult to notice for some, the mental effects may be more prominent. Mentally, someone who is experiencing workplace stress may develop anxiety, a lack of focus, mood swings, and can feel overwhelmed, which can all affect one’s ability to do their job, thus putting the patients at risk. In more severe cases, stress can also lead to depression as well, making it vital to manage the symptoms as early as possible.

Managing your symptoms and when to see a doctor 

While you’re sure to experience stress at some point in your career, there are several ways you can manage your symptoms and relieve it, both at work and at home. At work, taking a walk on your break can be a great way to clear your head, and making sure you’re taking all of your breaks in the first place can be a great help in getting your mind off of the task at hand.

At home, regular physical activity can act as an outlet. In fact, respondents to a Stress in America survey reported that 30% of adults felt less stressed after exercising. Other ways to relieve stress at home include participating in relaxing activities, like yoga or meditation, which can both allow you to clear your mind and think things through in a peaceful way.

While there are many simple ways to reduce and relieve stress in your day to day life as a healthcare professional, it’s necessary to know when it’s time to see a doctor. For instance, if you’re experiencing the more severe symptoms that stress can bring (like depression), or if the stress affects your job (or day-to-day life), it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor.

While it’s likely that everyone will experience stress at some point in their lives, those in the healthcare industry may view it as part of the job. For that reason, it’s necessary to know about the symptoms – both physical and mental – that stress can bring in order to identify and manage them, before they become too overwhelming.




Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.


Can Fabrics Worsen Anxiety for People on the Spectrum?

Written By Lucy Peters

If you have a child on the spectrum and the first thing they do when they are anxious is reach for a plush toy or a soft blanket, it is probably because people are more attentive to tactile stimuli when they are upset, as found in a recent study. Fabrics are particularly important for people on the spectrum because these disorders are associated with differences in responses to sensory stimuli and sensitivity to these stimuli. To what extent can the choice of fabric aid or worsen distress in persons with ASD?

Pleasure and Distress are Matters of Perception

A study published in the journal Autism Research looked into how people with autism react to different textured surfaces compared to people who were not on the spectrum. Results showed that people with Apserger’s syndrome gave similar ratings for ‘roughness’ and ‘pleasantness’ of surfaces to those of their peers. However, they had a slight tendency to find the least pleasant stimulus (mesh fabric) rougher and less pleasing than their typical counterparts. Their research also found that the more frequent the exposure to unpleasant materials was, the greater the distress with respect to the material.

Wearing Clothes Amounts to Repeated Exposure

In the above study, participants were simply ‘touched’ with different textures/materials. Because results showed that repeated exposure increased negative response, it is only logical that if participants had to actually wear unpleasant materials, the result could be the kind of distress that could trigger anxiety. As found by research by Gillott and Standen, increased anxiety for people with ASD in strongly related to sensory stimuli and unpleasant events.

People with ASD React More Intensely to Unpleasant Stimulation

Dan King’s study showed that people with ASD have a more intense reaction to unpleasant rather than pleasant stimuli. This means that when choosing fabrics for everyday shirts, trousers etc., it is almost more important to beware of fabrics that are known to distress a person with ASD, rather than trying to find clothing that seems pleasant to someone who is not on the spectrum. Less grating fabrics such as cotton are typical choices for everyday wear, while rougher materials such as linen or rafia may be more distressing.

ASD and Sensory Anxiety

Taking great care to find the right fabric is key for anyone with ASD, but if they also have sensory processing disorder (SPD), then doing so can have a big effect on a person’s quality of life. For people with SPD, a sensorily unfriendly environment is a trigger to anxiety. Triggers can come from uncomfortable clothing, loud noises, or bright lights. Symptoms of this type of anxiety range from dizziness to stomach cramps, and even poor balance. Some advocate slow exposure to the source of anxiety (e.g. touching an unpleasant fabric, wearing a small piece of this fabric then eventually a larger piece) until exposure becomes less distressing.

The clothes people with ASD wear can play an important role in affecting mood and anxiety. They can react particularly strongly to fabrics they find unpleasant, so exposure should be gradual. If they also have severe SPD then avoidance (prevention) can be a better option than battling against distress. Each individual should decide what fabrics they are comfortable with, especially when it comes to clothing – which is worn for various hours straight and on repeated occasions.


Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

How Can Employers Reduce Financial Stress For Healthcare Professionals?

Written by Lucy Peters

Around one in five Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and around 85% of them report feeling stressed about money at least sometimes, according to a survey by Propeller Insights. For 52% of healthcare workers belonging to Generation Y (i.e. those born in the 1980s and 1990s), personal finances are actually the top source of stress. Research by Emerging RN Leader suggests that around 20% of nurses have more than one employer, and many work full-time in two different clinics or hospitals. Much of the problem is driven by student loans. The median loan amount racked up by graduate nurses hovers between $40,000 and $54,999. This is a big burden to start one’s career with, and indeed, one that can be hard to eliminate in just a few years. How can employers reduce the burden on these and other workers, so they can have the future they deserve after so many years of service?

Financial Stress Is Not Exclusive To Nurses

Employers should offer financial advice to all workers on staff – including doctors, despite their significantly higher salaries. For one, physicians can feel stressed by the fact that their pay is often linked to productivity metrics. Others can enjoy relative stability, yet lack the financial literacy they need to protect themselves against financial fraud or to ensure they have enough saved for retirement. Financial literacy training can help all medical professionals ensure they have enough to live on when they are older. It can serve as a guide so that they are better able to spot scams aimed at older workers and dubious investment opportunities that can destroy years of savings.

Older people may not be aware of the steps they should take to stop the unauthorized use of credit cards. They may also need help with understanding issues like bank and card fees. Financial elder abuse does happen, far more frequently than is discussed on the media. Research indicates that increasing age makes people more vulnerable to financial scams. Health workers therefore need to ensure that their finances and investments are being overseen by trusted professionals. New investment opportunities should be sifted through with a fine-toothed comb and run by trusted financial advisers.

Financial Basics

Employers should provide nurses and doctors with financial courses covering basics such as budget creation, minimum savings percentages, and saving for retirement from day one. A study by EBTS found that not even 50% of healthcare employees budget their finances or have a savings plan in place. Employees should be provided with technology that make financial tasks easier. Apps like Mint and You Need a Budget can easily be linked to their credit cards so that they can easily identify where their money is going at the end of the month.

Using these apps helps them clearly see how everything from that daily cup of gourmet coffee to dining out twice a week or more can hamper their ability to make decent savings from week to week. Literacy sessions should also cover topics such as loans and credit, how to pay debts off quickly and efficiently, and how to improve credit reports. Finally, staff should be introduced to different ways to start saving for their retirement today. This can include pension plans, offered by some private employers.

Battling financial stress begins by taking a proactive strategy to debt and spending. The first step for healthcare professionals is to analyze their own spending patterns so as to work out how to find the amounts they need to build a healthy savings nest. Employers should also provide financial training, so that employers can avoid stepping into financial pits – including credit debt, high-interest mortgages, and potentially problematic pension plans.




Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.