Avoiding Ethical Conflicts in Counseling

Whether a licensed clinical counselor or merely a pastoral unlicensed counselor, there are expectations and standards expected from a counselor.  One could be counseling as a licensed counselor or as certified Christian Counselor and find the same ethical pitfalls that may potential befall oneself with a client.   In a previous blog, we discussed the importance of standards found within the ACA, AACC, or NASW, as examples of how to interact and work with a client as a professional within the field of counseling.  In this discussion, we will review an important article from the APA that discusses how to best avoid potential ethical issues with clients.

Counseling Professionals need to adhere to ethical standards but also be aware of the numerous pitfalls that can lead to unwanted ethical dilemmas


We all wish to serve our clients with their best interest at heart.  Christian Counselors take it another level with spiritual emphasis and Christian doctrine.  They see their clients as spiritual children.  Some pastors serve within a clergy-penitent model where they are not merely counseling, but are spiritual mentors and advisors.   In these cases, where the ethical waters muddy, as to whether one is pastor or counselor, one must clearly delineate one’s role with the person and clearly define the lines of what type of counseling is occurring.   As well as in other cases, when counselors work with state authorities or firms in relationship to working with individuals within their scope with those authorities or firms.   One’s role, transparency, and matter of operation with mandates to report, will all fall into one’s role and status within the counseling relationship.

The article, “10 ways practitioners can avoid frequent ethical pitfalls” by Deborah Smith takes a very close look at 10 particular types of pitfalls a counselor can find oneself in with a client if not careful.  Smith not only points out these pitfalls, but also directs counselors how to better avoid and protect oneself from them.  She states,

“Talk to the ethics experts, and they’ll tell you the best defense against an ethical problems is a good offense. By looking out for foreseeable conflicts and discussing them frankly with colleagues and clients, practitioners can evade the misunderstandings, hurt feelings and sticky situations that lead to hearings before ethics boards, lawsuits, loss of license or professional membership, or even more dire consequences” (Smith, 2023,p 50).

She continues, “When psychologists do end up in ethical quandaries, it’s often because they unwittingly slid too far down a slippery slope–a result of ignorance about their ethical obligations or thinking they could handle a situation that spiraled out of control (Smith, 2023, p. 50)

To read the entire article, please access here


One problem Smith points out is multiple relationships with the client.  Of course, relationships with any client are strictly forbidden, but sometimes other ties can emerge where the counselor and client interact whether at a social scene, or in business, especially in smaller towns.  Smith points out that due to the counselor and client relationship, other interactions can be affected due to the counselors perceived sense of power over the client.  Hence anything outside the counseling sphere should be in the very least brief and if necessary terminated.  This can prevent potential harm or confusing situations that can possibly cause ethical questions or inquiries.

In addition, counselors should not take incoming patients that are family, friends, or associates.  This prevents potential bias.


Another problem pointed out by Smith regards confidentiality issues.  Since licensed counselors are mandatory reporters of any crime, it is important for counselors to let clients know the limits of confidentiality at the very beginning within the informed consent form, as well as throughout the session.  If a client wishes to confess a secret, it may be best to again warn the client of the limitations of confidentiality.   Even, pastors, while protected in most states more so than counselors, have an ethical dilemma as to whether report a crime, or reveal possible harm to the client or others.  Unlike the Catholic or Orthodox priesthood, pastors are not held to the strict seal of the confessional, but they still have more flexibility to report things than a priest.

Ensuring that the client understands limits of confidentiality is key to preventing unwanted ethical dilemmas of possible mandatory reporting


In such pastoral settings, this is where the pastor or priest guides the person to the proper conclusion of reporting oneself, or turning oneself in.  In the case of a crime, a pastor can encourage oneself  to report oneself to the authorities and accept the consequences as a price of their sin, or if the person is a victim of abuse, help the person find the safety from the authorities that is needed.  While the issue of fidelity and trust is key, protecting the person and measuring trust versus harm is key.  Again, simply by reminding one the limits of confidentiality is key throughout any session.  It can show the veracity of oneself to the client but also the intent for the overall good of not only the client but others involved.  In the more severe case of the priesthood, where counseling is not occurring but instead the Seal of Confession, the priest has the unique position to incur a penance that forces one to turn oneself in if one wishes to receive absolution and can also in the most indirect ways, without names, warn others of possible harm.

Whenever, crimes such as abuse either inflicted by the client or received by the client can create an uneasy balance between confidentiality and mandated reporting.  Again, why it is important to remind individuals of the limitations of confidentiality.

In addition, Smith reminds counselors to store confidential records in the most secure locations, whether they are electronic or written and to fully understand the laws surrounding any possible surrender of these records regarding criminal or civil cases. Smith also encourages counselors to properly document everything.  This means keeping good records and fulfilling all paper work regarding.  This involves properly covering informed consent, patient history documents, dates of service and fees and any diagnostic impressions, relevant phone calls, or follow up efforts if a patient or client discontinues to attend sessions or accept calls.


Smith also discusses the importance of never taking on a client in a field that a counselor is not comfortable with in regards to practice or expertise.  It is unethical to counsel someone in grief if a person does not possess the knowledge in grief to properly help.  Hence, competence within the field requires the proper academic and professional training in that area to properly help the client.  It is critical that certified non clinical counselors never treat patients with mental pathology or falsely misrepresent themselves as licensed counselors or attempt to counsel beyond their academic and legal abilities.

Whether grief or Christian counseling, one should understand their limitations and competency if not a licensed professional counselor


In addition, many professionals, who possess the proper degrees and licensures, also keep their competency through continuing education or certifications.  AIHCP offers a wide variety of mental health certifications in Grief Counseling as well as Christian Counseling.

Another issue of competency would be the situation if a counselor or social worker aided in a case of child custody without enough knowledge about the legal system, court system, or the inner dynamics of the family.   It is important for those who are called to counsel, or offer expert opinion to answer questions one is only competent in.  The attempt to create a false image of genius when competency in the subject is not there is a huge pitfall.

For those with competency in the subject, avoiding bias is key in anything, especially in court cases.  This involves a comprehensive understanding of all dynamics that is not based on third party assessments.  Furthermore, any assessment needs to be completely thorough as well as based on scientific based methods.  Also, it is important to discuss any limitations one may have when counseling or discussing a case in court.  Transparency and honesty in any assessment is key.

Abandonment or Termination?

Finally, Smith points out that counselors need to understand the proper differences between abandonment and termination in practice.  Abandonment is completely unethical and involves abruptly ending all treatment without prior notice.  If a counselor for ethical purposes, or competency, feels he or she can no longer properly help the individual, this should be discussed in detail with the client.  The client should also have input and the two should find common ground in when the last meeting will take place, including any needed follow up, as well as alternative sources for therapy with other more qualified professionals. It can also be beneficial to lay out terms of termination prior to counseling so the client understands whether treatment is short term or long term.  This can lay groundwork for any possible issues or false expectations by the client.


Counseling is meant to cause no harm, but ethical situations can come into play that can potentially cause harm.  By adhering to standards and following protocol, one can better protect oneself and also protect one’s client from unintended harm.  Understanding the counseling system and its ethics and laws, can help the counselor better treat and counsel the client without causing any confusing situations or ethical dilemmas.  It is key to know one’s counseling role and how one is operating as well.  Is one counseling within a licensed clinical framework or pastoral sense?  These are key questions and important issues to identify that play large roles in confidentiality and competency within their legal and academic abilities.

Counselors are called to a high standard of ethics. Please review AIHCP’s Mental Health Counseling Certifications


Please also review AIHCP’s Mental Health Certification Programs.  The programs include topics such as grief counseling, anger management, crisis intervention, Christian or spiritual counseling, stress management, EFT, and Meditation.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  Some professionals may be licensed while others may be looking into these fields as a non licensed professional but still possess the necessary academic or professional backgrounds.


Smith, D. (2003). “10 ways practitioners can avoid frequent ethical pitfalls”, Monitor on Psychology 34(1).  Access here

Additional Resources

“Counseling Ethics Code: 10 Common Ethical Issues & Studies” Smith, W. (2021). Positive Psychology.  Access here

“Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling”. Nemko, M. (2019). Psychology Today.  Access here

“Eye on Ethics”. Reamer, F. (2006). Social Work Today.  Access here





What is Dissociation?

Exploring the Mind: Understanding the Phenomenon of Dissociation

Dissociation is a complex psychological phenomenon that involves a disconnection from reality, often as a coping mechanism for overwhelming stress or trauma. This article explores the various aspects of dissociation, including its impact on the mind-body connection, spiritual awakening, and healing. By delving into the spiritual aspect of dissociation and its linkages to personal growth, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.
Key Takeaways
Dissociation is a mental response to triggers of past trauma. It reacts as a self defense mechanism but can be dangerous and cause injury if in public.


  • Dissociation is a coping mechanism for overwhelming stress or trauma, leading to disconnection from reality.
  • Dissociation can act as a catalyst for spiritual awakening, prompting individuals to question their reality and seek answers beyond the physical world.
  • Dissociation can create an opportunity for individuals to release past traumas and access a deeper sense of self.
  • There is a complex and intricate link between dissociation and spiritual insights, leading to personal growth and transformation.

Understanding Dissociation

What Is Dissociation?

Dissociation is a psychological coping mechanism that activates when an individual is faced with overwhelming stress or trauma. It represents a disconnection from reality, often resulting in disruptions to memory, emotions, and identity.

Common symptoms of dissociation include:

  • Feeling as though one is in a trance or daydream
  • Memory loss or difficulty with recall
  • A sense of detachment from oneself or the environment
  • Emotional numbness or being overwhelmed
  • Loss of control over emotions
  • Sensory disconnection, such as impaired touch or vision

Dissociation serves as a protective barrier, allowing individuals to distance themselves from distressing experiences. While it can be a temporary refuge, persistent dissociative states may require professional intervention to address underlying issues and restore a sense of reality.

Grounding Oneself

One who experiences dissociation may sometimes try to calm oneself due to the manifested trigger.  There are multiple ways one can seek grounding techniques to keep oneself from dissociating from reality.  Part of grounding can include touching something in the present moment, such as the soft side of a chair, or rubbing one’s feet against the carpet.   This type of physical grounding is only one strategy, others also include mental grounding where one utilizes mentally stimulating thoughts such as counting, recalling memories, or other visual affects.  Emotional grounding can also be employed with breathing exercises.

It is important to try to ground oneself when dissociation occurs. While it can help one deal with triggers, it can be very dangerous if in an active area. One could fall or hurt, or cause an accident.


It is sometimes extremely important to be able to ground oneself because sometimes if one dissociates, one can harm oneself or others due to lack of attention to driving, or moving around in public.  This can lead to accidents, falling, or injuring oneself.

If experiencing these types of issues, contact a mental health professional.

Manifestation of Dissociation

Dissociation is a complex phenomenon that presents itself in various forms, often as a psychological defense mechanism in response to trauma. Symptoms can range from mild detachment to severe disconnection from reality, impacting an individual’s daily functioning and sense of self.

  • Feeling as though one is in a trance or daydream
  • Experiencing memory loss or difficulty with recall
  • Sensing a detachment from oneself or surroundings
  • Encountering overwhelming emotions or emotional numbness
  • Challenges in controlling emotions
  • Disconnection from sensory experiences, such as touch or sight

Dissociation serves as a coping strategy, allowing individuals to distance themselves from extreme stress or traumatic events. This disconnection can be both protective and disruptive, altering one’s perception of reality and interaction with the world.

While the manifestations of dissociation are diverse, they often signal an underlying need for healing and support. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards understanding and addressing the root causes of dissociative experiences.

In addition, the manifestation of this state can lead to isolation, addictions and other ways to help cope with it.  It is important to recognize it and seek counseling and help to prevent it from possibly harming oneself.

Types of Dissociative States

Dissociative states are complex phenomena that can be categorized into three primary types: depersonalization, derealization, and dissociative amnesia. Depersonalization involves a sense of detachment from oneself, often described as feeling like an outside observer of one’s own body or thoughts. Derealization is characterized by a feeling of unreality or detachment from the environment, making the world seem foggy or dreamlike. Lastly, dissociative amnesia pertains to gaps in memory for personal information, sometimes specific to traumatic events.

  • Depersonalization: Detachment from self
  • Derealization: Detachment from environment
  • Dissociative Amnesia: Memory gaps

Each type of dissociative state represents a unique way in which the mind copes with stress or trauma. While they can be unsettling, understanding these states is crucial for effective treatment and personal growth.

It’s important to recognize that these states can occur independently or concurrently, and their manifestation can vary greatly among individuals. The experience of dissociation can be transient or part of a more chronic condition, such as dissociative identity disorder. Identifying the type of dissociative state is a critical step in addressing the underlying issues and moving towards healing.

Dissociative states can include according to the DSM-5 various levels of severity.  It can include an amnesia state that is simple to complex, a de-attachment state from self or environment or multiple personalities in its most severe form.

Dissociation and the Mind-Body Connection

Impact on Consciousness

Dissociation profoundly affects the landscape of consciousness, often leading to a disruption in the normal integration of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The alteration in consciousness can range from mild detachment to a more severe disconnection from reality.

  • The default mode network, often associated with self-referential thoughts, is impacted during dissociative states.
  • Studies using fMRI have shown changes in the prefrontal parietal network, which is crucial for attention and working memory.
  • Consciousness supporting networks, including the anterior and posterior cortex, exhibit distinct patterns during dissociative episodes.

Dissociation challenges our understanding of consciousness, revealing the intricate workings of the mind and the delicate balance that sustains our sense of self and reality.

The neural correlates of consciousness, such as the default mode network and the prefrontal parietal network, are key areas of study to unravel the mysteries of dissociation. By examining the changes in these networks, researchers can gain insights into the mechanisms that underlie altered states of consciousness.

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is often described as a profound shift in consciousness, where one experiences a deep connection with the essence of being and a recognition of a more expansive reality. It is a transformative journey that can lead to a profound understanding of oneself and the universe.

  • A shift in one’s perspective on life
  • Detachment from material possessions and ego
  • Increased compassion and empathy towards others
  • A feeling of oneness with the universe
  • A deepened sense of intuition and spiritual connection

While the path to spiritual awakening can be enlightening, it may also bring about challenges such as feelings of alienation or difficulty integrating experiences into everyday life. Nonetheless, the journey is often seen as a pivotal moment in personal growth and self-discovery.

The process of awakening can be spontaneous or induced by practices like meditation. It is marked by a series of internal changes:

  1. A reevaluation of personal values and beliefs
  2. An enhanced awareness of life’s interconnectedness
  3. A pursuit of deeper meaning and purpose beyond the self

The concept of dissociation, often perceived as a detachment from reality, can paradoxically serve as a bridge to personal growth. Dissociation provides a unique space for reflection and self-exploration, allowing individuals to step back from the immediacy of their experiences and view their lives from a new perspective. This detachment can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s self and the challenges faced, fostering a sense of competence and efficacy.

In the realm of personal development, dissociation can be a catalyst for change, offering an opportunity to reassess one’s goals and values without the interference of external pressures.

The process of personal growth through dissociation can be outlined in the following steps:

  • Recognizing the occurrence of dissociative states.
  • Understanding the triggers and underlying emotions.
  • Utilizing the reflective space provided by dissociation to gain insights.
  • Integrating these insights into daily life to foster resilience and adaptability.

This transformative journey can lead to an increase in intrinsic motivation, self-directed learning, and ultimately, a more profound sense of self-realization.

Healing and Transformation

Releasing Past Traumas

Dissociation can awaken us to deeper issues that are not healed. Please also review AIHCP’s Mental Health Certifications for qualified professionals


Dissociation offers a unique pathway for individuals to confront and release past traumas, paving the way to rediscover a more authentic self. This process often involves delving into the unconscious mind, where unresolved emotions and memories reside. By accessing these hidden parts of the psyche, one can begin the journey of healing and transformation.

Dissociation can serve as a bridge to personal growth, allowing for a re-examination of beliefs and identity. It is in this introspective space that many find the strength to let go of the pain that has held them back.

To facilitate this healing, certain practices can be adopted:

  • Breathwork: Engage in breathing exercises to help regulate emotions and achieve a sense of calm.
  • Creative expression: Utilize art, music, or writing as outlets for emotional release and self-discovery.
  • Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment to reconnect with oneself and the environment.

While the journey through dissociation can be disorienting, it ultimately can lead to a profound spiritual awakening and a renewed search for meaning and purpose in life.

Accessing Deeper Self

In the journey of healing and transformation, dissociation can serve as a gateway to accessing deeper levels of the self. This process often involves delving into the unconscious mind, where dormant emotions and memories reside. By confronting and releasing these suppressed elements, individuals may experience a profound shift in their sense of identity and consciousness.

  • Exploration of beliefs and identity questioning
  • Release of past traumas
  • Unlocking of unconscious pathways
  • Potential for spiritual awakening

The act of accessing one’s deeper self is not just about self-discovery; it’s about reconstructing the very fabric of one’s being from the inside out.

As individuals navigate through this transformative phase, they may find themselves on the precipice of a spiritual awakening. The sense of emptiness that once pervaded their existence begins to fill with a newfound purpose and connection to something greater. This spiritual dimension adds a rich layer to the healing process, offering a sense of wholeness that transcends the individual experience.


While coping involves grounding exercises, the best way to overcome and limit the dissociation is facing the trauma and understanding the triggers.  Treatments include medications such as anti-psychotics, anxiety reducing medications, anti depressants and sleep aids.  Counseling can also help. Individuals can go through cognitive behavioral therapy to better understand and react to the issue when it occurs.  One can also better learn to manage emotional reactions to triggers.  EDMR can also help de-sensitive individuals to the triggers by discussing and visualizing them in a safe place with a trained mental health professional.


In conclusion, the phenomenon of dissociation is a complex and multifaceted coping mechanism that the brain initiates in response to overwhelming stress or trauma. It manifests in various forms, affecting memory, emotions, and identity. The three types of dissociative states, depersonalization, derealization, and dissociative amnesia, present unique challenges for individuals experiencing dissociation. Additionally, dissociation may trigger spiritual awakening, leading individuals to question their reality and seek answers beyond the physical world. This exploration of dissociation and its potential connection to spiritual awakening provides valuable insights into the intricate workings of the human mind and the profound impact of coping mechanisms on personal growth and transformation. It is also important to understand ways to cope with it but also treat it to prevent serious injury or further pathological onset.  While it can help us identify past trauma, it must also be identified and worked on to prevent further issues.

Please also review AIHCP’s Mental Health Certifications for qualified professionals.


Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling, Crisis Intervention and other mental health certification programs.  Licensed professional counselors or human service professionals can enhance their professional expertise with AIHCP’s certifications.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is dissociation and how does it manifest?

Dissociation refers to a coping mechanism that the brain initiates when dealing with overwhelming stress or anxiety, leading to disconnection from reality. It can manifest in various forms, such as problems with memory, emotions, and identity.

What are the types of dissociative states?

There are three types of dissociative states, including depersonalization, derealization, and dissociative amnesia. Depersonalization: A person feels disconnected from themselves, as if they are watching themselves from a distance.

How does dissociation impact consciousness?

Dissociation causes a split between an individual’s mind and body. In a dissociative episode, an individual might feel like they are watching themselves from a distance, leading to a sense of detachment from their surroundings.

Is dissociation linked to spiritual awakening?

Yes, dissociation can act as a catalyst for spiritual awakening, prompting individuals to question their reality and seek answers that extend beyond the physical world.

How can dissociation lead to personal growth?

Dissociation can create an opportunity for individuals to explore their beliefs and question their identity. This self-reflection can lead to a spiritual awakening as the individual begins to search for meaning and purpose.

What is the relationship between dissociation and reality?

Dissociation is often a response to traumatic experiences, leading individuals to disconnect from reality as a coping mechanism. It can be characterized by feelings of being detached or disoriented and can lead to conditions like dissociative identity disorder.

How can spiritual insights help heal trauma-induced dissociation?

Spiritual insights can broaden one’s consciousness and deepen one’s understanding of life’s interconnectedness, potentially aiding in the healing of trauma-induced dissociation.

What are ways to practice spiritual growth while dissociating?

Embracing spiritual awakening, seeking meaning and purpose, and accessing deeper levels of consciousness are ways to practice spiritual growth while dissociating.

Additional Resources

“How to Stop Dissociating | 17 Grounding & Coping Strategies”. Access here

“What Happens When You Dissociate?”. Pugle, M. (2023).  Very Well Health.  Access here

“Dissociation”. Psychology Today.  Access here

“Dissociative Disorders”. Mayo Clinic.  Access here

Neurotransmitters and Mental Health

The Impact of Neurotransmitters on Mental Health

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in mental health, impacting mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Imbalances in neurotransmitters can lead to mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Understanding the modulation of neurotransmitters in psychiatric treatment is essential for addressing mental health challenges. This article explores the impact of neurotransmitters on mental health and the implications for treatment and well-being.

Neurotransmitters play a key role in our mental health in regards to depression and anxiety.


Key Takeaways

  • Neurotransmitters significantly impact mental health, influencing mood, motivation, and overall well-being.
  • Imbalances in dopamine and serotonin levels can lead to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.
  • Positive mental health practices, such as mindfulness and stress management, have neuroprotective effects through neurotransmitter release.
  • Resilience and mental health are closely linked to the brain’s ability to adapt and recover from challenges, influenced by neuroplasticity and neurotransmitter activity.
  • Antidepressants impact neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, encouraging neuroplasticity and mood improvement.

Neurotransmitters and Their Role in Mental Health

Understanding Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain responsible for transmitting signals between nerve cells. These chemical messengers play a crucial role in influencing various functions, including moodmotivation, and emotional responses. Two important neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, are known to increase the chances of happiness and a sense of well-being. They enable communication between brain cells, affecting the overall mental state. In the context of mental health, understanding the role of neurotransmitters is essential for developing effective treatment strategies and improving overall well-being.

The Impact of Neurotransmitters on Mood Regulation

Neurotransmitters such as serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), and noradrenalin (NE) play a crucial role in mood regulation, motivation, and emotional stability. Imbalances in the production of these neurotransmitters can lead to mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. When serotonin and dopamine levels are well-balanced, individuals are more likely to experience emotional stability, happiness, and satisfaction in their daily lives. However, low levels of dopamine can result in a lack of motivation, pleasure, and feelings of reward, while low serotonin levels can impact mood and emotional well-being. Understanding the dominance and deficit of neurotransmitters in the body is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Neurotransmitters and Cognitive Function

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in cognitive function, impacting memory, learning, and decision-making processes. The table below provides a summary of the cognitive functions influenced by key neurotransmitters:

Neurotransmitter Cognitive Function
Acetylcholine Memory and learning
Serotonin Mood regulation
Dopamine Reward processing

Understanding the intricate relationship between neurotransmitters and cognitive function is essential for comprehending the complexities of mental health and neurological disorders. It is imperative to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of neurotransmitter activity and its profound impact on cognitive processes.

Neurotransmitter Imbalance and Mental Health Disorders

Recent research indicates that the disordered metabolism of neurotransmitters plays a significant role in the pathophysiological process of depression. Studies have specifically shown that three neurotransmitters – serotonin (5-HT)dopamine (DA), and noradrenalin (NE) – have a significant impact on the brain circuits involved in motivation, emotion regulation, cognitive performance, and psychological stress responses of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Dysfunction of neurotransmitter metabolism is associated with the severity of depression in first-diagnosed, drug-naïve depressed patients. It is reasonable to deduce that 5-HT dysregulation exists in the onset of MDD, while DA and NE are also abnormal. Additionally, research has discovered that the imbalance of tryptophan (TRP) metabolism is often present in patients with MDD.

Neurotransmitter Imbalance in Anxiety Disorders

Neurotransmitter imbalance in anxiety disorders is a complex phenomenon that involves the dysregulation of key neurotransmitters such as serotonindopamine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in modulating mood, emotional responses, and the body’s stress response system. The imbalance of these neurotransmitters can lead to heightened anxiety, panic attacks, and other symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.

To illustrate the impact of neurotransmitter imbalance in anxiety disorders, the following table presents the quantitative data on neurotransmitter levels in individuals with anxiety disorders compared to healthy individuals:

Neurotransmitter Anxiety Disorder Healthy Individuals
Serotonin Decreased Normal
Dopamine Fluctuating Stable
Norepinephrine Elevated Normal

It is important to note that neurotransmitter imbalance in anxiety disorders is a multifaceted issue that requires comprehensive assessment and personalized treatment approaches. Individuals with anxiety disorders may benefit from a combination of pharmacological interventions, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modifications to address the underlying neurotransmitter dysregulation.

Neurotransmitter modulation in anxiety disorders is a dynamic area of research, and ongoing studies are exploring novel therapeutic strategies to restore neurotransmitter balance and alleviate symptoms.

Neurotransmitter Dysfunction in Schizophrenia

Dysfunction of neurotransmitter metabolism is a critical factor in the severity of schizophrenia. The imbalance in the glutamine-glutamate-GABA cycle has been linked to elevated plasma γ-aminobutyrate/glutamate ratio, which may influence responses to antipsychotic treatment. This suggests a potential association between neurotransmitter dysfunction and the management of schizophrenia. Further research is needed to explore the implications of neurotransmitter imbalance in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and its potential for targeted treatment strategies.

Neurotransmitter Modulation in Psychiatric Treatment

Pharmacological Modulation of Neurotransmitter Activity

Balance of certain amounts of levels of neurotransmitters are key to emotional and mental wellbeing


The pharmacological modulation of neurotransmitter activity plays a crucial role in psychiatric treatment. It involves the targeted manipulation of neurotransmitter levels to achieve therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects. This modulation is often achieved through the use of pharmacological agents that interact with specific neurotransmitter receptors and pathways.

In addition, recent studies have focused on the quantification of tryptophan metabolites and neurotransmitters in the serum and brain of mice using LC-MS/MS-based techniques. These studies have provided valuable insights into the quantitative aspects of neurotransmitter activity and its potential implications for psychiatric treatment.

Furthermore, while direct measurement of neurotransmitter levels in the living brain is technically impractical and unethical, there is growing evidence supporting the synchronization of peripheral neurotransmitter levels with brain tissues or CSF levels. This synchronization has opened new avenues for exploring the mechanisms of mental health disorders, particularly in relation to neurotransmitter imbalances.

Neurotransmitter-Based Therapies for Mental Health Disorders

Neurotransmitter-based therapies for mental health disorders focus on restoring the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain to alleviate symptoms of various mental health conditions. These therapies often involve the use of pharmacological agents to target specific neurotransmitter systems and regulate their activity. Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as exercise, diet, and stress management are recommended to support the effectiveness of neurotransmitter-based therapies.

  • Pharmacological agents target specific neurotransmitter systems
  • Lifestyle modifications support the effectiveness of therapies

It is important to emphasize the holistic approach to mental health treatment, integrating both pharmacological and lifestyle interventions to address neurotransmitter imbalances effectively.

Challenges in Targeting Neurotransmitters for Treatment

The challenges in targeting neurotransmitters for treatment are multifaceted and complex. Precise modulation of neurotransmitter activity in the brain is a significant hurdle, as direct measurement of neurotransmitter levels in the living brain is technically impractical and unethical. However, there is increasing evidence supporting the synchronization of peripheral neurotransmitter levels with the brain tissues or CSF level. This presents an opportunity for indirect assessment and modulation of neurotransmitter activity.

To address these challenges, researchers have explored the role of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in mental health disorders, particularly Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). A preliminary investigation was conducted to assess the feasibility of using neurotransmitters as a tool for anticipating MDD, highlighting the potential clinical applications of this research.

In a cross-sectional study, 87 first-diagnosed, drug-naïve patients with depression and 50 healthy controls were included. The study focused on the levels and turnovers of various neurotransmitters, including glutamine, glutamic acid, GABA, kainate, VMA, MHPG, NE, HVA, and dihydroxy-phenyl acetic acid. This quantitative approach aimed to establish a link between neurotransmitters and MDD, paving the way for objective laboratory prediction of neurotransmitter involvement in MDD.

Neurotransmitter modulation plays a crucial role in psychiatric treatment, influencing mood, behavior, and mental health. Understanding the impact of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine is essential in developing effective treatment strategies for various psychiatric disorders. At the American Academy of Grief Counseling, we recognize the significance of neurotransmitter modulation in addressing grief-related mental health challenges. Our grief counseling certification programs provide comprehensive education on the intersection of neurotransmitter function and psychiatric treatment, empowering counselors to offer holistic support to individuals coping with grief and loss. Connect with us to explore our certified grief counselor courses and continuing education opportunities.


In conclusion, the impact of neurotransmitters on mental health is profound and multifaceted. Understanding the role of neurotransmitters is crucial for improving both mental and physical health, as they impact sleep, anxiety, concentration, and overall well-being. Imbalances in neurotransmitters like dopaminenorepinephrine, and adrenaline can affect mental abilities, mood, and the ability to react sensibly to aggression. Additionally, neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and serotonin not only affect the brain but also have a direct impact on the body, including memory, cognition, body movement, and bowel movement. Restoring and maintaining a healthy gut can have a significant impact on overall health, including reducing symptoms of depression and improving the functioning of the nervous system. Understanding the dominance and deficit of neurotransmitters in our bodies can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being.

Please also review AIHCP’s mental health certifications and see if they meet your academic and professional goals


Please also review AIHCP’s Mental Health Certifications.  The programs range from Grief Counseling to Stress Management  to Crisis Intervention to Anger Management.  There are multiple other topics that many licensed counselors, social workers, pastoral care givers would find useful in their work.  The programs are online and independent study.  Please review


Frequently Asked Questions

What are neurotransmitters and how do they impact mental health?

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain that play a crucial role in regulating mood, motivation, and overall well-being. Imbalances in neurotransmitters can lead to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Which neurotransmitters are associated with mental health disorders?

Dopamine and serotonin are two essential neurotransmitters associated with mental health disorders. Imbalances in their production can lead to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

How do neurotransmitters impact cognitive function?

Neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and serotonin not only affect the brain but also have a direct impact on cognitive function, memory, body movement, and bowel movement.

Neurotransmitter imbalances, particularly low levels of dopamine and serotonin, are associated with depression. Low levels of these neurotransmitters can lead to a lack of motivation, pleasure, and feelings of reward.

How do antidepressants impact neurotransmitters?

Antidepressants adjust how the brain uses certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and sometimes dopamine, to improve mood and behavior. They can also encourage a process called neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to change its structure.

What role does neuroplasticity play in mental health?

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s capacity to reorganize itself, plays a pivotal role in resilience and the brain’s ability to adapt and recover from challenges. It allows the brain to change its structure by strengthening or weakening connections between neurons.

Can restoring and maintaining a healthy gut impact mental health?

Restoring and maintaining a healthy gut can have a significant impact on overall mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression and improving the functioning of the nervous system.

What challenges exist in targeting neurotransmitters for treatment?

Challenges in targeting neurotransmitters for treatment include the complexity of the brain’s chemical balance, individual variations in neurotransmitter levels, and the potential for side effects from pharmacological modulation.

Meta Description

Explore the impact of neurotransmitters on mental health, from their role in mood regulation and cognitive function to their link with mental health disorders and psychiatric treatment. Understand the neurobiology of resilience and the role of neurotransmitters in brain health.

Additional Resources

“Neurotransmitters”, Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Access here

“What Are Neurotransmitters?”. Cherry, K. (2023).  Very Well Mind.  Access here

“What are neurotransmitters?”. Berry, Jennifer. (2024). Medical News Today. Access here

“Neurotransmitters and Mental Health: Understanding the Impact”. Khaliq, R. (2023). Med Vidi. Access here

Counseling Ethics for Counselors in Grief or Christian Counseling

This is required reading for students taking SC 570 or GC 400.

The norms of ethics to any particular field helps maintain a standard of quality that is expected from certain professionals within a certain field.  It guides them in situations of doubt, directs them in proper procedure, and protects them and the client from unintended harm.  Dating back to the Hippocratic Oath, the idea to do no harm to those one helps is the cornerstone and foundation of all professional ethics.

Ethics in Counseling

It was not until modern era that ethics began to take a more codified form for professionals.  Thomas Percival due to poor performance in his own medical facility created the standard and blue print for modern medical ethics.  Other professional careers, including, mental health, counseling and anything within human services soon followed with their own standards.  The American Counseling Association (ACA), the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), the National Association for Social Workers (NASW), the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) all have developed mission statements and standards and guidelines for professionals to adhere to.  These standards are usually divided into areas of care to the patient, the profession, other colleagues, students, payment policies and publications.   It is important if entering into the counseling field to read through these and understand the ethics one must adhere to.

Counseling involves trust and many ethical standards from various associations ensure the integrity and quality of counseling. All counselors should review the various ethical standards found in ACA or other associations


Bear in mind, some counselors are pastoral and others are clinical.  Different states assign different titles to licensure.  In counseling, the most common is Licensed Professional Counselor or LPC.  Other variations can include Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC).  Most states require a graduate degree in counseling and a passing of the state board exam to become fully licensed.  Paraprofessionals are unlicensed counselors can work under licensed counselors or within a care facility but there are not able to independently operate.  As for pastoral counselors such as ministers or lay apostolates, these individuals are permitted to operate due to separation of church and state but are restricted beyond the realm of guidance.  Treatment and pathology are alone reserved for licensed professionals in social work, counseling, and psychiatry.   Whether a counselor, social worker or a psychologist, only a healthcare professional such a psychiatrist, medical doctor, or Nurse Practitioner can prescribe medications.  This is why many mental health facilities have the proper prescribers available on staff.

If a pastoral counselor with only a certification from AIHCP in Grief Counseling or Christian Counseling, one must ethically adhere to proper identification.  The term “counselor” can be very misleading because it is so generic and widely used.  Individuals use the term in everyday breath but there is a huge difference between clinical professional counselors and pastoral counselors.  Pastoral counselors operating as grief counselors or Christian counselors can help guide but never treat pathology.  They also cannot mislead clients into thinking they are licensed.  This needs to be understood and articulated upon the first day.  What one can do and not do needs to be clearly articulated to and understood by the client.  As for licensed professionals who receive certifications from AIHCP, this is clearly not an issue.

Some counselors are licensed and others are not. It is important to properly identify your credentials and operate within your legal boundaries


In Denise Daniel, short but concise book “Counseling Principles and Christian Beliefs: An Integrated Approach”, she lays out some important concepts not just for Christian Counselors but also any type of licensed or non-licensed counselors.  She first points out the importance of identity and what counselors are or not and what are their limitations as licensed or not licensed or the expertise they possess.  Second, she points out what is the role of the particular counselor.   She emphasizes that most counselors, according to ACA, look to create a professional relationship that empowers and strengthens diverse families and groups to better achieve mental health, wellness, education and career goals.  The aim is more centered around wellness and prevention (Daniel, 2020, p. 3).  The final third point is integration and how one’s own biases, beliefs and codes of behavior come into play as a counselor.  Fortunately, ethical codes point out numerous guide posts for professionals in where and how to integrate themselves with patient care.

According to Daniel, the ACA lays out some core principles.  Among the key themes she addressing in her book are patient autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (2020, p. 5).  Before we review some of the key ethical guidelines, it is important to look at some of these themes and how they apply to licensed counselors but also pastoral counselors, and in some cases, Christian Counselors.  Bear in mind, whether grief counselor, licensed or non-licensed, these themes apply to all in the counseling fields.

Important Themes in the Counseling Relationship

Autonomy refers to allowing the patient to be free to make choices in their overall health and life.  A counselor needs to respect the choices of a client whether approval or disapproval occurs.  For Christian Counselors, this may seem contrary to the goal.  There are certain moral precepts that must be obeyed but in a relationship, one must exercise patience.  Scripture points out that God gave Adam and Eve free will.  He respected autonomy and choices.  Again in the parable of the Prodigal Son, the father, permits the autonomy of his son to make poor choices but still never gives up hope that he would one day return.

Non-maleficence refers to doing no harm.  Counselors, whether they want it or not, hold all the power in the relationship and they must be very careful in not allowing that power to become corrupted.  This can happen very easily because the client is in distress and looking for guidance.  A counselor can influence and exploit a client very easily hence numerous standards exist to balance this relationship.  The goal of counseling is to heal not harm.

Beneficence refers to promoting only good for the client.  It involves helping the client with the best possible and verified studies and knowledge on the subject.  It involves looking out for the best of the client and guiding them to their ultimate best end.

Justice refers to fairness to all clients and ensuring equality to the numerous diverse groups one serves.  It also involves understanding social justice and promoting justice for those who are persecuted.

Fidelity refers to faithfulness to the client.  It involves never betraying them, keeping things confidential and not abandoning them.  It means working through the most difficult things and not giving up on them.

Finally, veracity refers to honesty.  Trust and honesty is the foundational rock of all relationships.  Without honesty, one cannot communicate facts, one cannot share realities, and one cannot heal and grow.  Honesty also involves the counselor’s assessments, promises, and outlooks.  Even when difficult situations arise, honesty with respect is expected in a counseling relationship.

Important Ethical Codes

There are a variety of critical ethical codes  that are all found within the various associations that mirror and reflect the themes above but also dictate more detailed situations.

For instance, in the ACA code of conduct A.4.b., it is clearly emphasized that an individual should never impose one’s own beliefs on another and to respect the diversity of the client.  The idea of discrimination against other faiths, cultures, sexualities or values can come into play easily.  This is why the AAMFT’s code 1.1 deals directly with this type of discrimination.  One is not to discriminate against others based on these types of differences.  The AACC has a slightly different tilt on the issue since the type of counseling itself is Biblical and certain life styles or actions are contrary to the type of counseling being sought.  This however does not present a green light for the Christian Counselor to impose own personal beliefs.  AACC’s code 1-340-a reminds the Christian Counselor that one is still to respect the autonomy and decision making process of the client.  Again, 1-530 dictates that the Christian Counselor respect other faith beliefs and only disclose upon request and only if it benefits the client.  Daniels proposes a term referred to as “bracketing” where professional opinions are laid aside and avoiding the triggering of one’s own personal views (Daniels, D., 2020. p.4).  Please also see ACA’s  A.2.c. Developmental and Cultural Sensitivity standard.


In all counseling, it is important to keep the counselor’s personal beliefs removed from the story. In Christian Counseling, while religious values are shared, the personal bias of the counselor must still respect the autonomy of the client, as well as never abandon the client due to immoral choice or life style


Common to this ideal of bias and discrimination fuels the idea of abandonment.   Counselors may feel the temptation to dismiss a client who will not listen, fulfill promises, or follow a certain value system.  This unethical practice is condemned in all guidelines.  The ACA guideline A.12. stipulates that counselors never quit seeing their clients without proper continuation of treatment through themselves or through others.  The AAMFT guideline 1.11 shares the same view that no client is to be abandoned and not seen without reasonable arrangements for continued treatment.  The AACC in its rule 1-640-a shares with all other human service entities that a client is not to abruptly abandoned and that treatments are to continue until other options are available.

Another important theme is referral.  Many times, certain counselors may become overwhelmed with a particular issue beyond their standard of care.  This can especially  happen with paraprofessionals or unlicensed counselors who are merely pastoral.  Many fall under this venue.  This does not mean they do not offer a qualify service but due to knowledge or professional and legal limitations, a referral is sometimes necessary.  The ACA guideline A.11.a stipulates that a client that is beyond their skill level or competency should be referred to another professional.  In the AAMFT guideline 1.10 also states that professionals may refer clients to others professionals when they are unable to help.  Again, in the AACC guideline, Christian Counselors 1-240-d, it is stipulated that Christian Counselors should not refer merely based on faith based issues but when situations grow beyond their skill level, they can refer to more capable authorities.

Relationships can also become toxic.  Due to the imbalance of power between in the  counselor-client relationship, abuses of power can occur.  Within the guidelines in all associations are clear cut warning regarding exploitation.  Sexual relationships are condemned in the most strict sense.  It is not uncommon for a vulnerable person sometimes to develop feelings for a counselor and it is important for the counselor to correct and document these advances.   Counselors are also ethically restricted from working with past romances, family, or close friends.  The bias can be strong in these cases in helping the individual.  Counselors also need to keep a distance in cases of friendship.  The relationship is not one of friendship in the social meaning.  Hence, counselors should avoid most social interactions with clients, such as parties, graduations, or dinners.  In some cases, if it pertains to a particular issue or healing, a counselor can appear on a professional basis only. Please refer to ACA -A.5. Prohibited Non-counseling Roles and Relationships which cover a broad array of relationships that can occur that considered illicit in counseling.  In addition a counselor is to refrain from sexual relations in the NASW handbook as well as physical contact (1:10) when such contact would cause psychological harm.  So where a hug or a touch of hand is needed is to be very carefully judged by the counselor.  In addition, language and proper presentation in how one speaks is listed in the NASW handbook under standard 1:12.

Unfortunately, sometimes, a client may become attracted to a counselor since the counselor represents a source of power and strength when the client is most vulnerable.  It is important for the counselor to be empathetic but also distant when attraction occurs, especially mutual.  In some cases, referrals may be needed.  To also help prevent such situations, physical gestures such as a touch of the hand or hug should be avoided.  In addition, one should carefully screen the acceptance of gifts, unless otherwise approved due to cultural issues and sensitivities.

Other conflicts of interests can occur within agency and client.  If dealing with one’s organization, one may also feel tugged and pushed by agency or funder agendas, over client care.  Time, funds, and allocation of resources may effect one’s success.  This can cause a grey area in client care and the client’s well being.  It can also potentially lead to not following policy of employer.  As one can see, many ethical dilemmas can spring from such actions.

Another  set of regulations we will look at involves confidentiality.  A counselor sets out on day one what he or she is willing or can do to the best of their abilities.  Within this, there exists a confidentiality that is critical to veracity and fidelity.  The boundaries of that need to be clearly laid out.  All standards assert that counselors are to keep records and conversations private.  Records are to maintained safely, whether paper or electronic, and conversations are to be kept strictly between themselves, unless otherwise dictated.  Exceptions, upon approval of client, can include access to records for particular family, or access to records via other team members treating the individual.  Again, this agreed upon in advance.  Please refer to ACA -B.1. Respecting Client Rights which covers issues of confidentiality as well as exceptions under B.2

Confidentiality is the bedrock of trust between the counselor and client and must be protected and preserved unless under certain exceptions of physical harm to the client or others


In cases, where an individual may cause harm to oneself or others, or upon certain legal orders, a counselor may disclose certain information for the overall safety and good of the client or others.  This is far less lax than the seal of confession.  One way to better protect and shield oneself from potential mandatory disclosure is listing limits of confidentiality with the informed consent form.  In addition, to reminding them throughout the counseling process of the limitations especially when a client seems eager to share a secret.  Clients many times feel everything is confidential and fail to understand these limitations.

It is also essential that counselors properly store and preserve documentation.  Electronic as well as hand written files needs to be clearly locked and protected and not visible to other wandering eyes.  This helps preserve confidentiality.

Another grey area that may occur is transparency in representation.  If hired by the state or an authority to review divorce cases, criminal cases, or employee evaluations, counselors need to be very transparent with all parties involved.  Documentation for any case needs to be comprehensive, unbiased and utilize accepted and modern strategies.  It is also essential to never treat someone beyond one’s ability, or promise things beyond healing.  One should also not advertise oneself as a licensed counselor if not a licensed counselor.


Standards and ethical codes are critical to protect counselor and client.  They also lay the groundwork for better care and healing for the client.  In additional resources and references, there is a list that includes the ACA and others.  Links are provided.  I highly recommend one reviews these regulations and completely understands the ethical expectations of counseling, whether at a pastoral or clinical level.  Whether secular or religious, there are standards that are needed within this special type of relationship.

Ethics and standards are critical to the profession of counseling. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian and also Grief Counseling Certifications


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification as well as AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  The programs are online and independent study and open to all qualified professionals seeking certifications in Christian or Grief Counseling.

Additional References

“Counseling Principles and Christian Beliefs: An Integrated Approach”. Daniels, D. (2020). Kendal Hunt Publishing Company

American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). (2023). Code of Ethics. https://www.aacc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/AACC-Y-2023-Code-of-Ethics-FINAL-Draft.pd

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). (2023). Code of Ethics. https://www.aamft.org/Legal_Ethics/Code_of_Ethics.aspx

NASW, National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English/Social-Workers-Ethical-Responsibilities-to-Clients



Recognize and Act in Regards to Mental Illness Symptoms

Everyone in life has something mentally not balanced or perfect.  Neurotransmitters can be slightly off for a period of time or someone may even have a life time of imbalance and require medication to rectify it.  Some suffer minor issues without need of medication but only require counseling and better coping strategies.  Many have minor mental diagnosis with things such as ADHD, OCD, depression, or anxiety.  Depending on the severity will determine the strength and duration of the care.

Many mental illness symptoms are minor such as ADHD, OCD or anxiety but they can become severe unless treated


Others may have suffered trauma in life and require more intensive care and treatment.  Those with PTSD may require more intense care to help manage symptoms and triggers, while others may experience issues later in life from early childhood trauma, such as Bi-Polar Disorders, Borderline Personality Disorders and Attachment Disorders.  In addition, some individuals may experience deeper rooted mental illness within family history and due to genetic issues.  Psychosis and delusions can result from Schizophrenia or other mental maladies.  Others may inherit through lack of discipline or consequences behavioral mental illnesses that are anti-social in nature.  These individuals will manifest little care or regard for others, norms or values.

With this in mind, it is obvious that mental illness is a broad spectrum term.  Like all health, it is important to identify and not neglect.  Many feel stigma and shame associated with it because most of society labels mental health as one thing. Instead mental health can be tied to very minor and everyday disorders to severe issues.  Some cases can be minor, while some very serious.  Hence it is important to not neglect one’s mental health, feel stigmatized by it, or ignore the symptoms that may arise.

Some mental illnesses have their own types of symptoms, but for everyday individuals not suffering from severe past trauma, dealing with delusions, or possessing an anti-social personality, most can find cope and medicate if necessary and find balance in daily life.  Many with bi-polar depression, clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD, or OCD are able to function at high levels with the proper counseling and guidance.

Most mental illness usually manifest in the teen age years or grows as result of trauma, especially if left untreated.  Many individuals ignore their mental health and later in early adulthood can face multiple issues they may not understand.  Those with attachment issues, or borderline personality disorders, or even bi-polar may find it very hard to function and maintain relationships and jobs.  It is hence important to track one’s moods seriously to see if anything unhealthy may be manifesting.  Most experts agree that one should not permit a mental or emotional symptom to persist longer than 2 weeks without seeking mental health assistance.

Symptoms of mental illness can be mental, emotional and physical. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Certification programs


Some of the more common mental health changes are in mood.  Some common changes include anxiety, lack of interest, sudden and dramatic mood shifts, apathy, suicidal ideation, and withdraw from life.  Mental health also affects physical health.  Hormones and neurotransmitters can become imbalanced leading to mood shifts, but also affect physical energy levels, sensory perception,  increase fatigue or even cause the opposite and prevent one from sleeping.   It can also negatively effect appetite. In addition, individuals habits may change.  One may enter into a manic state, or withdraw, while others may turn to substance abuse, or abrupt sexual encounters.  Sudden changes like this in personality are signs of a problem.    Other changes can include negative effects on logical thinking processes.  Individuals may contemplate ridiculous and over exaggerated thoughts about self, or even become delusional and enter into states of psychosis in regards to reality.  Confusion, loss of time, worry, or fear can be signs of a pending problem.

All of these signs can vary in severity, frequency, or intensity, but if persistent over time represent some type of mental change that needs to be addressed.  Something may be resurfacing from the past, or something may be developing that needs addressed.  Sometimes it may even be physiological and connected to a physical issue.  Tumors on the brain are an example.

Like physical symptoms telling oneself our body has a cold or the flu, we need to also notice these symptoms and not merely displace them or move on.  With physical symptoms, one makes an appointment with a doctor.  If something does not seem right, one finds the help they need to correct it.  Mental health requires the same focus and care.  Symptoms are a result of an issue that needs addressed.  While many may be minor, some may not be and looking into it and finding the help one needs can be a the difference between life and death.


Mental health is as important as physical health.  They are actually very much interconnected.  Ignoring it due to shame or stigma can lead to greater issues.  Usually most mental health issues are minor and require temporary medication and learning ways to cope, but sometimes they can be more serious pointing to one’s past, a serious emerging problem, or something that is related to physical health.  It is important to find help to reduce the possibility of more severe illness.

Never put aside mental illness for feelings of shame or stigma. Instead treat it like any physical health issue and see a professional.


Please also review AIHCP’s multiple mental health certifications for mental health care professionals and those in ministry and human services.  The certifications are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  AIHCP offers certifications for mental health care professionals and those in human services in Grief Counseling, Anger Management, Stress Management, Substance Abuse Counseling, ADHD Consulting and Crisis Intervention Consulting.  Please review any of AIHCP’s healthcare certifications

Remember certified and pastoral counselors can only help with non pathological issues.  Licensed professional counselors can help with deeper issues regarding pathology, but many licensed counselors also enhance their resume with certifications.

Additional Resources

“Signs of Mental Illness”. Frysh, P.  (2022). WebMD.  Access here

“Warning Signs and Symptoms”. NAMI. Access here

“Mental health: What’s normal, what’s not”. Mayo Clinic.  Access here

“Mental Health Diagnosis: Symptoms, Types, and Treatments”. Morin, A. (2023). VeryWellMind.  Access here

Life Coaching Advice on Diabetes Prevention and Management

By – James M. Katz, BA

Life coaching advice can cover a wide range of subjects including diabetes prevention and management. Living with diabetes can be challenging, but with the right support and guidance, it is possible to effectively manage the condition and lead a fulfilling life. One powerful tool that can aid in diabetes management is life coaching. Life coaching advice can provide individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of living with diabetes. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management and how it can help individuals unlock their full potential in managing their health.

A picture with Balance, Life and Work listed on it
Life Coaching Advice: Find balance!

The article quoted below shows us one of the many ways life coaches advise others on how to prevent type 2 diabetes. It discusses a simple yet very effective way to combat it. Simply by walking at a faster pace, you can “out run” diabetes! For more, please review the article (Walking could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and your speed may affect how much, study finds) below.

“Previous studies have indicated that frequent walking was associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the general population, in a way that those with more time spent walking per day were at a lower risk,” said the study’s lead author Dr. Ahmad Jayedi, a research assistant at the Social Determinants of Health Research Center at the Semnan University of Medical Sciences in Iran.

Walking could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and your speed may affect how much, study finds. Rogers K., CNN
Updated 11:08 PM EST, Tue November 28, 2023“

Full Article Here


Benefits of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management

Life coaching advice offers numerous benefits for individuals with diabetes. One of the key advantages is the personalized approach to diabetes management. A life coach works closely with individuals to understand their unique challenges and goals, helping them develop a customized plan to manage their diabetes effectively. This tailored approach ensures that individuals receive the support and guidance they need to make sustainable lifestyle changes and achieve their desired outcomes.

Another benefit of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management is the focus on holistic well-being. Diabetes is not just about managing blood sugar levels; it also involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing stress. A life coach can help individuals develop healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress-reduction techniques. By addressing these aspects of well-being, life coaching can contribute to overall improved health and diabetes management.

The role of a life coach in diabetes management

A life coach plays a crucial role in diabetes management by providing guidance, support, and accountability. They act as a trusted partner, working alongside individuals to identify their goals, explore their motivations, and develop strategies for success. A life coach helps individuals uncover their strengths and build resilience, empowering them to take control of their diabetes management.

One of the key responsibilities of a life coach is to help individuals set goals and create an action plan. With their expertise in goal setting and action-oriented strategies, life coaches can guide individuals in defining realistic and achievable goals related to their diabetes management. They assist in breaking down these goals into smaller, manageable steps, ensuring that individuals stay on track and make progress towards their desired outcomes.

A book on its side titled "Life Coaching"
Life Coaching!

Setting goals and creating an action plan with a life coach

Setting goals is an essential component of effective diabetes management. With the help of a life coach, individuals can identify specific goals related to their health, such as achieving target blood sugar levels, losing weight, or improving fitness. A life coach can assist in setting realistic timelines and creating an action plan to achieve these goals.

When setting goals, it is essential to make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, instead of setting a vague goal of “improving blood sugar control,” a life coach can help individuals define a SMART goal like “maintaining blood sugar levels within the target range of 80-130 mg/dL before meals and below 180 mg/dL after meals, every day for the next three months.” This specific goal provides clarity and enables individuals to track their progress effectively.

Developing a positive mindset and overcoming obstacles

Living with diabetes can often lead to negative emotions such as frustration, guilt, and anxiety. A life coach can help individuals develop a positive mindset, empowering them to overcome these challenges and embrace a more optimistic outlook. By focusing on strengths and celebrating small victories, a life coach can help individuals build resilience and navigate the emotional rollercoaster that often comes with diabetes management.

Additionally, a life coach can assist individuals in identifying and overcoming obstacles that may hinder their progress. Whether it’s addressing self-limiting beliefs, overcoming fear of failure, or finding strategies to manage stress, a life coach provides the necessary support and guidance to help individuals overcome these barriers. By reframing obstacles as opportunities for growth, a life coach can empower individuals to turn setbacks into steppingstones towards success.

Implementing healthy habits and lifestyle changes

Developing and implementing healthy habits is key to effective diabetes management. A life coach can provide individuals with the necessary tools, strategies, and accountability to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Whether it’s adopting a balanced diet, incorporating regular exercise, or managing stress through relaxation techniques, a life coach can guide individuals towards healthier choices.

By working closely with a life coach, individuals can explore their current lifestyle habits and identify areas that require modification. A life coach can assist in developing personalized strategies to implement healthy habits, ensuring that individuals make gradual and lasting changes. With the support and guidance of a life coach, individuals can cultivate new habits that support their diabetes management goals and overall well-being.

Tracking progress and staying motivated with life coaching techniques

Tracking progress is essential in diabetes management. It allows individuals to monitor their achievements, identify areas for improvement, and stay motivated on their journey. A life coach can introduce various techniques and tools to help individuals track their progress effectively.

One such technique is journaling. By keeping a daily journal of food intake, exercise, blood sugar levels, and emotions, individuals can gain valuable insights into their diabetes management. A life coach can guide individuals in analyzing these records and identifying patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions and adjustments to their diabetes management plan.

Furthermore, a life coach can utilize visualization and affirmation techniques to help individuals stay motivated. Visualizing success and affirming positive beliefs can strengthen individuals’ commitment to their diabetes management goals and increase their confidence in achieving them. A life coach can provide individuals with personalized visualization exercises and affirmations tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

A photo with a bronze lock and key.
What Life Coaching Advice would you give to unlock your potential?

Life coaching tools and resources for managing diabetes

In the digital age, there are numerous life coaching tools and resources available to support individuals in managing their diabetes. These tools can enhance the effectiveness of life coaching advice and provide individuals with additional support between coaching sessions.

One such resource is mobile applications specifically designed for diabetes management. These apps can help individuals track their blood sugar levels, log food intake, monitor physical activity, and even provide reminders for medication. Additionally, some apps offer educational resources, meal planning guidance, and community support, fostering a sense of connection and empowerment.

Other valuable resources include online forums and support groups dedicated to diabetes management. These platforms allow individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences, exchange tips and advice, and gain inspiration from success stories. By participating in these communities, individuals can find encouragement, motivation, and a sense of belonging in their diabetes management journey.

Finding a qualified life coach for diabetes management

Finding a qualified life coach for diabetes management is crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of the coaching relationship. When seeking a life coach, it is essential to consider their credentials, experience, and specialization in diabetes management. Look for certifications from reputable coaching organizations and inquire about their experience working with individuals with diabetes.

Additionally, take the time to interview potential life coaches to assess their coaching style, communication skills, and compatibility with your personality and needs. A good life coach should be empathetic, supportive, and able to create a safe environment for open and honest discussions. Trust your instincts and choose a life coach who resonates with you and inspires confidence in their ability to guide you towards effective diabetes management.

Conclusion: Embracing the power of life coaching in diabetes management

In conclusion, life coaching advice holds tremendous potential for individuals managing diabetes. By incorporating life coaching into diabetes management, individuals can benefit from a personalized approach, holistic well-being, and the support of a trusted partner. Life coaching can help individuals set goals, develop a positive mindset, implement healthy habits, track progress, and overcome obstacles. With the abundance of life coaching tools and resources available, individuals can find additional support and guidance in managing their diabetes effectively. Ultimately, embracing the power of life coaching can help individuals unlock their full potential in managing their diabetes and living a fulfilling life.

If you’re a healthcare professional and would like to learn more about health / life coaching, we offer an online certification program in Healthcare Life Coaching. For more details please go here.


US Bureau of Labor Statistics – Life Coaching 

National Library of Medicine – Can Life Coaching Improve Health Outcomes 

Additional Resources:

 Effectiveness of Health Coaching in Diabetes Control and Lifestyle Improvement: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Lin C-L, et al. Nutrients. 2021; 13(11):3878.

Access link here 

Effect of Diabetes Health Coaching on Glycemic Control and Quality of Life in Adults Living With Type 2 Diabetes: A Community-Based, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Diana Sherifali, et al. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, Volume 45, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 594-600, ISSN 1499-2671

Access link here 

Understanding how different mechanism of life coaching offered to young adults with type 1 diabetes can improve their ability to see opportunities and overcome barriers. Jette Ammmentorp, et al. Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 103, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 544-548, ISSN 0738-3991

Access link here

Electronic Health Lifestyle Coaching Among Diabetes Patients in a Real-Life Municipality Setting: Observational Study.  Komkova A, et al. JMIR Diabetes 2019;4(1):e12140 DOI: 10.2196/12140

Access link here 

Nursing Impact and Opportunities

Nursing has many opportunities and nurses should take advantage of the many available ways to be a larger and stronger impact on nursing itself.  One does this by not only great and professional care for patients but also excelling in the career itself through associations, boards, mentorships, and diversification of talents.  One can indeed make a large splash in the nursing field by immersing oneself into the many ways to bring others together professionally and perform at a higher level within whatever field one finds oneself.

As a nurse, you can make a huge impact on the industry and patients by utilizing your talents and character


With so many ways nurses can proceed professionally, one can find a perfect niche to find satisfaction and the ability to make the profession a positive experience for fellow peers as well as the patients cared for.  The article, “5 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in the Nursing Profession” by Farah Laurent looks at five particular ways to be a positive impact.  She states,

“Nursing does not always get the glory that it deserves and sometimes gets portrayed in a negative light, but it is one of the best professions in the world. If you are a nurse looking to make an impact, you surely can.”

“5 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in the Nursing Profession”. Laurent, F. (2023). Daily Nurse.

To read the entire article, please click here

The fifth option Laurent highlights is of extreme importance.  It relates to expanding horizons.  There is so much more to nursing than merely bedside care.  Many talented nurses utilize their skills in the courtroom, behind the desk, managing, working in forensics, or creating their own healthcare educational institutes.  The options are endless for certifications.  AIHCP offers numerous certifications for nurses to make a big impact and specialize in.  In addition, those with nursing degrees can later enter into special nursing licensures at the level of Nurse Practitioner and other fields.  With so many ways to make an impact, one’s particular interest can grow from basic nursing into so many other venues where nursing as a base can catapult one into other areas.


Nursing is a noble profession that plays a vital role in healthcare. Nurses are the backbone of the medical industry, providing compassionate care and support to patients in various settings. The field of nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities, each with its own unique demands and challenges. In this article, we will explore the different types of nursing fields and discuss what makes a good nurse.

The Importance of Good Nurses

Good nurses are essential for the smooth functioning of healthcare systems. They are the primary caregivers, responsible for providing physical, emotional, and psychological support to patients. A good nurse has the power to make a significant impact on a patient’s well-being and recovery. Their expertise and dedication help create a safe and comfortable environment for patients, ensuring that they receive the best possible care.

Different Types of Nursing Fields

Nursing offers a diverse range of career paths, allowing individuals to specialize in different areas based on their interests and skills. Some common nursing fields include:

1. Medical-Surgical Nurses: These nurses work in hospitals and are responsible for caring for patients before and after surgery. They manage medications, monitor vital signs, and provide wound care.

2. Pediatric Nurses: Pediatric nurses specialize in providing care for children and adolescents. They are trained to handle the unique physical and emotional needs of young patients.

3. Critical Care Nurses: Critical care nurses work in intensive care units (ICUs) and provide specialized care to critically ill patients. They are trained to handle complex medical conditions and emergencies.

4. Psychiatric Nurses: Psychiatric nurses work in mental health facilities and assist individuals with mental illnesses. They provide counseling, administer medications, and help patients develop coping strategies.

5. Geriatric Nurses: Geriatric nurses specialize in caring for elderly patients. They assist with daily activities, manage chronic illnesses, and promote healthy aging.

Other specialties are open to Nurse Practitioners who also have higher areas of expertise, in addition to non licensed fields such as Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Characteristics of a Good Nurse

Being a good nurse requires a unique set of qualities and characteristics. Here are some key traits that distinguish a good nurse:

1. Compassion: A good nurse is empathetic and compassionate towards their patients. They genuinely care about the well-being of others and strive to make a positive difference in their lives.

2. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in nursing. Good nurses are skilled listeners and can convey information clearly and concisely. They are able to establish trust and build rapport with patients and their families.

3. Critical Thinking: Nursing often requires quick decision-making and problem-solving. A good nurse possesses strong critical thinking skills, allowing them to assess situations, analyze data, and make sound judgments.

4. Emotional Stability: Nursing can be emotionally challenging, as nurses witness the pain and suffering of their patients. A good nurse has emotional stability and the ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

5. Adaptability: Healthcare is constantly evolving, and a good nurse must be adaptable to change. They are open to learning new techniques, technologies, and best practices to provide the highest quality of care.

Skills Required for Each Nursing Field

While the core nursing skills are similar across different fields, each specialization requires additional skills and knowledge. Here are some essential skills for each nursing field mentioned earlier:

1. Medical-Surgical Nurses: Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multitask are crucial for medical-surgical nurses. They should also be adept at wound care and patient education.

2. Pediatric Nurses: Patience, a nurturing attitude, and the ability to communicate effectively with children are important for pediatric nurses. They should be skilled in administering medications and managing childhood illnesses.

3. Critical Care Nurses: Critical care nurses need to have advanced knowledge of life support systems, ventilators, and other critical care equipment. They should be skilled in interpreting complex medical data and responding quickly to emergencies.

4. Psychiatric Nurses: Psychiatric nurses should possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills. They need to be knowledgeable about different psychiatric disorders and have expertise in therapeutic interventions.

5. Geriatric Nurses: Geriatric nurses should have a deep understanding of the aging process and common geriatric conditions. They should be skilled in managing multiple chronic illnesses and coordinating care for elderly patients.

Education and Training for Nursing Fields

The educational requirements for nursing vary depending on the specialization. However, all nursing fields require a minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Some specialized nursing fields may require additional certifications or advanced degrees. After completing their formal education, aspiring nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse (RN). Continuing education and professional development are essential for nurses to stay updated with the latest advancements in their field.

AIHCP offers a variety of certification in Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.


Certification, especially from AIHCP can help nurses also diversify in a variety of areas such as Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Challenges and Rewards of Being a Nurse

Nursing is a demanding profession that comes with its fair share of challenges. Nurses often work long hours, handle physically demanding tasks, and face emotional stress. However, the rewards of being a nurse far outweigh the challenges. The opportunity to make a positive impact on patients’ lives, the satisfaction of helping others, and the potential for career growth and advancement are some of the rewards that nurses experience.

How to Become a Good Nurse

Becoming a good nurse requires dedication and continuous self-improvement. Here are some tips to become a good nurse:

1. Seek Mentorship: Find experienced nurses who can guide and mentor you in your career. Learn from their expertise and seek feedback to enhance your skills.

2. Stay Updated: The field of healthcare is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest research, advancements, and best practices to provide the best care possible.

3. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your own physical and mental well-being is crucial to be a good nurse. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones.

4. Embrace Continuous Learning: Nursing is a lifelong learning journey. Embrace opportunities for professional development, attend conferences, and pursue advanced certifications to enhance your knowledge and skills.

The Impact of a Good Nurse on Patient Care

A good nurse has a profound impact on patient care. Their expertise, compassion, and dedication contribute to positive patient outcomes. A good nurse can provide comfort to patients, advocate for their needs, and ensure that they receive the highest quality of care. The presence of a good nurse can alleviate anxiety and fear in patients, fostering a sense of trust and security. The role of a good nurse in patient care cannot be overstated.

Conclusion: The Role of a Good Nurse in Healthcare

In conclusion, the field of nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities, each requiring unique skills and knowledge. A good nurse possesses a combination of qualities, including compassion, strong communication skills, critical thinking abilities, emotional stability, and adaptability. They play a crucial role in the healthcare system, providing compassionate care and support to patients. By becoming a good nurse, one can make a significant difference in the lives of others and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

Please also review AIHCP’s multiple certifications for nurses and other healthcare professionals


Please also review AIHCP’s multiple nursing and healthcare certifications.  The certifications are four year certifications and can be earned by nurses.  The certifications include Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Ultimately you can make a huge impact in nursing by not only being a nurse but by also picking a particular nursing area you like and becoming successful at it!


“Jobs for Nurses: 50+ Different Nursing Positions”. Nurse Journal Staff. (2023). Nurse Journal. Access here

“15 Nursing Jobs Can Work Instead of Bedside”. Nurse Journal Staff. (2023)., Nurse Journal. Access here

“The Many Ways Nurses Make a Positive Impact in Health Care”. (2019). Advent Health.  Access here

‘Nurses can and do make a real impact’. Bennett, V. (2017). Nursing Times. Access here

How Can Abuse and Trauma Affect The Health of a Young Person?

Women with purple ribbon symbols of stopping abuseWritten by Gemma Taylor

Society has undoubtedly made positive strides in breaking the taboo of talking about mental health and trauma. But it’s important to make these conversations a continual process, to ensure victims of abuse receive the support they need throughout their lives.

The American Psychological Association defines trauma as: “An emotional response to a terrible event”. While there are several natural responses to a traumatic event, including shock and denial, everyone is likely to deal with the situation differently. So while it is possible to get a better general understanding around common health implications caused by trauma, it’s important to treat every case individually, rather than taking a blanket approach to care.

Being subjected to abuse in the early stages of a young person’s life can have devastating consequences throughout their childhood and as they grow up. Sadly, while physical scars may recover, abuse can have irreparable impacts on a person’s psyche, altering their entire personality and cognitive functions.

Abuse and trauma are intrinsically linked, since the latter is often a result of harmful experiences. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the different ways in which past abuse can impact the health of a young person emotionally, physically and mentally.


The prevalence of childhood abuse

Abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. While it’s a hard topic to discuss, it shouldn’t be shied away from; especially as it remains a prominent issue in society today. In fact, around 600,000 children across the U.S. are abused each year. More than a quarter (28%) of abuse victims are no older than two. Neglect is the most common form of abuse, accounting for 76% of cases, and tragically, 2021 statistics show that 1,820 children died in a single year due to abuse. In the vast majority of cases, it is the parents that victimize their children.


Physical health

The connection between abuse, trauma and physical health is deeply rooted. Depending on the nature of the abuse, a child could suffer a range of physical injuries and even suffer from chronic pain. This can disrupt different aspects of their life, which have the potential to cause further health concerns, such as difficulty sleeping, a loss of appetite and fatigue, on top of their primary injuries.

What’s more, studies have shown that people who have experienced trauma may have an increased risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, or obesity. This link is not something that can be ignored, and those who have experienced abuse should seek support in both healing from trauma and addressing any physical health issues related to it.


How to mitigate the physical impacts of trauma and abuse

To cope with the psychological and emotional scars of negative past experiences, lots of victims seek support from therapists and counselors who will be able to provide practical advice for managing any triggers and scars. When it comes to managing the physical impacts, there are lots of other things people can do.

Perhaps the most important aspect is for victims to consider their lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle choices, which can often be used as coping mechanisms, will exacerbate the impacts in the long-term. Of course, making positive changes to a daily routine is easier said than done. However, by recommending they make small changes at a time, victims can gradually work towards implementing more healthy daily habits that can ultimately improve their physical wellbeing. This primarily pertains to nutritional choices, exercise regimes and sleep patterns.


Psychological and emotional health

Perhaps something less quantifiable than physical harm is the damage abuse can do to someone’s psychological and emotional health. For survivors, the impact can be devastating, leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These individuals may struggle with feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness, and may find it difficult to trust others or form healthy relationships.

Additionally, abuse and trauma can affect a person’s ability to regulate their emotions, leading to intense mood swings and difficulty managing stress. This challenge is one of the most prevalent causes of self-harm in young people, often acting as a way for them to express their suffering. Despite the immense challenges that survivors face, with access to the right support – primarily from healthcare professionals – it is possible to heal and move forward from the trauma.


Cognitive and developmental implications

It’s clear that abuse and trauma can have a profound impact on one’s mental and physical wellbeing, but it can also be heavily detrimental to their cognitive development and learning abilities. In fact, research has shown that experiencing repeated trauma can actually alter the structure and function of the brain, particularly in areas responsible for memory, attention, and emotional regulation. Children who have suffered abuse or trauma may struggle with language development, memory consolidation, and attentional processing, which can ultimately impact their academic performance as they progress through school.

In addition, the emotional toll that can affect their mental health can further hinder a child’s ability to learn and participate in classroom activities. This underscores the importance of creating safe, supportive environments in and out of school where children can heal, grow, and thrive.


What can be done?

As medical professionals, it’s crucial to be able to identify and provide support for children who are victims of abuse. One way to show support is to create a safe and welcoming environment where children feel comfortable sharing their experiences. It’s important to communicate with the child in a manner that is age-appropriate and to listen to their concerns without judgment. Medical professionals can offer resources such as counseling and therapy, and work with social workers and law enforcement when necessary. Ultimately, providing a sense of care and trust can make all the difference in helping a child heal and move forward from their trauma.


Bio: Gemma Taylor

With over 10 years’ experience in the healthcare industry, Gemma now works in the youth sector, helping young people take back control and process traumatic incidents in their lives. She is passionate about adolescent care and aims to educate and share ideas with other professionals through her writing.



American Psychological Association – Trauma


National Children’s Alliance – National statistics on child abuse 


Khiron Clinics – Trauma and chronic illness


Zocdoc – Preventing self-harm in teens


NHS Wales – Trauma and the brain https://traumaticstress.nhs.wales/children-and-young-people/trauma-and-the-brain/

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

What to Know When Becoming a Nurse Practitioner

Friendly and attractive of a woman practitioner standing in a glass hall office of the clinic and examining documentsWritten by Victoria Maxwell

Becoming a nurse practitioner (NP) is a rewarding and challenging journey. NPs are advanced practice nurses who provide a wide range of healthcare services, including diagnosing and treating medical conditions. If you’re considering a career as a nurse practitioner, it’s essential to be well-informed about the path you’ll need to follow. This guide will provide valuable insights and information on what to know when becoming a nurse practitioner.

1. Educational Requirements

Becoming a nurse practitioner requires extensive and challenging schooling. It usually begins with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or comparable degree, which teaches nursing fundamentals. After getting an RN license, you can pursue higher study, such as an MSN or DNP. Aspiring nurse practitioners get specific clinical training from these postgraduate degrees. The program emphasizes advanced clinical practice, specialization, and preparing students for larger patient care and healthcare leadership positions. Becoming a nurse practitioner requires effort, knowledge, and a desire to improve patient care.

2. Specialization and Certification

Nurse practitioners often specialize in family practice, pediatrics, adult gerontology, women’s health, and more. After completing their school, they must get specialist certification. Reputable organizations like the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center provide certification. These organizations set and enforce nurse practitioner standards, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge to succeed in their industry. Specialization certification boosts a nurse practitioner’s reputation and validates their expertise in their field. It also shows their dedication to providing high-quality care to patients.

3. Licensing and State Regulations

Nurse practitioner licensing standards vary by state or nation. Understanding local legislation and licensing requirements is crucial. Some states allow nurse practitioners to work independently and offer patient care. Other states require nurse practitioners to collaborate with doctors under collaborative practice agreements. Understanding and meeting license requirements is crucial for legal compliance, practice scope, independence, and patient care as a nurse practitioner.

4. Clinical Training and Residency

Clinical training gives nurse practitioners excellent hands-on experience to develop their specialization-specific abilities. Nurse practitioners gain practical knowledge and skills throughout their studies to succeed in their careers. Some nurse practitioners choose postgraduate residencies or fellowships to improve their clinical skills. These extra training possibilities help nurse practitioners flourish in their healthcare professions by deepening their knowledge and skills in their field. They can become leaders and specialists in their disciplines by improving their clinical abilities via postgraduate residencies and fellowships.

5. Prescriptive Authority

Nurse practitioners can prescribe drugs in most states, although their authority varies. Nurse practitioners must comprehend the laws and regulations that allow them to prescribe pharmaceuticals, including prohibited substances, in their practice region. It is important to know your state’s prescriptive authority legislation since it determines its reach. Nurse practitioners can offer patients the right drugs and restricted substances within their licensure and meet the highest standards of patient care and safety by being aware of these legal limits.

6. Continuing Education and Recertification

Lifelong learning is essential for nurse practitioners. Healthcare is always changing. Therefore, continual education and recertification are essential. Nurse practitioners must commit to continued professional development to stay current on healthcare trends and best practices, according to most certification organizations. Learning is a professional commitment and a way to provide high-quality patient care. Nurse practitioners can maintain their accreditation and function as critical healthcare professionals in the changing healthcare environment by maintaining their education and recertification.

7. Collaborative Practice or Independent Practice

One significant decision to make when considering a career as a Nurse Practitioner is whether to pursue a collaborative practice or an independent practice. This choice can impact the nature of your role and the type of healthcare facility where you’ll work. Nurse practitioners often have a range of opportunities, with nurse practitioner jobs available in collaborative settings within hospitals, clinics, and medical practices, as well as the option to operate independently in certain states. Each path has its advantages, and the decision should align with your career goals and the level of autonomy you desire. Whether you opt for a collaborative practice or an independent one, the demand for nurse practitioners is on the rise, offering a promising and rewarding career in the healthcare field.


Becoming a nurse practitioner is a significant commitment involving education, specialization, certification, licensing, and ongoing professional development. As advanced practice nurses, NPs play a crucial role in healthcare delivery, providing primary and specialized care to diverse patient populations. Understanding the educational, regulatory, and professional aspects of the nurse practitioner role is essential for a successful and fulfilling career in healthcare.


Author Bio:

Victoria Maxwell is an aspiring author residing in New Hampshire. When not writing, she loves hiking in the White Mountains and learning about all things backpacking.



Please also review AIHCP’s Case Management Certificate program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

5 Reasons Why Private Medical Practices Fail and What To Do About It

Medical professional putting on a latex gloveWritten by Veronica Turner.

Running a successful medical practice offers a unique set of challenges. It’s not just about being an excellent clinician, but also about mastering the art of management and client support.

From underestimating the work involved to failing to plan for the future, there are several pitfalls that often cause private practices to fail. But with strategies like refining client satisfaction rates and carving out a unique position in the market, these hurdles can be tackled efficiently.

Why Private Medical Practices Fail and What To Do About It

In the high-stakes world of private healthcare, understanding why some medical practices falter is crucial. Let’s examine five reasons and explore strategic solutions to rectify these issues.

Doctor’s Underestimate the Work Involved

Building a business from scratch is a lot of work, but many doctors underestimate this. After all, they went through medical school, so how hard could creating a business be? Unfortunately, many doctors find out the hard way that running a private practice is incredibly difficult.

The biggest issue here is that doctors assume patients will simply come to them, especially since there’s a doctor shortage in the US. Not only are patients not guaranteed, but there’s so many more doctors to worry about. If they aren’t prepared, their private practice could fail.

How Doctors Can Be More Prepared

Take stock of everything you need to do before opening up your practice. For example, you’ll need to know where your practice will be located, if you’ll take insurance, and who your ideal clients are. This will give you a better idea of how to market to your patients and customers.

Next, consider how many clinician workers you’ll have, how much you’ll pay them, and how you’ll be able to afford bills and taxes. Finally, think of the licenses and regulations you need to follow to run your practice, including HIPAA, privacy policies, and legal documents.


Low Client Satisfaction is a Rampant Problem

Doctors routinely drop the ball when it comes to client satisfaction. If you look up most private practices in your area, you’ll notice a lot of low ratings. These ratings can either come from the doctor (not listening to patients), the practice (dirty office), or the reception (rude staff members).

Costs also play a part as to why private practices don’t pay attention to customer satisfaction. However, if you don’t spend money on keeping your clients, you’re going to lose them. Not only that, but there’s a possibility they’ll leave a negative review that deters future patients.

How to Improve Client Satisfaction Rates

The first thing you need to do is to follow the best patient retention strategies. You’ll need to return phone calls and emails quickly, create an easy-to-navigate website, and clean your office. Make sure you focus on client confidentiality and building an online scheduling system.

And above all else, hire good doctors. Your doctors should be able to listen to their patients and take their concerns seriously. They should have the time to sit with the patient. If your patients feel rushed or glossed over, you’ll have a hard time keeping your private practice open.


The Medical Practice Isn’t Unique or Informative

Doctor shortages are a massive problem, but this doesn’t mean patients will automatically sign up for your private practice. And even if they do, they won’t stay long. To actually attract clients and pull them away from your competition, you’ll have to do something unique and noteworthy.

And what if your patients can’t even find you when they look you up online? If they can’t locate your number or address or whether or not you’re accepting new patients, you’ll just frustrate and confuse your patients. Not only that, but they’ll feel like their time is being wasted.

How to Separate Yourself From the Competition

First, take a look at what other private medical practices are offering in your area. You should at least offer the services they do. Alternatively, you could be known for something. For example, if no one offers a blood lab on site, then it’s a great idea to provide this service to your patients.

Keep in mind that uniqueness won’t matter much if you don’t market your services appropriately. On your website and social media, and on traditional media, think about how you’d want your patients to remember you. Make advertisements that show what you value and how you’ll help.


Lack of Planning for Future Growth

All business owners need to have a present and future mindset. The present mindset is essential for preserving your reputation and keeping client satisfaction high. The future mindset is vital for attracting new clients and ensuring that you keep growing (or don’t go backward).

Without a growth mindset, it’ll be difficult for doctors to stay in the game. This is why goal setting is so important. If you don’t know where you’re going, it’ll be hard to get there. On top of this, you need to set the right goals. Aim too high or low, and you won’t reach what you set out to do.

How to Create Goals With Your Analytics

You can start by actually tracking your analytics by using tools like Google Analytics. From there, you can establish your key performance indicators or KPIs. These could include total appointments in a month, total gross income in a month, and customer satisfaction scores.

Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals to figure out what you want to achieve. A SMART goal could be, “I want to improve my customer satisfaction score by 25% in 2 months by calling clients back within 1 hour after leaving a message.”


Not Being Flexible or Adaptive

One of the most frustrating things a patient could ever experience is when a doctor isn’t up-to-date with research. Some doctors, for example, still tell concussion patients to avoid all stimuli within the first 48 days of the accident when this is proven to worsen symptoms.

A doctor’s lack of knowledge can affect their relationship with the patient and potentially hurt them. And even when a lack of flexibility isn’t this serious, it can still impact growth. For example, practices need to know about new marketing strategies to be successful.

How to Change With the Times

Make it mandatory for doctors to stay up-to-date with new medical information. Doctors should be tested to see if they can communicate with patients responsibly. If a doctor under your care provides poor medical advice, it’ll affect your patients, your bottom line, and your reputation.

Consider hiring a marketing team to find different ways to connect with your customers. Plenty of private practices are using tools like TikTok to connect with younger audiences. Also, consider writing a blog to improve your organic reach. This will help you populate on Google.


In Conclusion…

Navigating the complexities of running a private medical practice can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, you’re more than equipped to turn obstacles into opportunities.

Remember not to underestimate the work involved, keep a keen eye on client satisfaction rates, and always stay unique and adaptive to changes. With meticulous planning for future growth guided by reliable analytics, success is just around the corner, no matter where you operate.


Author’s Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.




Please also review AIHCP’s Case Management Certificate program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.