Counseling for Christians: Vocation
In counseling for Christians, many spiritual children seek answers to their future and life with God. What is their vocation? Vocation-what is it to you? First understand our reason for existence—it is to know, love and serve God. That is our primary vocation. We tend sometimes to become lost in our secondary vocation–which is how our talents will serve the mystical Body of Christ. Sometimes we become so lost and concerned with it, we lose sight of our primary vocation. We become like Martha, concerned about so many things.
Instead, let us focus on our vocational call for today. To know, love and serve God. To offer to him today, our crosses, sufferings, joys, successes and daily duty. This was the secret of St. Teresa–to make our daily life a prayer, whether at work or in play.
In this companionship and partnership, Christ walks with us everyday in our vocation and will lead us to where he wishes us to be–whether religious or lay.
Ultimately our secondary vocation is our choice. Christ may wish us to be this or that, but we may go a different route in our options, but he will bless our choices and still love us unconditionally–albeit, if we choose Christ’s use of us, we ill always find greater joy.
By focusing on our primary vocation, we have a greater chance of fulfilling what is truly meant for us and our life on earth because through love of Christ, our wills shall become one.
If you wish to help counsel Christians with life decisions, then consider reviewing our program in Christian Mentoring and Counseling
Mark Moran, MA