A Christian Counselor’s Perspective on the Dangers of Pornography

The article, “A Christian Counselor’s Perspective on the Dangers of Pornography”, by Chris Chandler states

By Chris Chandler, MA, LMHC, CSAT-C , Seattle Christian Counseling, PLLC References “Wired for Intimacy” by William M. Struthers, Ph. D. What’s so bad about porn?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

A very good article from a Christian Counselor about the evils of pornography–the supposed victimless sin.
The reality is as the Chris Chandler points out, it objectifies the participants as well as men and women in general who perform in these vile acts.  It also defiles the intimacy of the sexual union and makes sex a sport instead an act of love.

The people themselves commit fornication and also sin in their corruption of others.

The fact is pornography is far from innocent and is an ever growing evil as it takes people to greater depths of moral deprivation.  If you are a Christian Counselor, how do you deal with this habit among your spiritual children?  Like any sinful habit it can be a trying time as pornography can dominate the soul and ruin relationships.  Christian counselors need to focus on the healing Spirit and pray together with the person.  If Catholic, frequent confession is advisable.  For both Catholics and non-Catholics, meditation, pray and scripture are key to finding purity.  If the person falls, get back up without shame, and know the Lord sees your effort and will eventually cleanse you.  Many times, falling teaches us that we cannot defeat a vice without the Lord

For those interested in becoming a Christian Counselor, please review the program


See on bellevuechristiancounseling.com

Pope Francis’ Stunning Critique Of Capitalism

The article, “Pope Francis ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ Calls For Renewal Of Roman Catholic Church, Attacks ‘Idolatry Of Money’”, source; Huffington Post

“(Reuters) – Pope Francis called for renewal of the Roman Catholic Church and attacked unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny”, urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Evangelli Gaudium by the ponitff, Francis, should not surprise many.  Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII also condemned many capitalistic aspects of greed.

Trickle down economics though really touches the nerves of many Conservative Capitalists, namely Republicans, who have for the longest time said it works.

Not according to the Pontiff. While only a spiritual leader, the Pope touches upon the fact the needs of the poor or put last in this system and left to the greed and decision of those with power of what trickles down or not.

Christian Counselors of course should avoid politics as much as possible, but when issues of care of the poor arise, they should be social activists.  Giving to the poor first, is key.  Awaiting arbitrary decisions by the elect and powerful is a scary thought.

If you interested in Christian Counseling or wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review the program.


See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Giving Thanks to God: Losing a National Tradition

The article, “Giving Thanks to God: Losing a National Tradition”, by Michael Craven states

“As we, once again, approach this national day of “thanksgiving” I thought it necessary to reflect upon our nation’s long history of acknowledging and giving thanks to the Almighty God.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

A good article about the need to be thankful to God from two of our greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  In times of stress and grief, these men would issue how as a nation we should be thankful and pray to God to continue to bless our nation.

Today, people are becoming more secular and forgetting the purpose of Thanksgiving and turning into a shopping day. It is important to avoid secularism and the wanting more culture and embrace thankfulness and to remember others during this Holiday Season

Certified Christian Counselors can remind people of their need to be thankful during visits for even the smallest things.  Whether life is rough or not, we all have something to be thankful to God for.  Certified Christian Counselors have an excellent opportunity to incorporate thanks into their sessions with clients.

If you are interested in learning more about Christian Counseling or would like to find out where you can take online Christian Counseling courses, then please review the blog and site.  The program consist of seven core courses.  After completion of these core courses, qualified professionals are eligible for certification.

Once a certified Christian Counselor. one needs to renew every three years.  They also much practice five hundred hours of service and fifty hours of continuing education.


See on www.crosswalk.com

Philippines typhoon aftermath: Religion as solace

The article, “Philippines typhoon aftermath: Religion as solace”, by Jethro Mullen states

“The day after the typhoon, Father Edwin Bacaltos stepped out of the compound of the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in central Tacloban and began his work.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Where was God admits such suffering and pain?  This is a good question and even Christians in moments of despair, feel the need to call it out.  It is human nature to question and become frustrated but like Job, we must find true understanding.

If our life revolves around a contract with God instead of a covenant, then we do not truly love him.   We are his servants and love him for him, not what he does or does not do.

His will is beyond ours and while blatant suffering is not good, nor willed by the Father, nature nevertheless, in this fallen world does strike.

Human free will can also strike us.  So we must be ready for man made evils as well.  The fact is God is there with us during these things.  The world, as a fallen place, is what hurts us, never our Lord

But in these dark times, God’s presence is felt through the help of other good people, or aid.

Christian Counselors should remind their clients as well, that our God did not merely abandon us and teach us through word only but became man and suffered for us and shared in every discomfort we have.  This is a God of action not a God speaking from a distant throne.

If you would like to earn a certification in Christian Counseling, then please review the program.


See on www.cnn.com

In Faith We Find Forgiveness

Christian Counselors and Helping People Receive God’s Forgiveness

This Sunday, I heard a very interesting sermon on the healing of the bleeding woman and about faith.  I would like to surmise it for Christian Counselors to maybe also use when helping people receive the grace of forgiveness from Christ.

In the Gospel of St. Luke, Jesus cured the bleeding woman.  She was considered unclean by Jewish law.  While the Book of Job demonstrated that sin is not directly correlated with sickness, the Jewish people of that time still held strong to the opinion that sickness and sin were directly related.  Due to this, she was considered a sinner and an outcast.

With great faith and great courage she touched the garment of the Jesus.  Jesus later told her, “your faith has healed you”.   After she was healed, she no longer dwelt upon the past but embraced her healing and new life.

Our faith also heals us.  When he have faith that God will forgive and heal us of our spiritual maladies, then we find a peace and love of God.  Through the sacrifice of Christ, our sins are forgiven and the grace of the Holy Spirit fills our soul, but we must have faith that through Christ, our sins are forgiven.  We must also embrace our new life.  Like the woman who was healed through faith, she did not later again begin to bleed, but remained healed.  We too must understand that God will heal us spiritually.  We cannot fall back into sin or linger in the past but instead rejoice in the present for our healing.

Once healed, the time for remorse is over, it is now time to rejoice and spread the mercy of God to others.  The woman did not fall back into sickness but became a follower of Christ, so we must too after receiving our spiritual healing, not fall back into sin, or remorse, but instead allow the Spirit to flower within us and bring Christ to others.

If you would like to become a Christian Counselor, then please review the program.  If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to help you

Mark Moran, MA

Resolving Marital Conflict: A Christian Counselor’s Guide, Part I

The article, “Resolving Marital Conflict: A Christian Counselor’s Guide, Part I”, source; seattle christian counseling states

“By Rick McGregor, MA, LMHCA, Seattle Christian Counseling, PLLC No matter how much you may want to ignore it, conflict is common to all marriages.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Marriage is a sacred union that however falls into the profane world of vice.  Marriage is subjugated to divorce, infidelity and selfishness.

In marriage counseling it is important to keep an eye on the sacred nature of marriage and to translate that to the world.

This article looks at conflict and selfishness as two issues in marriage.  Conflict is natural as with our fallen nature, selfishness as well.  Practicing as one, instead of two can help reduce the tension that create these issues.

This is an excellent article for Christian Counselors to read who are helping couples overcome conflict.

If you are interested and wish to learn more about becoming a Christian Counselor, then please review the program.  In the meantime, enjoy the blog and articles.


See on seattlechristiancounseling.com

What did St Paul mean by Faith and Works of the Law?

St Paul's ideas have been a point of division for Catholics and Protestants, but is there really a division in practice? Christian Counselors can play a big role in removing the confusion. If you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then review the program
St Paul’s ideas have been a point of division for Catholics and Protestants, but is there really a division in practice? Christian Counselors can play a big role in removing the confusion. If you would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then review the program

The article, ” What did St Paul mean by Faith and Works of the Law?”, by Dr Taylor Marshall states

“Faith and works, right? But have you ever met a Protestant or Evangelical who insists that we are saved by “faith alone”?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This is a very insightful article.  While authored from a Catholic perspective, be not to quick, if Protestant, to judge it harshly because it is written from a very ecumenical view.  It presents the ideas of Justification and Works and the meaning of the Law.

Non-Denomitional Christians may be very surprised to learn in this article that the Catholic Church does not believe justification is by one’s own works but only through Christ.

Please, read this article because I truly believe this difference is not as great as Catholics and Protestants believe, but instead show a very similar ideal, namely- Both groups believe justification is only attainable via Christ through faith and works–works that are devoid if not filled with faith and love for Christ through His grace and of no merit by our own actions.

Christian Counselors from both persuasions on the topic I believe sometimes become to encamped into their own theology on Paul–pushing an extreme that believes one side denies the value of the law and the other side believes in self justification.  This is farther from the truth!  I believe no Protestant believes one can faith in Christ and not follow the law, and I believe no Catholic believes one can merit one’s own salvation via his own works.  Scripture supports neither extreme.

I would like this article to serve as a dialogue and I will post it as one within Christian counseling groups with the intent to promote discussion and realize the unity between Catholics and Protestants in this theology.

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling or would like to know how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review the program


See on taylormarshall.com

Three Surprising Ways to Grieve the Holy Spirit

The article, “3 SURPRISING WAYS TO GRIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT”, by Kevin Deyoung states

“These three ways to grieve the Holy Spirit may be surprising because they correspond to the three ways in which the Spirit acts.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This article talks about how we can misuse the grace of the Holy Spirit.  One interested point, the third one is how we can sometimes think if we spend too much time on One Person of the Trinity, it may upset the other.  This is farther from the truth.  The article correctly points out that the Holy Spirit shines upon the Son and finds great joy when we see this light upon Him.

The article also points out how we can try to subvert Scripture with our own supposed discourses with the Spirit.  If anything subverts Scripture in our meditations with the Holy Spirit, then it is not obviously from the Holy Spirit.

Christian Counselors should take time and read this article and see if any of their spiritual children may be “grieving” the Holy Spirit,

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Christian Counselor, then please review our program.


See on www.christianity.com

Certified Christian Counselors Emphasize These Guidelines for Success in Raising Obedient Children

The article, “Guidelines for Success in Raising Obedient Children”, by Kay Camenisch states

“Because other responsibilities demand attention, it’s easy to overlook preparing children for what lies ahead. How can they succeed if they don’t know what is expected of them?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

An obedient child is a gift of the Lord to a parent.  Christian counselors offer some advice on helping to raise your child in the biblical virtue of obedience.  Certified Christian counselors can help families in chaos where obedience is not the norm.


See on www.crosswalk.com

AIHCP Program in Christian Counseling: The Silence of God

The article, “The Silence of God”, by Dr. James Emery White states

“The experience of the silence of God is real. Many of us have felt it. Times when we cry out to God, and there seems to be no answer.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Prayer is about covenant not contract. Christian counselors should emphasize that to their spiritual children.  Sometimes in silence we learn what we need most from God.  The Program in Christian Counseling emphasizes that God knows best and is always with us.

If you are interested in learning more about our program in Christian counseling, then please let us know.  Our program in christian counseling consists of core courses in ministry, pastoral care and theology.  Qualified professionals become eligible for certification upon completion of these courses.  Recertification takes place three years later.  In that three year span, certified Christian counselors must complete over five hundred hours of service.

Thank you for your interest in our program in Christian Counseling, if you have any other questions, please let us know.


See on www.crosswalk.com