ADHD Medication Adderall Abuse.

bottle of pills
ADHD Medication can do more harm than good if not used properly.

Information on ADHD Medication.

The article, “Neurologists Warn Against ADHD Drugs To Help Kids Study”, by Nancy Shute states

“Adderall and other ADHD medication are among the most prescribed drugs in America.
Quite a few of those pills don’t end up being used to treat ADHD, though. They’re used as “smart drugs” or “study drugs” by students who find the pills give them a mental edge.”

Click here for a full look at the article.

The best choice for ADHD Medication is to not use them unless you must.   Never put your child on mind altering drugs unless it is a last resort.   It is too commonplace these days for a doctor to quickly prescribe some drug to treat any childhood disorder.    They often forget that simple love, a healthy diet, and understanding can go a long way in treating ADHD.
For more on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Counseling, please visit our website.

Home Schooling Offers Solutions For ADHD

Home Schooling and ADHD

For years families have suffered with children afflicted with ADHD.  Try as they might, teachers and school systems can only do so much.  While Certified ADHD consultants can help via counseling and other health care professionals can prescribe medications, the ADHD child for the most part can struggle in a classroom setting.
Home schooling offers an alternative learning environment for the child.  With the help of ADHD counseling and possible medication, a child can achieve higher academic scores and absorb more information in the privacy of the home.  The child can be limited to distractions since he is not surrounded by various children and can better focus on the subject at hand.
The home schooling environment helps the child not only limit distractions but also creates a learning style that is best for the particular child.  The learning not only goes at the child’s speed but also allows the child not to be restrained.  The child is free to get up and move around, if the parent permits.  In this way, the child does not have to be restrained in a thirty minute class in a chair.  The learning is still at a high rate but the child is permitted to feel somewhat free.  Also the scheduling of class times can range from any part of the day.  These all coincide with a more classroom friendly environment for an ADHD child.
Of course this takes the dedication of a parent who is willing to teach his or her child, let alone a child with ADHD.  The rewards of your child learning far outweigh the hard work that will be demanded of the parent.
Of course, home schooling could also be utilized as a temporary fix where the child regains control of the ADHD, while learning until return to school, or this can be a longer term solution if the family considers this to be an excellent way to educate overall.
In the end, home schooling is a fresh alternative to children with learning disabilities that when combined with health care aid can be an excellent way for ADHD children to learn.
If you are interested in learning more about ADHD or ADHD consultant certifications, please review the program.


How to Cope with a Spouse who has Attention Deficit Disorder

Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention deficit disorder is a fairly recently recognized affliction that professionals are just beginning to understand. One of the biggest problems that people with ADD have is understanding what other people might be feeling or thinking, which often leads to inappropriate behavior. They don’t try to avoid social interaction, but struggle to recognize non-verbal communication signals and facial expression that those who do not have ADD have no problem interpreting. Because of these issues, having a relationship with someone who has been diagnosed with ADD can often be difficult or trying. Below are some tips that can help you deal with your ADD spouse, as developed by a certified attention deficit consultant.
Stay Calm
Losing your temper will only make things worse, giving your partner the opportunity to call you disrespectful or unreasonable. Let whatever it is that made you mad go and calm yourself down before dealing with it. Someone with ADD will most likely not understand why you are so angry, making the situation much worse than it needs to be.
Take Notes
If you successfully let things slide instead of getting angry, the tendency is to forget about them so that they are never addressed. While getting mad is not the solution, neither is forgetting about the initial transgression. Take notes and write down what you want to talk about so that it can be discussed later. This can also help to show an unreasonable partner with ADD that their behavior repeats itself. This often helps convince them that they need to try to do better.
Regularly Discuss Problems and Issues
It’s a good idea to set up a time each week to discuss any problems and issues you might be having with your ADD spouse. This will allow you to voice your concerns in a calm and even manner, and the problems that you have not addressed during the week will still be fresh in your mind. Never go into one of these meetings when you feel angry. This will only make the problems worse and give your partner an excuse to not deal with their issues.
Take a Break
As a caring and loving spouse, it is very easy to get wrapped up in your partner’s disorder. This often creates a situation where you focus on their issues instead of dealing with your own. The more your ADD spouse’s behavior bothers you, the more that behavior can completely consume your life. Forgetting about yourself and your own needs can end up ultimately making the situation worse as you become more and more mentally exhausted and unable to cope with the ADD symptoms. When things get really bad, take a break for yourself and your sanity. Do something relaxing, for example take a nap or go to the gym. Take your mind off of the issues at home by being selfish for just a few hours. The break can help you reset your mindset and refocus your energies.
Don’t Isolate Yourself
Too many people with ADD partners find themselves in a situation where the only social interaction they have is with their ADD spouse. This can be very unhealthy. That’s why it’s important to have at least one friend who supports you as you struggle to make your marriage work. Go out to eat, go to a movie, or just go for drinks. Having someone other than your spouse to bounce ideas off of can help you figure out how to better deal with the ADD and issues related to it.
Be a Good Listener
It is very easy to treat your spouse with ADD as just another child in the family. This often manifests itself in you ordering them around and not really listening to what he or she has to say with an open mind and heart. If you order your spouse around the likely reaction is a refusal to listen to you. Listening to what they have to say and gently asking questions will produce much better results.
Let Others Do the Busy Work
If you have the financial means to do so, try to get others to do things like mow the yard or babysit. The less chores and responsibilities there are around the house, the less chance there is of a misunderstanding or of your spouse shirking their duties.
Find a Support Group
Having friends that support you and your situation is a great thing, but it may not be enough. Talking to others in the same situation can be a great way to find relief and gain more understanding. It is very easy to start feeling like you are the only one in the world who is dealing with an ADD spouse. Support groups are very helpful, and you might even want to consider counseling for the whole family. If your partner hasn’t been officially diagnosed, then going to the doctor and making it official could help him or her realize that they do have an actual disorder. It may also help to take education courses in attention deficit disorder to more fully understand what your spouse is suffering from.
ADD can be a serious disorder that negatively affects every aspect of a person’s life, including all of their relationships. As the spouse of someone with this disorder, you need to have a great deal of patience and understanding, but you also need to make sure that your partner understands that they need to do the same. The key to success includes realizing that the person with ADD sees the world differently than you do and reacts to situations in ways that you might not understand or accept. Remaining calm and not overreacting when your spouse does something that makes you angry is also incredibly important. A person with ADD will shut down or try to place the blame on you if you yell at them or chastise them, much like a small child would do. Making your family work is the most important thing in the world, and with a little effort and a lot of patience you can overcome a diagnosis of ADD in the spouse that you love and cherish. Love conquers all, even when your spouse is acting like a small spoiled child.
To learn more about attention deficit disorder counseling and other ADHD counseling techniques you should go to our page.

Common Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder: Myths and Misconceptions.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a mental disorder that involves an inability to concentrate for long periods of time. Starting in 1996, ADD was officially re-classified as a sub-type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that may also involve hyperactivity. However, the older terms, attention deficit disorder and ADD, are often still used to refer to all types of ADHD.
ADD is often misunderstood and there are many common myths about attention deficit disorder that need to be dispelled. Below you will find a discussion of several of the more common myths associated with ADD as defined by those who have taken education programs in attention deficit disorder.

Something that is not an attention deficit disorder myth is a healthy diet can help.

Myth #1: ADD Is Not a Real Medical Disorder
When many people observe children with ADD, they interpret what they see as a child with a behavior problem. They may think that the child just needs to be disciplined more so they won’t act out as much. They may even blame it on the parents or the teachers. However, while a child can be taught skills that will help manage their ADD symptoms, their behavior is definitely not just a matter of willful misbehavior. ADD is a very real medical disorder that is clearly defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that essentially serves as the bible for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and others who work with those with ADD. in fact, there are well-defined parameters that must be met to receive a diagnosis of ADD.
Myth #2: ADD Is Only Found In Children
While it is true that attention deficit disorders are most often first diagnosed in children, ADD is found in four to six percent of all adults. However, these adults often remain undiagnosed. In fact, many adults are first diagnosed with ADD when their children are diagnosed with it and they recognized that they have many of the same symptoms as their children. ADD does tend to run in families. The reason ADD is more commonly diagnosed in children than adults is because teachers and other school professionals such as school counselors and nurses are trained to look for ADD symptoms in children. Also, if a child is suspected to have ADD, they can be quickly and easily evaluated with the help of school resources.
Myth #3: You Can Grow Out Of ADD
People who have ADD do not actually grow out it, although in about half of them the symptoms are no longer recognizable into adulthood. This is because many children and teens learn how to manage their symptoms very effectively.
Myth #4: All Rambunctious Children Have ADD
This is not at all true. Just because a child happens to be rambunctious, the underlying reasons for this may not be ADD. It could be they are having a problem at home. They may have another emotional issue that is causing them to act out. They may be eating too much sugar. Only a professional can distinguish between ADD and other reasons for rambunctious behavior.
Myth #5: People With Attention Deficit Disorder Have Learning Disabilities
People with ADD may have trouble focusing on assignments or tasks at work but this does not mean they have any difficulty actually taking in new information and assimilating it. In fact, some of the brightest and most creative individuals in the world have ADD. Some studies have even suggested a correlation with ADD and above average intelligence. There is some evidence that giving medications for ADD can quash creativity and imaginative thinking. There are many famous artists, musicians, writers, politicians, and businesspersons who are thought to have had ADD. These include Mozart, Dali, George Bernard Shaw, and Abraham Lincoln.
Myth #6: Only Boys Get ADD
Girls struggle with ADD too. However, it is true that more boys than girls are diagnosed with ADD. In fact, boys are diagnosed with ADD on average about three to four more often than girls. However, some studies suggest that this may be due to a observational bias because teachers, parents, and other adults are expecting to see ADD in boys more than in girls. At any rate, you should not discount the possibility of girls having ADD, especially if it runs in the family. Also, keep in mind that the symptoms for ADD in girls may be more subtle than they are in boys.
We hope that this article helps to dispel some of the more common myths about attention deficit disorder. If you are unsure whether your loved one has ADD, it is always best to consult a doctor or a certified attention deficit consultant.
If you want to learn more about Attention Deficit Disorder education then you might want to visit our website.

Link Between ADHD and Omega-3

A child screaming into the camera
Does ADHD make you want to scream?






How ADHD could be helped by Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The article, “Omega-3 and ADHD in children”, Source: Massey University

“The links between ADHD in children and deficiencies in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids is just one of the controversial topics being discussed at the upcoming Omega-3 Fatty Acids Symposium, to be hosted at Massey University’s Albany campus on Thursday. “

For the full article please go here.

Of course there is always more scientific testing to see if Omega-3s have a strong effect on ADHD.   This does not mean you should wait to start incorporating more Omega fatty acids into your child’s diet.     A good source of it is fish.   Fish is a lean protein and should be a part of any proper diet.

If you want to take an ADHD counseling program then you might be interested in our website.

Attention Deficit Disorder Counseling Training.

How Attention Deficit Disorder Counseling Training Can Help!

If you would like to help people that are suffering from ADD or attention deficit disorder then you should look into what you can do to get the training that you need. If you are a health care professional you will be able to get a certificate that will help you to help people that suffer from this condition. ADD is a disorder in which people have a problem with inattention, disorganization, procrastination, and forgetfulness. This can be diagnosed in people at a very young age and often presents itself in kids at school when they are unable to pay attention. Getting certification to help people with this will allow you to help diagnose people and to help treat people. There are many treatment options for people depending on how bad they have the disorder. Look into getting certified today so that you can start helping people as soon as possible.

A poor child standing in a corner with terrible names wrote around him
There is NO such thing as a bad child. Attention Deficit Disorder Counseling can help anyone.

Can Nicotine Help Improve Attention Deficit Disorder?

Nicotine and ADHD

Research has shown a positive correlation with nicotine and improvements in a commonly occurring problem, attention deficit disorder. While it may seem counter-intuitive to prescribe a substance like nicotine for this disorder, it can actually help a lot. It is believed that nicotine works with acetylcholine nerve receptors in the brain causes these receptors to be stimulated. When stimulated, there is a positive effect on the behavior and the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. It has been an amazing finding. Clinical studies have even been conducted with children. Children are sometimes prescribed small pieces of a nicotine patch to wear so that the nicotine is slowly absorbed into their blood stream. Many parents have reported quick and excellent changes in the behavior of their children who suffer with ADHD. One down side of using nicotine for this disorder is that it is a highly addictive substance. Do we want to cause an addiction in a child just to gain relief of behavior symptoms? There is no easy answer to this issue. On the bright side, studying nicotine administration in patients with ADHD may help us in the development of more medications in the future that are highly effective.

Jim Walters

Getting Certified As a Attention Deficit Disorder Counselor is a Good Choice

Becoming Certified as an Attention Deficit Disorder Counselor

Having a child with attention deficit disorder can be difficult but there is help available. If you want to help parents deal with a child with attention deficit disorder, you should get certified as an attention deficit counselor. As a counselor, you help people in many different ways but you might be looking for new ways to further your education and knowledge. Becoming certified in new areas will broaden your expertise and let you help more people. Attention deficit disorder is a common problem and it is important that counseling is available to help people who are affected. This is especially true when it come to parents because dealing with a child who has a hard time staying calm is difficult. That is why certified counselors are so important. Getting certified will give you the knowledge you need to give this counseling to both family members and children affected by this disorder.
Jim Walters

Does My Son Have Attention Deficit Disorder?

Diagnosing if your son has ADHD

Does my son have attention deficit disorder? I know it is a legitimate and existent and documented condition, but really, he is seven. Are not all seven year olds hyper and unable to stay focused on something for more than a few minutes? His teacher is worried, but I talked to some of the other parents, and apparently the teacher has thought over half her students has ADD. I have tried familiarizing myself with it online. There is a wealth of knowledge about it but there is nothing that I feel like I can use to determine absolutely whether or not my son has it. It sounds like my teacher is paranoid, but what if there is something local in the community or environment that is actually giving all of these kids ADD? I hate not knowing, it drives me crazy. It is almost giving me ADD just thinking about it.

Jim Walters

Progress Being Made in Treating Attention Deficit Disorder

The Topic of Attention Deficit Disorder is a Serious One

For many years, the topic of attention deficit disorder has been a serious subject for a lot of families. It seems that in recent years there has been increased cases about children suffering from various levels of attention deficit disorders. This includes children ranging in ages from five to ten years old. In order to try and get a handle on this condition, doctors and researchers are trying to work on ways that will help to identify these symptoms earlier. One of the reasons this condition is receiving so much attention today is because back about thirty or forty years ago in the 1970’s and 80’s, most doctors did not know how to diagnose or recognize the signs and symptoms. During these earlier years, a lot of children were either untreated or they were placed in special homes. Fortunately over the years there has been a lot of progress made for this condition through years of testing and research