ADHD Medication Adderall Abuse.

bottle of pills
ADHD Medication can do more harm than good if not used properly.

Information on ADHD Medication.

The article, “Neurologists Warn Against ADHD Drugs To Help Kids Study”, by Nancy Shute states

“Adderall and other ADHD medication are among the most prescribed drugs in America.
Quite a few of those pills don’t end up being used to treat ADHD, though. They’re used as “smart drugs” or “study drugs” by students who find the pills give them a mental edge.”

Click here for a full look at the article.

The best choice for ADHD Medication is to not use them unless you must.   Never put your child on mind altering drugs unless it is a last resort.   It is too commonplace these days for a doctor to quickly prescribe some drug to treat any childhood disorder.    They often forget that simple love, a healthy diet, and understanding can go a long way in treating ADHD.
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