Vitamin A: An Effective Acne Treatment

BY: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN, ANP-BC

Acne has been found to have a genetic component to it. Its root cause is due to the skins pore cells turning over a large number of dead cells. This pathophysiology results in the development of acne. This is one scientific, modern day theory. Vitamin A works well for acne as its mechanism of action is to prevent and or significantly slow the rapid proliferation of cell turnover. (1)  The pharmaceutical companies have certainly capitalized on its high level of effectiveness. We see evidence of this in the prescription medications Isotrex and Accutane, in which Vitamin A make up a major component of the products. (2)

How can acne be treated effectively? We have found that there are really two main paths to its effective care and treatment: medications and nutrition. In both of these scenarios Vitamin A plays a significant role. A patient suffering with acne may be guided by a licensed health care practitioner to carefully increase their intake of Vitamin A in their diet through vitamin A enriched foods or by taking supplements. Another way is for clients to take prescribed medication treatments such as facial creams and lotions that contain Vitamin A, and have proven to be very effective treatments. (3)


Many patients prefer to use dietary means to boost their Vitamin A levels. However, this can be a difficult way to obtain the added boost needed to help with their acne problems. As such, it is often recommended by professional Dieticians and licensed Health Care Prof

essionals that clients also take a daily supplement of the Vitamin in order to provide effective care for acne. Many will recommend a dose of 5,000 IU a day. (4)  It is important that clients ask their health care provider what is the correct and recommended does to take for them. Clients should not self-medicate. Vitamin A is a fat -soluble vitamin and it stores up in the body. Taking too much Vitamin A can cause a toxicity and can ultimately be harmful.

It is interesting to note that one study that was conducted using the Vitamin to treat acne showed that is was non-effective. Doses used were somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 IU. The researchers then repeated their study using very high doses; 300,000 IU for women and 500,000 for men. The subjects remained on these large doses for three to five months and then were gradually weaned off. The outcomes of the repeat study showed that the high doses were effective in treating the acne. It is noted that after controlling the acne in the research subjects, they went on to continue treatments without the use of Vitamin A, to remain in remission. (5)

More commonly today, physicians and other prescribing licensed health care practitioners are providing patients with topical creams and ointments which contain Vitamin A and are applied directly on the face or other areas of the body where the acne is. The pharmaceutical industry actually alters the Vitamin A and develops it into a Retinoid. The Mayo Clinic has stated that retinoids are actually a very preferred treatment for acne. They heal the skin rapidly and they have a real propensity to regenerate new skin. (6)

Can a Vitamin A deficiency in the body lead to the development of acne? It seems this can be so. When one is deficient in Vitamin A, the body can respond by developing inflammation and also by exacerbating any existing states of inflammation, such as an acne condition. (8) A high functioning immune system is dependent on many things, one of which is adequate and healthy levels of Vitamin A. Some of the benefits of having good Vitamin A levels include; keeping your skin resistant to acne causing bacteria, and balancing hormones so that your body does not produce excess sebum thus causing an acne breakout. (8)   Vitamin A is also vital in assisting the body to strengthen the skin’s tissues. (9)

In conclusion, as Vitamin A will rapidly increase skin cell maturity, stop over proliferation of cells, help balance hormones and actually strengthen skin tissue, it is really one of the best courses of treatment that we have available today in treating acne. It is important, again, to remember that with Vitamin A, too much is not good at all, and may even be toxic and harmful to one’s health. Always consult your health care provider before taking Vitamin A as a treatment for acne. You may also wish to consult with a Certified Health Care Coach who can help you learn all about Vitamin A and the safety issues when taking it.






Passion Flower: Does it Really Calm Anxiety?

By: D. L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN, ANP-BC

Passionflower is mostly known for its calming qualities; it has an extensive history of use in calming those who are stressed and nervous. Passion flower was used by Native Americans for its sedative qualities, and was used in Europe as early as the 16th century for its ability to support a calm, positive state of mind. Current analysis has confirmed these practices, indicating passionflower’s calmative quality is due to a flavonoid called chrysin. Chrysin is thought to help regulate GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter in the brain and nervous system that manages nerve excitability. (1)

Passion flower was initially identified by the Spanish while exploring Peru. Its name was derived from the concept that the blossom was a symbol of Christ’s passion and also it was an indication of His favor of their exploration. The different parts of the flower petal are described as expressions pertaining to the passion of Jesus Christ, for instance, the crown of thorns being actually symbolized by the hair like fibers numbering in the hundreds in each petal. (2)


Calming Anxiety

According to the research, passion flower has typically been administered for nervous anxiety, insomnia, pain, restlessness, anger, and hysteria. The ability for passion flower to support these disorders is believed to be the result of the substance benzoflavone, chrysin, and the pyrone derivative maltol. (3)

Chrysin is a monoflavonoid, regarded to be the principal active component made from Passion Flower. In laboratory settings, specialists have demonstrated that Chrysin functions as a partial agonist of the core benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. Although the exact system of action is not precisely understood, it is thought that the blend of Flavonoids in Passion Flower contribute to its efficiency as an anxiolytic, helping to promote relaxation, alleviate stress and ease intermittent anxiety and panic triggered by emotionally charged tension. (4)

Working together, passion flower’s anxiety-soothing, sleep-promoting top qualities join abilities to give you one greatest health benefit in the end: relaxation and peace of mind. When working with different anti-anxiety natural combinations, the plant could very well possibly achieve much more for peace of mind and sleep. (5)

According to European medical data, passion flower is recognized for its effect in treating nervous restlessness, uneasiness, irritability, vegetative dystonia, agitated mind, and sleep disorders. Additionally, investigations have certainly shown improved cognitive focus levels and relief of anxiousness. (6)


Studies on Passion Flower

There actually have been research examinations completed on passion flower going back to the 1930’s which have identified it aids to induce relaxation which brings about a deeper sleep, and almost eradicates sleep loss. Its mechanism of action, however, is actually very distinct than prescription sleep drugs, thus an individual does not need to feel uneasy about an artificially prompted sleep or awakening with a drug-like experience. (2)

Animals administered doses of 150 milligrams per kilogram body weight passed even more time in open, unguarded and elevated areas during the course of a maze experiment. Also, the supplement did not necessarily lead to either a sedative or arousing effect. A report written in the March 2010 “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” found that low doses of passion flower extract reduced anxiety, while higher doses produced a sedative effect. (7)

Passion flower may also work as a mild relaxing natural treatment. The tranquil effect by itself does not typically lead to drowsiness, so it is a particularly beneficial day time tranquilizer. Moderate use supports a feeling of tranquility, without side effects, and without the likelihood of chemical dependency or habit-formation. (6)

People have indeed used passion flower typically to manage stress, and continue to do so today. A study written in the October 2001 issue of the “Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics” identified that passion flower was as beneficial as the pharmaceutical drug oxazepam for managing generalized anxiety disorder. An overview of research studies published in the February 2006 issue of the “British Journal of Psychiatry” reveals passion flower having potential for calmative use in many people with psychological health disorders. (8)

Passion flower typically has been less popular than Valerian Root, however, in a new study of well-known herbal calmatives in Great Britain, passion flower did slightly better than Valerian Root and took the leading honor. Passion flower is taken essentially as a calmative or nervine to combat excess anxiousness and anxiety, to tranquilize, and to induce sleep; as an anodyne, anti-spasmodic and anti-convulsant and to manage dysmenorrhea and muscle cramps. Primarily, passion flower is utilized world-wide as a light calmative that abates anxiety, nervous tension, high blood pressure, and encourages sleep. It has furthermore been utilized as an antispasmodic (or spasmolytic) in the treatment of muscle cramps, seizures, premenstrual tension, and even epilepsy. Passion flower preparations have actually been observed to eliminate nervous symptoms and cramps that restrict sleep, and to produce a tranquil and deep sleep free from constant awakenings and disturbances. The antispasmodic action is even effectively used in the treatment of respiratory asthma. Passion flower is well known for its analgesic or anodyne action. (9)

Even though investigators formerly believed that the alkaloids and flavonoids in passion flower caused its calmative and anxiolytic effect, modern studies suggest that the amino acids in the botanical herb may well be responsible. This is actually because these particular amino acids are able to increase GABA levels in the human body. (10)



Passion flower is generally regarded safe and very well tolerated by many people. There is insufficient data about negative side effects and possible pharmaceutical interactions. Passion flower may possibly interact with various other medications or treatments, so if changes to physical health develop, promptly contact a primary care physician (3) or a certified holistic nurse.



Assisting Your Patients in Overcoming Heroin Addiction

Written by Lizzie Weakley, a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio.


With the unprecedented rise of opium addiction, you are probably seeing more patients with serious addiction issues who need medical help. Some are living basically functional lives, but their drug use is threatening to get out of control. Other users are hooked on heroin and have become unable to care for themselves, possibly facing overdose or death if they cannot stop using this destructive drug. The following strategies may be able to help heroin-addicted patients.

Cognitive Therapy

People who are addicted to a strong substance like heroin often benefit from cognitive therapy, or professional counseling. This approach assists patients in addressing core issues that may be causes or triggers for the addiction, such as a troubled childhood, mental health problems, or contributory circumstances like finances or dysfunctional relationships. Dealing with root causes can often help an addict to bring heroin use under control.

Detox Heroin Treatment

Heroin is both physically and mentally addictive. Used consistently, it disrupts normal life and puts someone on the path to destruction. Many addiction specialists recommend detox heroin treatment to completely clear the drug from both the body and the mind, and enable the person to regain normal function of both. There are both in-house and outpatient options, depending on the level of addiction the patient is struggling with, as well as lifestyle responsibilities like a job and family. Completing a detox heroin treatment program is often the first step toward a successful recovery.

Community Support Group

Heroin addiction recovery can also be reinforced by joining a community support group. The group is typically led by a professional therapist or a successfully recovered person with some level of education or training. Group members help each other by providing accountability, sharing encouragement, and reinforcing a recovery lifestyle. Support groups meet at different times, sometimes daily or weekly. Consistent attendance has been shown to be an effective tool in achieving and maintaining recovery. You can have information for support groups in your office, facilitate the meeting places for such places, or run them, if you have the required training.

Medical Referral

Some addicts are dealing with a number of physical or mental ailments, which may be contributing to the heroin addiction. If you are a general practitioner, you may need to refer your patient to a specialist who can treat the auxiliary problems that are debilitating the patient, along with facilitating heroin addiction recovery. Keeping pamphlets around the office and having the information on hand for patients who talk to you about their addiction is a good place to start.

Although heroin addiction is highly destructive, it can be effectively treated. Give your patients the tools they need to be able to treat their addiction at the root level in order for recovery to be successful. Teaming up with other doctors, therapists, and health care providers in your area can enable you to help patients who suffer from addiction, even if such treatment is outside of your expertise. Just by giving patients the information they need, by incorporating some of the above methods, or even just facilitating them, you can help save the lives of those under your care.



Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Guest Blog Article

4 Common Auto Accident Injuries and How to Handle Them

Auto accident injuries can negatively impact your physical, mental and financial wellbeing in many ways. Getting the proper treatment if you’ve been in an auto accident and taking other measures to rectify the situation can help restore your quality of life. Here are some of the most common auto accident injuries and what you can do to treat them.



Burns can occur when a vehicle catches fire, when parts of the body are grazed, or parts of the body are pressed up against a hot surface during an accident. Burns may range from minor first-degree burns to major third-degree burns that need prompt treatment to prevent infection, minimize scarring and address other health concerns. Burn units in hospitals treat the most severely burned patients, but burns that aren’t as serious in nature can often be treated using antibiotic ointments or household items like honey or lotion containing aloe vera. After being seen by a professional, aloe and coconut oil are often very helpful in soothing the itching dryness that often accompanies burn injuries.

Broken Bones

Vehicle impacts can result in broken bones. Arm, leg and pelvic bones are among the most commonly broken in car accidents. You may also sustain damage to facial bones, which may need cosmetic surgery to fix. Doctors will usually prescribe casts, slings or splints to stabilize appendages where bone are broken and facility healing. Though bones will typically heal on their own with time, it is important to take time off of work as recommended by your doctor to allow the break to set before attempting to put weight on it again.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that sometimes results in loss of consciousness, persistent dizziness and vision problems. Cognitive skills and emotional reasoning can also be negatively affected after sustaining a concussion. The best treatment for a concussion is usually prolonged physical and mental rest. If a concussion makes it difficult for you to return to your normal work functions, resulting in a loss of income, there are auto accident injury attorney services that can help you get compensation for your financial and personal losses.


The sudden back-and-forth movement of your head and neck that might occur during a collision can result in whiplash. This condition often causes symptoms like neck pain, muscle stiffness and headaches that can greatly interfere with daily life. Resting the head and neck can help facilitate healing and minimize pain. Chiropractic care and physical therapy are other treatment methods that often prove to be effective. While you may not recognize whiplash at first, prolonged back and neck pain after an accident are clear signs of whiplash that should be addressed as soon as possible.

Taking proactive measures to treat your auto accident injuries will increase your chances of faster recovery and help minimize the hassle of dealing with such an unfortunate incident. Seeking the right medical treatment and legal guidance can help you move on from your accident injuries while sustaining minimal losses overall to your personal and financial wellbeing.


Author Meghan Belnap, Blogger, Researcher and Freelance Writer

Also please review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it matches your educational and professional goals.