The article below is from Chris Haws, founder of Telegrief. Online assistance is critical for individuals facing depression during quarantine. Online assistance and appointments are also a wave of the future for many in the mental field. Chris Haws discusses the vital importance of online communication for mental health.
One of the frequent characteristics of grieving is that people isolate and withdraw from their everyday lives. They need time to think, time to reflect and time to cry. They need to assess this new reality – a reality without that much loved spouse, partner, parent, child, sibling or friend. Some people find it easier than others and can re-engage with the world in their on time and at their own pace. In every case, the support of a professional grief counselor can be invaluable during this transition from acute, agonizing, pain to a new way of living that integrates the grief and the sorrow of the loss into an ongoing, meaningful and even joyful existence. People can and do learn that it’s OK to laugh – and love – again.

But what if the isolation is imposed by circumstances beyond the grief sufferer’s control? Circumstances such as the current Covid-19 pandemic that is forcing everyone to “lockdown”, “shelter in place”, and “self-isolate”? It’s tough enough for people with busy lives to lead, mouths to feed and families to raise. Throw the emotionally shattering experience of a bereavement on top of all that and the result can be devastating.
Fortunately, although hugs and literal hand holding can be comforting, the grief counselor’s principal job is to listen. And having listened, to gently guide the sufferer out of the darkness of their pain towards the brighter world in which their grief is not denied or suppressed, but is integrated into the next chapter of a purposeful and satisfying life.
And that’s why remote counseling works. Whether by phone, or using one of the new video linking technologies, counselors can still listen and interact with their clients just as effectively as they can in face to face sessions – and, paradoxically, sometimes even more comfortably. Clients can sometimes be more “themselves” when they don’t have to tidy the house or dress up before the counselor arrives, or take the bus or get in their cars to travel to a distant consulting room.
Prompted by Covid-19, but building on prior experience with an international clientele that is scattered across the country and around the world, that’s why psychologist and grief counselor Chris Haws has created “Telegrief”. Clients can interact remotely with Chris using whatever technology they choose, and the results are already proving to be remarkable. If you or someone you know are in need of counseling for a recent bereavement, then go to and check out what Chris Haws is offering. As he says “It’s your call”.
Chris Haws is a British born Psychologist and Counselor based in Northwest DC who specializes in bereavement and grief, substance abuse and recovery, and personal development and mindfulness. For over three decades, his writing has appeared in print, radio and TV around the world. He is the founder of “Telegrief” and can be contacted at
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.