The article, “Stress: It’s Sickening. Really.”, by Stacy Colino states
“In the high-pressure environs of Bethesda, the ‘plague’ of our generation is claiming plenty of victims”
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
Stress Management Courses Can Help Fight Stress Related Illnesses.
Can stress cause illness? That is what this article is suggesting AND they might have a point. Stress related sickness can happen to you. Stress can inflame your joints and muscles. It can lower your immune system. Stress can seriously make you sick!
Learning effective ways to deal with stress can not only help you relax but it can improve your physical well-being too. By keeping your stress in check you can boost your immune system and fight off infections easier. You can lower your blood pressure. You can even lose weight quick. This is way it is important to practice stress relief.
Stress and Anger Causes Various Reactions. Which One Is You?
Stress and anger in one’s life can cause a variety of reactions in people. Some people handle it better while others simply explode. From a peaceful resolution to an angry explosion, professionals have found three key reactions to stress and anger.
The first type is the person who holds their anger inside. These people best resemble a time bomb ready to explode as they take in more and more stress without releasing it in a healthy fashion. In time, these peaceful individuals erupt as “the Incredible Hulk” and wreak a rage of havoc on those unlucky enough to be in their path. These type of individual exhibit various behaviors that include emotional withdrawal or the “silent treatment”. They feel anger is inappropriate or that they do not have the right to become angry. Some also have coping problems with strong and intense emotions and could also fear the consequences of losing their temper.
The second type is the person who lets it all out. This “Donald Duck” type individual gives into rage at a moments notice and releases all the negative energy. Their behavior includes blowing up at people, getting physical with others, shouting, blaming and breaking things. Their reasons behind their behavior include the necessity to assert power, a lack of communication skills or a obsession with never being wrong.
The third and final type of person handles anger and stress properly. These induvial handle anger by remaining calm and focusing on the behavior not the other person. They stick to the subject and think logically about the issue at hand. They understand that anger is a natural emotion but do not allow it to dominate them or become excessive. Instead of overreacting, they want to solve the problem causing the stress not yell at it.
Ultimately anger is a natural emotion and at times can be just. Good spirituality and understanding of this emotion can eventually help one overcome unjust anger and learn to control oneself. If one considers the hurtful things that be said or done when in a fit of rage, then maybe they can eventually learn to monitor their levels of irritation and not allow things to get out of hand. On the other side, people also need to learn to express themselves in a healthy fashion when somethings upsets them.
If you are interested in Stress Management Courses, please review the program.
Stress management courses could be the missing key to your well being
Stress management courses can turn work into relaxation.
At some point in time we’ve all experienced it. Some unavoidable event gives us uncontrollable stress and anxiety that can make the world seem as if it would end. It is important to realize that this feeling is normal, but if nothing is done about it then this stress and anxiety can seep into every part of our lives. This can have damaging effects on our social, family, recreational and professional life. If you find yourself caught up in the grips of overwhelming stress then you’ll be happy to know that there are courses available to help you cope. Stress management courses can help you to bring your life back into balance and more effectively deal with whatever dire situation you find yourself in.
Don’t just take our word for it, here’s a few benefits to be gained by taking online stress management courses:
Community engagement
Perhaps the most important benefit that people often overlook about stress management certificates are the immediate relief that can be gained by simply being around other peers with similar problems. We often go through life and our struggles feeling like we are the “only one”. This type of thinking is false, and can in part be a big reason as to why our stress can have such devastating effects. Taking a class and meeting people that share our problems not only relives this, but also provides the added opportunity of receiving real life advice from others who may have gone through your troubles. Likewise you may find yourself in a position to help someone else, just as another person may be able to directly help you solve your problem. This alone can make the cost of taking stress management more than worth it.
Immediate stress relief
Stress relief can allow you to focus on more important things.
Unlike some of the more traditional forms of stress management, taking a comprehensive course can bring with it immediate relief from the stresses of everyday life. As soon as you walk into a class you are trained to leave your problems at the door and move into a more positive train of thought. These courses can also teach you coping skills such as deep breathing, meditation and simple acupuncture points for stress. Even a short break from our worries can allow our mental energy to recharge and thus better deal with the issues causing stress.
Specific help directly from a professional.
Taking stress management courses will allow you to receive direct and specific advice for whatever problem you’re facing. These courses are taught by knowledgeable and experienced professionals that will be able to give you better advice and solutions than perhaps your peers or family members would.
Not having the tools and coping skills to properly and effectively deal with stress only adds to the problem. So if you’ve been on the fence lately as to whether stress management courses are worth the price, then it may be time to jump in and get the help you need. These classes offer a lot of benefits that you won’t find by simply browsing the web or asking friends for help. Give it a try and get your stress under control today.
If you are interested in earning your online stress management counseling certificate or just taking online stress management counseling courses then you should visit our site.
Stress Management Counseling can have real results.