Stress Management Consulting: Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep

A woman laying in bed unable to sleep
What has you up all night?










What does stress management consulting and restless nights have in common?   Surprisingly they have a lot in common.   Many of your sleepless nights can be directly blamed on stress in your life.    Your daily stress carries on into your bedroom.      What stress causes the insomnia?   Read below to find out.

The article, “How Stress Management Consulting Can Help You Sleep”, by  Sarah Klein states

“With increasingly-troublesome side effects of skimping on sleep coming to light more and more often, it seems we’re starting to catch on to how important solid, regular rest is for our health.”

For the full article please go here.

Now that we identified the stressor we can use stress management consulting to deal with them.  When stress starts effecting our sleep isn’t it time to learn effective ways to deal with stress?   I think many red eyed individuals would agree.

If you want to take online stress management courses to learn some techniques to combat stress then you should visit our webpage.

Breathing to Reduce Stress

How to Breathe Better to Reduce Stress

Proper breathing when stress comes can reduce anxiety and anger.  Proper breathing can also help prevent stress later in the day.  In addition to this, breathing exercises can also be good for one’s overall health.
The Community Counseling Clinic at Youngstown State University offered these 10 key steps in breathing techniques for reduction of stress.
1. Sit in a comfortable and peaceful place
2. Rate one’s tension on a scale of zero to one-hundred, with zero being totally relaxed and one-hundred representing as tense as you have ever been.
3. Then take a deep breath and hold for four seconds, but remember to breath from your diaphragm.
4. This should be done three to four times a day
5. While breathing, become aware of yourself in regards to heartbeat or a specific external noise.
6. Switch from concentration on things that inside of you to things that are outside of you.  Take your time while you focus back and forth
7. Begin to focus more intensely solely on your breathing and begin to phase out the other thoughts and external stimuli around you
8. If you need extra help relaxing, use a key word, such as calm to trigger a peaceful relaxation as you exhale.
9. After 15 minutes of peaceful breathing, begin to awaken yourself.  Start simply with the hands and feet and then begin to awaken larger parts of the body.  Conclude with stretching.
10. Finally, open your eyes and re-rate your stress on the tension scale mentioned in step 2.
These relaxation strategies can help re-energize oneself and reduce stress.
If you are interested in Stress Management Consulting, please review the program.

Stress Management Consulting: A Rewarding Career

Making a pay check and helping others overcome stress

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. The demanding lifestyle, and the never-ending economic problems, among other factors, have made all of us vulnerable to it. But while stress is something that we want to avoid, there are people who actually benefit and earn from it. These are the health professionals who are trained in stress management consulting. To make you knowledgeable and skillful in managing stress and to practice whatever has been acquired to help others deal with their own stress so they continue to live meaningful and productive lives, is the goal of the certification. Such certification programs cater to the needs at present where this profession is considered in great demand by both individuals and organizations. So if you are exploring other ways to earn, aside from being a nurse in a hospital, a licensed health care provider or a professional in related fields, then this is an excellent area to explore

Stress Management Consulting

Companies need to help employees succeed with better stress management in mind.  Stress kills output and companies should seek to limit stress as much as possible for their employees

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