Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Stress and Health

Good article on how stress and insomnia can have devastating effects on heart health.

Too much stress can have negative health effects on your body. Please review our Stress Management Consulting Certification

The article, “Stress, insomnia may triple death risk for those with hypertension” by Isabel Godfrey states,

“The researchers found that in comparison with their peers who slept well and did not experience work-related stress, hypertensive employees with stress and insomnia were three times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Stress is a silent killer.  Individuals need to reduce stress with good stress management coping strategies.  Please review our Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.


Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Reducing Stress at Work

Stress is a major issue in the workplace.  It not only is unhealthy for the individual but can also lead to lower productivity and distractions.  Reducing stress in the workplace should be a high priority.  Many look for ways to better cope and also utilize Stress Management Consulting professionals to help guide others.

How can work at stress be reduced?  Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meet your professional goals
How can work at stress be reduced? Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meet your professional goals

The article, “5 ways to help reduce employee stress in the workplace” by Jonathan Cohn states,

Stressed out? You’re not alone. About 43 percent of the workforce suffers from chronic stress, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. This costs U.S. businesses upwards of $300 billion per year in absenteeism, turnover and lost productivity.

To read the entire article please click here

Also please review our Stress Management Consulting Certification to see if it can give you the professional skills necessary to help others reduce stress.

Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on School/Work Stress

Juggling work, home and school can be a difficult task for anyone.  With this in mind, stress management skills are definitely necessary in fulfilling all duties and still being sane.  Utilizing one’s time properly is a priority.

It can be very difficult juggling, school and work together as a student. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification
It can be very difficult juggling, school and work together as a student. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Certification

The article, “Stress Less: 5 tips for finding the right school-work-life balance” from the University of Bolder Colarado states,

“As college students, you wear a lot of hats: student, employee/intern, teammate, family member, friend, significant other. A lot of people count on you, and with so many things going on all at once, it can be hard to strike a balance. Here are five tips to help you find the right school-work-life balance that works for you.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.