Spiritual Sloth and How to Become a Certified Christian Counselor

Spiritual Sloth and How to Become a Certified Christian Counselor

Spiritual sloth is a deadly thing.  As one of the seven capital sins it can lead the soul to  many vices.  According to Pope Francis, spiritual sloth is also a threat to apostolic zeal.  It can strip the soul of the zeal and energy to not only care for itself but also one’s brother or sister in need.

Like any vice, we must be alert and aware.  Sloth can quickly make work on an industrious soul’s pray life and divert the soul’s attention to other worldly things or play on the body’s condition.  It can be as innocent as a day without a morning pray or sleeping in instead of going to church.  It can work its way into the soul and create a habit of sloth instead of isolated incidents.

This is why we must be vigilant in our spiritual hygiene.  We must care for our soul with regular doses of scripture, grace and the sacraments.   We must strive to force ourselves in moments of desolation to feel for God even if the reward of his presence eludes us.  I promise you, his presence is there but we are spiritually growing.

The article below has more on this subject.

“In his homily on Tuesday, Pope Francis lamented the many Christians who close the door to God’s grace out of spiritual laziness, urging them to instead receive healing from the Lord so they can spread the Gospel.

“This is the disease of sloth, the acedia of Christians. This attitude that is crippling the apostolic zeal, which makes Christian people stand still and at ease,” the Pope exclaimed in his April 1 Mass.”

To read the entire article please click here

Pope Francis is emphasizing the need for us to also remain industrious in our spiritual zeal for others.  We need to remain ever aware of the need of others and not allow this type of spiritual sloth to overcome us.  How many times do we sit in comfort when our brothers and sisters suffer?  We need to take time a week to help others, donate to others and bring the Gospel to others.  Spiritual hygiene is not just a personal goal but a social goal.  As Christians we belong to the Body of Christ which is a very social element.

Thank you for your interest in our blog.  If you have any interest in learning how to become a certified Christian Counselor, then please review.

Our program is excellent for ministers, lay apostles, church counselors, or spiritual advisers.  Counselors who wish to present the Gospel with counseling are also encouraged to review the program.

The program consists of core courses in Christian Counseling.  Once completed, qualified professionals can apply for certification.

If you have any questions on how to become a certified Christian Counselor, please let us know.  In the meantime, avoid spiritual sloth and remain spiritually industrious in your spiritual maturation.

Possessed by Our Stuff


Americans are known for our materialistic ways. Our wastefulness. Our self-indulgence. Do you contribute to the mess?

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

With secular humanism everywhere, how many times do we unknowingly put objects before God?  Christian mentors must guide their spiritual children from this form of possession.  People all over the world, sometimes unknowingly put their possessions above all.  This form of idolatry is contrary to the first commandment which tells us to put God first above everything.

People worship their possessions in how they behave.  This form of materialism is very dangerous to the health of the soul.  It is ultimately self love.

If you would like to learn how to become a Certified Christian Counselor, then please review our program in Christian Counseling.   The key to on how to become a certified Christian Counselor, is for qualified professionals to take the required courses.

After completion of courses, one can become certified.  This certification in Christian Counseling lasts three years in which one must complete the required academic and clinical hours.

Thank you for your interest.


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Corporate America and Its Battle for the American Soul on Thanksgiving and How to Become a Certified Christian Counselor

 Materialism over Christianity: Where Have Our Values Gone?

Christian values are becoming more and more eroded in this country.  One sign of it is the lack of thanks we show on Thanksgiving by going and fighting each other for mere objects on Black Friday.  If that was not bad enough, the greed of corporate America and the upper 3 percent now push these sales during the sanctity of Thanksgiving!  This emergence of a ‘Grey Thursday’ should be very alarming and a line we should all draw where we tell the barrons of this country that enough is enough.  While retail workers are stripped of their time with their families, greedy CEOs dine with theirs and earn more money than they know what to do with.  And as for the materialistic individuals who indulge these sales, especially on Thursday–shame on you!

Dominic Rushe of the Guardian, writes in his article, “Black Friday Slips into ‘Grey Thursday’ as Retail Giants Face Staff Backlash” about the growing greed and unchristian values of uncontained capitalism in the United States during the holiday season.

“Jackie Goebel has worked for Walmart for 24 years, but this year, for the first time, she will spend the Thanksgiving holiday working at the retail giant. Like many of her colleagues, she is not happy. “Walmart has become a company so obsessed by the bottom line and greed that it no longer values the importance of the people and families that work for it,” she said.”

If you would like to read more about this article, click here

If you are interested in certifications in Christian Counseling, please click here

In the meantime, if you would like to learn how to become a Certified Christian Counselor, then please review our program.  We can guide qualified professionals through the steps on how to become a Certified Christian Counselor.
Mark Moran, MA

Christian Counseling: "Lord, Help Me Up Again!"

Christian Counseling: What Can Falling Teach Us?

When we fall, the least thing we need to hear is “shame on you” or “you hypocrite” or “you sinner” or some long sermon on what is right.  Most people who continually fall, while in need of spiritual betterment, nevertheless are in the habit of “getting back up”.  In these cases, Christian Counselors need to be more pastoral in their counseling than dogmatic.  Those in the habit of getting back up after moral relapse usually already know the nature of their vice and want to be better.  What they need is love, compassion and spiritual help.
In previous blogs, we have outlined the dangers of our occasion of sin and the inherent inclination towards sin within our own fallen nature.  In this blog,  I would rather focus on a more pastoral level of guidance and an understanding of the emotional and psychological state of those who fall–and ourselves.
Blessed and guided with a certain and correct conscience, we know the nature of our actions.  We are not blinded by ignorance or lured by false teachings.  As orthodox and true Christians, we understand the nature of our particular vice but we can fall due to our own weakness and the company we keep.  The biggest question is when we fall, how do we feel?
Most are stung by their conscience with remorse and guilt.  While the moral subjectivist would deceive us with tales of freedom from guilt, a true Christian cannot escape truth and the light of Christ.  His heavenly presence shines too brightly upon the darkness of our soul to allow us to fantasize that such actions are not sinful.  Instead, our subjective self is brought to the realization that our action is not in conformation with the laws of God and we feel guilt.
Some go beyond mere guilt and feel contrite sorrow.  They realize that our sins crucified Christ and added weight to the cross.  What a blessing it is for one to feel such extreme sorrow as to never wish to sin again!  For one to flee sin at all costs, even life itself.  This was the mentality of the saints.  Many would rather have God strike them dead before they committed a grievous sin that would hurt our Lord.  Yet, God allows us to continue to hurt him.  He hopes we will not fall or at least fall less.  As Jesus endured the slaps of impious Roman soldiers, he endures the slap of our sins.  Christ, as the ultimate example, after falling due the weight of our sins, stood up again.  In this, he encourages us to lift up the sin of our own crosses and move forward.
As inexcusable to our Lord as our sins are, he alone can bring good from our falls.  First, by falling, we learn we are human.  How many are driven by pride and feel they cannot fall?  Or what of those who foolishly feel they have made such great progress in their spiritual life and feel the need for no new improvement?  Then they fall.  They are brought to a humiliating reality that they are weak and so far from a finished spiritual product.  Secondly, by falling, our Lord allows us to see how much we need his grace and love to accomplish any small deed.  Third, when we fall, we are filled with a great motivation not to fall again but to strive to higher heights of spiritual perfection.
We should seek the examples of Samson, David, Peter, Paul, Augustine and other great saints who fell numerous times but always looked for our Lord’s mercy.  The devil knows of our spiritual progress and hopes that if one trips, they will fall into despair or feel  unworthy to continue in the progess of sanctity.  How many feel embarrassed or unworthy to continue the work of the Lord after they fall?  Yet the reality is we are all unworthy and have crosses to overcome.  The moment we stop living the spiritual life, despite occasional falls, is the moment we permanently remain fallen and crippled in the vice of sin.
Rejoice in Christ’s love and embrace the scars of sin because they can ultimately teach us wisdom and how dependent we are on God.  In the meantime, may our Lord be patient with each and everyone of us and guide us through the perils of this world to eternal peace.
If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling or take courses, please review the program.
If you would like to learn how to become a Certified Christian Counselor, then also review our program.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

How A Certified Christian Counselor Can Help People Find Peace

The Peace of God

The evil one utilizes confusion, chaos, anxiety, and uneasiness to torment the soul.  The negative energy of a situation, occasion or person can cause massive distress to the soul.  The soul as it attempts to flee is bombarded with these feelings to prevent spiritual growth and reflection.  These distractions from spiritual union with God lead the soul into a valley of tears where it focuses on meaningless things.  The soothing words of Christ are a distant echo as the soul struggles with needless things.  The focus of the soul is lost and in these cases counseling is needed sometimes to help the soul find its interior peace.
The words of Christ to Martha come to mind.  Martha was so concerned with trivial things during our Lord’s visit that she even became angry with her sister who dedicated the visit of the Lord to him only.  Christ reprimanded Martha for her frustration with her sister and told her that her sister had chosen the more important route.  How many times are we distracted by such menial things when our Lord is right before us?  How many times do we allow trivial things to upset our interior peace and allow Satan to cause distress and frustration in our daily life?
As Christians, we must retain our focus on Christ.  A Christocentric lifestyle is essential to interior peace.  This lifestyle reminds one of the insignificance of other things to the spiritual realm and how only a Christocentric lifestyle can give true peace.  While we exist in the world and commit to the daily duty and crosses that come their way, we must see their spiritual value as well.   We are as like a ship at sea amidst the turbulent sea but yet still aware of upcoming remain shoreline.  Our life on earth is full of important things but when needless things disrupt or take away from the peace of Christ, we need to regroup, refocus and find an oasis of peace in the eye of the hurricane.
The devil will attempt to disrupt this peace at all costs.  Peace is the spiritual water where virtues find their nourishment.  When peace is disrupted, virtues cannot grow and chaos and confusion sweep in harming the spiritual garden and uprooting the virtues that grow there.  It is amazing how subtle and inventive the enemy is.  How many times has our spiritual peace been disrupted by a traffic jam, long light, or inconsiderate driver?  What of individuals?  While Christian charity is always important, Christ does not expect us to deal or accompany individuals who corrupt our peace despite all our efforts to rescue them.  What of our daily duties?  Do we allow our crosses which are gifts to perfect us to become curses that corrupt us?    So many times, impatience leads one to anger and one’s peace is disrupted and frustrated.
For those who have found inner levels of peace and abide in the deeper mansions of the soul (St. Theresa of Avila), peace can still be stolen by the enemy.  How many are tormented with the littlest deviation from the will of Christ to the point it becomes an obsession to never fall or sin.  Instead of professing hope and faith in Christ, some religious become scrupulous and obsessive about every small action they commit and in this way the evil one steals the very peace our Lord is giving them.
With these things in mind, a Certified Christian counselor can see the dangers that chaos and confusion has in the inner life of their spiritual children.  One should identify the chaos and confusion that exists within the problem and find remedy for that chaos.  Spiritual prayer and meditation that brings peace should be utilized in sessions to help calm the inner anxieties of the soul.

So many times we lose our focus and take our eye off the ball.  When we see ourselves losing track of the finish line, we should ask ourselves does this particular incident affect our overall goal of salvation?  Are we merely children playing with our rattles, unaware of the splendor and joys outside our play pen or crib?  I suggest we put down our “spiritual rattles” and not be consumed with such infantile concerns and maintain our focus on Christ as did Mary, the sister of Martha.
May the peace of our Lord be with you this day.
If you are interested in the Christian Counseling Program, please click here.
If you are interested to learn how to become a Certified Christian Counselor, then please review the program.  For those who wish to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, one will find the information needed.
Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Christian Counseling and the “Challenge” of Atheism

Christian Counseling against Atheism

Christian Counseling with Atheists or those who reject the existence of God is a difficult task because one does not have a common ground to build upon.  Both philosophies stem from very different ideals.  Where the Theist finds existence to be a product of God, the Atheist finds it to be a happen chance of nature, while where the Theist finds objective morality in God, the Atheist finds subjective morality in himself.

In dealing with an Atheist, Christian Counselors must first identify an Atheist’s mindset.  First and foremost, Atheism is a materialistic and humanistic philosophy that puts man at the center of everything.  It is truly the manifestation of the serpent’s temptation to Adam and Eve that “you will be like gods”.  Second, an Atheist is under the illusion that Theists come from a medieval philosophy devoid of reason and science.   In the Atheistic mindset, they are the modern man, equipped with the logic and science.  This image must be shattered in open debate and counseling.

A Theist and Christian must utilize sound logical philosophy and present science not as an enemy of faith but as a partner in truth.  Unfortunately, one cannot use sacred theology to counsel or debate an Atheist because they do not believe in it. Hence the necessity of good natural theology that finds logic and truth in man’s natural reasoning is necessary.

From this, one can utilize ideas on the Natural Law and other objectively binding ideals.  One should also be encouraged to use the philosophy of Socrates and his students in portraying the ideals of goodness and universality.

In regards to God, the Thomistic proofs for the existence of God are excellent sources.  These

include such arguments as cause, motion, and gradation. Also the Ontological Argument of St. Anselm can be applied in these cases, as well as later arguments of Design.

The Christian Counselor in the modern era must not only be equipped in counseling strategies but also be an excellent defender of the faith.  Christian Counseling must be apologetic in nature if it hopes to be beneficial when it comes under philosophical attack.

If you are interested in the program, please review the Christian Counseling Courses.

If you would also to learn how to become a certified Christian Counselor, also review.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Truth, Happiness and Morality in Christian Counseling

In Christian Counseling  it is important to point your spiritual children to truth–not necessarily happiness. When I say happiness, I mean subjective happiness. On numerous occasions, happiness poses as an illusion. While the initial feeling appears good, the ultimate ending is destructive. Subjective relativism proposes a variety of truths and what constitutes happiness varies with each person. While at the lowest level, happiness can correspond with individual like and dislike, happiness in its truest sense is an objective reality. It is objective in that it satisfies man’s every desire and end. What corresponds with this and leads to this?
Truth leads to happiness. This is what as counselors, one must lead their spiritual children too. Ultimate truth which is God and his moral law is the only way to the Beatific vision which is perfect happiness. While not correlating truth and happiness as one thing, we are pointing out that a certain way of life that corresponds with the source of truth and happiness which is God is necessary for man.
Socrates pointed out that for things to be done correctly, one must follow a proper

procedure. Shoemakers, sewers, and farmers for example all follow a certain way to produce their product. If they deviate from this, then failure is the end result. If they follow the procedure, then success and happiness follow. Socrates believed that there was a proper way of living as well. If we followed the proper procedure, then happiness would result.
Hence as a counselor, if we truly want to lead our clients to happiness, we sometimes have to state the truth even if it dampers their subjective ideals on what happiness is or what they think it should be.
If you are interested in the Christian Counseling Program, please review here.
To learn how to become a certified Christian counselor, then please review.

Mark Moran, MA