Crisis Intervention Training Blog on Compliance and Crisis in Policing

Police officers are public servants but when things become difficult with non compliant citizens, it can quickly lead to violence.  In the news, we see horrible incidents of mental health issues erupting between officers and suspects where individuals end up killed.  Officers need to know how to de-escalate situations and prevent unnecessary death of suspects or citizens in custody.  Crisis Intervention is important to help prevent bad things from happening. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training program

Interaction with police should not be a dangerous thing. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training


The article, “How officers can move people from crisis to compliance” by Sergeant Christopher Bax looks closer at helping officers better work for safer outcomes with the public.  He states,

“Moving someone from a state of crisis toward compliance is not easy. By recognizing indicators of emotional distress, gaining information through active listening, communicating understanding, forming connections and making informed decisions, officers can help a person in crisis while achieving the goal of voluntary compliance.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Officers can benefit from additional Crisis Intervention Training.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking training in Crisis Intervention.

Crisis Intervention Training Program Article on Crisis Training and Police Response

Too many times when mental crisis arises, law enforcement arrives.  911 cannot differentiate between crime and mental crisis.  Many times, mental crisis leads to someone killed by the police.  These alarming trends are part of the police reform.  Crisis teams accompanying police and even better crisis training and protocol for crisis 911 calls should be employed to avoid unnecessary death.

Better training and crisis team partnerships can make sure mental situations end in arrest and not lethal force. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training


The article, “When 911 Is The Only Option For A Mental Health Care Crisis” by Lisa Ryan looks at the fear and danger associated with a call to the police for a mental emergency within African American communities.  She states,

“Family members of people going through a mental health crisis are sometimes reluctant to call the police out of fear for their loved ones. Violent behavior and outbursts can be met with lethal force.   Mental health advocates are hopeful though that a new co-responder program – that pairs responding Cleveland police officers with social workers — may help.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training Program to learn more about how to help individuals in crisis.  With better crisis training, police and first responders can make a difference in avoiding unneeded lethal force.

Crisis Intervention Training For Prisons

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

How Correctional Institutes Benefit From Crisis Intervention Training.

One of the problems facing our correctional institutions today is the increase in mentally ill inmates.   Our prison guards are ill-suited to deal with the situations they might find themselves in.   That is why crisis intervention in corrections is important.   Correctional officers crisis intervention training to learn to deal with these mentally ill inmates effectively.  If you are interested in Crisis Intervention Counseling then please stop by our site.

Crisis Intervention Training
Crisis Intervention Training can help people suffering for huge problems.

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Crisis Intervention Training for First Responders

The article, “Hanover CIT training continues First responders boost skills in dealing with mentally ill”, by Jim Ridolphi states

“Crisis Intervention. It’s the type of the thing we usually only think about when we need it, but having that service available requires constant training and maintaining a dedicated group of responders who know how to handle the most…”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Another article on how first responders are preparing with crisis intervention training on how to handle the mentally ill.    With more departments learning these value crisis training skills, disasters and other situations will be handled smoothly and unneeded injuries will be avoided.   For more information About Crisis Intervention, visit our webpage.

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Crisis Intervention Training

Crisis Education

Online courses are an excellent way to learn Crisis Intervention. Depending on the type of training you want to achieve you will want to search for an accredited program that focuses on your specialty. Crisis intervention training can be specialized towards non – violent or violent types of crisis’ and can be utilized in several different professionals including; law enforcement, health care providers, educational professionals or medical providers. Online training uses several different formats of instruction to teach the student the techniques and methods used in modern crisis intervention. Most of the guidelines for these certifications are determined through state and local organizations, and pertain to specific careers. Course time-frames can range from a daylong event to several months long. The time-frame normally depends on the guidelines of the state laws. Areas of the training can be for early prevention of crisis escalation, for more immediate threats or both depending on the situation and how it relates to the career field utilizing the training. Please make sure to review what crisis intervention training your guidelines mandate before choosing a program.