ADHD can be a nightmare for high school students. Many teens at this age do not want the stigma or social marking with ADHD. They fear what other people may think, but it is truly in their best interests to share and educate with teachers and friends.
Revealing or not revealing a learning disability can be a tricky decision in high school. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program
The article, “Should I Talk Openly About My ADHD in High School?” by Sarah Cheyette, discusses the many advantages and also pitfalls of discussing ADHD in high school. She points out a variety of important things to consider and what to do and what not to do. She states,
“Teens with ADHD face myriad challenges — many of them invisible. Would high school be easier if your friends knew about your ADHD diagnosis? Or would they treat you differently? Here are eight considerations and talking points for teens who are considering talking openly about their attention deficit for the first time.”
ADHD affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. It is a combination of inattentiveness but also hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Some children can outgrow the symptoms with medication and counseling but others have to learn to cope and deal with the symptoms throughout life.
What are symptoms of ADHD. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your professional goals
The primary symptoms of the disorder include individuals who are predominantly inattentive as well as hyperactive and impulsive. Some only display one aspect of the disorder, while others feel the full wrath of the combination in their daily life. The symptoms are difficult sometimes to diagnose because most children display hyperactivity and inattentiveness, so one must carefully diagnosis as to whether these symptoms are random or a sign of ADHD.
For the most, part if one has ADHD, it manifests in all aspects of life. The child will display the symptoms not just at school, but also at home. The disorder reflects itself in all aspects of life with children. Among the inattentive signs to look for, parents should watch for the inability to organize things, the inability to remember tasks throughout the day, difficulty in following instructions, consistent losing of items, as well as the appearance of not listening while being spoken to.
In regards to hyperactivity, parents should look out for various symptoms, including, consistent fidgeting, difficulty sitting in one place, constant motion, excessive talking, impatience, and interruptions. When combined with the Attention Deficit symptoms, one can see how an array of problems can occur.
Among the issues that erupt due to this disorder are problems that will reflect in school and home. Poor grades, school discipline issues and an erratic home life can cause stress and frustration in all environments. These secondary issues of disorder and chaos can have serious consequences for the entire family. This is why is it so important to treat early.
While the exact causes of ADHD are not clear, most professionals have narrowed the disorder down to genetics, environment and development. ADHD can run in families and can be handed down to future generations. Furthermore, ADHD can have external factors, such as exposure to lead paint, and it can also emerge through central nervous system development at key points.
It is important to seek professional help. Licensed therapists certified in ADHD Consulting is an excellent source of help. Also, non-licensed counselors with ADHD certification can help educate and give coping strategies and can work in unison with healthcare professionals who can subscribe medications if needed.
If you would like to learn more about becoming certified in ADHD Consulting from the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.
Repeatedly training the brain to get better at specific tasks can boost attention levels in daily life, finds an analysis of a pool of 12 previous studies
Helping train the brain to be more attentive seems like a good way to help people with ADHD. This article looks at how it works and how one can utilize this to help themselves or someone they know and love
If you would like to learn more about ADHD Consulting, then please review our program