One of the most obedient servants of God was Abraham. As the father of nations, Abraham was held to a high standard, but God tested him. God tested his utter obedience to the very thought of sacrificing his own son, Isaac. While, in modern times, the whole idea of giving one’s son as a sacrifice may seem odd, this showed Abraham’s utter devotion to God. His obedience was complete. He did not expect answers or demand an explanation, but he obeyed God.
Of course, the image of Abraham sacrificing his son, was in fact, a pre-cursor to what God the Father Himself would offer, His only Son. God never expects more than one can give but does He does expect trust and obedience. From that trust and obedience, Abraham was rewarded but so was humanity. It was God who would offer His Son as the most perfect sacrifice. In this way, Isaac becomes a pre-figurement of Jesus Christ while Abraham becomes an example of a perfectly obedient servant.
The article, “5 Lessons We Can Learn from Abraham” by Matthew Poyer looks at the obedience of Abraham. In his article, he points out how Abraham is obedient even till this most horrible and terrifying command. Abraham understands the depth of sacrifice, obeys and shows important qualities in fulfilling God’s will and command. Poyer illustrates 5 lessons we can learn from Abraham in his unwavering faith and obedience to God. The article states,
“Is there anything in your life that is a little too precious? Could you be making an idol out of something that God merely intended to be a gift in your life? Only you really know. But understand, God is always at work, molding and shaping us for His purposes. This sometimes comes by sacrifice…by testing and by trusting. When that happens, let Abraham’s example be a blueprint for your obedience. And let the Lord’s faithful sovereignty encourage you unto completion.”
“5 Lessons We Can Learn from Abraham”. Matthew Poyer. Crosswalk. March 2nd, 2016.
To read the entire article, please click here

Abraham is a figure in the Hebrew Bible who is considered by many to be the first patriarch of the Jewish people. He is also an important figure in Christianity and Islam, and is revered as a prophet in both faiths. Abraham is said to have been born in Ur of the Chaldees, and to have lived most of his life in the land of Canaan. He is known for his faithfulness to God, and for his willingness to sacrifice everything for His sake.
Abraham’s Obedience and Trust in God
The obedience of Abraham is a fascinating topic of discussion among religious scholars. On the one hand, some argue that Abraham’s obedience to God was a key factor in his being considered a righteous man. On the other hand, others argue that Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his own son Isaac demonstrates a level of fanaticism that should not be condoned. Regardless of which interpretation one subscribes to, there is no doubt that the obedience of Abraham is a significant event in religious history. The trust of Abraham is a common theme in religious texts. It refers to Abraham’s willingness to put his faith in God, even when it goes against his own logic or desires. This act of trust is often seen as the cornerstone of Abraham’s relationship with God, and is used as an example for believers to follow.
Abraham’s Sacrifice
The story of Abraham’s sacrifice is found in the book of Genesis, chapters 22-24. In this story, Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Abraham does as he is asked, but at the last moment, an angel of God intervenes and tells Abraham to stop. The angel tells Abraham that because he was willing to sacrifice his son, Abraham’s obedience has been counted as righteousness. The Old Testament figure of Isaac can be seen as a prefiguration of Christ. In Genesis, Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, just as Christ is born to Mary and Joseph in their old age. Isaac is also nearly sacrificed by his father Abraham, just as Christ is sacrificed on the cross. These parallels show that Isaac is a figure who points to the coming of Christ.
Christians learn from Abraham because he was the father of faith. He is someone who believed in God and followed His commands even when it was difficult. Abraham is an example of what it means to have faith and to be obedient. Christians can learn from his story how to have a strong relationship with God and how to live out their faith.
In conclusion, Abraham’s obedience and trust led him to be greatly blessed by God. His faithfulness was rewarded with material possessions, a great reputation, and a legacy that continues to this day. Abraham’s example shows us that if we are obedient and trust in God, we will be richly blessed as well. God never expected a human sacrifice, but wanted to test Abraham. Instead, we learn that God always wishes give more than He ever takes. Instead of Isaac being sacrificed, God gave humanity His only Son, Jesu Christ. Jesus would be the perfect sacrifice.
Christian Counselors can utilize the story of Abraham to better teach others about obedience and faith in God’s design and not to question God but to simply obey, trust and believe. God has what is best for one.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.
Additional Resources
“Abraham – Walking in Faith”. Susan Curry. August 28th, 2009. Access here
“Abraham’s Sacrifice According to Christianity and Islam”. Bilal Atkinson. The Review of Religions. July 9th, 2022. Access here
“ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE OF ISAAC EXPLAINED”. Admin. Salvation by Grace Through Faith. April 12th, 2019. Access here
“The Ram’s Substitutionary Atonement for Isaac”. Scott LaPierre. April 16th, 2020. Access here