Pet Loss Grief Counseling and Vet Help Article

Good article how vets can help relieve the pain and sting of losing a beloved pet.  Pet loss grief counseling can help others overcome grief as well but its important to start with the vet and the initial loss.

The article, “Veterinarians can help ease the pain of losing a pet, says researcher”, by  Kate Bueckert states,

“Anyone who has had to put down a pet knows it can be a gut-wrenching experience.

Many veterinarian officers offer a support system to their clients – they work to give the grieving pet owner as much help as needed.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our pet loss grief counseling program to learn more and to see if the program matches your professional needs.

Pet Loss Grief Counseling Article on Caring for Sick and Dying Pets

Losing a pet is painful.  The process of caring for a dying pet can take an emotional toll as one awaits the inevitable.  It is truly sad to see an older pet not be himself and then have to come to the ultimate decision of letting go.

The article, “For Veterinarians, Caring For Sick Pets And Grieving Owners Takes A Toll”, by Kasia Galazka states

“When I walked dogs at a Chicago animal shelter, I wondered how each one got there. Whether a stitched-up pup shirked from my touch or happily greeted me tongue-first, my eyes would well up with salt. I wanted to keep them all.”

To read the entire article please click here

To learn more, please review our Pet Loss Grief Counseling program

Dealing With Pet Loss: Why Companies Are Giving Pet Bereavement Days Off

There’s no law requiring companies to offer pet bereavement days, but some pet-friendly firms are already giving this benefit to their employees.

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Losing a pet is heartbreaking.  The idea of this loss being a painful experience is becoming more generally accepted as companies offer bereavement days for a loss of a pet.  It is about time that society understands the importance of a furry friends and the fact that they are like family to many people.

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief then please review our program and see if you qualify to become a pet loss bereavement counselor

In the meantime, please review our program to see if it matches your academic and professional needs


CANINE CONNECTION: Losing a beloved animal can cause prolonged grief

I started off the reply to a reader’s email regarding the passing of her dog with “Sorry for your loss,” but could not get past those four words.

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To some this is amazing, but for those of us who understand the bond of love and the value of our pet as a family member, then we can truly see the long lasting effects of losing them.

We as a species are so callous to non sentient beings and look at individuals who see the true spirit of our friends as odd.  The reality is love of all creation and equality is key.  Losing a pet can cause long term pain because we understand the value and uniqueness of that friend

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief then please review


Grief Healing: Pet Loss: When A Pet Goes Missing

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This is a horrifying nightmare for pet owners.  Most of us have experienced it. I have with my Siberian Huskies and it puts a pit in your stomach.

The anticipatory grief, the imaginary scenarios all dance in our minds.  It can be sometimes an unresolved issue.

I recall, one time we actually found a stray Siberian Husky and as Husky people took him in.  We put out ads, notified individuals in the community yet he was never picked up by  an owner.  I cannot imagine the pain of the owner, but the husky who recently passed lived a happy 6 years with us, his new family.  This is best scenario we can dream of when we lose a pet, but the scary dreams are always there

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief counseling then please review


Beyond 9 Lives: Coping With a Pet’s Death | Reston Now

This is a sponsored post by Elizabeth Arguelles, veterinarian and owner of Just Cats Clinic at Lake Anne Plaza. One of the hardest things to accept as a pet

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A short article over the pain of losing a cat.  One’s pet for many is all they have and a cat for many is a best friend.  This article looks over some emotions you may experience as well as some ways to better cope over the loss of your cat

If you would like to learn more then consider becoming certified in pet loss grief counseling


Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Two weeks ago my husband was playing with our dog, Amos, when he felt a lump – a huge lump – on his side.  When I say huge, I mean a humongous golf-ball sized lump that came out of nowhere. Seriously, nowhere; a few days before there was nothing and then suddenly there’s this enormous lump.


A good article about considerations we need to take into play when grieving the loss of a pet.  The loss of a pet is a serious blow to people who have a strong connection with their pet.  Pets are family!

If you would like to learn more about pet loss grief counseling, then please review the program


Grief over dog’s death inspires 5-year-old and mom to co-author children’s book

Are you dealing with the loss of a pet?
Are you dealing with the loss of a pet?

The article, “Grief over dog’s death inspires 5-year-old and mom to co-author children’s book”, by Monique Balas states

“The sudden death of their beloved Golden retriever inspired Portland writer Lisa Cohn and her 5-year-old son, Michael, to write a children’s book and blog. A book release party benefiting Oregon Humane Society will take place on Oct.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

A book that addresses the issue of pet loss grief.  If you having a hard time coping with the loss of a pet, especially your child, this book could provide some insight.  If you are interested in learning more about pet loss grief counseling, then please review the program

In the meantime, if you are dealing with the loss of a pet, then we wish you the best and hope that some of our blogs may help you understand your grief and guide you to a happier place.


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Loss of a pet can teach us about death

loss of a pet
loss of a pet

The article, “Death of pets teaches children about grief” by Ian Munro states

“Last week I wrote about children and loss, having unearthed our children’s old mouse house.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
The loss of a pet is usually the first experience a child has with grief.  It is a sad moment but also a great teaching fact of life for children to learn to cope with grief and understand the nature of death.   (Child grief counseling is a whole other ballpark.)   However by experiencing loss and death now, child can be better prepared for what life has for them.   Where there is life, there will be death.

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Counseling in Pet Loss

Counseling in Pet Loss
Counseling in Pet Loss

The article, “Dog And Cat Grieve Dead Friend Together (PHOTO)”, source; Huffington Post

“There’s debate as to whether animals comprehend loss of life the way humans do, but when we see photos like this, the answer seems crystal clear.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Counseling in Pet Loss – How Animals Grieve.

Pets suffer from grief just like humans do.    How pets grieve is no different from us.   They miss their friends and wonder where they have gone.   Counseling in pet loss also shows that pets will lose appetite, won’t sleep or can seem depressed.

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