Pastoral Thanatology Certification Article on Palliative and Hospice Care Differences

Good article explaining the key differences between hospice care and palliative care.  It is important to know which program is best for you or a loved one and to use them correctly.  Ultimately, it is about the best care and comfort for the situation.

As we grow, knowing what is best for ourselves is key. For our family and ourselves, knowing whether Hospice or Palliative Care is best for us, is also key. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification
As we grow, knowing what is best for ourselves is key. For our family and ourselves, knowing whether Hospice or Palliative Care is best for us, is also key. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification

The article, “‘That Good Night’ Perfectly Explains How Palliative Care Differs From Hospice” by Judy Stone states,

“That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour,” reminded me how poorly the U.S. deals with palliative care—a specialty that focuses on symptom relief—let alone end of life decisions and hospice care. The two terms are different and commonly misunderstood.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification Program and see how it matches your academic and professional goals.

Pastoral Thanatology Certification Article on Hospice

So many think they are not eligible for Hospice and so many more think they have to die to enter into it.  These are both myths.  Hospice is available for many and is not necessarily a death sentence.  It is not about giving up on life but living life.

Hospice is not about dying but is about living as best you can. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification
Hospice is not about dying but is about living as best you can. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification

The article, “Mark Harvey: You may qualify for hospice — and you’re not required to die” by Mark Harvey,  looks at the true realities behind hospice.  The article states,

So, basically, hospice care is not about trying to cure a terminal illness; it’s about improving the quality of the life that the patient has left. And it does a remarkable job of doing that.

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification to learn more and also potentially become certified.


Pastoral Thanatology Certification Article on Discussing Death

Approaching the question of death with a healthy mindset is important.  Too many times, death and dying is put off and ignored.  This can create untimely preparation and confusion surrounded by the sadness.  Hence talking about death is important.

Discussions about death and dying are important. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification
Discussions about death and dying are important. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification

The article,”Changing the National Conversation around Death” looks at the importance of discussing death and dying.  It states,

“From anti-aging beauty regimens to strict diets and medical screenings, Western culture places immense value on the quality and preservation of life. Death, however, is a subject largely absent from daily conversation, and when raised, it evokes fear and anxiety.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification program to learn more about death and dying and also to become certified.


Pastoral Thanatology Certification Article on End of Life Counseling

Good article on how end of life counseling can help individuals can face death and end of life with more peace and confidence.  End of life care is becoming recognized as something more and more important in today’s world.  Pastoral Thanatology is a way to help individuals face death and help families cope with the death of a loved one.

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification
Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Certification

Also please review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.  Pastoral Thanatology is becoming more and more critical for behavioral health professionals and as well those who work with the dying.  If you would like to learn more, again, please review the program.

Pastoral Thanatlogy Article on End of Life Options

End of life care can be stressful and sad for family members.  They need to know the options necessary for their loved one.   There are many routes to take depending on one’s situation in caring for the loved one.

Knowing your end of life options is important. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology program and see if it matches your goals
Knowing your end of life options is important. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology program and see if it matches your goals

The article, “6 Different End-of-Life Care Options to Know if You or a Loved One Is Sick” reviews the many types of care from hospice to palliative to anything in between.  The article states,

“No one wants to think about end-of-life care for themselves or a loved one. But when it comes down to it, end-of-life care is another important way of looking after a person’s health both mentally and physically. “It’s about finding the right fit and putting a team in place to help you achieve your goals,” Scott Kaiser, M.D., a family physician and geriatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, tells SELF. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology program and see if it matches your professional goals.

Pastoral Thanatology Program Article on Facing Death

When facing death, people need more than physical care but also emotional as well as spiritual care.  Part of that care entails helping the person transition from this life to the next.  Pastoral Thanatology is the science of helping people face death.

Pastoral Thanatology looks to help others face death. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program
Pastoral Thanatology looks to help others face death. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program

The article, “Why help is needed when facing death” by John Dolan looks to answer the question of why individuals need help when facing death.  The article states,

“In my nearly 30 years as a priest, I have had the privilege of visiting the homebound, and those in convalescent homes, hospice and/or in palliative care. I have witnessed many families gathered together, accompanying their parents or grandparents as they died peacefully.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

End of Life Care Article on Healthcare and Dying

Extending medical aid that is affordable and even covered is essential to the dignity of any American.  It entitles the American the care he or she needs in addressing comfort and peaceful transition in death.   Voters this election clearly cared about medical and end of life issues in their support of healthcare friendly candidates.

End of Life Care should not only be available for the wealthy. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program
End of Life Care should not only be available for the wealthy. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program

The article, “The Growing Acceptance of Medical Aid in Dying” by Kim Callinan illustrates this necessity and call for better healthcare to the dying.  The article states,

“While expanding and protecting health care was the number-one issue for voters on Nov. 6, what has gone unreported is that elected officials can now safely run on the issue of expanding and protecting end-of-life care options. For decades, lawmakers feared that sponsoring medical aid-in-dying bills that would allow terminally ill adults to have the option to peacefully end their suffering would harm their chances of getting re-elected. This year’s elections proved those concerns false.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the Pastoral Thanatology Program at AIHCP.  End of Life Care training is available for qualified professionals.

Pastoral Thanatology Article on the Cost of Hospice

Hospice is good for anyone who is terminally dying but the cost can sometimes be an obstacle.  In learning who pays for hospice and who is eligible is important.  Many never utilize this service for fear of price yet the service is so critical to living one’s life till the end instead of dying in a foreign and sterile place.

Hospice can make one's final days more peaceful. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology program
Hospice can make one’s final days more peaceful. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology program

The article, “The Costs of Entering Hospice Care” by Maryalene LaPonsie states,

“IN 2016, MORE THAN 1 million Medicare beneficiaries died while receiving hospice care, according to data compiled by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. “Few people know that hospice is not just for the patient, but for the family,” says Edo Banach, president and CEO of NHPCO, a nonprofit representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals.”

To read the entire article, please click here

The benefits of hospice are great and to be deterred because of price is something that is unfortunate.  It is many ways should be a right to die with care and compassion at the hands of trained hospice caregivers.  Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program and see if it meets your educational needs.


Pastoral Thanatology Article on End of Life Ritual

Death is the ultimate mystery.  it captures every essence of humanity.  It is spiritual and physical, as well as mental.  In this, society has attempted to understand the true nature of death and how to face it.  Through this, multiple rituals have developed over the centuries to help the individual, as well as the family, to face death.   In this, we can come to a true understanding why we as a society need death rituals.

End of life rituals are important to society. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program
End of life rituals are important to society. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program

The article, “Why we need end-of-life ritual” looks into this important aspect of Pastoral Care of the dying and why it is needed in society.

The article states, “Rituals help people to mark and make sense of the big life changes that we all go through, such as births, marriages and deaths. Rituals work when the people involved understand what is going on. For example, for a non-religious parent, it may make sense to have a secular baby-naming ceremony, rather than a religious christening or baptism to welcome their baby to the community.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Program to learn more and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Pastoral Thanatology Program Article on More Empathetic Doctors

Great article about a doctor and his sister.  Learning from grief that was her own, he was able to utilize that emotion as empathy for others.  Pastoral Thanatology, Grief Counseling and other care giving modalities are all founded on empathy and the ability to utilize it.  Please also review also review our program and see if it matches your professional needs.

Doctors can also treat the soul than just the dying body. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program
Doctors can also treat the soul than just the dying body. Please also review our Pastoral Thanatology Program

The article, “Grief as My Guide: How My Sister Made Me a Better Doctor” by Joseph Stern states. 

“As I left the room, Meghan thanked me and said this was the first doctor’s appointment she had had in a long time where she didn’t cry. I never used to cry when speaking with patients. I would gird myself, push forward, distract myself with new and pressing problems to fix; I focused on technical, rather than human, matters. Now, I told Meghan that I would cry for us both. My sister was present in that room, in the patient sitting before me and in the way I was newly able to comfort and reassure her.”

To read the entire article, please click here

This article shows that sometimes the best way to under empathy is to experience it literally yourself.  Doctors can be caring and involved.  They can learn better patient skills through various Pastoral Thanatology Programs, as well as Grief Counseling Programs.  Please review AIHCP’s programs in both Grief Counseling and Pastoral Thanatology