Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing Home Neglect

Good article on recognizing nursing home neglect. If you would like to learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

The article, How to Recognize Nursing Home Neglect and What to Do About It, by Randy Appleton states

“Families who make the difficult decision to place an elderly parent or disabled spouse or child into a nursing home expect their loved one to receive sufficient and professional care. Sadly, incidents of sometimes shocking nursing home neglect appear to be on the rise. Worse, the mistreatment of mentally and physically vulnerable patients often escalates to outright abuse.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting program

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Informed Consent

Good article for Legal Nurse Consultants on informed consent for legal nurse consultants and those interested in legal matters in healthcare.  Please continue to view our blog for other content related to legal nurse consulting

The article, Informed consent 1: legal basis and implications for practice, Source; Nursing Times, states

“The law on informed consent in adults has recently changed. This article, the first of two on informed consent, explains how the law has evolved and how it applies to nursing practice”

To read the entire article and enroll as a guest to see many of the articles from Nursing Times, please click here

If you would like to learn more about our Legal Nurse Consulting Program then please review our program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

AIHCP offers an independent study, online program that allows nurses to work from home and their own pace in attaining a certification in Legal Nurse Consulting.

Legal Nurse Consulting Article on Nursing Home Drug Abuse

Nursing homes find themselves in many legal battles due to poor patient care.  This is not to say all homes are bad but the ones that are make headlines.  Legal cases erupt due to these abuses.

The article, US: Nursing Homes Misuse Drugs to Control Residents, source; Human Rights Watch, states,

“Nursing homes across the United States routinely give antipsychotic drugs to residents with dementia to control their behavior, despite rules against the misuse of drugs as “chemical restraints,” Human Rights Watch said in a report and video released today. This abusive practice remains widespread, even though the use of antipsychotic drugs on older people with dementia is associated with a nearly doubled risk of death.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting program.

Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Nursing Home Cases

With many cases of nursing home arisen over patient deaths, there is new scrutiny over it.

Legal Nurse Consultants can play an important role in these cases.

The article, Taking action against deficient nursing homes, by Sharon Argenbright states,

“The New Mexican article (“Feds take action against nursing home,” Sept. 4), showcases the impact on patient care that sometimes occur when a corporation, Preferred Care Partners Management Group, buys and takes over operations of a health care facility.

I believe the philosophy of Preferred Care Partners Management Group of Plano, Texas, appears to be in tandem with the philosophy of other corporations that purchase and operate acute care hospitals in New Mexico.”

To read the entire article, please click here

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Legal Nurse Consulting Program Article on Misdiagnosis

Physician Flub: How to Protect Yourself After a Misdiagnosis

You’ve wasted months or even years treating an illness you thought you had, only to find out you’ve been misdiagnosed. You’re hurt, you’re scared and you feel hopeless. You don’t have to sit by and accept what has happened to you. You can begin protecting yourself after your misdiagnosis right away.

1. Find a Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice is a very tricky subject with many complicated laws. A medical malpractice lawyer will help you navigate the legal system if you decide to pursue damages. Your lawyer will also help you find a new specialist and get the correct paperwork before you file a lawsuit.

It’s important to get a lawyer first, to make sure you follow the correct procedure. Otherwise, you risk losing your potential settlement. Don’t sign anything your doctor’s office sends you without you lawyer’s approval.

2. Get Your New Doctor’s Testimony

Of course, once you’ve received a diagnosis, the first thing you’ll do is find a new doctor you can trust. According to the Dolman Law Group, in states like Florida, before a malpractice suit is filed, a medical professional has to swear under oath that the “treating doctor acted outside the established medical standard of care.”

In the event of a death, the testimony must state that the death was directly caused by the misdiagnosis.

3. Begin Documenting Your Symptoms

Starting a symptom diary is important for two reasons. First, it is good to have documentation to bring to your new doctor. Knowing when and under what conditions your symptoms present can help you get the accurate diagnosis you deserve.

Second, if your misdiagnosis has caused you actual harm, this symptom diary can be used as evidence in any lawsuits you might file. You can keep a time-stamped diary online, which you should take with you to any doctor or lawyer visit.

Make sure to include details about your symptoms, including what you’ve eaten, what medicine you took and the amount of sleep you got.

4. Act Quickly

You’re already tired after suffering from a chronic illness, and when you find out that you’ve been misdiagnosed, you may just want to rest. However, you need to act as soon as possible to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Malpractice suits have a statute of limitations. In Florida, you only have two years after misdiagnosis to file a lawsuit. If you suspect your doctor has acted in bad faith with your treatment, find a new doctor and a lawyer immediately.

Receiving a misdiagnosis seems unfair, and you deserve justice and compensation. If you believe your misdiagnosis was the result of malpractice, take these steps to protect yourself and start down the road to healing.


Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program

Depakote – A Medicine You Should Not Take When Pregnant

We all want the best for our children, but what if you find out that they are suffering from a condition that was brought about by a drug that you took while you were pregnant? I’ll bet that it is the hardest feeling in the world, and you have all reasons to feel guilty about yourself. But you don’t have to! You are not the one to blame. It is the medicine that you took in full faith that it will help you out with your health problems.

If you had been prescribed with the psychotic drug Depakote when you were pregnant, then you definitely have cause to blame other parties for your child’s condition!

Side Effects of Depakote

Depakote was intended to be used for the treatment of people with bipolar disorder who suffered from constant seizures. Specifically, it is an anticonvulsant drug. First marketed in 1983, Depakote was used widely in the treatment of bipolar disorder and epilepsy. To some extent, it has also been used to treat migraines as well.

However, Depakote’s successes are also offset by its side effects especially in pregnant women. In 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration released warnings to the public regarding the dangers of using Depakote while pregnant. This was when its research and studies revealed that a staggering 20 percent of pregnant women who were prescribed Depakote had given birth to children with defects. These defects include:

  • Anencephaly, or underdevelopment of the brain and skull. This usually results to stillborn babies or babies that die shortly after being born.
  • Spina bifida, or the failure of the spinal column to seal itself shortly before childbirth. This usually results to leg paralysis.
  • Heart defects
  • Cleft lip and palate

In a nutshell, the side effects of Depakote on the newborn can really affect their health and the quality of their lives as they grow up. That definitely is not something we would want for our children, and one more reason for you to sue Abbott Pharmaceuticals Inc. for damages and the corresponding financial compensation for your suffering.

Why Sue?

While you had willingly taken Depakote because it was prescribed to you by your physician, you had done so in full faith. After all, the drug’s labeling initially did not indicate or warn against any possible risks especially for pregnant women. This constitutes gross misconduct and negligent misrepresentation in the part of Abbott. Although the drug has been given a black box label in 2006, it has been 22 years between the drug’s release and the publishing of the black label. Countless women have already seen the often fatal side effects of the drug on their children.

If you have suffered side effects, then it’s time for a visit to a known Depakote attorney. This is the person that can truly help you when you finally claim for damages from Abbott for all the suffering that using Depakote has brought upon you. Make sure to bare it all before your attorney so he can build a solid case that you can bring to Court and expect to win!

About the Author:

Aside from being a private practice attorney and a writer for, Nancy Sturgis spends most of her time researching in the Internet. A true bibliophile, she likes to collect paperbacks and reads it on her free time. She particularly loves the John Grisham courtroom drama novels, with the bestselling A Time To Kill as a personal favorite.


Also if you would like to learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting, then please review our site.  Our program for Legal Nurse Consulting helps train nurses to become legal nurse consultants.  As a legal nurse consultant you can help with the like case above.




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Dementia Patients Still Getting Dangerous Antipsychotic Drugs In Nursing Homes

The article, “Dementia Patients Still Getting Dangerous Antipsychotic Drugs In Nursing Homes”, by Howard Gleckman states

“More than one out of every five nursing home residents is still being given powerful antipsychotic drugs despite a growing consensus that they are inappropriate and often dangerous.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Nursing homes are still giving out certain dangerous antipsychotic drugs for dementia patients.  Legal cases are are on the move as angry families demand justice.  The pain of having to leave a family member in a nursing home is hard enough but it is made even more difficult when improper care is given to a parent or grandparent.  This is especially true in the case of Dementia where the loved one does not even have the capability to know what is going on.   Nurses who are interested in legal nurse consulting can have a huge impact in these type of cases.

 As said,  Legal nurse consultants could play a major role in these cases.  Attorneys need the insight and professional medical opinions of legal nurses to carry out their investigation of cases.  A career in legal nurse consulting can be a beneficial one for a nurse who wishes to trade in some of her bedside care for victims of malpractice.  As a Legal nurse, you can actually help the victims and bring your expert testimony to the courts.

If you are interested in legal nurse consulting, then please read this article and also review our program in legal nurse consulting.  The program itself consists of four core courses.  After completing the courses, the nurse can then apply for certification in legal nursing.  This certification is applicable in any state and can open the door needed for you to begin a career in legal nurse consulting.

The certification lasts three years and is renewable at the end of that time.  Those interested in legal nurse consulting recertification, would have to put in five hundred hours of practice and earn fifty hours of credit in continuing education.  After that time, they are also eligible for fellowship at AIHCP, if they so wish.

In the meantime, please enjoy the blog on legal nursing and articles related to the subject.  Our blog has many articles on legal nurse consulting and other health care related topics that you can browse.  If you have any questions, please let us know

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Which Nursing Certification Would Best Suit You?

Find Out What Nursing Certification Finds Your Career Needs.

Every nurse knows that nursing education does not stop when they receive their RN.   You must increase your knowledge and constantly learn new technologies.   There is also the question of do you want to specialize your nursing career with a nursing certification in a specialty field?

Which nursing certification would you choose?

When looking for a nursing certification, you need to look for the best possible field to fit your career goals.    For example if you want to go into case management then you would want to look for online nurse case manager training.   Likewise for legal nurse consulting, nurse patient educator, etc.    Your next step would be choose the nursing training.

When choosing your courses do you want to physical attend classes or would online nurse training better fit your needs?   Both have positives and negatives to them.   In the end you need to decide which one would best suit your situation.

When you decide to earn a nursing certification, you will be taking positive steps to better yourself and your career.   Online nurse training is great for nurses who still need to work full time.   It gives you the flexibility your job can demand!    If you are in the market for a high quality online nursing certification then you might want to visit the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.   They offer online nursing courses in several different specialties.

States with med-mal award caps see faster growth in awards than national average, study finds | Vital Signs | The healthcare business blog from Modern Healthcare

The article, “States with med-mal award caps see faster growth in awards than national average, study finds”, by  Joe Carlson states

“States with laws capping non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases are seeing faster growth in jury awards than the national average, a new study says. Much of that growth stems from catastrophic injuries involving obstetric services.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This is a good article for certified legal nurse consultants.  It reviews the various states with med-mal award caps and how they compare to the national average.

The article also reviews how childhood malpractices carry a higher financial claim than others.  This is quite obvious since their is an entire life before the child.  These cases average around 1.4 million as compared to adult claims which total around 500,000.

If you want to become a legal nurse consultant, then please review our site and program.


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Legal Nurse Consulting: Preparing for Medical Malpractice Legal Action


“With a rise in medical malpractice cases, it is important that your firm be visible to prospective clients Make your firm visible to victims of malpractice.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

A good article for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants.  If you are interested in learning more about legal nurse consulting, then please review our program.  With so many malpractices, lawyers are looking for good legal nurse consultants to help with their cases
