Take the Stress Out ! Try Expert Nutrition Tips Ever

There’s a lot of confusion for what to eat and what not? Even experts have a varying opinions when it comes to perfect nutrition. Everything you eat or drink actually matters. To maintain a healthy life for long time you need to incorporate a healthy eating and life style. It’s not at all easy to do so but you should kick start with smaller changes including healthier food choices in your diet.

To help you build up your healthy diet plan that cuts off carbs without limiting the food you love, we provide you with real world expert advice to live with. Follow these tips that will guide you on how you can focus on adding delicious foods in your diet, advantages of sleep, why you should eat frequently and how embracing Yoga can lead you to a successful weight loss.


Tip #1 First and Foremost !! Be Watery : Water is the most essential ingredient of healthy body. It helps you control calories and gives magical effects in your weight loss strategy. Although Water helps you primarily fighting dehydration, it also energizes muscles and makes your skin glow.


Tip #2 Go Green, Go Leafy : It’s number one thing which you can eat regularly to improve and maintain health. Definitely indulge the potherbs like Broccoli, Peas, Spinach, Lettuce, Kale, Cabbage, Turnip Greens, Mustard Greens etc. to your daily routine. Plant based foods are truly beneficial because they broom with high fiber, Vitamins, Minerals and are recommended by each and every diet expert. They protect you from severe Heart diseases, Diabetes and even Cancer.


Tip #3 Fruits – of The Holy Spirit : “Fruit of the Holy Spirit” – A Biblical term means  Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  “Fruits” exactly match these nine attributes to your body nourishment. Fruits like Blueberries, Apples, Cherries, Grapes, Lemon, Banana, Watermelon, Orange, Mangoes and Avocado are rich source of fiber, folate and vitamins. So pick out the most nutritious sweetness and prevent yourself fighting diseases naturally.  Hey – Do not go for fruit juices!! The fact is that you lose fiber from fruits when in juice form. It would merely remain a sugary liquid.


Tip #4 Lower down Sugar Intake : Added Sugar gradually leads to numerous diseases such as Obesity, Heart diseases, type II diabetes and Cancer. If taken in small amounts, it’s OK but large amounts can lead you to havoc.


Tip #5 You need to take some Fats too : According to researchers, you got to have 10 grams of Carbohydrates for one gram fiber daily. Whole Grains, Nuts, fatty fish like Salmon, Rice, Potatoes(with skin), Eggs etc. are Rich-carbs foods that you should include in your diet.


Tip #6 Avoid Junks, Include Real : The biggest reason world is getting fatter and sicker is the modern diet. All the junk foods are hyper-active – prompting our brain to consume more and even addicting some people. Instead, include whole grains and cereals to your dietary plans which are rich in Nutrients, Fiber, Proteins and Vitamins.


Tip #7 Walk and Yoga : Walking is the best physical exercise for burning fats. Doing some aerobics is  for physical and mental health. It proves to be very effective reducing stubborn belly fats. Adopt Yoga to your routine. It not only relieves you from mental stress but very effective in keeping your body fit.


Tip #8 Remind Yourself Every Morning : A recent study found that people who subscribed to weekly and monthly news letters and reminders for their daily diet plan were motivated towards healthier meals. So a simple way to slim down is to be a tech-savvy, set up alarms on your smart phones and remind yourself every dusk – loosing calories and smack down to look and feel good



Author Bio: Daniel Clark is a contributing blogger at The Smart Nutrition having vast experience in health and nutrition. He has clinically researched over topics related to Live Science and loves to share it with world.

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Why Health Care Providers Should Implement Electronic Health Records

Why Health Care Providers Should Implement Electronic Health Records

The health care industry is quickly changing as technology influences every aspect of the health care experience for both providers and patients. Electronic health records are quickly becoming a standard feature of modern health care organization. Read on to learn why health care providers should take advantage of electronic health records.

Increased Efficiency, Decreased Costs

Many health care organizations find that electronic health records improve medical management through increasing efficiencies and cost savings. To illustrate, sending electronic lab results and electronic prescriptions, referred to as e-prescribing, saves a lot of time. In addition to this, electronic processes drastically reduce costs through reducing the need for paper and labor-intensive tasks. For instance, electronic health records reduce data entry, transcription, storage and administration costs for maintaining health records.


Electronic health records also improve the efficiency of revenue cycles and the accuracy of reimbursement coding, which will result in fewer medical errors and ultimately better patient care and disease management. Other health care organizations find that they experience better medical practice management through the scheduling functions available in these programs. The scheduling systems will directly link appointments with physician notes, insurance codes and managed claims.

Increased Patient Care

Electronic health records directly increase the quality of patient care through providing universal access to standardized and centralized patient information. This means that providers can immediately access accurate information to make an informed decision with real-time data. This is especially important because health care wait times are notoriously long and patients are often forced to wait days or even weeks before a vital decision can be made.


Health care administrators will be able to generate customized reports that analyze collective health records. They can extract detailed reports on specific services for diseases or illnesses in order to identify quality improvement opportunities. For example, if a health care administrator notices unusually long wait times for radiology lab results, they may look into the matter and find there is a staffing or technology shortage that can be quickly fixed.

Increased Patient Access

Electronic health records will improve high-quality care because providers can give patients comprehensively accurate information about their medical condition. That is, health care providers can provide detailed follow-up information, self-care instructions and directions for additional resources. Consequently, patients can access their information online, which will empower them to learn more and make better health related decisions.


Electronic health record systems can be integrated with online health care portals for patients to access their health care data. They can also engage their health care providers through emailing questions, scheduling appointments and even ordering medications online. Being able to directly communicate with a health care provider through email can actually be more effective than making a phone call, navigating complex phone options and waiting to talk to a customer service rep.

Improved Diagnostics

Electronic health records with EMR data conversion can directly aid in diagnosis because providers will have complete access to all of the patient’s health information. Even better, electronic health record systems have automatic functions that provide valuable health-related information. To illustrate, the software will store a list of the patient’s allergies or medications, which it will automatically compare new prescriptions against. If there are any potential conflicts, the electronic health record program will alert the health care provider.


Advanced electronic health record programs which are integrated with health information systems may also automatically alert health care providers when their patients fail to see a scheduled specialist or show up for a follow-up lab test. Thus, these software systems are embedded with quality and safety controls that prevent human errors.


In the end, electronic health records mean that health care providers can give the best possible care during the moment of care. They also improve the safety, quality and efficiency of patient care.


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5 Technological Innovations Revolutionizing Modern Healthcare

5 Technological Innovations Revolutionizing Modern Healthcare

The vast improvement in healthcare that patients have experienced within the past 50 years can be attributed to the development of new technologies. From performing procedures without cutting a patient open to significantly reducing recovery times, these technical marvels have done amazing things. They have even allowed doctors, surgeons and dentists to treat untreatable problems. As technology continues to propel healthcare forward here are five unique applications developing technologies have in the field of healthcare.

Robot-Assisted Surgeries

Robot-assisted surgery aims to make the hands of surgeons steadier, reduce surgery times, and improve the overall outcome for the patient. Robot-assisted surgeries have steady hands while working in ways that human surgeons could only dream of doing. This leads to a surgery time that is about 50 percent shorter than conventional surgeries. The best part of these surgeries is that the patient has minimal risk to complications because the procedure is confined to a smaller area with less exposure to contaminants. This results in a quicker recovery period for patients in some cases.

Efficient Dental Drills

Many people dread the dentist’s office because they fear the discomfort and pain that is commonly associated with these procedures. They fear sitting in a scary dentist’s chair while someone drills at their sensitive teeth for hours on end. The good news is that drills are becoming exceedingly more efficient. Companies like Richards Micro-Tool are giving dentists access to drills made of more durable materials designed to be more efficient. This results in quicker procedures with significantly less pain and better long-term results.

Micro Blood Tests

Drawing blood has been an essential part in diagnosing the health status of a patient, but it seldom one patients enjoy. Given that blood tests tend to test for incredibly specific things, the amount of blood needed for standard tests like the complete blood count (CBC) test is minimal. Smart businesses have begun developing micro blood tests, which use about 0.1 percent of the blood that a conventional CBC uses. The result is less lab work and less blood drawn, which means that the typical blood test becomes more affordable and feasible.

Stem-Cell Procedures

Stem cells are the tabula rasa cells of the body. They can be shaped to fulfill almost any function with the right type of stem cell. One particularly useful area stem cells currently sign is when it comes to reconstruction and plastic surgery. Doctors can use it for everything from breast enlargement to recovering areas where cancer and radiation have destroyed structures in the body. These procedures are made possible by the technology that enables doctors to extract and then introduce these cells into the body of a patient.
Engineered Organ Replacements

The most stunning advancement technology has brought medicine is the ability to grow replacement organs outside of the body. There are three main ways of doing this: by using a scaffold of cells obtained from a cadaver, by printing cells using a 3D printer, or by growing them by utilizing DNA and the right environmental conditions. Some of these replacement organs are already available. Ears, noses and other simpler body parts have been engineered on a common basis. More complex body parts, such as the heart or kidneys, are currently still in the process of being tested inside of laboratories.

As technology continues to advance, so too will medical care. New procedures will develop, untreatable diseases will be treated, and conditions that were once a death sentence may be cured. Miniaturizing technology, clever engineers and persistent doctors will be the driving force in developing new technologies that cure today’s biological problems


Rachelle Wilber
Bio: Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on twitter: @RachelleWilber



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4 Rare and Often Undiagnosed or Misdiagnosed Mental Illnesses

Certifications for Counselors and Four Rare Mental Illnesses

According to the American Psychological Association, people suffering from mental illnesses are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed upon admittance to an emergency room. Underdiagnoses and misdiagnoses can also occur when an individual visits a primary care physician who is unfamiliar with the specific criteria of lesser-known mental illnesses. Here are four rare mental illnesses that often fall under-the-radar.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a mental illness in which a parent of a child (or the child of an elderly parent) exaggerates, causes, or lies about their child’s illness. They may do this by giving them pills that cause diarrhea, withholding food and medication, purposefully causing infections, and faking laboratory results. Unfortunately, the parents’ lies are often so convincing that the attending physician never suspects Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

Orthorexia Nervosa

Mental health care professionals who approach psychology from both a natural and social perspective understand how prevalent eating disorders are in Western society. However, when evaluating a patient who’s suffering from the symptoms of a negative calorie eating disorder, even a professional with a psychology bachelor’s or master’s degree may misdiagnose the patient with anorexia or bulimia when they actually fit the criteria for Orthorexia.


Orthorexia is a disorder in which someone focuses on eating foods that are “pure” and “healthy” until it turns into an obsession that rules their daily life. Symptoms include anxiety when eating food prepared by someone else, self-loathing, and putting one’s diet ahead of family, social, and work-related commitments. Ironically, this obsession can lead to an unhealthy diet in which the individual stops eating nutrients deemed unhealthy based on poor evidence.

Capgras Syndrome

This delusional disorder occurs when an individual believes that someone they know has been “replaced” by an imposter. In emergency rooms, Capgras syndrome is commonly misdiagnosed as atypical psychosis. However, it is actually strongly tied to neurodegenerative disorders, brain injuries, and schizophrenia.

Diogenes Syndrome

Diogenes syndrome is commonly misdiagnosed as a hoarding disorder. Both illnesses are characterized by an inability to get rid of useless items, including trash and organic waste. Unlike traditional hoarding, however, the symptoms of Diogenes syndrome also include an inability to take care of one’s self, extreme social isolation, and apathy. It’s usually diagnosed in senior citizens who have been unable to recover from a stressful life event.


In order to get the clearest diagnosis, it’s important for an individual to disclose their symptoms as accurately as possible. This means describing one’s mood, how the symptoms have changed one’s daily life, and how one pictures their ideal life. When the most details are described, the physician will be better able to pinpoint rare and commonly under-diagnosed illnesses.



Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote.

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AIHCP: Technology and Patient Care

Telemedicine and Obstetrics: How Specialists Are Using Technology to Help Patients

Telemedicine is revolutionizing access to advanced healthcare in rural cities. Telemedicine is defined as the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients through telecommunication technology. The system breaks down distance barriers by connecting professional physicians with patients all over the country via electronic communication systems. The implementation of telemedicine in rural healthcare locations can mean a vast improvement in areas with few specialty physicians.

How It Works

The use of high definition cameras and monitors can place specialists at the bedsides of patients, which allow patients to speak with specialists from wherever they are. Doctors can monitor the equipment in the room and the patient’s vital signs, as well as look into their eyes or mouth via a handheld camera controlled by the physician facilitating communication on the other side. Electronic stethoscopes allow physicians to hear from a distance everything that the on-site physician can hear in person. Through health information technology (a close ally of telemedicine) a patient’s x-rays, lab results, and other information can be shared through laptops to further establish the doctor-patient relationship.

Telemedicine and Obstetrics

The Medical University of South Carolina is one of 3,500 U.S. service sites using telemedicine to reach out to and assist patients in rural hospitals that lack pediatricians, obstetricians, and other specialty doctors. MUSC uses resources that hospitals in certain locations may not have access to. According to Scott Sullivan, M.D., the director of MUSC’s Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, telemedicine has been able to reduce extreme premature birth rate, the neonatal death rate, and the maternal death rate. The program helps women who, for whatever reason, are unable to travel to MUSC for treatment.

“We’ve shown a positive health impact and decreased costs overall,” Sullivan said of the program. The high-risk telemedicine program, which started out seeing five to 10 patients a week, has reached out to hospitals in Florence, Georgetown, Hilton Head, Bluffton and other South Carolina cities. The program now sees 40 patients a week and continues to grow.

Telemedicine in Other Fields

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) also uses telemedicine for emergency situations and pediatric care. “97% of pediatric critical care specialists are in urban areas, but 27% of visits to community emergency departments are children,” says MUSC Pediatric Critical Care Specialist, Dr. David McSwain. “There is a major mismatch between the patients that come into emergency departments in the community and the specialty services available to handle those children.”

The pediatric specialists at MUSC can be contacted twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week. Physicians at MUSC often provide council to physicians in rural hospitals through seminars and discussion groups. This education process helps rural physicians learn how to determine in the future whether children facing emergency situations can be handled in their community hospitals or if specialists need to be consulted.

Telemedicine is not limited to hospital communication systems. Monitoring links can also be installed in homes for people can’t travel to local hospitals. The monitoring link is used to monitor cardiac, pulmonary or fetal issues via a land-line or wireless connection. Mobile devices can also be used for immediate patient-to-physician contact.

Conclusion – Why It Matters

Telemedicine is redefining healthcare and obstetrics for people who aren’t close to big hospitals. It simultaneously makes access to physician assistance convenient for patients and allows physicians to expand their reach beyond their workplaces. High-risk pregnancy specialist Dr. Gilbert Webb says telemedicine has enabled expectant mothers who live in rural areas to stay in contact with their doctors without having to travel for consultation. This technology also decreases costs of healthcare, giving access to those who can’t afford treatment. The practice of telemedicine has progressed immensely over the past few decades and will continue to grow as technology develops, thus revolutionizing healthcare options for people in small cities across the country.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.

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Customer Support and Healthcare Professionals

Five Changing Trends in Healthcare Customer Support

Healthcare is continually changing for the better and the next time you visit the doctor, it’s possible you’ll see these trends first-hand. Healthcare is increasingly becoming dependent on electronic data that is kept in your personal medical file. As technology continues to improve, it will be possible to quickly access your medical history at any hospital or private practice you visit. This will reduce errors, costs, and improve your physician’s ability to help you. Solutions like the ADP AdvancedMD service are already helping to improve the way doctors and private practices interact with patients and offer better customer support.

Electronic Records
Electronic health records have been in existence for over 30 years, but only recently have facilities really started to use them on a large scale. In 2008, only about 38 percent of the health records had been converted to e-records. By 2013, the number has increased to 78 percent. In the future, all records should be entered into an e-record system, making it easier to provide your doctors with information on your health.

Digital Tools
There has already been an increase in the use of digital tools. Tablets have proven useful in many different areas of healthcare, but there is even greater room for improvement as the technology continues to improve. Digital tools include telemedicine and in-office ehr software to help improve the health of patients and E-visits may become a new trend that may eventually replace more than 10 percent of in-office appointments.

Specialty Drugs
Niche treatments can be very expensive to develop and aren’t generally worth the cost when they only treat a small portion of the population. It’s likely the cost of these specialty medicines will eventually go down as Congress attempts to control the amount that drug companies can charge for new medications. Hopefully more specialized cases will be able to be treated as they are tested and made safe for consumption.

More Affordable Treatments
As the cost of medications go down, new treatments will be more readily available to treat unique conditions. As Medicaid gets more power to push for better prices with drug makers, it will be possible to inspire new competition and create a more efficient method for creating generics. As technology advanced in medicine, we will be able to see more people able to afford treatment and medicine.

Bundled Payments
Health care providers are starting to use a novel approach to cost-cutting. Bundled payments group all of the services a patient gets under a single fee. This new system sets a lump-sum fee that covers the entire cost of treatment from beginning to end. This can greatly reduce surprises and make treatment more affordable.

As health care continues to get more affordable and becomes increasingly digital, patients can expect to get better care. Customer support will change as a result of new technologies, and the ability to provide patients with exact quotes on services. Better managed payment systems will enhance the entire patient experience and we will see a greater improvement all across the board.


Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan

As health care professionals, we deal with the financial end of medical care on a daily basis.  Good support is key.  Please also review our healthcare certification programs




How Health Information Systems are Changing Healthcare

How Health Information Systems are Changing Healthcare

Information is at the core of modern healthcare. Aggregated data from multiple sources to produce a broad perspective of insights is critical to improving patient care. The following are examples of ways health information systems are affecting change in today’s healthcare system.

Health Information Systems and Big Data Analysis

Healthcare is becoming so information-driven that the need for big data analysis has become central to modern healthcare concerns. From population studies to localizing medical resources for efficient patient treatment regimens, the ability to track and treat disease trends inline with these trends as they happen is a science that has come of age. Health information systems end up being a vast source of aggregated data that fits into these big data models; therefore, these systems require constant data updates and analysis to reflect vital events in current health trends.

HIS and Global Metrics

As with any system of information collection and analysis methods, the ability to accurately gather and properly account for health information to establish health information systems is a big issue. According to Phinnetwork.org, the Health Metrics Network, which was established back in 2005, is dedicated to strengthening the development of global health information systems. One area of critical interest is focused on accurate collection of data on births, deaths, and causes of deaths in different countries to establish accurate metrics for use in health information systems shared across the globe.

Health Information Management

Since there is great demand for developing useful health information systems, this has given rise to the need for RHIA certified professionals who complete health information management degree programs. From focusing on legal and ethical standards to understanding components of HIS databases and information documentation standards, qualified health information management technicians are integral in helping to gather and manage the data needed to affect change in medical policies and practices within the healthcare industry.

Data Quality Improving Healthcare in Less Developed Countries

While it is common for developed countries, like the United States or Britain, to enjoy the advantage of vast streams of medical information, the modern drive for quality health information systems has helped to bring this advantage to other less-developed countries. With improvements to the rate at which these countries receive updated medical knowledge, this new method of disseminating quality medical information makes it possible for medical treatments and procedures in these countries to catch up with how these practices are being implemented in the rest of the developed world.


As new information is being gathered to support the viability of health information systems, the tendency of these systems is to produce an ever-evolving picture of health. Whether that picture is tightly focused to a local region or broadly reflects the state of health across the globe, the ability to manage this data in useful ways is a testament to modern healthcare’s innovation. With enough data collection and analysis, it is believed that many modern diseases and costly healthcare concerns will inevitably be eliminated by a more efficiently functioning healthcare system.


Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote.


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The Future of Nursing: How the Nurse Shortage Will Change the Industry

The Future of Nursing: How the Nurse Shortage Will Change the Industry


As the baby boomer population ages and access to health care increases, a growing number of people are seeking medical treatment. Unfortunately, the United States has been facing a serious shortage of nurses. As a result, each area of the nursing industry, from patient care to nursing education, faces unprecedented challenges.

Increase in Patients

With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, millions of insured Americans who previously did not have the option to seek treatment will likely begin to use health services, greatly increasing the demand for nurses. Aging baby boomers facing age-related diseases require specialized nursing care, like gerontological nursing. In both cases, the projected number of nurses is not enough to meet these impending challenges.

Lack of Nurses and Specialized Nurses

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 55 percent of nurses in the workforce are over the age of 50, so a number of retirements are expected within the next decade. A nurse with an online Master of Science in Nursing degree says there are not enough prospective nurses entering the profession to counteract these losses. The baby boomer generational hit, in this case, deals a twin blow, increasing demand while reducing the supply.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that nurses with baccalaureate-level training improve patient outcomes markedly. Many of these highly skilled nurses are needed in specialized settings, but nursing education is facing serious problems.

Another study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the average age of registered nurses has been increasing, with the average nurse being in their forties. The number of nurses reaching retirement, therefore, is increasing to unsustainable levels.

The number of faculty members in nursing programs is declining, and the number of qualified candidates exceeds these programs’ resources. The AACN reported that 79,659 applicants were turned away from nursing schools because of insufficient programs.


Patient care suffers as the shortage of nurses increases. According to multiple surveys, nurses are often stressed and overworked and choose to leave the field, contributing to the field’s 13 percent turnover rate and poor reputation. Patient readmission rates are more prevalent in understaffed units. Hospitals with low nurse-to-patient ratios often face increased mortality rates and medical errors.

Many hospitals are currently trying to adapt to the shortage and attract new nurses by offering sign-on bonuses, especially for in-demand specializations. Salary increases are advertised for specializations suffering the most from the shortage, namely respiratory therapy and intensive care.

One thing that sets the current nurse shortage apart from previous ones is that it is not merely the number of nurses entering the field which falls short. With the rise and diversification of technology in the medical profession, nurses with specific training, skills, and certifications are required to fill an increasing number of openings.


Despite these dismal figures, efforts have been made to tackle these shortages and increase the quality of patient care. For example, policymakers at the John Hopkins Center for Health Policy hope to increase the number of nurses with bachelor’s degrees by 2020 and advocate for specialized nurses with greater control.

Other programs, like the Campaign for Nursing’s Future, aim to increase students’ interest in nursing, attract nurses from abroad and recruit minorities and young men to fill the demographic gap created by nursing’s historical appeal to women in the workforce. These efforts will create a more diverse workforce in the future, encouraging nurses from all groups to contribute their unique skills and backgrounds to the industry. Numerous partnerships between hospitals and schools have already strengthened educational problems.

Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing, recommends that industry leaders reassess the way they present the industry to potential candidates. Developing career incentives for new nurses, changing the way nursing is presented to young people, and creating patient care models which allow for nurse autonomy will help attract new and specialized nurses to the positions that desperately need them.

With the increasing need for registered nurses, the nursing field will evolve and adapt to these changes by focusing on recruitment, challenging governmental regulations and improving educational programs.

About the Author: Marlena Stoddard is a freelance writer who received her BA from University of Georgia.


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Grief Counseling: When Does A Loved One Need Help?

4 Signs That Your Loved One May Need a Mental Health Professional

When do you know a loved one needs grief counseling?  This article looks at some issues.
When do you know a loved one needs grief counseling? This article looks at some issues.

Observing a loved one exhibiting mental problems is a difficulty that many families face. Such behavioral patterns are not only difficult to accept, but they are equally difficult to bring up with the person exhibiting the problem. In many cases, the loved one experiencing the mental problems is in need of consultation with a mental health professional. The following are four signs that will help you to determine if your loved one fits this scenario.

They Resist Getting Professional Help

Even though everyone else is able to see that a loved one is exhibiting some type of abnormal mental behavior, these individuals often have an uncanny way of concluding that nothing is wrong with them. By denying that anything is wrong, a person with a mental illness will attempt to ensure that everything is okay, even when it is clearly not. Resisting help and ignoring the problem is the first sign that a loved one needs to see a mental health professional.

Getting Violent

Another common sign that a person needs to seek professional mental help is that they become easily angered or violent. The way a person gets violent may help to identify that they are not thinking clearly. Violence that follows periods of extreme paranoia, for example, is a sure sign that someone would do well to consult with a mental health professional.

Socially Awkward

Over time, it may become obvious that a loved one is struggling in numerous social situations. From body language to the way they interact with others, it sometimes takes a familiarity with mental illness to notice patterns of behavior that fit specific mental disorders. Avoiding social interaction will also tend to suggest that a problem exists with an individual that may benefit from consulting with a mental health professional.


Introversion doesn’t necessarily mean a person has a serious mental health disorder, but if it is so pronounced that he or she struggles to provide themselves with basic living needs, you may want to consult someone who has completed an applied behavior analysis certification program or another licensed health care professional to discuss options and possible treatment.

Overwhelming Depression

It is one thing to be depressed in the course of one’s daily routine. It is another thing to experience depression all the time. Over time, the experience of chronic depression will affect how a person feels and thinks. According to Psychcentral.com, even what may appear to be a mild form of chronic depression is often a sign that there is something more serious. When a person starts harming themselves or even talks about suicide, this is a sure-fire sign that they need to meet with a mental heath professional.


Mental problems in people go undiagnosed every day. When a loved one is experiencing mental issues, it will sometimes be difficult to distinguish it from normal behavior. Other times, the signs of mental illness and decline are more obvious. If one suspects that a loved one is experiencing some type of mental illness, consulting with a mental health professional is often the only way they will be able to get to the root of the ongoing problem.


Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.



If you are interested in learning more about certifications for helping others with grief then please review our programs in grief counseling, anger management, or stress management.  Here is a link to our certification page.


Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Do You Snore? You May Actually Have Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a typical issue for individuals of all ages as well as both genders and affects around 90 million adults in the U.S. alone. Snoring can occur either intermittently or nightly. People who are most at risk include individuals who are overweight and males. However, snoring is an ongoing problem for both males and females, although it’s possible that females don’t complain as often as men do. The problem can result in un-refreshing and fragmented sleep that leads to poor functioning throughout the day (sleepiness and fatigue). Nearly 50 percent of all people who noisily snore have what’s known as obstructive sleep apnea.

Why Do People Snore?

The noisy and often annoying sounds of snoring happen when there’s an obstruction to the airway through the passageways located at the back of the nose and mouth. This space is the collapsible area of the air passageway where the upper throat and tongue join the uvula and soft palate. When these key structures hit one another and vibrate while breathing, snoring occurs.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring could be a symptom of a much more serious disorder called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. The condition is characterized by several episodes of paused breathing that can last as long as 10 seconds per pause, which is caused by the collapse or narrowing of the upper airway. This leads to lower oxygen levels in the blood, which ultimately makes the heart work harder overall. It’s also a great nuisance to a person’s natural sleep cycle, interrupting REM sleep cycles and making them feel sluggish and tired in spite of going to bed early. CPAPMan and similar manufacturers have designed “continuous positive airway pressure” devices designed to open airways and prevent the snoring that is a distinguishing feature of sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Sleeping Disorders

Nearly half of all average adults occasionally snore, while 25 percent snore habitually. Problem snoring is more typical in overweight individuals and in males and often gets worse with age. Snoring could be a sign of obstructed breathing and should be taken seriously. An otolaryngologist has the role of finding the anatomic source of a patient’s snoring and can offer helpful solutions to correct this frequently embarrassing and irritating behavior.


Because a person who snores doesn’t rest well at night, they’ll often feel sleepy the next day. This could eventually affect their overall job performance and make them a risk for operating heavy equipment or driving on the job. Obstructive sleep apnea left untreated greatly increases the chance of developing a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and several other significant medical issues. Therefore, snoring can be a very serious matter and you should talk to your doctor to find a solution.


About the author: A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote.



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