Christian Grief Courses: The Ways of Grief for a Christian

The article, “Grace for Our Grieving”, by Paul Tripp states

“Ministry, this side of eternity, will be marked by moments of grief, just like like Samuel’s.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This is an excellent article on grief and the Christian faith.  It talks about how God sojours with us in our grief.  It talks about the grief that comes with grief and how grief can help us become stronger.  It also encourages Christians to not allow grief to damage our faith in God.

Christian grief courses are offered at AIHCP that examines these many issues.  Courses in Christian Grief can help the grief counselor who is Christian to better understand his or her own faith and train them to incorporate the science of bereavement with faith.

If you have any interest in Christian Grief Courses or certification, then please review the program.  The program is open to grief counselors who have completed all the required basic grief courses.  They are eligible to take the Christian Grief courses and become certified in this sub specialty.

Bare in mind, Christianity has a unique view on suffering and grief and this program helps highlights those ideals.  They teach the grief counselor about the many theological ideas on good, evil, suffering, the role of Christ in suffering, and the merit of suffering in this world.


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Christian Grief Counseling Training Program: Embracing One’s Grief

Uniting Our Grief With Christ

Christian Grief finds its basis in the cross.  Unlike other escapist religions that hope to avoid or deny grief, Christianity accepts it.  Of course there is no joy in grief, but the Christian following the example of Christ, embraces their cross with love and elevates suffering to an all new supernatural level,
Whitney Hopler, a writer for adds to how Christians can turn their crosses into blessings in her article, “How Your Pain Can Turn To Praise”

“Jesus said that we would all have trouble in this fallen world. So we expect suffering to enter our lives, but when it does, we often try to get through it as fast as possible rather than asking God what we can learn from it.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you are interested in Christian Grief Counseling Training Program, please review the program and click here.

Our Christian Grief Counseling Training Program is important for grief counselors who wish to counsel within a Christian light.

Mark Moran, MA

Christian Healing and Traumatic Grief

 The Healing Touch of Christ and Christian Therapy

Christian Therapy is very important with traumatic grief. Traumatic grief involves a loss of great extreme psychological scaring. Usually the loss involves a catastrophe or is sudden or extreme in some measure. While psychological counseling and medication is usually needed in these cases, one cannot dismiss the healing touch of Christ. Christ alone can heal the broken and infirm and through his love all loss can be healed. Without a solid foundation in Christ, the ultimate goal of counseling is barren because it does not address the spiritual healing of the soul but only the mental. Furthermore, the love of Christ and the grace of the Holy Spirit can work miracles in person’s who seem loss. Christian therapy employs the love of Christ with prayer and relevant scripture to help the person find new wholeness and worth. If you are interested in Christian Therapy or Counseling, you should review the program and see if it matches your academic or professional goals
Please review the courses in Christian Grief Counseling.

Christian Faith Overcomes Grief and Suffering

Christian Faith and Suffering

Sick faith demands during prayer, while a healthy faith understands that God’s will overcomes all our wants and desires.  Even at the price of ill health, one must submit one’s will to God.  While atheists or agnostics may mock this and question one’s faith in God over such ills, the Christian remains faithful as Job, or as accepting as Jesus and Mary as they sacrificed their family life for the sake of the world.  The story below emphasizes how Christian Faith faces suffering and grief.

From CNN Health, Elizabeth Cohen talks about the faith of a family enduring a grief sticken event of their daughter and her fight for surival in “Family Encounters Flesh-Eating Bacetia With Faith”

“In the four weeks since his daughter cut her leg in the Tallapoosa River, Andy Copeland has experienced several low points. But nothing was as desperate as a moment in the surgical waiting room on May 4.”

To read the whole article, click here

The beauty of one’s Christian faith over suffering and grief is inspiring to everyone and can become a beacon of light for those who are loss in the darkness of despair.
If you are interested in courses in Christian Grief Counseling, please review the program and click here.
If you would like to learn how to become a certified Christian Grief Counselor, then please review.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Christian Grief Perspective

Christian Grief and Mourning

Christ promised that the joys of this world are but fleeting moments. He did not denounce them, nor condemn them but merely pointed out that final joy and happiness can only be found in God and completed and fulfilled in the next world. Joy that is found in material possessions and earthly endeavors are sure to bring disappointment while joy in spiritual treasure and love of God will last long after the death of our temporal bodies. With these things in mind, Christ looked at the mis-fortunate of the world and reassured them of these mysteries of joy that await them in the next life. As Christ reminded his followers to look beyond the joys of this world and find consolation in their grief and sorrows.  

Christ listed Nine Beatitudes that reflected on those who suffer in this world. While all the Beatitudes are equally intriguing and essential to understanding Christ’s message, Christian grief and Christian counselors can find a lot to meditate about concerning the Second Beatitude; Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
This second beatitude is a very consoling one. It even reminds one of the epic picture that portrays the footprints in the sand where Christ literally carries our suffering for us when it becomes overbearing. These words allow one to understand that their suffering and mourning will be acknowledged and comforted; if not in this world, definitely the next.
Yet in accepting this warm promise, Christians must be very aware of what type of mourning is emphasized by Christ. Christ does not condone a worldly mourning of despair and no hope, but demands a mourning that is socially and Christ centered. Socially, the mourning for our fellow man and the sorrows of the world and by Christ centered a mourning that unites the pain one experiences with Christ for the salvation of the world. The mourning and grief must transcend the mere experience of man’s temporality but must look deeper at the spiritual level. In this the suffering and mourning becomes self cleansing, reforming and character building. These attributes of suffering can lead to greater faith, hope, love and repentance. Furthermore, when united with Christ, they can become redemptive.
Within this simple beatitude, consolation and peace should be felt for those who correctly and justly suffer in this world. Suffering comes to the worldly man but only the Christian transforms it into a spiritual victory which will lead to a consoling and comforting beyond one’s wildest dreams; the Beatific Vision.
If you are interested in a Christian Grief Counseling Certification, please review the program.
By Mark Moran, MA

The Mystical Body of Christ and Christian Suffering

Christian Suffering and the Mystical Body of Christ

While Christianity offers a unique view on the redemptive qualities of suffering, Catholicism’s theology 

expands it to even a more social level. Catholicism’s ideals of suffering extends to the individuals ability to unite his suffering with Christ in a redemptive fashion. It is important to note that as isolated offerings these sufferings can mean nothing without the sacrifice of Christ and in correlation with it. However, while these sufferings can help one gain merit in the next life, they can also be applied to other souls in need of grace. This is the social nature of  Christian suffering in Catholicism.

This social element is a unique Catholic theology because it incurs the existence of Purgatory. The Mystical Body of Christ is composed of the Church Triumphant in Heaven, the Church Suffering in Purgatory and the Church Militant on Earth. In Catholic theology, the souls in heaven can pray for the souls on earth and in purgatory, and the souls on earth and can pray to the souls in heaven for guidance as well as pray for the souls in Purgatory in need. The souls in Purgatory cannot help themselves. Albeit saved by the blood of Christ and forgiven for sins committed on earth, they still need purged of self love–a self love not worthy of Hell but not worthy yet of the Beatific Vision. Through their suffering, they are cleansed of this final self love. In many ways, Purgatory can also represent the suffering one rejected on earth. The souls in Purgatory rejoice in their just punishment and burn for union with God–and through their suffering, it becomes more intense and perfect. Souls on earth can aid the souls in Purgatory through offering of their own suffering. The Church Militant in this way offers the ultimate gift of love for the souls of Purgatory and the complete social nature of the Body of Christ is manifested. 
Of course, Protestantism, under Martin Luther denied the existence of Purgatory.  First, this stemmed from the abuses of the Catholic Church in selling indulgences.  The Catholic Church at that time faced corruption at all levels.  Through this, the horrible practice of Simony took place where religious favors were sold.  Martin Luther, justly, condemned this action, but also questioned the very existence of Purgatory itself.  He felt there was no middle ground after death but only Heaven or Hell.  This led to a theological debate that went well beyond the offense of Simony but to a whole theological revolution of idealology that would separate Catholics and Protestants. Despite these theological divisions, Christian Counselors, of all Christian denominations, should point out the redemptive nature of suffering in one’s trials and tribulations. Belief in Purgatory is not a pre-requisite for that nor should be. One should offer their crosses to Christ for their own salvation and tie their suffering and grief in union with Christ for the greater good.

If you are interested to learn more about Christian Grief counseling, then please review.

By Mark Moran, MA

Christian Suffering and the Stigmata: Mark of Love

Christian Suffering and the Stigmata

The stigmata emphasizes the unique character of Christian grief and suffering and is a ultimate sign of reciprocal love between creator and creation. While defying the rationale of the mind, this miracle of the wounds of Christ is a reality given to some of the most special saints in Church history. From the wounds of St. Francis to Padre Pio to the mere thorn wound of St. Rita, this mystical form of suffering is a Stigmata; a beautiful bond of love that is manifested to a very select few. This miraculous gift from God reiterates the idea of redemptive suffering. As in Christ’s death came life, so through suffering will come joy in Heaven. In everyday life, Christians are called to carry their cross and offer up their sufferings in union with Christ. The stigmata is a more extreme version of this that comes from an intense burning love. In many ways the one who suffers stigmata suffers for his own sins and that of the worlds tying their love with Christ who is the high priest of Calvary. The person who experiences stigmata loves Christ so deeply they would undoubtedly carry the cross for him if they could. They may even beg Christ not to suffer for them. Such intense love is only returned by Christ who voluntarily suffers for those he loves despite their protests because he knows only through himself can mankind be redeemed. In this love, we thank Christ but feel intense sadness in his suffering. The stigmata gives joy to those who receive it because they can suffer with their beloved.

This is the essence of Christian suffering–the gift of self for others and ultimate redemption
For those wishing to take Christian Grief counseling courses, please review.
By Mark Moran, MA

Program in Christian Grief Certification: Christian Grief and Scripture

Christian Grief and Scripture
Below are some verses from Scripture that illustrate the redemptive nature of  Christian grief and suffering when put in union with Christ. Christ through his death brought life to the world, and through his death resurrected. The theme within Christianity values suffering because it can bring forth good and eventual spiritual and physical resurrection.

1 Peter. (4:12, 13) Dearly beloved think not strange the burning heat which is to try you, as if some new thing happened to you; But if you partake of the sufferings of Christ, rejoice that when his glory shall be revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy
Again in Scripture we confirm this:
Rom. (8: 16-18) For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of God. And if sons, heirs also: heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him. For I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come, that shall be revealed in us.
The key phrase in this refers to that as we suffer with Christ, we shall also be glorified with Christ.
Again, Peter points this out
1 Peter (2:19-21) For this is thankworthy, if for conscience towards God, a man endure sorrows, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if committing sin and being buffeted for it, you endure? But if doing well you suffer patiently: this is thankworthy before God. For unto this are you called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should follow his steps.
The Book of Timothy also points this out
2 Tim. (2:11-12) A faithful saying: for if we be dead with him, we shall live also with him. If we suffer, we shall also reign with him.
In addition, Scripture asks us to accept our crosses not only willingly but with joy
Col.( 1:24) Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church

As we are called to accept suffering, we are also called to suffer with and for Christ 

as seen below

Philipp.( 1:20) For unto you it is given for Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him
Gal. (2:19) With Christ I am nailed to the cross
In conclusion, Christian Counselors should emphasize that one should accept the crosses of this world and unify their sufferings with Christ who as the ultimate example, showed one how to magnanimously accept one’s crosses.
If you are interested in Christian Grief Certification, please review the program in Christian Grief Certification

Christian Grief Certification: Part III

Marian Grief as a Integral Part of Christian Grief

As a Counselor regarding grief, it is not only worthwhile to have a deep knowledge of Christian 

traditions of grief, but also a pious form of spirituality for oneself. The following articles will look at some of the Christian traditions on grief surrounding Christ, his mother and church traditions. They should not be seen as particular to any one tradition but should be accepted and practiced universally since they all encompass core ideals of Christian theology.

The tradition of the Seven Sorrows of Mary at first seem very Catholic from an Evangelical view, but such Marian devotions should not be seen as Catholic but Christian. The emphasis on this is twofold. First, the Seven Sorrows of Mary are scriptural. Second, Mary as the mother of Christ played a pivotal role in humanity’s salvation. She was not the instrument of salvation but her sacrifice of her son played a more central role than any person ever created. With such a sacrifice in mind, Christians should give her a special reverence and role within Christianity that transcends the mere person. She was the Mother of God and in that regard, if Christ followed her instructions in his first miracle, perhaps Christians should also seek her guidance that ultimately leads to her son. Ultimately, despite misconceptions in some Protestant circles, Catholic theology has always taught that devotions (not worship) to Mary ultimately lead to Christ.
Below are the Seven Sorrows of Mary:
1.The flight from Egypt and Herod
2.The prophesy of Simon
3.Losing of the child for three days
4.Seeing our Lord carry his cross
5.Standing at the foot of the cross
6.Holding our Lord’s body
7.Sealing of the tomb
The pains of Mary are worthwhile to meditate upon because they not only help us become closer to God, but they also teach us how to handle grief in this world. Mary’s ultimate sacrifice of her son is equated to the most intense grief this world can ever give a parent; the death of their child. Mary courageously shows us how to deal with such traumatic grief. Her grief is a story from Jesus’ first steps to his final breath. Throughout her entire life, she was haunted with the inevitable death of her son. One only needs to marvel at the Pieta by Michelangelo to better understand the grief of a parent who loses her child. Such rich meditation should never be wasted or left to the side with grieving parents, especially within a Christian counseling session for such issues of grief. Christianity gives people these traditions as gifts for us to better emulate Christ, his mother, and the saints and to face the trials of everyday life. In the end, we are not alone in grief, Christ and his mother shared theirs with us. For that we should all be thankful and always remember that sacrifice.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Certification or Christian Grief Certification, please review both programs.

By Mark Moran, MA