AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Certification Program Video

Forensic Nurses play a key role in helping victims and police find justice.  Many SANE nurses also become certified Forensic Nurses as well and help supply their expertise in collection of evidence for DNA during sexual assault crimes, as well as providing testimony for cases involving detailed expert advice.

AIHCP offers a four year certification for nurses in Forensic Nursing.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified healthcare professionals seeking a certification as a Forensic Nurse.  Please review and see if the program meets your academic and professional goals


Please also review AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Certification Video


Forensic Nursing C.S.I. meets E.R

Looking for some great forensic nursing information?    Then perhaps you should check out our friends over at    They recently created an infograph about forensic nursing science and C. S. I. (crime scene investigation).

For full information please visit this link

forensic nursing
Forensic nursing combines police work with the medical field.

For more information on becoming certified in forensic nursing and taking online courses in forensic nursing please visit our main site.

Which Nursing Certification Would Best Suit You?

Find Out What Nursing Certification Finds Your Career Needs.

Every nurse knows that nursing education does not stop when they receive their RN.   You must increase your knowledge and constantly learn new technologies.   There is also the question of do you want to specialize your nursing career with a nursing certification in a specialty field?

Which nursing certification would you choose?

When looking for a nursing certification, you need to look for the best possible field to fit your career goals.    For example if you want to go into case management then you would want to look for online nurse case manager training.   Likewise for legal nurse consulting, nurse patient educator, etc.    Your next step would be choose the nursing training.

When choosing your courses do you want to physical attend classes or would online nurse training better fit your needs?   Both have positives and negatives to them.   In the end you need to decide which one would best suit your situation.

When you decide to earn a nursing certification, you will be taking positive steps to better yourself and your career.   Online nurse training is great for nurses who still need to work full time.   It gives you the flexibility your job can demand!    If you are in the market for a high quality online nursing certification then you might want to visit the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.   They offer online nursing courses in several different specialties.

The Roles of Forensic Nurses in Sexual Assault Cases

The role of Forensic Registered Nurses in sexual assault examinations

Sexual assault cases such as rape are usually very difficult crimes to prosecute. In the U.S. alone, out of every 100 rapes that occur, only 46 are reported. Out of the reported 46 rapes, only 12 result to arrests and only 3 result in prison sentences. This indicates a success rate of only 3% which is very low. In order to deal with this, advocates have turned their attention to forensic nurses to encourage them receive the relevant training to be able to give proper sexual assault examinations. Prosecutions are always very difficult especially if a victim does not get a prompt examination. Forensic nurses are therefore being encouraged to help in sexual assault cases to be able to deal with the rape menace once and for all.
The rate of registered forensic nurses that are certified to carry out sexual assault examination is very low compared to the total number of registered nurses. Thus, this is a very viable career option for nurses today.  Currently sexual assault examinations by forensic nurses are offered for free to any rape victims who are willing to be examined in at least one hospital in every county in the U.S. under a program started in year 2000. These forensic nurses are responsible for examining the rape victims and also contributing to the foundation of legal cases for these victims which shows that the role of forensic nurses in sexual assault is increasing. This State-wide rape exam system has not only modified the role of forensic nurses but it has gone further to stress on the importance of rape victims seeking medical attention immediately. Forensic nurses have the task of acting fast to persuade victims to seek medical attention fast to avoid cases of evidence being destroyed. Evidence in rape cases can be easily destroyed if a victim uses the bathroom or showers. Forensic nurses are usually aware that they need to find evidence quick if a rape case is to stand any chance of success thus they have to gently persuade their victims to agree to a quick exam.
The roles of forensic nurses from different states in the U.S. are enrolling for certification exams to learn how to carry out proper sexual assault examinations. The certification process involves spending time learning about trauma, anatomy, victim and suspect exams, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The nurses are also taught about proper ways of evidence collection and preservation, the law and courts, testifying, violence, suspect profiling and referrals to victim services. Before being certified, forensic nurses also need to acquire some form of clinical experience that is crucial to passing a number of certification tests. Forensic nurses also have to be re-certified annually in order to make sure that they are kept informed in sexual assault examinations/procedures.
Once certified, forensic nurses can now be able to apply to any hospital in the U.S. that offers sexual assault services to become part of a group of specialists who are always on call throughout the year. A forensic nurse as a sexual assault examiner can earn additional salary by taking time on call. Most forensic nurses who can double up as sexual assault examiners therefore have other full-time nursing jobs. In summary the role of forensic registered nurses in sexual assault examinations can’t be undermined. If sexual assault cases are to be reduced, then these cases have to provide concrete evidence.
If you are interested in Forensic Nursing Education, please click here

Forensic Nursing Certification as a Career Option for Nurses

Is Forensic Nursing for You?

If you think being a registered nurse is the be-all and end-all of your professional career, then think again. While working as a nurse can be fulfilling, if you wish to further your studies, you won’t be disappointed with the many continuing education fields you can explore. A good example of further education you can complete is forensic nursing certification.
In a nutshell, it is a process by which a registered nurse is may be publicly recognized as being equipped with the high level of knowledge and practice skills in forensic evidence collection, criminal procedures, legal testimony and related fields of expertise. It is the application of the science of nursing to legal matters. As such, when an individual has been certified, he becomes a qualified medical professional who can perform duties that would eventually impact the establishment of legal evidence and responsibility for a traumatic injury. To be certified, a registered nurse has to complete a comprehensive education program related to this field along with a competency testing.
If you are interested in taking an education program in forensic nursing, then you should give our site a peek.   We have a comprehensive forensic nursing certification that is available online and gives you an excellent education in forensic nursing.  

Role of a Forensic Nurse in Criminal Justice

The Role Forensic Nursing plays in Criminal Justice

Role of a Forensic Nurse
Role of a Forensic Nurse in Criminal Justice

There is a specific role of a forensic nurse and forensic nurses to play in the criminal justice field. Frequently, certified forensic nurses handle the difficult job of treating sexual assault victims and collecting evidence. In many cases, this career field will attract college-educated female nurses. However, with the increased recognition of underserved male assault victims, more men are expected in the profession. The female forensic nurse bridges is an important gap between clinical medicine and laboratory science. Genetic technology can help identify and prosecute criminals like never before. At the same time, this evidence can often clear an innocent party. A certified forensic nursing specialist will be on-site when the victim arrives at the hospital. He or she will try to gather genetic evidence and provide comfort to the patient. As a recognized court expert, the nurse may be asked to testify at a criminal trial. Courts increasingly recognize nurse experts just as they do detectives.
By Ryan Murphy

Forensic Nursing: Away at College

How Forensic Nursing Students; Take Time to Talk to Your Family!

My neighbor and I have been good friends ever since she moved into the apartment next to mine three years ago. I always try to do what I can to spend time with her because I know that she gets lonely sometimes. She only has one daughter and her daughter is away at college. She is studying forensic nursing. I think that she is really enjoying studying in this field. My neighbor has been able to visit her a couple of times since she went away to college and her daughter has been able to come home several times as well. I have met her daughter a few times and she seems like she is a very nice young woman. I think that the field that she has chosen to work in is very suitable for her. She has explained some of the things that she has been learning to me quite a few times and I always enjoy hearing about it.
If you are looking into further your nursing career then perhaps you might be interested in taking a few online forensic nursing courses or even completing a forensic nursing certification.   Both options are available from the link above.    Now is a great time to start thinking about your future in nursing.

Forensic nursing
Forensic nursing in court

What is a forensic nursing certification?

Roles of a Forensic Nurse

A forensic nurse can play several different roles in the medical field. They provide care to crime victims, collect evidence, and offer health care services within the prison system. For forensic nursing certification, the first thing you should do is research the different fields of forensic nursing so you know what school would suit you best. Forensic nurses can specialize in counseling, psychiatry, pediatrics, criminology, or general forensics, just to name a few. Different schools offer different programs. Forensic nursing certification does require a registered nursing degree from an accredited college. You can obtain this in two to four years, depending on what you’re looking for. You must pass the National Council Licensure exam to get a nursing license. From there, you can specialize in the area that interests you the most. These specialized areas can be forensic clinical nurse expert, correctional nursing expert, forensic investigator, and a death investigator, just to touch on a few of the many areas of expertise in this field. You must certification to demonstrate your knowledge. This can be obtained from the Forensic Nursing Certification Board of International Association of Forensic Nurses.
Are you ready to take the next step towards your future career?   Earning your forensic nursing certificate can prepare you for a rewarding and fulfilling career.   By taking online forensic nursing classes you can still work your full time nursing job and complete your educational goals!

Forensic Nursing Courses: Key to a New Career.

What is Forensic Nursing?

If you are looking for a new career that will let you help people when they are in their time of despair than you might try being a nurse. If you think nursing sounds interesting but want to have something a little more involved with the criminal justice system than you might try looking at forensic nursing. This is when you are going to help people who have been victims of a crime or were somehow involved in a crime and still preserve the evidence. You will be able to gather samples off of the body when you are helping them as well. This will let you be involved with both the criminal justice system and nursing so that you can get the best of both worlds and make a difference in someone’s life every time that you go to work so that you never get tired of your job and can make a great living.
If you are interested in Forensic Nursing Courses, please review the program.

Forensic Nursing Practice: A Growing Specialty

Gavel with red heart and pills on white. Medical law concept.What is Forensic Nursing?

Specialized nurses that focus mainly on medicine with science and criminology as it pertains to the law are known as forensic nurses, and are practicing forensic nursing. Normally forensic nursing consists of assisting forensic scientists and forensic psychologists in collecting data in order to create a more realistic picture of the events that lead to each particular case. They have specialized training in the collection of forensic evidence, as well as criminal procedures and more. They are also called upon in court to provide their forensic expertise in the form of a testimony. The forensic nursing field often works with criminal victims that are the product of violent and intense mental and physical abuse. They serve mainly as the liaison between both the medical field and the criminal justice system. For this reason, it is critical that forensic nurses are familiarized with both fields. With the advancement of forensic technology, forensic nurses play a critical role in the criminal justice system used today.
The majority of forensic nursing is done outside of the hospital. They are normally the first medical representatives called upon to make the first assessments of a victim’s condition and dictate which procedures will follow next. It is typical for forensic nurses to posses the ability to properly asses the victims in a chaotic environment. Some situations can be hectic and a forensic nurse must be able to remain calm and make quick and correct decisions with a stressful situation surrounding them.
Forensic nursing is also needed in other areas outside of the criminal justice world. In the event of a natural disaster, these nurses play a large role in determining whether victims caught in a storm, hurricane, earthquake or flood will make it through alive or not. In the event that there are some people that did not survive a natural disaster, these nurses use their forensic training to help identify bodies and collect evidence to better aid research.

 How to Become a Forensic Nurse?

If you are interested in the forensic nursing field, there are several programs that are designed to train a person and prepare them for this field. First, however, you must become and gain experience as a registered nurse. While you are on your way to becoming a registered nurse, it will be beneficial to take as many courses in forensic science and nursing as possible. Different courses will be available depending upon the school you choose. It is recommended that you consider which course there schools offer before hand as the choices and quality of their course offerings will vary. Attend your chosen college or university and complete your RN degree. This will normally take 2-4 years depending if you decide to get your associates or bachelor degrees. Such degrees offered are normally associates of science in nursing (BSN), associates of science in nursing (BSN), or register in an RN program. Also, you will be required to pass your NCLE exam to gain your license and begin working as a registered nurse. Once you have graduated and accumulate a few years as an RN, you will then have to start specializing in the various forensic nursing fields. Such fields include courses in forensic clinical nursing, correctional nursing, forensic investigation, forensic psychiatric nursing, forensic gerontology, death investigation, sexual assault examination and legal forensics. When you have the appropriate experience working as a registered nurse and have gained knowledge within the previously mentioned fields, you will need to earn your certification that demonstrates this knowledge and commitment to the forensic nursing field. Such certifications include the FNCB, the IAFN, SANE-A and SANE-P certifications and the forensic nurse specialist certification from the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc.
It is a difficult and long road to get into the forensic nursing field however it is a rewarding and interesting profession. As the demand for forensic nursing increases, the salary and benefits for this profession will rise. Currently, forensic nurses can make anywhere between $25-$60 per hour depending upon that persons experience and employer. Many forensic nurses continue to work as registered nurses on a full time bases. This usually is accompanied with an on call forensic nursing status which is paid 1 ½ ties their base pay rate. Whether you are currently working as a registered nurse or looking to gain entry into this field, forensic nursing may provide you with that step up in your career that you have been looking for.